I Honor

Chapter 1277

Special Operations Division (first change)

Sheriff Huang Yuanbo turned over the silver-white metal sheet with his white gloved hands, but he didn’t dare to touch the button casually. After a long time, he put it into the evidence bag and continued with other procedures. Gu Liang suppressed his curiosity. Focusing on watching the sheriff’s actions, occasionally doing some help according to the orders, more and more content learned in the police academy appeared in his mind, confirming each other.

“It seems to be troublesome.” The sheriff suddenly sighed, but his tone was relaxed.

Gu Liang was puzzled, and boldly asked: “Sergeant Huang, this is an unsolved case, that’s why you find it troublesome.”

But why is it so easy? Anyway, it will become an unsolved case, and there is no need to spend energy on investigation

Huang Yuanbo smiled, and stood in front of the scorched corpse and said: “It is not an isolated case to die from a lightning strike on a night without thunder and lightning. There have been many similar incidents in the past, some involving supernatural phenomena, and some involving spiritual beings.” Incidents of organizations such as congregations.”

“Just last year, Detective Charlotte from Scotland Yard mentioned a similar case. He was struck to death by lightning on a night without thunder, and he was also holding a piece of silver-white metal. The only difference was that the body of the deceased It is special, suspected of being a believer of a demon god, who was found dead many years ago. Therefore, there is reason to believe that this is another case involving a cult and extraordinary incidents. It does not need to be taken over by our criminal investigation department. The special operations department directly under the chief police officer committee is in charge. .”

Gu Liang was dumbfounded when he heard that,Foggy water, as if the supernatural novel I read last night has been reflected in reality, what supernatural phenomenon, what extraordinary event

What is Sergeant Huang talking about?

“Have you read the Odd Records of the World?” Huang Yuanbo asked casually, playing with his gloves.

“Look, I’ve seen it,” Gu Liang replied subconsciously.

Sergeant Huang smiled: “Just read it, the things recorded in it are true.”

“Ah” Gu Liang’s mouth opened, but it was difficult to close it.

“The Personnel Department has approved your application for regularization, and a department will accept you next Monday. That’s why I asked someone to lend you the internal information of the Police Department in advance, so as not to be overwhelmed by supernatural events when you leave the police. “Huang Yuanbo laughed and said, “Didn’t you feel that the content inside was unheard of before? This is all confidential information.”

Father, Mother, I, I don’t want to do it. After being shocked, Gu Liang beat his drums and thought of resigning. Why did he, an ordinary person, walk into the world of spirits?

Huang Yuanbo glanced at him and said: “When we go out to the police and encounter similar incidents, we will directly submit them to the Chief Police Officer Committee, and they will dispatch the Special Operations Section to deal with them. We only need to be responsible for things related to normal people. Don’t be afraid. You say you are inappropriate. Police, you will definitely not encounter ghosts and ghosts in this life, anyway, now you know the basics, and you can find professional help, so what are you afraid of?”

His tone was so relaxed that Gu Liang gradually calmed down, and forced a smile: “Captain Huang is right.”

At this time, other colleagues from the Criminal Investigation Division rushed over, some protected the scene, and some returned to New Scotland Yard to submit a report to the Chief Police Officer Committee, waiting for the Special Operations Division to take over. Gu Liang had no time to find out which department would take over. A bunch of chores, very busy, and finally there is an extra night duty task.

In the middle of the night, all the lights in the busy New Scotland Yard were extinguished, leaving only the evidence room of the Criminal Investigation Department and the dim old electric lights flickering. Gu Liang put his hands in his pockets and walked back and forth. fear.

Because the charred body and items related to him are still here

After the Special Operations Division sent someone to look at it, they thought it was an insignificant incident. Recently, they had a big case to deal with and couldn’t allocate manpower. The handover would be handed over in a few days, so the police chief Huang Yuanbo deliberately let Gu Liang be on guard at night.

Gu Liang was tired from turning around, so he sat down again, and there were several evidence bags on the table in front of him, which contained exquisite pocket watches, gold bars and other sundries, including the silver-white metal sheet.

Full of courage and curiosity, Gu Liang is a person who likes supernatural and thrilling stories. He sat and muttered in his heart: “What kind of evil cult badge is the silver-white metal sheet that the watchmaker was holding before his death?”

He looked left and right, gritted his teeth, simply took out a pair of white gloves and put them on, carefully opened the evidence bag, took out the metal sheet, and looked at the light.

The shape has an aesthetic feeling beyond the times, it is not transparent, the pattern is weird, and there is only one button

Suddenly, Gu Liang’s hand slipped, and the silver-white metal sheet fell down. He hurriedly grabbed it, but accidentally caught the button, and his heart skipped a beat, fearing that something bad would happen.

There was no flash of strange light, no black mist coming out, Gu Liang heaved a sigh of relief, he didn’t dare to be rash anymore, and prepared to put the metal sheet back into the evidence bag.

At this moment, the surface of the metal sheet suddenly wriggled like life, peeling off a layer of silvery white, which condensed into thumb-sized beads, deep inside and shallow outside, like a deep eye.

Gu Liang stood up abruptly, knocked down the chair, and backed away again and again, wanting to avoid this weird change, he didn’t have time to think about whether he had caused a catastrophe, he just wanted to escape from this terrifying side.

After the deep silver eyes were condensed, all the mutations disappeared. At this time, Gu Liang had not had time to escape from the evidence room.

He stopped in his tracks, as if something was calling him there, and after swallowing hard, he felt that since there was nothing strange, he should clean up the table, so as not to be fired as soon as he became a regular.

The evidence was not lost, but there was one more. Gu Liang picked it up wearing white gloves, and found that it was engraved with rows of small words:

“The eye of wish, the god of storms and natural disasters, can satisfy all your wishes, as long as you make a corresponding contribution.”

Gu Liang was stunned, and suddenly felt a sense of disobedience. He had read so many supernatural novels, and this was the first utensil he had marked as a certain fetish. Outer wood turtle

“Making a contribution and fulfilling a wish is indeed the style of a cult.” Gu Liang shook his head and let out a hey, “If I make a wish to enhance my shooting ability, how will it be satisfied?”

As soon as the words fell, a deep and thunderous voice sounded in his ears: “There is dedication and accumulation, and wishes are fulfilled.”

Silver and white electric light overflowed, Gu Liang’s body was suddenly paralyzed, his brain suddenly felt pain like needles, subtle changes in his vision, and his motor nerves also strengthened to some extent.

Everything passed quickly, as if nothing had happened, Gu Liang put down the “eye of wish” in horror, and looked at his hands blankly, feeling that they were much more dexterous.

“Did it really come true?” he wondered.

The whole night was full of random thoughts, until dawn, Gu Liang put back the stripped silver-white metal sheet, with a wishZhiyan, handed over with colleagues, and hurried to the shooting range to test his shooting ability.

bang bang bang

Ten shots in a row, the gun hit the bullseye, Gu Liang stood still, unable to believe it.

My shooting ability has always been barely passable

The eye of wish can really grant wish

The god of storms and natural disasters has such supernatural power, why have I never heard of it

Suddenly, there was a man beside him, wearing a Scotland Yard-style black coat, with a thin face, dark red eyes, and a poor sense of presence.

“Not bad.” The man nodded, “Extraordinary level of shooting ability.”

He looked at Gu Liang’s police badge, and said calmly, “Gu Liang should report to the Special Operations Division on Monday.”

After speaking, he turned around and left without giving any room for rejection.

Gu Liang from the Special Operations Section was taken aback, and when he was about to refuse, he couldn’t see the figure of the other party.

Could it be that the Special Operations Section is really short of manpower recently, and even guys like me have to recruit

He made up his mind to resign on Monday. Anyway, he has the eye of wish, so it’s not good to do something by himself

However, will he be struck to death by lightning like a watch merchant?

On Monday, after asking for directions several times, Gu Liang finally found the Special Operations Department in an old-fashioned bungalow, and saw the man in the black coat.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw the other party and said, “You are assigned to the first action group, and follow them to investigate the latest major case.”

“I, I think” Gu Liang hurriedly said, but before he finished speaking, the other party interrupted, “This case involves a newly emerged cult, and it is likely to be related to the three hundred years of history lost in the Far East.”

Curiosity popped up in Gu Liang’s heart: “It has something to do with the lost three hundred years of history”

“Three hundred years ago, there was a so-called Buddhist and Taoist organization in the Far East, but at that time there appeared a short man with a mustache. He was originally a painter, but later came into contact with the top secret Tathagata Palm in the Buddhist organization. After practicing this divine palm, he eventually became a world-destroying demon, destroying the civilization of the Far East, and now there are organizations that worship K, which will help us figure out what happened three hundred years ago.” The man in the black coat said succinctly , led Gu Liang into a dark room, where a flag was hung, with red as the background, and two black characters like s interlaced retrogradely, which had a creepy and weird feeling.

“This is the sign of anti-Buddhism”

Seeing this symbol and hearing the introduction from the man in black, a deep, thunderous voice suddenly sounded in Gu Liang’s ears:

“Investigate anti-Buddhism, get dedication”


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