I Honor

Chapter 1257

: The Old Pig Story (Second Change)

The courtyard was filled with silver light, the grass and trees were not stained with dust, the sound of the piano was ethereal and melodious, and the light and shadow seemed real. What Gan Ruoxu, Xu Feiling and Wu Ju saw with their eyes and heard with their ears seemed like a fairyland in legends.

Since it is a “fairy world”, the cold and clear woman holding the guqin is undoubtedly Chang’e Fairy.

Since Taiping Dao created the “Spiritual Ability”, no matter what paths they follow, such as Huguoguan, Wudoumijiao, and Huangjindao, they have only heard that so-and-so borrowed the power of immortals and gods, and they have never seen immortals from the sky come directly to the mortal world.

At this moment, the cognition of Gan Ruoxu, Xu Feiling and others seemed to have been subverted, so that they stared blankly, without any action, the light and shadow in their eyes subsided, the surroundings were clean, and Fairy Chang’e showed a cold and refined face.

“It’s the channel you opened.” “Chang’e Fairy” opened her embroidery mouth, making a melodious sound like the sound of a zither.

Xu Feiling shuddered, and suddenly came back to his senses. The girl flinched, her fear instinct emerged, and said tremblingly, “Hui, Hui Fairy, this is the channel I opened.”

Fairy Chang’e was Ruan Yushu, who came to the forbidden law with the help of Meng Qi to change the core script, and said calmly after hearing the words: “Stop spreading this matter to the outside world.”

She moved lightly, walked out of the formation like a fairy, and walked outside the courtyard here.

“I would like to follow the fairy’s order.” Xu Feiling agreed without hesitation, and Gan Ruoxu and Wu Ju also nodded in a daze.

At the end of the conversation, Xu Feiling noticed that Fairy Chang’e was about to walk out of the courtyard, and asked anxiously and doubtfully, “Fairy, where are you going?”

Ruan Yushu looked back with serious eyes, as if he didn’t understand why Xu Feiling had this question: “Of course it’s your room.”

“Okay, okay, I’ll lead the way for the fairy.” Xu Feiling’s heart suddenly burst into surprise, and he followed quickly.

Seeing the backs of the two beautiful women, one big and one small, disappear out of sight, Gan Ruoxu and Wu Jucai slowly regained their composure, looked at each other, and both saw each other’s shock.

“I didn’t expect Fairy Chang’e to come down to earth directly.” Gan Ruoxu sighed with emotion, “Plus, I have received the favor of Tianzun, and Lin Fengxiao sympathized with Emperor Zhenwu among the five emperors of the five directions. It really feels like chaos is imminent.”

Wu Ju nodded slightly, then exhaled suddenly: “As expected of Fairy Chang’e, it’s no wonder that she is known as one of the most beautiful fairies in heaven.”

Although Gan Ruoxu felt that his emotion was playing the piano to the cow, he still couldn’t help nodding his head in agreement. The fairy Chang’e really lived up to her reputation.

After a while, Wu Ju was completely clear, patted his face suddenly, and said in mourning, “Elder brother, one of you has a stele bestowed by the Heavenly Venerable, and the other is blessed by a fairy. People are more popular than people.”

Hearing this sentence, Gan Ruoxu suddenly remembered that when he got the stone tablet, Tianzun seemed to have a thought coming to his heart, so he pondered for a while and said: “Junior Brother Wu, when I was in love with Tianzun just now, K made a decree, saying not only to give the stone tablet, There is still a chance to repair the utensils, I see that your broken thorns are getting worse, why not give you this opportunity, even if you can’t restore the nine-toothed rake from a tiny one, you can still bloom the glory of the past.”

People in the world often say that the will of heaven has been difficult to ask since ancient times, and the Taoist ancestor Tianzun of Yuanshi Tianzun is equal to the will of heaven. Their intentions and thoughts are often “difficult to ask” and difficult to fathom. Xu felt strange, but he never dared to question Tianzun, and the feeling of strangeness disappeared in a flash.

Wu Ju was overjoyed at first, and then hurriedly waved his hands: “How did this make this happen?”

Gan Ruoxu smiled and said: “When the assassins on the river attacked, you were the one who saved my life, so don’t say too much about the importance of life, quickly put the broken thorns into the formation, otherwise you won’t treat me as a brother. ”

speaking of thisFor the sake of it, Wu Ju couldn’t refuse anymore, and he was very happy in his heart, so he half-pushed and said: “Thank you, big brother, little brother.”

He took out the spikes covered with light blue light, and walked to the side of the formation. When he was about to put it down, hesitation suddenly flashed in his heart. This is the treasure of the town and the town. What if it is lost?

Just after hesitating, he immediately laughed at himself, what kind of person Yuanshi Tianzun is, he ranks above all gods, he is the oldest and most powerful Taoist ancestor, and he will covet Marshal Tianpeng’s little broken stab

As soon as the hand was released, the broken thorn landed in the center of the formation.

Gan Ruoxu performed the two steps of offering incense and offering sacrifices and visualizing “Yuanshi Tianzun” again, and saw the pure white rise again as he wished, and the formation turned into a starry sky.

Gathering his mind, he silently recited the title.

The Milky Way moved like a spiral arm, covering the spikes. Gan Ruoxu suddenly felt the depths in front of his eyes, as if he had penetrated through many heavens and earths. He saw the Lingxiu Mountain, the Yuxu Immortal Palace, and the image of the green-robed Taoist The original Yuanshi Tianzun picked up the cut thorn from the air, and a simple glazed lamp that cannot be described in color and language appeared in the depths of his eyes. Black and white continued to differentiate and flow, from mysterious to subtle to subtle.

So, he lowered his head and continued to recite the title silently:

“Yuqing Zixu Gaomiao Taishang Yuanhuang Daojun”

Meng Qi took the nine-toothed rake to break the thorns, and tried to find clues by running the causes of all effects.

The bright star lines are highlighted, the vast starry sky descends, and the causal world appears as if it does not appear, wrapping the broken thorns of the nine-toothed nail rake and turning it into a part of it.

Following the star line, Meng Qi’s eyes flashed across Wu Ju, past some of his ancestors, and finally fixed on a huge burning fireball, which was bigger than some of the stars he saw when he was traveling in the galaxy. how many times.

The scorching heat and brilliance filled the field of vision, and a shriek of horror and cowering suddenly came:

“I do not know anything”

The sound stopped abruptly, and the causes of the fruits in Meng Qi’s eyes turned, ready to grasp the connection and descend from the air, but the reality ahead was uncertain, Gao Miao was the only one, and he couldn’t penetrate and reach it with his current state.

Sure enough, it was the sun and stars in the Milky Way in the fairy world. Meng Qi nodded slightly at the place where the old pig was buried, knowing that he was blocked by the Nine Heavens.

And what does “know nothing” refer to

Originally, he had no doubts about the death of the old pig. The Mofo Ananda even admitted that he was the old pig who was killed by the Nine Heavens Thunder God. Because the betrayal of the Emperor was discovered in advance, and the situation has not yet changed. The pig must be killed.

But after discovering that Wu Ju’s ancestors were able to receive the gift of the fragments of the nine-toothed rake after the fall of the old pig, Meng Qi became suspicious again. He revisited the matter and found some problems:

Back then, Mofo Ananda didn’t admit it with his own mouth.

It’s just that he made his inference, he listened quietly, noncommittal, and didn’t say a few words until he mentioned Zhenwu

And most importantly, with the good fortune of the Nine Heavens Thunder God at that time, it would not be able to destroy the body of the old pig who was only a celestial being.

In the past, I was not knowledgeable enough. Seeing that the stars could not be burned to melt the old pork body, I felt that the Nine Heavens Thunder God could not be destroyed for a while, and the matter was urgent. The Heavenly Court War was about to begin, and there was no delay, so I killed Gao Cuilan and faked the murderer. Counting nine days of Thunder God, the old pig can be wiped out with just a few gestures, leaving no trace

Combined with the fragments of the nine-toothed rake and the scream of “I don’t know anything”, things may not be what I imagined, and there are other strange things.

Of course, it cannot be concluded that the old pig is still alive, because the psychic magic of that universe actually communicates with the imprint or corresponding authority left by the great power between the heaven and the earth, which is part of the law of the heaven and the earth. For example, when the sympathetic canopy marshal If the old pig is still alive, it may be the Thirty-Six Changes of Tiangang if he gets the magical power.

From Wu Ju’s supernatural power “True Method of Tianhe”, it is indeed difficult to draw the conclusion that the old pig is still alive, and Meng Qi suspects that the nine-tooth nail rake broke the thorn because the old pig’s body has not completely collapsed, and there will be no new canopy marshal in the future. , so he was still connected with the corresponding authority. When Wu Juzu was praying for a gift, he used this connection to open the way to the star of the Milky Way, and pulled down the easily moved part of the nine-toothed rake next to the body.

“This universe is quite magical, and it is so closely connected with the fairy world.” Meng Qi rubbed the broken thorns of the nine-toothed rake, as if thinking.

The formation of hooking up the gods and praying for gifts, I tried it in Yuxu Palace, but it has almost no effect, because the Jiuchongtian has already fallen, and the distance between the real world and it is very solid and difficult to penetrate, and where Gan Ruoxu and the others are. In the current universe, this kind of gap is relatively fragile, and there are even many cracks, so there is such a good effect of “spiritual communication”.

It’s a pity that I can’t descend to that universe, so I have to find another way to enter “Tianhe”, get the old pig’s body, and look for clues.

Today, the huge star that once made my hair stand on end, and I can only watch from a distance can no longer threaten me

Yin and Yang circulated, life and death were reversed, the broken nine-toothed rake was revived in Meng Qi’s hands, the light blue became darker, and its sharpness was comparable to that of a magic weapon.

Then he threw the broken thorn lightly out of the real world and back into the center of the formation.Zhao Laowu made progress by retreating. After becoming the prince with the highest succession right in the Great Zhou Dynasty, the power of all beings not only did not weaken, but increased. It has already begun to retreat, trying to break through the gate of the Dharma Body, so I can’t get in touch, and it doesn’t take ten years.

The light and shadow dissipated, and the blue light bloomed, making the courtyard seem to fall into the water, sparkling and dreamy.

“It’s really more powerful.” Wu Ju’s eyes widened, and the joy was beyond words.

Gan Ruoxu breathed a sigh of relief quietly, enjoying Wu Ju’s adoring sight.

Seeing that it was late, the two quickly cleaned up the mess and were about to sneak back to the room. At this moment, they saw Xu Feiling passing by in a hurry.

“Senior Sister Xu, where is the fairy?” Wu Ju stretched out his hand to stop her and asked.

Gan Ruoxu also said: “Junior sister Xu, didn’t the fairy go to your room? Why are you running around?”

Xu Feiling smiled and said: “The fairy is cold and not easy to get close to. I thought hard and finally came up with a good way.”

“What way?” Gan Ruoxu and Wu Ju asked in unison.

Xu Feiling smiled and said: “I thought that the fairy had a jade rabbit as a companion when she was in the Moon Palace, so I planned to go to the kitchen to steal a live rabbit. She loves the house and the crow, so she will definitely smile.”

“Good idea.” Gan Ruoxu praised.


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