I Honor

Chapter 1144

Zhuo Biting

Two secret books, neither thick nor thin, lay quietly on the table in front of Meng Qi, which contained the supreme swordsmanship of Zhu Xian and Jue Xian handed down from ancient times, including the calligraphy of many ancestors of Ren Qiushui’s sect. .

This is not the inheritance of the true meaning. It can only record the part that future generations have mastered or comprehended. Because of their different temperaments, experiences and paths, each person who left calligraphy has a different description of Zhu Xian and Jue Xian. If you can reach the other shore and master these two sword scriptures thoroughly, you will reach the same goal by different routes.

“It shouldn’t be a big problem from enlightenment to legend. Different people have different opinions after legend.” Meng Qi flipped through it casually, focusing on comparing the differences in the first article of the Dharma Body.

He Qiduan sat in the case for a few times, restrained his slightly fluctuating thoughts, and said without squinting: “Anyway, for you, it is more just a reference. Take the essence and incorporate it into your own martial arts. It doesn’t matter whether there are flaws or not.”

“Yes, especially the two sects of Jade Immortal and Jue Xian, which involve time and space. If you can comprehend them, it will be of great benefit to the legend and the path of good fortune.” Meng Qi smiled and pushed the secret book of the Jue Xian Sword Sutra to He Qi.

“This is…” He Qi suddenly looked into Meng Qi’s eyes.

Meng Qi smiled and said: “The inheritance of the Four Gates of Swords and the Zhuxian Sword Formation does not belong to the younger generation. Earlier, because Jinao Island threatened the entire rivers and lakes, regardless of the north and the south, that’s why I persuaded the master to let the younger generation and Mr. Lu each hold one hand. Swords, use the sword array to deal with Jinao Island, so I dare not spread the word.”

The so-called “master” is Chonghe who has passed away, the group of Xianji, no matter what differences there are between them because of the sect family or the Great Jin and Northern Zhou Dynasty, when facing Jin’ao Island, their interests are still relatively consistent. Therefore, Meng Qicai I will directly feel the jade slips, and privately pass on Lu Dafu and others.

He Qiwei nodded imperceptibly to show that he understood this point, so he never expected to be able to practice these four sword scriptures.

“As if tonight, the younger generation will take over. I exchanged the incomplete four-door sword scripture and the complete Zhuxian sword formation for these two cheat books. It will be beneficial and harmless to the master. I believe they will not be offended. Compared with the original, these two cheat books have more books after the dharma body. The important

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