I Honor

Chapter 1245

: Yuanshi Heavenly Demon Reappears

In just a few moments, Meng Qi in front of Liang Luo’s eyes turned into an evil ghost. His face was pale, his eyes were full of death, and his eyes were gloomy. He looked like the ghost emperor in the depths of the Nine Nethers. Not only are they no longer excluded, but they also feel surrounded.

“You…” one head of the two Luos was full of astonishment, while the other said in a deep voice, “This is what you are good at changing.”

He can actually transform into a creature of the Nine Netherworld and obtain the blessings of this world

As a demon known for being rational and clear-headed, Liang Luo once divided his consciousness and possessed a low-level demon that could climb out of the endless sea through the gap in the seal. It is difficult to delve into the specific situation with only a few words of news. For example, the description of “Yuanhuang” Su Meng is: At first, he practiced the body sanctification method suspected of being a golden bell cover, and later transferred to the Yuanshi Nine Seals handed down by Yuxu. There are many methods.

From this passage, who can see that his transformation is not an illusion, but a real change of body structure to become a real evil ghost

Similar exercises, Liang Luo only knows one, the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art mentioned by a certain Nine Nether legend

The land was evenly balanced, and the two Luos were shocked in their hearts, and they immediately retreated with fear. However, this was only the thought of one of its heads, and the other head sneered:

“After becoming an evil ghost, you still have a few seals in the Nine Seals of Yuanshi, and you can use the Overlord’s Six Slashes and how many knives you can get. What you are good at is relying on these peerless skills. What’s the use? Besides, we are at the same level, and the supernatural powers and techniques I have inscribed in my blood are all adapted to the current environment and body. How can you compete against a self-defeating martial arts?”

Each head of Liang Luo has its own true spirit, its own personality and its own thoughts. They often disagree with each other and quarrel with each other, which affects their actions. It is simply the ultimate form of patients with split personality. reflect.

At this critical moment, the two heads went their separate ways again.

No matter how sane and sober, he is an evil spirit after all, restricted by the Dao, restrained by the Nine Nethers, and has more or less problems in the spiritual and spiritual aspects. At the beginning, Qi Zhengyan drove the evil spirits to break their fate and break free from the “attributes” imposed by heaven and earth. It was only after obtaining the true physical and mental liberation that the Black-armored Demon Sage was moved and made him follow him wholeheartedly.

Fortunately, the attitude of the head who wanted to escape was not too firm. After the other party insisted, Liang Luo stood up from the dark lotus platform, clenched his right hand into a fist, raised it by his side, and said in a deep voice:

“Let me show you what is called the realm that is almost legendary, and what is called the supernatural power of the realm of harmony”

The sound reverberated darkly, the black air rolled violently, and the buzzing sound seemed to extend into other universes, other time and space, creating different scenes around Liangluo, including the death god’s domain where flowers bloomed on the other side, and the eternal silence. The Land of Sleep, the pitch-black ocean where many monsters roar, and the dilapidated gray city of judgment. These countless scenes are covered with dim light, and endless power turns into dark stars and surrounds the two.


The surrounding space is trembling and curling up, and the mighty force surpassing the super galaxy cluster is pulling the invisible deep sea, as if it is about to explode here.

Nine Nether is different from Immortal Realm. It will actively erode ten thousand realms, erode fragments of cosmic light, and erode every universe to form a corresponding area. Even if the immortal-level demons in Nine Nether do not communicate with “others and me”, they can use Nine Nether This feature of You, connecting ten thousand worlds, borrowing the corresponding power, exerts a strength that is close to legend, and when it is close to legend, it is a standard legendary combat power. This is the legend of Jiuyou in ancient times. The reason for countering the heaven.

Sleep, sleep, death, passing away, these dark stars similar to “attributes” quickly gathered in Liang Luo You Fist, making it as huge as a monster spanning many river systems, without giving Meng Qi a chance to stop it.

“One head dies, the other head sleeps, and death is a peaceful sleep, pick up my eternal sleep treasure wheel”

The stars converged at one point, and the right fists of the two Luos suddenly punched out, bursting out from them, quiet and lifeless dim lights, they circled the fist, as if forming a huge treasure wheel, expanding at a speed close to light .

The eternal sleep treasure wheel like the endless night sky instantly filled this abyss, the darkness hypnotized and buried everything, while the outside world shook the earth, the West Pole Desert and the Burial God Desert were full of strong winds, and sandstormsEverywhere, it seems like the end is coming.

Facing the “Eternal Sleeping Treasure Wheel” formed by bursts of dark light, Meng Qi looked calm and had a dark temperament. His five fingers on his right hand were spread out, and his palm was dark and deep, as if leading to another universe. image of


This mass of darkness and depth suddenly appeared, and all the dim light and the rolling “Eternal Sleeping Treasure Wheel” were thrown into it, and there was no other movement.

Death and eternal sleep will eventually return to Chaos.


Two Luo’s huge right fists were caught by Meng Qi’s palm, and the whole body squirmed, as if it was about to disintegrate directly. After struggling again and again, they kept urging the dark stars to erupt before they managed to escape. The expressions of the two heads were full of fear.

He knew the status of the Wuji seal, but he had never seen this magical skill before, and he never expected it to be so terrifying

Wuji embraces everything and breeds all things. Jiuyou is also one of them. Being in the endless sea and turning into ghosts and ghosts does not affect Meng Qi’s ability to cast the Wuji Seal, and with the help of the location, he will need a combination of swords and swords to perform Wuji. Yin used it directly, and felt a lot of Yuanshi projection.

The only problem is that Jiuyou can only communicate with depraved, filthy, destructive and killing forces. This part of the “Yuanshi Projection” belongs to the reckless and chaotic negative part, such as the blind, ignorant and crazy incarnation of the universe in the old universe

“In Jiuyou, in Endless Abyss, I’m really Yuanshi Heavenly Demon.” Meng Qi chuckled secretly. The nickname he picked up casually at the beginning will be confirmed one day.

Facing Liang Luo’s back again and again, he stepped on the void suddenly, and shouted violently:

“It’s your turn”

“Take a punch”

The sound resounded in the deep sea, and three figures appeared behind him, the Buddha with the golden body, the body with sword energy, and the body with immortality.

The black air whimpers all around, and universes appear one by one, some are in the frozen ice, some are in the most chaotic and peaceful state of death, some are destroyed everywhere, some black holes swallow everything, and what can appear at the end of the universe Different scenarios all come down.

Killing Immortal Sword Formation, Multiple Ends

The pure white fist was punched out, the tumbling bubbles in the deep sea calmed down, the violently turbulent earth recovered, the sandstorm and violent wind disappeared, the void in the black air disintegrated, time curled up, and brought extreme chaos that was sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

Every head of the “Zhuxian Sword Formation” let out a terrified roar.

This is Zhuxian Sword Formation

He actually used his own strength to display the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and communicated with the Zhuxian Sword Formation of Ten Thousand Realms

Puff Puff Puff Arms grew out of his body, and each arm held a black star, gathered in front of him like Avalokitesvara, forming a star map of death


When the pure white fist hit, the star map disintegrated instantly, shattered from both time and space, and did not play a blocking role

“Take a punch”

Bang Mengqi’s fist hit one of the two heads, causing it to explode into a rain of blood. Chaos and destruction spread, and the other head watched helplessly as its demonic body lost control.

Its eyes were confused, looking at the pale and gloomy face in front of it, looking at the invincible fist, it seemed to see the coming of the end itself.

The scene in front of Fei Zhengtao’s eyes was shaking constantly. It was Xiao Qian’s Myriad Realm Talisman lost its stability due to the influence of dissipated power.

He was anxious and eager to know the battle situation in the Endless Abyss, but he could only feel earthquakes and sandstorms.

The same goes for the rest of the audience.

At this moment, their eyes froze, and they saw a fountain of blood flying out of the endless abyss, like a river of heaven hanging upside down, and sprinkled all over the desert.

Then, an arm flew out, a thigh, and a head flew out one after another, landing with a bang bang bang, each part was like a mountain range, bringing violent shocks.

That ferocious face, that terrifying aura made Xiao Qian tremble, and made Fei Zhengtao and the audience clearly realize the tyranny and terror of this demon.

And it was such an evil spirit that was dismantled by Emperor Yuan to look like this in less than a breath

A thought suddenly flashed in their minds:

In today’s world, Emperor Yuan is respected


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