I Honor

Chapter 1165

Turning around

Meng Qi and the Bawang disappeared at the same time, and the road leading to the depths of Chunyangzi’s mausoleum was exposed in front of Mr. Lu Da. Without hesitation, he held the Yixin sword, turned into a horse, and fled forward.

Can Su Meng hold back the Overlord? How long can the Overlord be delayed? What should I do if I can’t entangle Guldo and Su Daji? This place has also been exposed, and it will definitely attract a pack of wolves to wait around. How to rearrange it in the future, erect a mausoleum, and pass down the “orthodoxy”? The rumors spread, and the secrets obtained by the Zhenwu faction and Xijiange were exposed to the eyes of the strong in the middle ages. How to avoid this?

If it were any other dharma body, similar thoughts would inevitably flash through at this moment, full of worries and distractions, but Mr. Lu Da was otherwise, only trying to entangle how to entangle in his mind, completely forgetting the rest, forgetting all the possibilities in the future .

“I was blunt since I was a child. If I was distracted, it would be difficult for me to take care of everything and I would not be in harmony. Therefore, when doing things, I only think about what I should do, put in my best efforts, and don’t think about the outcome of success or failure.” Mr. Lu Da once said this to his wife His words are neither inferior nor arrogant, just like the sword in his hand, always pointing to the road under his feet.

As the sword light shuttled, Mr. Lu Da found that the layers of forbidden laws and all the organs in front of him had been fully opened. It was obvious that Guerdo had used the power of the Heavenly Punishment Axe to cut down the peaks and meet the water without any pause. He rushed to the main tomb room, and the legendary forbidden method was already on the verge of collapse under the impact of years of erosion and the fight against the Overlord, and it failed to stop it in the slightest.

After every step of pursuit, Mr. Lu Da’s Dharma body covered with scars and cracks showed obvious healing. It is also known as the Gengjin Immortal Body, and it is undoubtedly miraculous in terms of self-healing, hardness and sharpness.

His eyes suddenly lit up, because the bronze door opened not far away, and the scene in the main tomb was reflected under the light of the ever-burning candle. The bronze coffin covered with rust green was not placed in the center, but was located on the east side against the wall,There is no soul lamp or talisman pattern on the cover.

There is a cloud bed directly opposite the gate. It is surrounded by a mist of fairy air, and floating in the mist are three bright and clean long swords that point directly at people’s hearts. Just seeing them, troubles, love, and greed seem to be cut in two by one sword. disappeared without a trace.

The three-mouthed long sword is like a formation of swords, and there are two things floating at the core, one is the white-haired jade statue of Daode Tianzun, and the other is the jade statue of Chunyangzi with dusty eyebrows, elegant and handsome, based on Mr. Lu Da’s understanding of Chunyangzong . Understand that the latter is the true inheritance of Chunyangzi Taoism, and the former is the true inheritance of the great supernatural power of “one energy transforms three cleanses”. In front of him, the light and shadow on his face fluctuated, and his face was green and dark, as if he had been cut off by greed and fell into a momentary daze.

Sensing the approach of a powerful enemy, one person and one monster suddenly turned their heads and saw Mr. Lu Da approaching with a sword in hand.

“Where’s the Overlord?” Su Daji’s voice was soft and charming. implied consternation.

They were able to break through the blocking of the Overlord

Even if the overlord is proud, not only does he not worry about the growth of those with potential, but he is willing to let them go, leaving them alive, and there is still a distance of 100,000 miles from breaking through his block

It can be said that the Overlord has demonstrated how strong the Heavenly Immortal Realm can be. There will never be a Heavenly Immortal who is stronger than him in the past and in the future. irreparable. But now the Overlord didn’t come, Lu Da came after him instead

what the hell is it

Could it be that they have the strength to join forces to defeat or hold back the Overlord? Does Su Meng still have a deep hidden means of suppressing the bottom of the box?

Just thinking about it makes me shudder

Not only did Su Daji think so, Gu Erduo couldn’t believe his eyes when he found out that the pursuer was Mr. Lu Da. I am very clear about the strength of the Overlord. It can’t be made up by joining forces, relying on tyrannical skills and supernatural powers, relying on legends or the characteristics of the other side. Could it be that Su Meng obtained the peerless magic weapon left by Yuanshi Tianzun. Fully Awakened Peerless Soldier

Seeing that they were slightly taken aback by surprise, Mr. Lu Da drew his sword without hesitation.

The swords were bright and clear, illuminating the tomb room like daytime, setting off the ever-burning lamp in an unusually dim manner, swaying and falling, and splitting into groups, forming groups of sword arrays, respectively interpreting the mysteries of the four swords of Jade Immortals, combining Guldo and Su Daji circled at the core.

The sword array is mixed, and Zhu Xian is successful, and the sword energy is horizontal, destroying everything.

At this moment, the sword formation suddenly swelled and then collapsed, losing its sharpness and sharpness, and was directly cut open by the Heavenly Punishment Ax with the sparkling water in it. Nine white tails filled the tomb.

Once the move was successful, Guldo was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: “If you are not injured or consumed, and you are in the peak state before, I am afraid I will lose even if I hold the Heavenly Punishment Axe, but now, I want to kill you It’s just a matter of breathing.”

He took a step forward, raised his giant axe, and said to Su Daji behind him: “I’ll deal with Lu Da, you get the inheritance quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams, and unexpected complications.”

Mr. Lu Da is not good at distraction, but it does not mean that he is a fool and can’t think. After the sword just now, he has understood his own situation. Or Su Daji’s opponents, if they want to entangle them, it is almost impossible to rely on fighting to the death and hoping to break through.

What I saw before came into my mind, the tomb, the cloud bed, the coffin, the ever-burning lamp, etc. clearly emerged. Mr. Lu Da was also a strong man who had experienced many times, and suddenly caught a ray of inspiration in the flash.

The long sword in his hand popped out suddenly, the sword light overlapped layer by layer, twisted into a spiral, and slashed towards Guldo in a mighty manner. The traces of the giant ax in Guldo’s hand lit up, and the surface of the ax was pitch black. Swallowing everything, using attack to attack, facing the sword light, he slashed at it. Su Daji’s nine fox tails fluttered in the air, holding a few small flags in his hand, so that the fairy mist around the cloud bed quickly faded away.

The spiral sword light hit the ax face, and was absorbed by the pitch black, but everything has yin and there is yang, and the swallowed sword light was torn apart and shattered, and a little bit of it was dissipated or spewed out.

Suddenly, a force of femininity was suddenly born, and it bounced to the side with this force

On the side is the bronze coffin, the bronze coffin in the east

Gu Erduo’s face changed slightly, and he said badly in his heart. Mr. Lu Da’s sword concealed his weakness and femininity with his super strong control. It was clearly attacking himself, but in fact he was cutting towards the bronze coffin.

As the coffin of the legendary power, it must have the strongest restriction in the mausoleum. Once triggered, it will cause great obstacles to Guldo and Su Daji. As for himself, Mr. Lu Da has not been distracted to consider the consequences at all

In Gu Erdo’s interpretation of the natural phenomenon, lightning burst out, chasing after the feminine sword light with unparalleled speed, trying to eliminate it.

But at this moment, the feminine sword light dissipated by itself, and it seemed to be ostentatious.


Lightning struck the bronze coffin, and the light of the feminine sword scattered and re-gathered, and then struck.

The light came on, and the bronze coffin shook suddenly.


The lid of the coffin moved slowly, and both Guldo and Su Daji felt palpitations, wanting to let go of collecting the inheritance and intercepting Mr. Lu Da, so as to prevent the coffin from being fully opened.

No, Guldo used to be a hero, changed slightly after becoming a god, but her nature remained the same. At this time, she came back to her senses and sent a voice transmission to Su Daji:

“Forget about the coffin, take out the inheritance, don’t fetch water from a bamboo basket in vain”

No matter what is in the bronze coffin, wait for it to come out first, maybe attack Mr. Lu Da first

Then, he blocked Mr. Lu Da’s subsequent sword with his axe.


The lid of the coffin was opened, and Gu Erduo suddenly smiled, because there was nothing inside, it seemed that there was only a little obsession left, there was no remains, and there were no arrangements

Lu Dabai wasted his mind

The obsession scattered out of the ancient bronze coffin, echoed in the main tomb, and turned into an elegant voice, murmuring:

“Who am I who is me”

Who am I who is my weird words made Su Daji, who had grasped everything, tremble, and reminded Mr. Lu Da of what he saw in Dongyang Beppu in the past.

Gu Erduo didn’t know why, so he took a step forward with his huge body, intending to chop Mr. Lu Da under the axe.

At this time, there was a green robed man behind Mr. Lu Da. He looked at the ancient bronze coffin in astonishment, and repeated the words “I am who I am”.

He came back so quickly. Mr. Lu Da never thought that Meng Qi, who was holding back the Overlord, could return so quickly.

For this, Meng Qi could only have one thought, thank you Hou Tian Bao, thank the great wise monk, and thank Maitreya Buddha.

But at this moment, there is only one thing on his mind:

who am i who is me

Could it be that Chunyangzi was also transformed by Emperor Qing? He used to worship under the Taoist Heavenly Venerable

It was Qingdi and Donghuangzhong who “sent” myself and others to the Middle Ages. Whether the return can start from this aspect remains to be continued.


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