I Honor

Chapter 1142


All I want is to be in the limelight. He Qiyi was speechless for a while, but suddenly felt that what Meng Qi said made sense. Indeed, the reason why he readily attended the appointment and came to “comment” was to show off the limelight and spread his reputation, so that Mr. Lu Da, Su Wuming and the others knew about it, so they took the initiative to find them, which was better than looking for them who had concealed their identities based on vague deduction results.

However, it always feels weird to say it so frankly.

The barren plain was silent, the Dharma Bodies and disciples of the Five Great Sword Sects fell silent, and the atmosphere was full of unspeakable embarrassment and depression.

The power of celestial beings is equivalent to stars. In the age of mythology, most powerful star officials and star gods were at this level, but their power was majestic and terrifying, and their control power could not reach this level. Today, there is only one immortal who can complete the manifestation of controlling the tiny structure: forming a formation with a sword, that is the number sage Wang Daolin. He can do it with the help of Luoshu, not by himself.

However, Su Meng showed a mysterious formation of swords in the realm of immortals, and his control power surpassed that of immortals, which is unbelievable

How did he do it? Could it be that the realm of swordsmanship can surpass the realm of cultivation?

Could it be the legendary characteristics of some born special people in the age of mythology?

Amidst the thoughts, they all honestly admitted that no matter how Su Meng did it, “one sword forming an array” is the real thing, and Li Liang, the Yaoyue Sword Sect, has experienced it himself.

And even with only this point, he can use it to complete the leap, and compete with the earth immortal with the power of a human immortal. If he adds a suitable immortal-level divine weapon, he may even win the battle without too much difficulty, and even more so. Not to mention that the level of swordsmanship he mastered still looks so extraordinary, he and others have no chance of winning

In this case, should we continue to ask for “comments” or not. save face

The Faxin of the remaining Yaoguang, Tianhai, and Dahui sword sects had a dispute, but they quickly made a decision.

If you don’t make a move anymore, the good people will definitely say that a certain sword sect is too scared to even challenge, it is more embarrassing than losing

Fang Hanjing of Tianhai Sword Sect took a step forward, and spoke from a distance:

“I also ask Mr. Su to comment on our swordsmanship.”

The tone is no longer aggressive. It’s like a real review.

The eighty-nine Xuan Gong recovered amazingly. The Yin-Yang Seal was able to reverse the situation quickly. Thanks to the hesitation of several great sword sects, Meng Qi had already recovered to his peak, and said with a smile, “Master Fang, please use your sword.”

Fang Hanjing is the head of the Tianhai Sword Sect. He made a gesture of opening hands, and a dark blue dharma body appeared, under which stars condensed into acupuncture points. Contains majestic power. As the sword light cut out, they rushed one after another.

The heavens and the earth were suddenly submerged by the illusory sea, and the avenue formed by the galaxies was magnificent and continuous, one wave after another, known for its length and majesty, and it seemed that it would never end. The most durable.

The five-color sword light in Meng Qi’s hand exploded, and he drew a circle in front of him. Condensed into a circle of light, just like when facing the Demon Sword King, firmly restraining Yin and Yang, interpreting darkness and chaos.

The sword light of Tianhai slashed forward, pouring into this round of light in mighty force, without any traces or omissions, only gloom.

The wave of sword light from behind rushed in, and was swallowed silently. Fang Hanjing wanted to change the point of the long sword, but Jianguang couldn’t get rid of the circle of light, and even his dharma body was stuck in a quagmire.

“Good swordsmanship.” Fang Hanjing simply surrendered.

Anyway, where is the opponent’s swordsmanship realm?Here, typing it down is still a typo, so it’s better to end it decently, and end it in a way that really asks for comments.

“The swordsmanship of the Tianhai Sword Sect imitates Xinghe, but it is different from the Falling Star Sword School. It needs to condense the Dao power stars one by one in the orifice. , One star after another, turned into waves, constantly slashing, as if it could never end, very difficult to parry, but other aspects are a little mediocre.” Seeing that Fang Hanjing had a good attitude, Meng Qi commented pertinently.

Fang Hanjing sighed: “That’s true. The ancestors of our sect have been trying to improve and create other sword techniques. At present, they can only be regarded as small successes, so I won’t use them to dirty Mr. Su’s eyes.”

The Tianhai Sword Sect was followed by the Yaoguang Sword Sect. The graceful and elegant Chen Yueqi flew out of the hill with a transparent dagger in hand, clasped her hands and said:

“I also ask Mr. Su for advice.”

After witnessing the previous three battles, she was already amazed at Meng Qi’s swordsmanship. Even though she was dissatisfied before, she had to admit that this was the only master of swordsmanship she had ever seen in her life. Regardless of her realm, she only talked about her swordsmanship and control. Even surpassed the two swords of heaven and earth

Therefore, her attitude unconsciously brought a bit of respect, the respect a swordsman would have for a master of swordsmanship.

At this time, there is really an atmosphere of commenting and giving advice.

Standing on the hill, Meng Qi stretched out his left hand and said calmly:

“Fairy Chen please.”

Chen Yueqi put her body together with the light of the sword, and the light of the short sword suddenly rose sharply, like a derivation of an explosion, and scattered rays of light, turning this place into a fairy world. The real short sword is ethereal and elusive.

Meng Qilang laughed, flexed his left hand, and lightly flicked the tip of the Lixian Sword.

When several five-color sword lights were ejected, they quickly split up, deduced thousands of identical sword lights, the strength was not diluted, and the same tyrannical.

These sword lights flew out, spread all over the universe, and collided with those Yao lights everywhere.


Jianguang and Yaoguang are paired and scattered, like a rain of light, so beautiful that there is no redundant sword light and no redundant Yaoguang.

In the dreamy light rain, the tip of Li Xianjian just hit the transparent short blade.

All this is as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Chen Yueqi’s eyes turned, and she gradually became brighter. The sword just now was very similar to her Yaoguang swordsmanship, but it had a higher meaning and was more mysterious. It made her seem to realize a lot of things.

“Thank you, Mr. Su, for your comment.” Before Meng Qi could speak, Chen Yueqi already gave her hand with emotion, with much joy and feeling.

No need to speak again, the sword just now is the best comment

Meng Qi nodded with a smile and said:

“As long as you know.”

It was good to understand for a while, and the scene was quiet again.

As Chen Yueqi flew back to the hill, Lin Yi from Dahui Sword Sect drew out his sword, with more respect than dissatisfaction on his expression.

There must be some truth in the seven top swordsmanship listed by such a master of swordsmanship.

She saluted, not like facing a human being, but like a senior from a heavenly or earthly fairy in front of her, and then lightly and skillfully pointed out a sword, pointing at the void on Meng Qi’s left.

This seemed ordinary, but Meng Qi nodded slightly, showing some appreciation.

This sword cuts cause and effect

The Dahui Sword Sect, which has been annihilated in the long river of history, still has such a hand

Although the dharma body has been in contact with cause and effect, and is not as vulnerable to cause and effect as in the external scene, there are still very few means that can truly cut off cause and effect.

It’s a pity that it was him who met him. Meng Qi casually swiped his sword and landed on Lin Yi’s blade. If there was any inexplicable floating in the void, it was immediately calm and there was no abnormality.

“Thank you Mr. Su for your pointers.” Lin Yi used pointers instead of comments.

“Not bad.” Meng Qi praised.

Then, Lin Yi flew back to the hill amidst many puzzled eyes. The confrontation between the two just now was like the daily teaching in the sect, and it was still in the period of accumulating energy. I saw the clue.

Next, the five sword sects were silent for a long time before saying in unison:

“Thank you, Mr. Su, for your review.”

Regardless of whether they are convinced or not, they are powerless to argue whether their swordsmanship is top-notch.

Leaving Luojia Mountain, I met Ren Qiushui who came head-on.

“The review is over,” Ren Qiushui asked with a smile.

She didn’t have any doubts about Meng Qi’s “comments” on the five major sword sects. Not only was this guy outstanding in swordsmanship, but he was also full of flamboyant means, and most of them were tyrannical methods. It would not be difficult to subdue the five major sword sects without a life-and-death struggle.

Meng Qi smiled and said, “Yes, the five major sword sects all admire my virtue and respect, and accepted my comment with a smile.”

Ren Qiushui smirked, glanced at He Qi, and swung his sword again to separate the world.

“The elders of my sect would like to ask Fellow Daoist Su, if you would like to exchange the complete Absolute Immortal Sword Sutra and Jade Immortal Sword Sutra with the Dharma Body

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