I Honor

Chapter 1128

: The News Revealed by Ren Qiushui

Cutting Heaven Seven Swords

Although Ren Qiushui has always been proud of the top inheritance and is not inferior to any kung fu in the past and present, when he heard the mysterious man in front of him say “Seven Cutting Swords” in a nonchalant tone, he still couldn’t help shaking his heart.

The Buddha came out of the Tathagata, and the Tao cuts off the sky. These eight characters are popularly spread, even if there are many exaggerations. For example, the sambhogakaya cultivation method of Amitabha Buddha’s lineage has nothing to do with the Tathagata in the dream. The inheritance of Lingbao Sanqing also vividly shows the status of Tathagata God’s Palm and Heaven-cutting Seven Swords from a certain aspect.

At least so far, it is recognized that only the Buddha and the Dao Zun are truly detached and have achieved Taoism. There are no rumors. Comparing the two, we can see the gap.

In today’s world, Buddhism is flourishing, Tathagata’s divine palm has been heard from time to time, but the Seven Swords of Jietian have long been lost, and have not been seen for thousands of years, but it is still the same. Ten thousand threads of connections, such as the “Eight Desolation Wuji Sword” of the Heaven and Earth Sword Sect, have always been rumored to be born out of Jietian. Of course, they have always been limited to rumors, and there has never been any direct or indirect evidence to prove it.

If it wasn’t for the man in the green robe in front of him telling the source and name of his sword technique, which made people feel mysterious and unpredictable, I would just take his words of “cultivating the Seven Heaven-cutting Swords” as a casual joke and don’t need to pay attention.

Ren Qiushui clenched and loosened his right hand, his eyes flickered a few times, and suddenly he smiled, and raised his index finger.

“Seven Heaven-cutting Swords?” She whispered, and swiped her long fingers.

The emptiness becomes a sword, and the implication is vague. Meng Qi suddenly felt that the surrounding scenery was peeling off layer by layer, and all the up, down, left, and right sides were turned into nothingness. Only himself was left in all directions, and he was squeezed from all directions. If he could not break out of the confinement , sooner or later turned into mud.The table by the window seemed to be cut off from the sky and the earth, and the surroundings continued to drink happily, and the drinkers came and went, but no one noticed anything unusual. They only felt that against the backdrop of the vast river, the elegant beauties in men’s clothes were facing each other with the slightly vicissitudes of the green-robed men. The sitting scene is as beautiful as a picture scroll with a long meaning.

Ren Qiushui swiped out with one finger, displaying the immeasurable sword intent, leaving nowhere for people to save. However, she saw the man in green robe raised his index finger and swiped lightly.

The sword light suddenly shines, one is divided into two, two is divided into four, four is divided into eight, and the void is filled in an instant, and each sword light is no different from the original strength.

They seem to be in different time and space, and they cannot directly overlap, which suddenly increases the power of the sword light by tens of thousands of times, but it seems to be everywhere and can spread throughout the universe.

These streaks of sword light are like gorgeous lightning, bending one after another, swishing and hitting the same place with astonishing control, there are differences between the front and back, but one after another, the tide rushes just like that


Facing these tens of thousands of sword lights, the “Void” there had no time to recover, nor could it wait for rescue, and it collapsed under the continuous blows.

The imprisonment was released by itself, nothing was invisible, the big river was rolling, and the sunset dyed the water surface red. Ren Qiushui’s index finger was frozen in front of him, and it took him a long time to put it back. Swordsmanship.”

The horror and mystery of this sword can only be understood by those who have experienced it first-hand. It is not under the sword of his own immortal swordsmanship. I am afraid that it is indeed one of the seven swords of Jietian.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if the swordsmanship reaches this point or not.

“Excellent swordsmanship is also well-deserved.” Meng Qi raised his teacup and respected it from a distance.

Ren Qiushui picked up the teacup, took a sip, his eyes were in a daze, as if he was still reminiscing about the sword just now, and sighed: “Your swordsmanship is extremely strong for a while, and your realm is almost the same as mine. Why has there never been a story about it before?”

She subconsciously asked about Meng Qi’s background.

After the pointing and sword sparring just now, Ren Qiushui found that even if the opponent was not an Earth Immortal, he was not far behind.

Meng Qi shook his head and smiled, “What is the origin of Fairy Ren, I am the origin.”

It is normal for someone to acquire the lineage of the Sword of Absolute Immortals, practice hard to reach Dharmakaya, and become famous all over the world, but when Ren Qiushui was known to the world, he was already Dharmakaya, and if he wanted to cultivate to Dharmakaya and break through the shackles of immortals, he did not have enough tempering and experience. It was impossible to succeed, but Ren Qiushui’s deeds in this regard had never been circulated, so Meng Qi suspected that she was a powerful descendant who entered the world for some purpose and pretended to be such a person.

Hearing Meng Qi’s answer, Ren Qiushui raised his eyebrows and nodded thoughtfully: “No wonder you know the origin of my sword technique.”

Meng Qi actually wanted to follow up on this question, because Master Tongtian, also known as Lingbao Tianzun’s Four Sword Classics of Execution and Trapping, except for the fairy traces, only the Biyue Sword Sect has a biography, and it seems to be the complete version , so he has long wanted to find out where the Juexian Sword Sutra came from, and maybe he could get a glimpse of the whereabouts of Lingbao Tianzun and solve the ancient mysteries, but now he and Ren Qiushui are not familiar with each other, and it is very possible to ask questions rashly. It caused a lot of trouble, so he changed the subject and said with a smile:

“Fairy Ren is not a person who likes to learn from the heart, and he has not yet reached the time to challenge the sage of the heart. I don’t know why he came to Luocheng.”

And still stop

Ren Qiushui’s eyes shifted, and he suddenly smiled and said, “It’s okay to tell you about this matter, anyway, I’m not afraid of the news leaking out.”

“What’s the matter?” Seeing Ren Qiushui’s attitude, Meng Qi became a little interested.

Ren Qiushui played with the teacup, and said with a smile: “Fellow Daoist, have you ever heard of the Supreme Demon Wu Daoming?”

“This matter has something to do with him.” Meng Qi asked rhetorically that he knew the name of the Supreme Demon.

What is the state of the fifth-generation descendant of the Demon Emperor’s Claw?

Ren Qiushui said with a smile: “Wu Daoming first learned from Rensheng, and then listened to Xinxin, but his ideas became more and more extreme, and he gradually fell into heresy, and was recognized by the devil’s claws.”

When mentioning the Demon Emperor’s Claw, her expression subconsciously became dignified and solemn.

“The Demon Emperor’s Claw is an unrivaled magical weapon. Every time it is born, it will set off bloody storms and bring endless slaughter. After Wu Daoming became its heir, he realized the power of the Demon Emperor’s Nine Revolutions, destroyed his body, and reshaped the entrance. After that, Every ten years, he will rejuvenate and turn into a fetus once. It takes seventy-nine days to grow, and his strength is the same, and every time the transformation of rejuvenation will make him advance by leaps and bounds. The decline in strength will also make him extremely dangerous.” Knowing that Meng Qi knew Wu Daoming well, Ren Qiushui couldn’t help but say a few more words.

Meng Qi was so witty that he suddenly understood: “The Supreme Demon has rejuvenated once again.”

“Yes, if he is allowed to transform again this time, he will step into the realm of a fairy, and no one in the world can control him, and sooner or later he will set off a demonic catastrophe.” Ren Qiushui said, “Fortunately, his integration of the demonic sect has laid a hidden danger. A heretical demon betrayed him and told Rensheng his hiding place. After a great battle, three of the four demons around Wu Daoming fell, and only one escaped with him as a child. After hiding in Luocheng, he will end his transformation in eighteen days, and if he can’t stop it, things will be troublesome.”

“No wonder the Heart Sage suddenly came to Luocheng to give lectures.” Meng Qi nodded slightly, and finally realized that he was worthy of being a troublemaker, and he encountered such a thing when he first arrived.

but it seemsvery interesting look

Seeing that Ren Qiushui’s expression concealed worry, Meng Qi’s heart moved, and he asked, “Fairy Ren seems to be very worried about the supernatural demon. Maybe he can’t do as much damage to the present world as other people, such as Overlord.”

Ren Qiushui opened his mouth amusedly, and held back forcibly, and waited until he calmed down before saying: “The Overlord is indeed a rare and outstanding person in the ages. But more belong to Muxiu in the forest, the wind will destroy it, and the walk is higher than the shore, and the people will be against it, not to mention the evil and heretics, and although his own realm is higher than the Supreme Demon, and it is almost the same as the Heart Sage, but The demon emperor’s claws are left over from the ancient demon emperor, and the ancient demon master’s armament, how could his absolute sword be comparable, if not stopped, it will lead to catastrophe sooner or later.”


Meng Qi suddenly heard the sound of a knife, and a proud knife expressed his displeasure.

Bawang Jue Dao was still by my side Meng Qi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized a little.

Overlord’s Sword is indeed the only one in the past and future, but it can also be everywhere in time and space. It does not prevent you from “following” yourself when you are with Overlord. The change of the line, the converging and correcting power of heaven and earth will affect Jue Dao, making it return to the long river of time in advance, and he will also be backlashed by this power, and he may be thrown back without protection The future is extremely dangerous.

The past, present and future of the Other Shore is to go back to the past, occupy the future, and connect these into a line. At this time, the Bawangjuejian is equal to the Bawangjuejian in the past, and it is also equal to the Bawangjuejian in the future, watching the passage of time with a bird’s-eye view , all kinds of changes, so I fully recognize myself, how to choose how to suffer from the small power of world line correction.

And if I want to change history, I have to bear the corresponding confining force, the smaller the change, the smaller the confining force, that is to say, as long as I don’t get involved in anything that changes the general trend, I can resist it for the time being.

Meng Qi’s mood became more and more relaxed, and Ren Qiushui’s words also showed that the Overlord has not yet proved himself as a legend, and has not yet reached the point where the world is an enemy.

Now that Luocheng is probably gathering strong people, it’s really interesting.


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