I Honor

Chapter 1290


The golden bodies of Buddhas are annihilated, like dreams and illusions, which just fit the word “impermanence”. There is no such thing as eternal and indestructible things in the world. This is true for love, human beings, and immortals. The same is true.

If you are not enlightened, you cannot escape.

All kinds of colored glazes were flying, light gold and dark gold were scattered, and what Meng Qi saw before his eyes became empty and clear. The sealed place was like a huge lotus platform made of stone, and the relics of ten thousand Buddhas were piled up around the core.

Meng Qi’s golden body was shining, and his right palm was like layers of pure land. He walked cautiously and reached the core of the seal.

“If I attain Bodhi”

“Supreme Buddha”

The deep voice full of strange charm reverberated, like the traces of chanting day after day for thousands of years.

Meng Qi paused, listened attentively, and connected the reverberating voice into a complete sentence:

“If I attain Bodhi, all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Vajras and King Ming will all be my incarnations.”

“If I attain Bodhi, I will be the only true Buddha in the three realms and ten directions, all heavens and myriad realms.”

The sound entered Meng Qi’s ears, and Meng Qi’s heart was shaken. The worry and impatience arising from the imminent climax of the final catastrophe and the bad ending he saw surged out, and he felt a little fierce. He wanted to ignore it and kill In order to produce the projection of Yuanshi Tianzun with spiritual intelligence, absorb K and improve rapidly.

Dong dong dong, he shook his head violently, the Buddha’s heart was beating, and he curbed his bad thoughts. This place looks like a pure land, but it has the ability to seduce extremes and degenerates

Looking intently, at the core of the huge stone lotus, there are still bits of the purest and purest glazed Buddha light, which cannot tolerate the purity and purity of others except me.

“Extremely close to the devil.” For some reason, this thought flashed through Meng Qi’s mind.

Other than “I” is heresy and heresy, it must be assimilated, there is no reason to say, this is not a demon, what is a demon

Taking one step closer, Meng Qi’s heart throbbed suddenly, because the purest and purest glazed Buddha light contained some familiar karma.


K actually had contact with the monster sealed in the back peak of Lingshan

He squinted his eyes, but although Meng Qi, the incarnation of “Zhen Ding Tathagata”, was unable to operate the causes of all effects, he still realized the deja vu with the help of the subtle relationship between himself and the Demon Buddha, and understood that it came from the Demon Buddha Ananda.

“As the second disciple of the Buddha and the future master of the Saha Pure Land, Ananda should know the sealed place at the back peak of Lingshan Mountain, and what is sealed inside.” Meng Qi fell into deep thought.

What is it that made Ananda, an eminent monk, who had broken many obsessions, still had a little obsession, and finally degenerated into a demon?

Could it be that he was influenced by the monster at the back peak of Lingshan day after day, so he became more and more extreme, and his obsession became stronger and stronger?

In addition, when Ananda practiced the Tathagata palm to become a demon Buddha, he did not directly land on the other shore, but left his own pure land without knowing where he was going. When he reappeared, he had already verified the other shore. monster breakthrough

More importantly, how did Ananda know to try to practice Tathagata Palm

Meng Qi pointed to the sky with one hand and touched the ground with the other. With his golden body shining, he crossed the purest glazed Buddha light and stepped into the core of the seal.

Xiaguang oscillates like breathing, releases and retracts, tightly entangles Qingqiu, Feixiang and Luojia, recites the mantra with the power of the three demon gods, and retracts the golden cudgel, which is also such a laborious effort, which shows its strength.

Buzzing, Lingshan shook slightly, because the golden cudgel was shaking violently with the vibration of the sun, and began to shrink a little bit, shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Okay.” Qingqiu shouted, full of joy.

Fei Xiang and Luo Jia were half relieved and half happy. They had heard of the prestige of the great sages of the monster clan since they were young, and they had always yearned for it. Now they are finally able to pay their respects.

Meng Qi was concentrating on what he had seen and heard in the incarnation of “True Ding Tathagata”, and did not let the Huangquan skeleton, who had regained control, stop the demon gods.

He already had a premonition that things could not be so easy and successful, there would be waves

At this moment, Hui Guang snorted again:

“The darkness got a little deeper”

She looked up subconsciously, her eyes froze suddenly, and saw that the sky covered with thunderbolts and green lotuses was filled by a huge pale gold palm that was almost flesh-colored.

The sky is full of flowers, the glazed light turns, and the Buddha’s voice suddenly echoes:

“If I attain Bodhi, all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Vajras and King Ming will all be my incarnations.”

The Buddha-like giant palm fell, as if it contained the peak of Lingshan Mountain in his hand, without any fancy, just pressed it down in an ordinary way, on the other side, halfway up the mountain, there was also a pale gold giant palm covering down, hitting Xiang Kasyapa’s remains, opened his mouth with the palm of his hand, revealing forty teeth, revealingKind of creepy and weird.

“If I attain Bodhi, I will be the only true Buddha in the three realms and ten directions, all heavens and myriad realms.”

The bursts of Buddha’s voice shook people’s hearts, and it was difficult to give birth to the idea of ​​​​resisting. Fortunately, the “Phoenix Demon God” has been using the heaven and earth Xuanhuang exquisite pagoda to hang high above the head, and the light of merit and virtue is hanging down to protect the whole body, so as to avoid being too far away. end.

She gritted her teeth, spread her wings, and the patterns of the five virtues were brightly illuminated, condensing a picture scroll of black and white yin and yang fishes entwined with each other and a purple wishful handle with deep blessings, and flew into the air together with the mysterious and exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth, to meet the fallen palm.

At the same time, she raised her head and sang softly, making a beautiful clear sound of birds bowing their heads, penetrating the gaps around, awakening Taili, Feixiang and other demon gods.

The scroll of morality, all things are pre-determined, there will be no waves, attacks will disappear by themselves, good fortune will be good and evil will be avoided, death and calamity will be surging, like walking on the ground, a golden pagoda of merit and virtue, ten thousand dharmas will not invade, it is difficult to break through, all are first-class in the three realms His defensive supernatural powers should have been as strong as gold, but when touched by the pale gold and almost flesh-colored giant palm, the black and yellow were stained with murderous thoughts, and his morality fell apart.

Puff Among the scattered Linglong Pagoda, Tai Chi Picture Scroll, and Fu Ruyi fragments, Huiguang spewed out a mouthful of phoenix true blood, fell to the ground from mid-air, and smashed a big hole. Just the force of the shock caused her to suffer Seriously injured, no matter how hard it is to fight, I can only watch the giant palm fall.

This was just a blow from the opponent’s distracted Kasyapa’s slough, and it was a blow from the opponent who didn’t even reveal his real body, but only stuck out a certain palm.

At this time, five rays of light, red, blue, yellow, white, and black, lit up, encompassing the world, encompassing matter, and brushed towards the giant palm.

The giant palm covering the high altitude fell into the divine light, paused slightly, as if being brushed off, but immediately pressed down with the five-color divine light, as if it was covered with a scarf

Bang Taili also turned pale, standing proudly.

Luo Jia’s eyes shot out Daoguang, luck was added to his body, and fate looked down, but under the palm, there was no storm at all, just being swept by the palm wind, he lost his favor, smashed into the ground of the peak, struggling Unable to get up, he wanted to look solemn, his eyes flinched, and the real body of Kunpeng appeared, so he wanted to flee across ninety thousand miles with one wing east and the other west.

However, the giant palm covered the sky and the sun, forming a world of its own, and it was still a giant palm ninety thousand miles away.

The huge Kunpeng landed on the ground, shaking the Lingshan Mountain, and it looked like a puddle of mud, and its breath was much weaker.

Most of the rays of light dissipated, and the shrinking of the golden cudgel stopped abruptly.

Seeing the four demon gods instantly defeated and each wounded, Qingqiu’s face turned pale for a while, and then he showed five virtues, and raised the demon saint spear.

Suddenly, her eyes dimmed, and a terrifying skeleton comparable to Kunpeng’s real body appeared, with pure white flowing in the darkness, endless life and death, and entwined with yellow blood.

And on the shoulders of the skeleton, Su Meng, headmaster Yuxu with a blue Taoist robe, gray temples, and handsome and mature facial features, sat cross-legged, revealing a chaotic cloud of celebration.

The dark clouds flew out, and the blood-yellow river rushed, forming an unforgettable scene for demon gods such as Qingqiu, Luojia, and Huiguang. They turned into a giant hand and greeted the Buddha’s palm upwards.


The sky and the earth trembled, and the Lingshan was about to collapse, the wind was blowing everywhere, the giant hands and Buddha’s palms that coexisted with blood yellow and darkness were frozen in mid-air, and there were creaking and breaking sounds all around.

even blocked

Such a terrifying monster was blocked

Hui Guang and Fei Xiang waited for the demon gods to see the skeleton’s feet sank into the ground of the peak, while the head teacher Su Meng’s green robe was fluttering, not moving at all.

When did he subdue the skeletons that performed the supernatural powers of the underworld?

On the other side, the Buddha’s palm fell and collided with Kasyapa’s hands. Amidst the rumbling sound, the mountainside collapsed, forming a cliff again.

Kasyapa’s relic fell to the bottom of the cliff, emitting an infinite light that illuminated the Lingshan Mountain.

Meng Qi stepped into the place shrouded in pure and pure Buddha light, and saw traces of someone sitting cross-legged, and in the corner on the other side, there was a crystal-clear “gem”, shining with bodhi blue light.

The gem gave Meng Qi an unusually familiar feeling. He picked it up carefully, reached out to touch it, and felt pain, struggle, guilt and other emotions.

His mind was rumbling, and he already understood what it was.

After the demon Buddha Ananda became a demon, before he passed away to the other shore, he did come here. For some reason, he shed a tear, which contained all the guilt and pain of Ananda’s good thoughts.

Since then, good people will not exist, and evil thoughts will be born.

The guilt towards the demon saint and the guilt towards the Saha Pure Land emerged bit by bit. Meng Qi’s heart suddenly moved, and a long knife made of purple electricity was added in his hand.

Jue Dao actually came to the incarnation from the deity, bursting out with lightning, absorbing that drop of tears.

As soon as Ananda’s kind thoughts came in, he immediately collided fiercely with the brand of the Demon Buddha. Seizing this opportunity, the power of the sword was displayed, and the electromagnetic explosion broke out with a majestic force.

On the top of Lingshan Mountain, Meng Qi, who was sitting cross-legged on the shoulder of Huangquan’s skeleton, reached into his sleeve with his right hand, and drew out the Jue Dao again, only to see that it was purple in its splendor, revealing its depth, and it had a completely different change from before.

Lifting up and looking high up in the sky, Meng Qi closed his eyes.

At this moment, thirty-three days away, the Tushita Palace was there, and the Taoist robed old man opened the alchemy furnace with his right hand, and a brilliant golden awn shot out from it.

rumblingThe sky of Lingshan Mountain was suddenly dyed crimson red, like a sea of ​​flames like a cloak, the golden cudgel stuck on the top of the peak snapped violently, bounced out, turned into a giant dragon, and flew into the air.

At this time, a fluffy golden giant hand poked out from the sea of ​​flames, grabbed the giant dragon, grabbed the golden cudgel, showed the aura that would collapse the spirit mountain, and yelled loudly:

“Monster, eat my grandson with a stick”


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