I Honor

Chapter 1217

It’s up

Among the five emperors in ancient times, the Golden Emperor has never shown the mountains and the dew. There are actually many legends left behind, but they are often concentrated on flat peaches, fairy ponds, and female immortals. Some people even mistake her for the wife of the Emperor of Heaven. The Three Realms of Yi are actually vassals of the Heavenly Emperor, and it was not until Liu Shuyu pointed out Wu Sheng’s old mother as the “Golden Mother of Yaochi”, Meng Qi seemed to suddenly remember that there was such a person among the five ancient emperors.

Even if she turned into a lifeless old mother and was active in the demon-chaotic land and the reign of the emperor, there are only a handful of deeds that have been handed down to this day, which are enough to be called “low-key and mysterious”.

Now it seems that under the mask of “low-key and mysterious”, the Golden Emperor is definitely an empress with deep plans and great plans. She is really in the same line, no wonder the old mother attaches the most importance to Gu Xiaosang’s road sign and returning to the body.

Whether Zhen Yuanzi was the incarnation of the Golden Emperor, or whether he secretly served the Golden Emperor, because Zhen Yuanzi was also mysterious and low-key, few people knew his footsteps, and Meng Qi didn’t know. The only thing that can be sure is that the five Zhuangguan’s lineage is almost equal to Yaochi’s lineage

“Lu Ya got a glimpse of this secret for some reason, and because he was stared at by some big shots on the other side, it was inconvenient to come forward directly, so he passed me, a guy who has involved the karma of many big shots, and gave the hint to the descendants of Wuzhuangguan” Meng Qi Ruo thought about it.

Just because there are too many karma involved, a weird balance has been formed in him. No one is willing to be a bird in the early days, and hastily spy on him. In addition, the whereabouts of the oldest person from the other side, Yuanshi Tianzun, is unknown, and he is probably hiding behind him. Doing things by yourself is the most confidential and most appropriate, and Yuanshi Tianzun is the cause of all effects, and the Golden Emperor obtained the Wuji Seal in Yuxu Palace, and then he realized his past and took the most critical step to reach the other shore. Knowing the relationship between the Golden Emperor and Wuzhuang Temple, I don’t even believe it, let alone Lu Ya. Therefore, he didn’t care about being known by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Lu Ya hinted at this point, whether he wanted to blackmail the Golden Emperor, or whether he was in a dilemma and secretly allied with Meng Qi to speculate on Lu Ya’s intentions.

He only guards against the big shots on the other side knowing. He didn’t worry at all that he would find out, but who knew that he had the evil “blood peach” left over from the ancient times on his body, which caused an accident, allowing him to glimpse the secret and have the basis to penetrate his thoughts.

The tree of the avenue and the blood peach of the demon are really good things that have repeatedly helped me break the situation unexpectedly.

The tree of the avenue comes from Dao Zun. It is suspected to be a Zhenwu layout, but who created the Yaoyi Xuetao? It was originally hidden or conceived in the head of the birthday star of Pantaoyuan, but Jiuzhongtian was not broken and lost, and no one entered it. The Thunder God entered, and the Sun God They have entered, and Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun Yang Jian has also entered, they didn’t find out, they didn’t realize until they explored with Gu Xiaosang

The more he thought about it, the more Meng Qi felt that the matter was worth pondering. Those old guys “playing chess” were really carefree. No wonder Wang Dashengun, a calculating pervert, said that he would lose in a game of chess, and that it would be better to overturn the chessboard.

Xu Xuan, Ao Zhen and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. After the flat peach was soaked in the golden water of Yaochi, it turned into ginseng fruit.

This simply subverted their previous cognition, and there was a feeling of collapse of reason

Hey, I don’t know how many great supernatural powers and big figures are staring at me, even if they don’t want to pry rashly, but they have made the current situation because of their supernatural powers. Could it be that Lu Ya’s hint failed, and maybe he would deepen his hatred with the Golden Emperor because of this, really gratifying, and I have successfully completed the task. The subsequent accident had nothing to do with the task itself. Meng Qi snickered, and Bao Xiang solemnly said: “The heaven and the earth are mysterious, and flat peaches and ginseng fruits are of the same origin. It really makes people feel emotional.”

“Yes, it is rumored that they are both the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, but unexpectedly they are the same branch.” King Fu Hai was amazed.

Ao Zhen and Ao Qing grew up in the East China Sea Dragon Palace with a long history and complete inheritance. In fact, his understanding of ancient events was much better than that of Meng Qi, but he was also dumbfounded by this matter. There are flat peach trees in the sky, and ginseng fruits grown in the earth. They are equally famous. The former is better, but the latter is not bad. It’s such a relationship

Xu Xuan let out a sigh of relief, put away the remaining Yaochi golden water and the half-peach core and half-ginseng fruit, and said with emotion: “It turns out that this is from the ancestors.It is implied that with Yaochi Jinshui, the progress of the ginseng fruit tree’s rejuvenation will definitely be accelerated. ”

The matter involved the Golden Emperor, and in the world of no life, Meng Qi didn’t dare to stay for long, and planned to leave, but suddenly his heart moved, and he stopped his feet again and asked, “Nephew Xu, have you seen this woman before?”

With a swipe of his right hand, the light condensed, forming a vivid picture: Jiang Bo is calm, a small boat is slowly approaching, a woman in a white dress stands on the bow, peaceful and quiet, her lips touch the flute, blowing out a lingering sobbing sound, so beautiful It’s not like the world can survive, it’s like Gu Xiaosang.

Through the matter of flat peaches and ginseng fruits, it was confirmed that the relationship between Wuzhuang Temple and the Golden Emperor is very close, and it is not just the kindness produced by Wusheng’s old mother who saved the world. Power, maybe even instigated Xu Xuan and others.

Among the myriad worlds, my mother has many beliefs, and she has other names even if she is not called Luojiao. As a saint and the incarnation of faith, Gu Xiaosang can find more help when completing tasks than others. It is not limited to the real world. This is the real world. The horror of top strength.

Upon seeing this scroll, Xu Xuan blurted out: “Saint”

Well, Ao Zhen and Ao Qing looked at him.

Xu Xuan explained: “She is the life-saving incarnation of Wusheng’s old mother who walked in the world. She once came to Wushengtian, took away a remaining ginseng fruit, and let us get rid of a group of enemies.”

A group of enemies are reincarnators, right? Meng Qi mused, “Didn’t she come again after that?”

Gu Xiaosang is not short of longevity, why did he take away the ginseng fruit?

“No.” Xu Xuan shook his head.

Meng Qi was silent for a moment, then recited the name of the Supreme Buddha Nan Wuzun in a low voice, and said with pity for the world: “The poor monk bids farewell, my nephew take care of me.”

As soon as he finished speaking, his voice suddenly disappeared, pierced through numerous barriers of time and space, and descended into the world of conferred gods

“This…” Xu Xuan and Fu Haiwang are both immortals, and they were keenly aware of the abnormality when Meng Qi left. This, this is indeed a legend.

King Fuhai let out a hey: “Brother Xu, you have a good uncle!”

Xu Xuan was both pleasantly surprised and emotional: “Uncle Master’s cultivation is simply unfathomable.”

“Uncle Master seems to escape into Buddhism out of love.” Ao Qing said suddenly, and Ao Zhen nodded accordingly.

As soon as Meng Qifu entered the World of Conferred Gods, he found a small vermilion gourd jumping out in front of him, turning into Lu Ya’s appearance. His face was as usual, his eyes were deep and deep, neither smiling nor angry, it was hard to know his reaction to the task.

“Mr. Dao, I have given the jade box to the descendants of Wuzhuang Temple.” Meng Qi said concisely.

Lu Ya didn’t change his expression, nodded slightly and said, “This time I want to save Zhao Heng.”

“Yes.” Meng Qi answered affirmatively.

Lu Ya didn’t say much, and didn’t say anything else. He took out the list of gods and wiped it with his hand, making Zhao Heng’s name stand out and turn into pieces of golden light.

This time, Meng Qi didn’t leave. He held the handle of the knife with his right hand and drew out the long knife with a clang.


Dajin God Capital, in the imperial palace.

Zhao Hengzheng was absorbing the power of sentient beings, tempering his own Dharma, and suddenly opened his eyes, just in time to see a purple saber light flying out of the sky from the Talisman of Ten Thousand Realms. Wire.

With a refreshed mind and a relaxed body, Zhao Heng seized the opportunity to combine the Dharma form with the primordial spirit, and stepped into the half-step realm.


Meng Qi sheathed his knife in front of Lu Ya, seemingly doing nothing.

“That’s right, it’s really good to apply the cause of all fruits to this point.” Lu Ya raised his eyebrows, as if recalling some sad past.

Meng Qiping said calmly: “Mr. Dao, do you still have a task? I want to erase other people’s names and save some true spirits.”

Hey, Lu Ya smiled: “Not for the time being, it’s not that the poor are targeting you, but that they really plan to cultivate their minds and minds for a period of time. Besides, most of the people in Xianji rely on the tempering of reincarnation. The hope of Dharmakaya, such as Fairy Ice, can sublimate her own feelings only after going through life and death, and she can achieve Dharmakaya. If she loses this opportunity, she will never be able to take that step. As for the true spirit in the list, you Are you ready to reshape their bodies? Yin spirits are difficult to become holy in a thousand kalpas, releasing them without being ready will only make them sink completely, forever, or even disappear directly.”

“Your Majesty is right.” Meng Qi had to admit that.

Lu Ya smiled and said: “Don’t worry, to put it bluntly, you are such an easy-to-use chess piece, how can Pindao not be willing to have any more grievances, and it is not as good as the benefits. There will definitely be opportunities for cooperation in the future. You should prepare well.” .”

As soon as he finished speaking, his body disintegrated and he returned to the vermilion gourd. He jumped lightly and disappeared, which Meng Qi couldn’t grasp at all.

Get ready, spend time and effort to open up all the acupoints, climb to the top of the Earth Immortal, and then return to Yuxu Palace. Meng Qi has a plan for the next step.

The Golden Emperor gained enlightenment in Yuxu Palace and took Wuji and Void Seal, so he must know some laws and forbidden methods. Gu Xiaosang may be able to enter a certain area of ​​Yuxu Palace because of this; Given by Yuanshi Tianzun; Yuxu Palace can also isolate the other shore from prying eyes. The combination of these three points made Meng Qi suspect that Xiao Sang had left behind in Yuxu Palace, so he prepared to return to Yuxu Palace after his strength improved.

In the palace of the gods.

Zhao Heng stabilized his realm, picked up the Talisman of Myriad Worlds with a smile, and talked with MengQi talked for a while, thanked him, then put down the metal talisman, walked out of the bedroom, entered the deep secret hall, and opened the forbidden method.

There was a person standing in the hall, with fluttering sleeves, unrestrained and unrestrained, it was the “magician” Han Guang. He looked at the starry sky with his hands behind his back, and without answering, he said with a smile: “The Universal Knowledge Talisman is indeed magical and extremely valuable. But holding the Talisman of Myriad Worlds is equivalent to letting Su Meng put a knife on his neck, and he may be surprised or spied on at any time, so he can only try to isolate himself and the forbidden area as much as possible, and only approach when he wants to use it.”

“Indeed.” Zhao Heng did not deny it.

No matter how much you trust Xiao Meng, you can’t be negligent about it. I believe that Mr. Lu Da and others are similar.

Han Guang turned around, his demeanor became more ethereal, majestic and majestic: “Have you thought about it yet?”

“Think about it, surrender to the Emperor, and the Great Jin will belong to the Northern Zhou Dynasty.” Zhao Heng’s voice was unusually calm.

Han Guang smiled slightly: “That’s right, the palace of the emperor.”

s: I have to go back to my wife’s natal home on New Year’s Day, wait for me to come back for the third watch, ask for a monthly ticket


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