I Honor

Chapter 1106

The Winter Solstice

A garden-like building is located on Dongshichang Street where every inch of land is expensive. It is quiet amidst the hustle and bustle, hidden away from the mortal world. basket. color. Book. bar,

This is the headquarters of Wulin Express. Its speed of rise is amazing. It has changed the living habits of people all over the world and broadened their horizons.

The vast majority of people in the world don’t know who the real owner of “Wulin Express” is, and they have no way of exploring why it can flow in all directions through the teleportation array in the first place. “These three words, knowing that he was born in a declining sect, accidentally got the treasure of the immortal, made a fortune suddenly, and then smooth sailing is unbelievable and mysterious.

On the East Mayor Street, the “Faceless Killer” wandered casually, sometimes trying out theatrical masks, and sometimes picking up cheaper and cheaper North-South goods, no different from ordinary people.

He has been waiting here for three full months, waiting for Shang Jiuming to appear, and he believes that he can continue to wait.

Patience is his innate trait. He once studied swordsmanship for three years, and once pretended to be a beggar for nine months in order to kill a certain target. Sometimes, even he himself would be proud of this trait of patience. move.

In fact, as early as last month, he waited until Shang Jiuming, but he did not choose to fight, because the encounter was too sudden, the distance between each other was too far, and he did not get closer in advance. If he used the sword, the success might be less than 50%, so he Waiting again, without impatience.

He believed that he would be able to seize the opportunity next time.

“This is really a sandalwood bead from the South China Sea.” “Faceless Killer” picked up a string of rosary beads and asked.

While speaking, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a man opposite the headquarters of Wulin Express, with a cold demeanor.Lie, a deep scar remained between the eyebrows, as if the eyes of the sky had been opened.

“High Fushen” Faceless Killer is no stranger to well-known figures in the world.

Gao Fushen held the long sword upside down behind his back, stared coldly at the gate of the Wulin Express headquarters, sizing up the crowds coming and going, waiting for the famous editor to appear.

During this period of time, Gao Fushen was very aggrieved, it didn’t matter that “Zhen Ding Zen Master” found no such person. The key is the attitude of newspapers such as Wulin Express. I once hired scribes to translate my views into words, which effectively refuted the fallacy that the Jingshenjian was the reincarnation of the Demon Lord. But after I submitted it to various newspapers, nothing came of it, and there was no more news. Although every newspaper published both positive and negative views in a seemingly neutral manner, the positive and negative articles always made no sense. After repeating a few words over and over again, what can I use to convince others?

And recently similar articles are mostly intimidating, insulting people with different views is evil and heresy, and they should wipe their necks and light sky lanterns. These extreme words push the neutral to the opposite side, and many people like to add a background to the master and the strong. This way of getting psychological comfort, it’s not that they are not good enough, it’s really a bad reincarnation, and the idea that Jingshenjian is the reincarnation of the Demon Lord is perpetuating their mentality. Gradually gained resonance.

Many friends around me began to believe this, and they were moved by the strangeness and unpredictability of the magic sect cult. They could turn their own souls into demon seeds, hide them in other people’s bodies, take root and sprout again, and thus be extraordinary and refined. The world seems to have started practicing kung fu from a mother’s womb, no wonder I and others are still doing nothing at that age

That’s it, that’s it

The comrades’ understanding of the Shocking God Sword has gradually changed. Gao Fuchen tried his best but failed to stop it, and his heart became more and more sad.

The world is so big, how many confidants are left who are as persistent as myself?

Gao Fuchen looked at the gate of Wulin Express gradually became sharper, to this point. Talking is useless, so let’s fight for the truth with the long sword in your hand.

You don’t let me “talk”, then you don’t want to talk

Gao Fuchen has always been very confident in the sword in his hand, even if he was defeated by the “Sad God’s Palm”, he did not waver in the slightest, and sooner or later he would be able to swing a shocking sword. Sweep away the evil atmosphere in the world.

The editors of Wulin Express are better than the pen, and have already forgotten that the most important thing in the arena is strength. Now I want them to remember

Within five steps, people will be the enemy’s country, and there is nothing better than a long sword

Da da da, a carriage drove out from Wulin Express. The decoration was simple and unsophisticated, with a sense of dignity.

“A master who is not much worse than me.” Gao Fushen made a positive judgment.

And the person who can let such a master drive the carriage must be an important figure in the Wulin Express, even the mysterious boss

There is nothing more refreshing than killing a hated enemy after defeating a strong man who is almost the same.

The carriage turned to the north, and Gao Fuchen took a step forward. At this moment, he saw an extremely brilliant and condensed sword light burst out from the hands of an ordinary person passing by the carriage.

Because of the bleakness of the past, it sets off the splendor of the present

Gao Fuchen suddenly felt ashamed. He couldn’t swing such a sword, and his swordsmanship was still flawed.

who is this

why never heard

The gaze of “Faceless Killing God” contained deep emotion. This was the most perfect sword he had slashed, a sword capable of competing with the South China Sea Excalibur.

How unknown in the past, there will be the same brilliance in the future

The long sword pierced through the car window before the coachman blocked it, smashing the curtain.

Suddenly, Faceless Killing God saw a sword, a long sword with an ancient and clumsy shape.

It seems to have been waiting there, like the afterglow of the setting sun, covering up all the brilliance, and letting his wrist actively send it up.

The stabbing pain came, the long sword was dropped, and the Faceless Killer retreated subconsciously, but he saw a shooting star, a dreamy shooting star, illuminating his vision, and hit his forehead just right.

This is so many times more beautiful than the sword he just had, and the Faceless Killing God was moved again, seeing such a sword technique, he would die without regret.

His eyes were moist, and he whispered with difficulty:

“What sword technique?”

Shang Jiuming’s long sword lay across his knees, his eyes were full of piety:

“Shocking sword technique.”

“So that’s how it is.” Faceless Killer fell on his back, relief and emotion froze in his eyes.

Worthy of the sword technique left by the Voidbreaker

Gao Fushen stared at this scene in a daze, his whole body seemed to be trapped in an ice cave for thousands of years, and he couldn’t stop getting chills.

There are such swordsmanship in the world, it seems to be the work of gods and demons

Faced with such a sword technique, he dared not draw his sword at all.

This is the frightening sword technique

The owner of the Wulin Express has clearly inherited the “Shocking Sword Art”, why does he still discredit the Shocking Sword? Does he know the inside story?

Gao Fuchen stared blankly at the carriage going away, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He was depressed and decadent, with doubts and wavering at the same time.

Maybe I persisted wrong

another passIn January, the split image of “Shocking Sword” began to merge, evolving towards the reincarnation of the Demon Lord.

Inside the Excalibur puppet, Meng Qi felt the resonance of the heaven and the earth, and felt that the illusory subtle connection was completely formed, connecting the deity and the “Shocking Excalibur image”, communicating the real world with this world.

the time has come

The time has come to transform the projected image into an imprint

There was a sudden change of light and shadow around the Excalibur puppet, and it condensed into a figure, dressed in white and stern, with joy but not hurt in his eyes, with one hand holding the crystal stone loaded with the essence of the demon king, and the other hand holding the century-old frightened spirit. sword.

Shang Jiuming stared at this scene dumbfounded, and seemed to have a premonition, and then he saw the swordsman in white swinging an unparalleled sword light, which shattered the void, opened up the world, calmed the four phenomena, and condensed the five elements.

With a sword slash, the world changed. Meng Qi used his spiritual consciousness to use resonance to imprint this illusory image into the world, like the pure land of sambhogakaya, becoming a part of the law.

The emptiness collapses, the subtle connection converges, and the imprint becomes a mark. As long as Meng Qi does not fall, as long as this world does not shatter, the legend of the Shocking Sword will continue.

The brilliant sword light disappeared, and Shang Jiuming saw the Excalibur Puppet lying quietly on its stomach. There were many sword holes on its back, which showed the method for the flow of true energy.

The miraculous experience that feels false is over, but nothing can go back. Shang Jiuming heaved a long sigh, but to protect the current life, the most important and fundamental thing is to practice swordsmanship hard.

Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains.

Meng Qi, who was sitting upright on the cloud bed, suddenly had an ethereal aura, as if he was in another universe at the same time.

“Finally left a mark in time for the winter solstice, but it’s a pity that we can’t rely on this method alone in the future, after all, there are too few legends left in the world.” Meng Qi opened his eyes, suddenly felt something, and looked up at the sky.

Above the East China Sea, a magnificent building boat sails in mid-air, with the undulating energy sea, between reality and illusion, a woman in feathers and a star crown stands proudly on the prow, and there is a creaking gap between her and the surrounding world. There was a rattling oppressive sound, as if different worlds were colliding.

This is a fairy.

This is the envoy of Jinao Island.

Winter has come. To be continued.

S: The second

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