I Honor

Chapter 1202

: Meng Dahu*you

Meng Qi had already thought up his speech on the way here, so he just took out a stag and put it on his left arm, as if fighting with all the heroes with his tongue, and laughed immediately when he heard the words: “No, no, what Qi Zhengyan did It is an act that has never been seen in ancient times, and it is similar in appearance to the saints of the Middle Ages, but it is actually different.”

He didn’t directly indicate whether he agreed or disagreed, because he didn’t know what Mr. Lu Da and Fairy Ice were thinking, and standing on the sidelines rashly would easily deepen the gap.

“Similar in shape but different in reality.” Mr. Lu Da sat guarding the solitary grave, concentrating on martial arts, and indeed did not have a deep understanding of the Southern Wilderness, and only made inquiries based on impressions, so he expressed his doubts again.

Meng Qi glanced at Ye Yuqi and saw that she was looking at him with eyes as deep as a pool of water, waiting for a specific explanation, so he pretended to meditate and said: “The saints of the Middle Ages teach publicly, and everyone in the world admires them, but they Using martial arts as a basis for Taoism, the lectures are obviously biased towards one’s own theory and path. On top of martial arts cultivation, it is more about outlines and essential descriptions. How much the audience can realize depends on themselves, so each is different, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Hundreds of flowers bloom, it is difficult to directly distinguish between each other, all have followers and apprentices, so many martial arts today come from this.”

“In addition, the saints can’t help asking questions and giving pointers when they are giving lectures, but after all, time is limited and there are so many people. The aristocratic family’s monopoly on martial arts has been broken, and while the status has declined, it does not affect survival.”

“Now what Qi Zhengyan is doing is unifying the foundation of martial arts, replacing it with his own peerless magical skills, going deep into every detail of cultivation, answering almost all questions, and being able to promote it on a large scale in a short period of time. It’s just empty talk, anyone who can pass the corresponding assessment can continue to practice without hindrance, so the monopoly of martial arts skills has been broken again, completely broken, especially the small and medium sects without peerless magic skills, will lose the foundation of inheritance, because No one would make themselves miserable on the premise of being able to practice peerless magic arts, but have to major in ordinary martial arts and watch others become stronger.”

“In the Middle Ages, if there hadn’t been two great turmoil between the Overlord and the Demon Buddha, with the prosperity of the Mo Palace artifacts at that time, and with the hearts of the saints, it would have developed to this point sooner or later.”

“So, the middle and lower sects are panicking, and this is a disaster for them.”

Seeing Meng Qi talking, Mr. Lu Da listened very attentively, did not interrupt, thought carefully, and finally showed a wry smile: “Listen to your description, this is a good thing, as long as you keep improving. Everyone can become a fairy, but many For the same people, it is the worst situation, which makes people feel sympathetic and pitiful, and the world is always full of contradictions.”

Ye Yuqi also interjected: “We have a heart of justice and righteousness. But we also have the feeling of taking care of old friends and relatives. How do you think we can have both?”

She knew the relationship between Meng Qi and Qi Zhengyan, and she could guess his position, so she simply asked him what suggestion he had.

“In ancient times, the human race was not only fed on the blood of monsters and slaves of gods and gods, but there were also nobles within the clan who raised slaves. When the emperor rose and abolished the theory of slaves, these nobles also jumped up and down, saying that the original nobility, now It is also sympathetic and pitiful, but in the end it has not accepted the reality, changed the way, and finally evolved into an aristocratic family, and did not completely die out because of this.” Meng Qi gave an example, “These middle and lower sects can also follow the example of the sages, the sect The inheritance form of the door can be changed.”

“How to change?” In the past two years, Ye Yuqi had already considered this issue.

Meng Qilue thought for a while and said: “To speak directly to the heart, if these middle and lower sects are destined to obtain a peerless magic skill, will their inheritance be based on this peerless magic skill or the original one?”This method is the main one”

“There is no doubt about it. I will definitely choose the peerless magic art as the inheritance, but it will not change the status of the previous patriarch.” Ye Yuqi glanced at Mr. Lu Da and expressed his judgment.

Everyone is selfish, if there is a martial art in the school that is far superior to the previous martial arts, for the development and growth of the sect and for the better growth of itself, the latecomers will lose the big because of small things

Even if there are stubborn conservatives, as time goes by, they will slowly disappear.

“That’s a good statement.” Meng Qi clapped his palms and smiled, “Please also ask Zhongxiamen to send someone to Nanhuang to ask for that peerless magic skill. I believe that after Qi Zhengyan has screened his past actions, most of them will not refuse. In this way, the nearby warriors You don’t need to look far away, you have to travel thousands of miles to the Southern Wilderness, at most those who are not selected will go south to take risks with their last hope, but this will not affect the inheritance of the sect.”

“This…” Ye Yuqi’s lips twitched, quite surprised by Meng Qi’s proposal.

that’s okay too

This is equivalent to the fact that all major, medium and small sects in the world have obtained a peerless magical skill by chance.

Mr. Lu Da nodded lightly: “Nanhuang martial arts training only depends on whether you work hard and whether your character is extreme. Qi Zhengyan has always taught that martial art openly, and he will not hesitate to teach him. He will definitely not refuse the request of more sects to practice. In this way, The sect does not have to worry about not being able to recruit disciples, and those who fail the election are not hopeless, and they can still go to the Southern Wilderness, which just forms a complementary state.”

Ye Yuqi showed a thoughtful expression while listening. She was pushing herself and others before, subconsciously ignoring that Qi Zhengyan’s peerless miraculous skills could not help spreading to the outside world.

After Mr. Lu Da finished speaking, he took a light breath, and said with some doubts: “But in this way, it would be a bit strange that every sect is practicing the same martial arts?”

Of course it’s strange, because it has changed from a sect to a real school. Meng Qi, a school that uses unified teaching materials, Nanhuang Wenwu Franchise School silently slandered, and said like a hype: “It’s not surprising, what’s so strange, even though they teach the same exercises , but the teachers are different, the instructions are different, the exercises that are concurrently practiced are also different, and the patriarchs enshrined are even more different.”

That is to say, the different sects of “interest courses” and “principals” in the past can be divided according to county focus, government focus, county focus, state focus, and national focus. Meng Qi thought clearly.

“That’s what you said about changing the inheritance form of the sect,” Mr. Lu Da said suddenly after pondering for a moment.

Really hit the nail on the head! Meng Qi cocked his tongue secretly, and said with an undiminished smile: “In the future, sects will compete for disciples based on their own property, the quality of the teacher’s teaching, etc.”

“What about our sect?” Ye Yuqi interrupted abruptly, “All middle and lower sects are practicing peerless magic arts, what about us? What strengths do we have?”

Meng Qi really wanted to pull out his hair, turn into a feather fan, shake it lightly, and said with a smile: “Don’t you think that Qi Zhengyan’s way of promoting martial arts has some disadvantages? Don’t mention the resource issue, it’s good to be enlightened. The more you go up, the more you need The more different the teachings are, the more you will not be satisfied with this unified teaching form, and will eventually return to the small stove method of a master leading a small number of disciples. In this regard, the current top forces have accumulated for many years and you have more dharma bodies. Why don’t you have any disciples?”

He almost said nonsense such as “strong teaching staff”.

“That’s true.” Ye Yuqi finally expressed her agreement. Since she practiced so far, she feels more and more that everyone is different in martial arts. Copying the predecessors is often just a matter of complacency. Nanhuang’s way of publicly teaching martial arts is only suitable for masters and below.

Seeing this, Meng Qi quietly breathed a sigh of relief: “Since returning from the Middle Ages, the juniors feel more and more that martial arts monks destroy cities and rivers at every turn, affecting all living beings. It is not beautiful to fight and kill. It is best not to do it if you can. Reconciliation is also the best reconciliation, I believe that Qi Zhengyan is just a child with a pure heart, wants to benefit all beings, and has no other thoughts, he cannot help accepting the inheritance of the Demon Emperor’s Claw, and is currently suppressing it with all his strength.”

Speaking of this level, it’s time to express your attitude.

“That’s a good statement. At our level, if you can’t get angry and kill, it’s best not to get angry.” Mr. Lu Da said calmly, “I hope to see the development of the Southern Wilderness matter.”

Ye Yuqi’s eyes flickered a few times when he heard it from the side. Others are qualified to say that fighting and killing is not good, but Su Meng does not. He is the one with the most Dharma Body at hand.

Meng Qi smiled when he heard the words, and clasped his hands together intentionally: “Senior Lu is merciful and kind, and the younger generation will also contact the Tianmo Palace of Wanxiang Cave to strive for the present to return to the prosperous age of the Middle Ages, because only such a world can afford the many warriors in the future. ”

This is temporarily resolving the conflict. As for whether it will intensify in the future, whether the devil will deliberately provoke a fight, that is a matter for the future. What I need to do now is to improve myself as soon as possible, so that I can dominate the world like a king. In a big battle, one hand can cover the sky, so Zhengdao Dharma Body and Senior Brother Qi have to sit down to negotiate and compromise with each other.

Compared with the layout and planning, I can’t compare with Wang Dashengun and others, so I can compare with fists.

The most important thing is your own strength.

“Yuanhuang” is in the world, the world is peaceful

After leaving the Thrushcross Villa, Meng Qi successively visited Xijiange, Changle City and other places, and communicated with the Dharma Body of the Righteous Way one by one, trying his best to fool around.

Thrushcross Villa, the thatched cottage in the back mountain.

Ye Yuqi looked at Meng Qi’s leaving back, frowned slightly and said, “I always feel that there is something wrong with what he said.”

“Let’s see, and see what kind of changes Qi Zhengyan of Nanhuang can bring about. Mr. Lu Da looked back, smiled and shook his head.

s: At eight o’clock tonight, there will be a book friends gathering, see the book review area for details


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