I Honor

Chapter 1185

Dharma Body and the corresponding nine seals, as the eldest of the six tyrants, the cultivation speed behind Dharma is far behind the other five. And, when he was wandering and anxious, he met Meng Qi, and when the time came, he not only extended his lifespan, but also obtained the general outline, and practiced the seal of opening the sky, the seal of four images and the seal of Yuanxin, and his skills were not even worse than those of the twelve immortals of Kunlun .

For this, he was always grateful, and at the same time, he also noticed that the restrictions of the Conferred God World were gradually weakening.

“It’s good to have bitterness before sweetness.” Meng Qi said with a smile, as if he had returned to his own home, and sat down casually.

Duke Huan of Qi let out a snort: “It wasn’t too hard for the Taoist before. He has been a king, dominated the world, tasted stunning beauty, and enjoyed it wantonly. He is much better than you. But now he has already looked down on these things, cultivated his moral character, and became a true Taoist priest.”

It’s a pity that Yuqing’s Yuanshi body has some emphasis. Without the original intention of chaos in Yuanshi’s real body, he can’t directly practice the Wuji seal, the first of the nine seals, unless he disperses the dharma body. Start all over again.

Much better than you, much better Qi Huangong’s sentence was like a knife, “piercing” into Meng Qi’s heart, he laughed dryly: “Nephew, I have long had the ambition to rise to the clouds, how can the floating clouds in the world disturb my heart?”

After speaking, he quickly changed the subject. Qingyun flew out, and chaos enveloped the entire quiet room: “Master, my nephew has something to ask for my visit here this time.”

It’s dark and deep, isolated from the outside world, Duke Huan of Qi is so sophisticated, he immediately knew that this matter was not trivial, and asked seriously: “What’s the matter?”

“I want to ask my uncle to help me with a magic whip.” Meng Qi first stated the main purpose, and then explained in detail. “The world of conferred gods was cut off from the long history of the real world by the ancestors of the past who opened up the source of time with great supernatural powers. Therefore, many golden immortals left the saying of returning. This refers to returning to the real world, and the nephew was born in the real world. , because of the dispute between Yuxu and the Demon Buddha, he fell into the six reincarnations and came to the world of conferred gods.”

He wanted to borrow a magic whip. With the help of this treasure’s connection with the Conferred Gods List, seize this opportunity. Forcibly taking away the list of gods from Lu Ya, completely freeing Xiaohuo and Zhao Laowu, and also saving the true spirit of Chong and seniors, and Lu Ya’s claim to be a Taoist monarch is no small matter, even if there is a high possibility of being sealed and suppressed. It was by no means easy to deal with, inviting Duke Huan of Qi to participate in such a high-risk matter, Meng Qi felt that there was an accident, he would explain the ins and outs clearly in the future, and let Duke Huan of Qi make his own choice.

Duke Huan of Qi’s heart was ups and downs when he heard it, and he felt that Meng Qi’s every word was like thunder. Subverting my previous cognition, it is hard to contain the surprise.

He knows so many secrets

The world of gods was originally a part of the history of the real world, so it is no wonder that many golden immortals “returned”

Many doubts have been explained, and the matter of the devil and the six realms of reincarnation has also been clarified. Duke Huan of Qi couldn’t help but sigh: “The end of the catastrophe is coming, and the ghosts, monsters and gods have been dispatched.”

“Later, nephew met Master Qingyuan Miaodao.” Meng Qi mentioned the meeting with Yang Jian back then.

“True Monarch Qingyuan Miaodao.” Duke Huan of Qi nodded slightly, then suddenly froze, “What did you say that Zhenjun Qingyuan Miaodao is still alive?”

This is the most outstanding figure of the third generation of Yuxu, a powerful man who has been all-powerful since the time of Fengshen

Nephew Su Meng’s experience is simply amazing

“And live well.” Regarding Yang Jian, Meng Qi really didn’t want to mention more, and instead said, “The foundation of the six reincarnations is the reincarnation seal and the list of gods, and several friends of the younger generation are on the list.”

What does it mean to be on the list and what is its effect? ​​You don’t need Meng Qi to say too much. Qi Huan, who was born in the world of gods and grew up in the world of gods, knows it well. He nodded slowly and said, “So, you want to use the magic whip to With the help of the causes of various fruits, I don’t know who is in the hands of the Conferred Gods list forcibly.”

“Lu Ya Taoist Lord.” Meng Qi finally said the name, and the sense of chaos was obscured by the chaos and darkness.

“Lu Ya Daojun” Duke Huan of Qi frowned slightly, “According to what my ancestors said, he should be suppressed by the ancestors.”That’s right. ”

Lu Ya was suppressed by Yuanshi Tianzun Meng Qi was shocked. He had always guessed that Lu Ya was sealed and suppressed by others, so he could only use the sword to reveal a little strength, but he did not expect that he was suppressed by Yuanshi Tianzun

No wonder he said he had some grievances with Yuanshi

But this is more than a few grievances can describe

Being suppressed for many years, he missed the best opportunity for the layout, and was eroded by time, unable to maintain the best state. Lu Ya said that it is not an exaggeration to have a grudge against Yuanshi Tianzun for “blocking people from proving the Tao”, and talking to himself about ” The injustice has its head, the debt has its owner, and the innocent is not involved.” It is quite suspicious, and it is suspected of harboring evil intentions.

The restraint of his mind deepened Meng Qi’s belief in winning the Conferred God List this time. After the three things are done, maybe Lu Ya will be ready to turn his face and be ruthless, and even the third thing will bring him great danger.

“What my nephew saw, Daoist Lu Ya, is indeed just a trace of power attached to the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife.” Meng Qi confirmed Qi Huangong’s statement.

“It seems that it has been suppressed for many years, and it has finally loosened, but the power that can be revealed is limited.” Qi Huangong said thoughtfully, as if talking to himself, and finally looked at Meng Qi, “How do you plan to make the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife? It is very famous. The peerless magic weapon.”

He had already agreed to it, but he was only concerned about the Immortal Slayer and Flying Knife.

Meng Qi heaved a sigh of relief, smiled slightly, and drew out a dark and heavy long knife. Suddenly, the long knife was completely transparent and flashed purple lightning. Every thunderbolt contained the birth and death of the universe, showing that he was stronger than the Immortal Flying Knife, and his terrifying arrogance It made Duke Huan of Qi tremble physically and mentally.

The “peerless magic weapon” Duke Huan of Qi finally understood what Meng Qi relied on.

After the events of the Middle Ages, Jue Dao seems to have benefited as well, and the imprint of the Demon Buddha has been further reduced, and it has awakened to the level of a celestial being.

Meng Qi smiled without saying a word, and frankly admitted that he didn’t say Jue Dao was just a cover, and that he couldn’t tell Qi Huan the real trump card for the time being, lest Lu Ya possess a strange secret technique and be able to see through his current level of chaos and boundlessness.

My real means of pressing the bottom of the box is Moonlight Bodhisattva

This legendary power who has survived the death calamity in the Middle Ages and lived to the present

And after so many years, K may not have gone further

I have “life-saving grace” to Moonlight Bodhisattva, and I am not petty now, and I don’t expect extravagant future, I use it when I need it, so as not to regret it.

Regarding this matter, Meng Qi had already communicated with Moonlight Bodhisattva when the lotus pond was sitting dry.

“Okay, the old Taoist will accompany you for a while.” Duke Huan of Qi smiled, “By the way, I have something to remind you. Before the Conferred God World discovered a cave, which was Taiyi, one of the Twelve Immortals of Kunlun in the past. Zhenren Yifu, his disciple Nezha is the strongest in the third generation of Yuxu after Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun.”

“What’s in the Yifu?” Meng Qi grasped the key point.

Duke Huan of Qi said: “There is nothing, it has been looted long ago, looking at its traces, the old Taoist had no idea at the beginning, but now I hear you mention the matter of reincarnation in the six realms, and I feel that it should be done by a certain group of reincarnations, Master Taiyi I’m afraid that the slough and the magic weapon have fallen into their hands, so let me tell you, be careful of the Nine Dragons God Fire Shield in the future.”

“Thank you for reminding me, uncle.” Meng Qi said gratefully.

To be honest, although Daoist Taiyi is a legend, the Nine-Dragon Divine Flame Shield may not be a magic weapon of the peerless magic weapon level. He himself has certified as an earth immortal. Not wishful thinking.

When the calculation was over, Meng Qi waved his sleeve robe and put Duke Huan of Qi in it. He first chose to return to the real world, and then descended to Fengshen again.

This time, he didn’t use the cause and effect of various effects to confuse cause and effect, cover up the secrets of heaven, and he didn’t secretly turn the Wuji Seal to eliminate the breath and traces. Just after entering, a small vermilion gourd jumped out in front of him, turning into a short and clumsy Lu Yadao Jun, Yuweiguan, Dahongpao.

Seeing Lu Ya, Meng Qi’s thoughts suddenly rose and fell, and he thought of the Qing Emperor.

What role did Lu Ya play in this matter?

His first thing was to ask himself to get the core fragments of the Haotian Mirror, which seemed to be to deal with the demon king and let him wake up early. Looking at it now, combined with the second thing, I am afraid it is related to Emperor Qing. The next fragment, in the Middle Ages, the Moonlight Bodhisattva might not respond to him, and things might fail, but Lu Ya would not know his own temperament, and found that he was being used to deal with the devil, and he might die, so he would not make up for it thing

Perhaps, Lu Ya had long thought that he would take away a fragment of the Haotian Mirror, so that he would be qualified to enter the Eastern Glazed World without any fuss.

From this point of view, he is an ally of Emperor Qing.

However, if he thinks about it from another angle, he calculated that he would take away a fragment of the Haotian mirror, but he specifically asked himself to find the Qing Emperor and told him the sentence “the highest level of the Nine Heavens”. Back in the Middle Ages, I met Emperor Qing ahead of time, said these words, together with the fragments of the Haotian Mirror, will it make Emperor Qing recover early, and he will no longer be able to wake up the body of Buddhism in the past?

If so, Lu Ya is the enemy of Emperor Qing.

With so many thoughts, it was difficult for Meng Qi to judge, but the most important thing at this time was the list of gods, so he took a deep breath, looked at Lu Ya and said, “Mr. Dao, I have seen Emperor Qing and conveyed your words.”

While speaking, he secretly pulled out the power to hit the magic whip, XuanA glazed lamp in Guannei Road shone quietly, waiting for Lu Ya to take out the list of gods.

Lu Ya chuckled: “You are doing a good job, where did you meet Emperor Qing?”

He had no doubt that Meng Qi was lying, and seemed to have his own way to verify it, so he took out the list of gods while talking.

Meng Qi’s thoughts on the Conferred God List, just as he was about to grasp the causal connection, suddenly sounded the voice of Moonlight Bodhisattva:

“do not move”

“This land pressure is the ontology”

“He seems to be out of trouble” to be continued.

S: Originally, it was too late to make up a

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