I Honor

Chapter 1239

: I don’t know if I’m a guest in my dream

The person who opened the door came in a plaid shirt, jeans, and white sneakers. At first glance, he looked like a single dog without a girlfriend to help match his clothes. He was ordinary and could be seen everywhere, but that face and that breath made Meng Qi feel chilly around him. Feel.

turned out to be another self

Shouldn’t I have died in a rented house? It’s been almost three years since my parents have suffered from the loss of a child.

The facial features carved out of the same mold seemed to be copied, and even the breath was exactly the same, so that when he was emotional, Meng Qi thought it was caused by scattered fluctuations, but he didn’t pay attention.

He watched the “self” in front of him throw off his sneakers, put on slippers, rub his hands into the kitchen, grabbed half of a sausage that hadn’t been cut yet, and gnawed on it. His mother beat him hard on the head, and he felt like the scene happened again yesterday. , seems to be true.

The beauty of the memory is played like a movie, but the one in the memory is not myself.

Who is real and who is fake

Is Mofo or Yang Jian deliberately “creating” another self in order to cover up and not be noticed, or is there something else hidden?

He stood in the living room blankly, his body hidden in the void, watching the scenes of the warm homely routine unfolding.

“It’s almost 30 people, and they are not in shape yet, roll around and take out the dishes.” My mother pushed “myself” who looked tired.

“I” smiled and praised my mother’s extraordinary sausage skills, then took out the prepared dishes, lowered my voice, and asked my father: “How much private money have I saved recently?”

Dad covered his pockets, with a vigilant expression on his face: “Little bastard, I want to take advantage of your father’s private money again. Is it easy for you, my father? Put it in the good cigarette case from before, you bastard not only doesn’t honor your father, but also always takes money from my private house, I really wish I didn’t have a daughter.”

“Myself” said with a begrudging face: “Dad, let me ask, why are you so excited?”

While talking, he took out a stack of money and handed it to Dad: “Quit smoking, buy some e-liquid instead.”

oldDad borrowed money. Suddenly sighed: “I just said, keep the money for yourself. The family conditions are average, so I can’t help you. Now girls are also demanding, and you have to rely on yourself to marry a wife in the future.”

“I’ll take it for you, I’m young and strong, with education and ability, and I’m afraid I won’t be able to make money myself,” said nonchalantly.

Supper is set. As usual, I entered my mother’s chatting time, looked at this dissatisfaction, and looked at that one who wanted to kick her, and finally sighed: “Meng Qi, my mother doesn’t ask you to take care of the old age, but you are almost thirty, and you don’t even have a partner. Not at all, I’m anxious, Dong Xiaoming next door is several years younger than you, and his son can be called Dad. I know you are high-spirited and unwilling to let it go, but as you grow older, you will have more room for choice in the future The younger I am, the older I am, the health is not good, and I don’t want to see my daughter-in-law even if I don’t want to die.”

Seeing my mother talking more and more sadly, “I” coughed and said with a playful smile: “Mom, this is not a problem. There are dozens if not hundreds of girls who have a crush on me. Of course I have to choose carefully.”

My mother was immediately amused, and gave “myself” a look: “I will brag that I have the ability to bring one back before the end of the year.”

“Yes yes yes, I would like to obey the Queen Mother Yizhi. I” gag. Make the atmosphere of dinner gradually softer.

One is nagging and full of love, the other is silent and keeps love in his heart, and the other is active, persistent and filial. It formed a warm and beautiful family picture scroll, which caught Meng Qi’s eyes and made him feel ups and downs, and his emotions were complicated and unspeakable.

Touched, aftertaste, nasal acid, but can only be like a spectator, quietly witnessing all this, there seems to be a gap ahead, no matter how smooth it is, it cannot be bridged.

All this often appears in the memory, but at that time, my mother seldom talked about the daughter-in-law, but now, I stand by the side and watch them enjoy the family happiness, but it has nothing to do with me anymore.

In the dream, I don’t know that I am a guest.

Washing the dishes, mopping the floor, chatting, when this Meng Qi of the earth came back to the room, his gaze shrank suddenly, and his heart beat rapidly, because there was a familiar figure sitting on the computer chair.

If he didn’t know that there was no mirror there, and the clothes were very different, he would have thought he was seeing himself.

“Who are you?” He blurted out with a horrified expression.

Then I only felt the sound echoing in the room, without any leakage.

Meng Qi smiled very lightly: “I’m not you?”

His eyes glowed with black and white light, an ancient lamp illuminated the past and the future, and the wheel of the Three Kings of Ming Dynasty quietly turned in his hand, directly awakening the memory of “Meng Qi in front of me” in this life.

Little by little, the past reappeared, Meng Qi experienced his childhood, adolescence and youth again, and it was no different from his own memory, but at the time of time travel, this Meng Qi’s memory did not die, he was sent to the hospital, and then he understood Life is fleeting, I quit my job and returned to a small county where I lived very close to my parents.

The king of Ming reincarnated, and the memory was traced back, and suddenly it was blank. This Meng Qi had no previous life.

“So that’s how it is.” Meng Qi closed his eyes and figured out the cause and effect.

In order to get out of trouble, the Demon Buddha acted cautiously. After putting his “other and self” into Su Ziyuan’s body, he created a brand new soul to replace “Meng Qi”. Di, formed the same character and behavior, and has the same memories. In a sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is “Meng Qi”.

Afterwards, Yang Jian stole the beam and changed the post, took blood to pinch the body, and replaced the physical body.

“I have the self-awareness that I am Meng Qi, have a complete and detailed memory, have the same three views, the same personality, and the same hobbies, so people around and even himself believe that he is me.” Looking at the familiar facial features in front of him, Meng Qi suddenly had some realization, “What is me, what is he, what is the unique marker that distinguishes oneself from others? Genes can be copied, blood can be derived, views on certain things, opinions on certain people or things. Emotions come from memory and experience, when another person has exactly the same memory and exactly the same experience, who am I who am I?”

This is the uniqueness that Mr. Lu Da is talking about. This is the question that Emperor Qing is pursuing. Finding yourself and finding the real “I” is the main link to improve the level of life, and it is the key point of legends, good fortune, and even the other side.

Otherwise, there are countless others and me in the world, how many selves in the past and the future, how can I know that I am me?

Meng Qi unconsciously left the room, went to the sofa in the living room and sat down. All kinds of insights flashed in his mind, and many doubts arose. His mind was like the dark night outside. Sometimes he could see the moon and stars, but after all he could not break through the darkness.

He didn’t hide his figure, the black and white cat first hid aside, then poked its head to peek, then seemed to smell a familiar smell, jumped over and rubbed its head with its hands.

This has been going on for several years.

Meng Qi stroked the cat’s head, sat quietly, admiring the dark night, thinking about who I am, as if my whole body was shrouded in darkness.

The unique “I” not only comes from personality and experience, but also from the so-called true nature, congenital nature, and original imprint, which is why he and I can always be connected with each other.

Before he knew it, the rooster sang, the east was already white, the morning light illuminated the sky, and penetrated the mist in Meng Qi’s heart. He felt that his internal organs became light and agile, and gradually he was higher than the world, and he was not far from the gods.At this moment, the door of the parents’ room opened, and Dad came out and walked to the bathroom in a daze.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Meng Qi sitting on the sofa, paused and said, “Your mother’s words yesterday made you worry.”

With a familiar tone and familiar concern, Meng Qi pursed his lips, lowered his eyelids, and said with a low smile, “Your son is heartless, how could he be so obsessed with playing games that he stayed up all night and come out to get some air.”

For me, such a question and answer has been more than 30 years away, and I don’t need to envy the warm scene I saw last night.

“You.” Dad shook his head, walked into the bathroom, and when he came out, he saw Meng Qi holding some green plants in his hands.

Meng Qi smiled and handed it over: “Dad, this is the arm of Radix Banlangen, er, the branch, which can cure all diseases. I bought it online, but it must be genuine. You use seven bowls of water to make soup. Banlangen shares the medicinal properties, drinking half a cup a day will stop coughing.”

“Isatis root that is about to become fine” the father sneered, his son is full of mouth and runs the train, but he is filial, which is gratifying.

He took Banlangen, hummed a little song, and walked back to the room.

Meng Qi stood in the light of the morning, looked at it quietly for a long time, and left home.

The fake “Meng Qi” always felt weird when he woke up, turned his head to look to the side, and saw a note on the computer desk, pressed with a strange metal sheet.

He picked up the note and looked at it, and there were a few words written on it:

“From now on, you are my brother.”

“Mom and Dad are old, so it’s not good to make troubles anymore. Give them more nourishment, and the medicinal materials will be passed on to you.”

“Use the Universal Knowledge Talisman for something.”

“Meng Qi” was at a loss, full of confusion, what kind of brother, what universal knowledge talisman?

At this moment, his phone rang, and he answered it casually, and a sweet voice that he couldn’t forget came from: “Hello, Meng Qi?”

“Cai, Cai Yang Mengqi” was delighted and surprised, “Why do you want to call me?”

“I have searched for several people to get your phone number. Thank you for your advice yesterday. I would like to treat you to dinner. Well, if you don’t mind, I have a friend who wants to ask you for help.” Cai Yang said with some confidence.

“Okay, okay. Meng Qi” he didn’t hear the words clearly at all.

Walking down the stairs, Meng Qi ran into a neighbor he had known for many years. He had accomplished nothing, but now he looked energetic.

“Xiao Meng, I got up so early today.” The elder brother of the neighbor greeted earnestly.

Meng Qi nodded: “I’m getting older, my body is failing, I have to start exercising.”

The elder brother of the neighbor hummed, and suddenly came over: “Xiao Meng, you have heard of it”

Has he started working on Amway? Meng Qi slandered.

The elder brother of the neighbor continued: “Have you heard of it, have you heard of the old mother without birth?”

Uh, Meng Qi cast his eyes on his face. To be continued.


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