I Honor

Chapter 1296

It’s none of your business

The universe is vast, even for light, it will take hundreds of millions of years to complete a journey. Compared with this, the life of human beings is so short and small, but such a short and small life depends on the passing of civilization from generation to generation. The never-ending exploration slowly understands the secrets of the universe and hears the voice of the universe.

On one of the blue and green planets they are on, in a heavily guarded research institute, the super optical brain is calculating rapidly, and the Taiwan and Taiwan are united, shining with light, full of sci-fi color.

The researchers watched this scene nervously, subconsciously breathing lightly, for fear of disturbing the super optical brain.

This is a crucial calculation, and it involves human beings’ efforts towards the high-level life, and towards the farewell to the ephemeral and insignificant development.

They unearthed some strange things beyond the understanding of their own civilization on a barbaric planet in the ninth star system of the left-handed arm of the 1596th galaxy in the seventh supergalaxy cluster. They suspect that they are aliens from ancient times hundreds of millions of years ago. Remnants of star civilization.

These things are human-like stone statues, which complement the wild environment. They have different shapes, but they seem to be inextricably linked, like different faces of the same existence, intertwined with all kinds of unimaginable and frightening peculiarities , It almost made the members of the exploration team who have been influenced by civilization suspect that they really encountered ghosts or were watched by gods.

After a period of research, they were pleasantly surprised to find that all the peculiarities come from the state of high-level life, which belongs to the field that many scientists are tirelessly exploring: the ancient alien civilization hundreds of millions of years ago came into contact with high-level life for some reason, and regarded it as Gods, and those humanoid stone statues are the manifested images of high-level life in different places and places, which contain the essential characteristics of K, and have an inestimable role in current research.

It’s like human beings originally only had a preliminary understanding of high-level life states, and had vague formulas, while the humanoid stone statues are equations one by one, and they can be solvedUnknown, the formula can be restored, and the high-level life can be clearly described. Therefore, the calculation began. With the increase of excavation of stone statues, the possibility of calculating the result is greatly improved. After a long time, it seems to have reached the edge of success.

Running rapidly, the light flickering, the face of the researcher is bright and dark, the splendor changes, and the eyes are full of expectation.

Gradually, the super optical brain made a buzzing sound, and the display screen lit up incandescent.

“The results are about to come out.” The researchers held their breath, waiting for the emergence of an epoch-making sign in the history of civilization.

But at this moment, booming sounds sounded one after another, and the super optical brain trembled violently and collapsed.

The researchers stared at this scene dumbfounded, their eyes glazed over like stone sculptures. They had thought that they would not be able to reach a conclusion, but they never expected that the super optical brain would self-destruct because it exceeded its limit.

All the calculations are in vain.

“The most advanced super optical brain can’t undertake this calculation.” The researchers were stunned and sighed.

“It may be that the conditions are not sufficient and the key points are missing.” Someone frowned and thought.

This research seems to be coming to an end.

In the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain, Meng Qi also sighed, what a pity, the attempt to open the door of legends through the scientific path has failed, and he still has to honestly investigate “what I am for me”.

When wandering in the world, he discovered this universe with a fairly developed civilization. They already had a vague understanding of the high-level life state, that is, the legend, so they forged the ruins and left their own different “images of others” corresponding to their own characteristics. The number of stone carvings is convenient for the study of this civilization. With the increase of “images of others” and “projections of the beginning of Yuanshi” devoured, the number of unearthed stone carvings will increase accordingly, until there are nine hundred and ninety-nine.

Meng Qi hoped that this civilization would solve the secrets of legends by “combining the other and me equations” and combining the theories studied, so that he could directly grasp the detailed situation behind his own legends, so as to bypass the barrier of “I am what I am” , directly promoted to legend.

Unfortunately, maybe the civilization of this universe is not developed enough, and the efforts have met with failure.

“If the essence of the legend is so easy to grasp, it would have been mass-produced a long time ago.” Meng Qi shook his head and whispered, flicked his skirt, got up from the cloud bed, dressed in a blue Taoist robe, with a wooden hairpin tied into his head.

He intends to use the fragments of the Haotian Mirror to search for a more advanced research-oriented civilization, and at the same time to travel, looking for an opportunity to crack “I am me”.

The aura of Jue Dao permeated, turning into a series of purple electric snakes and melting into Meng Qi’s palm, covering his aura and secret.

Taking one step forward, Meng Qi quietly left Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains and came to Huamei Villa.

This is the first step of traveling, face-to-face communication with Mr. Lu Da about “what I am”

Meng Qi thought about self-proclaimed memory and power, went deep into the world of mortals, and lived another life to find the reason for “I am me”. I only found “what I am” through a series of experiences.

Who am I and who am I? This is the question that Emperor Qing has been asking since he forgot himself, and it is also a question that he hopes to gain enlightenment after proclaiming his memory and power.

Maybe in the future there will be a crazy Taoist priest in the world, who will ask “who am I and who is me” when meeting everyone.

This method is dangerous and takes a lot of time. It is the last choice for myself who hopes to break through in a few years, so I first talk to Mr. Lu Da who has taken the most difficult and purest path.

At this level, sometimes the dialogues of the Universal Knowledge Talisman alone cannot cover all the meanings. The Dao is difficult to describe, and the words are exhaustive but the meaning is endless.

The involvement of aura, the charm of every move, and the feeling created by various factors all come from face-to-face conversations.

Thrushcross Villa, a thatched hut on the back mountain, Mr. Lu Da, who was injured by the legendary aura, was wearing a gray robe and meticulously watering exotic flowers and plants. There was no “Ice Fairy” Ye Yuqi by his side, because the other party found an opportunity in reincarnation and entered the world. I have entered the dream universe, and I am repeating my life to perfect my soul and prove the Dharma body.

Mr. Lu Da’s aura was still unstable, as evidenced by the power of the legend. After realizing Meng Qi’s arrival, he still insisted on finishing a pouring action in his hand, then raised his head, nodded slightly and said:

“You’re going to ask me what’s mine”

“Senior’s lesson.” Meng Qi smiled and cupped his hands, lifted his green robe, sat casually on the floor, and said calmly, “Your junior has three questions.”

“The first question is about fragments of cosmic light. There is a division of time in the sky and the earth. Due to different possibilities in the future, each of them forms a world. Those who do not reach the legend will inevitably divide accordingly, and a new self will appear. Then, if you don’t know which side is the truth On the premise that there are no legends in the world, because we have a shared past, and our personalities, experiences, hobbies, and feelings are all the same, how can we tell who is me?”

The “others and me” in the Zhouguang fragments are equal to replicas, which are difficult to distinguish, which shakes the unique cognition of oneself. I can be “me”, and he can also be “me”.

Mr. Lu Da put down the watering items, sat cross-legged in the thatched hut, looked at his wife’s tomb next to him, pondered for a while and said, “His self is not your self, just like the self you know is not the self of Demon Buddha. ”

“Once there is a split, because the essence of Zhouguang fragments is reduced, the connection with the Dao will be broken.There are changes, and the true nature of others that appears is naturally slightly different from your true nature. Let’s wait and see, five years later, ten years later, your differences will gradually appear. ”

“Being unique in the past is an important factor that makes you who you are, but it is not the only factor. It is like a rhizome or a branch, which can grow two different leaves.”

Meng Qi nodded thoughtfully, since the fragments of Zhouguang will be different from the real world, not to mention that he will not split “others and me” because of his involvement in the legend, even if he splits, he will be different because of the fundamental difference in the environment , unshakable unique cognition.

He tapped the back of his left hand with his right hand, and said again: “Second question, if there is a big person who copies your true spirit, creates a world that is exactly the same as your environment, and gives him exactly the same experience, is it right? Will be more than you, and will not be less than you, so how to insist on your uniqueness”

The conditions for doing this kind of thing are very harsh, and it is closer to the imaginary fantasy, but there are powerful existences in the world who can almost defy logic, and they can do similar things, just like Meng Xiaoqi on the earth .

If you can’t find out this point, you will lose yourself and fail when you become a legend.

Because Mr. Lu Da wants to take the unique path of “not pretending to be himself”, he has no lack of thinking about similar issues, without pausing or pondering, he smiled slightly and said gently:

“It’s just a thought.”

“Buddhism says truth, and Taoism talks about nature. They are all talking about the same thing. They are not affected by acquired contamination, experience, or innate spirit. It is impossible to truly copy the true nature of nature, otherwise there would be no legend of me as my pass.”

“Even if the past is the same, even if the true spirit is the same, even if all the antecedents are completely consistent, when dealing with a certain matter in the future, there will be a slight difference in one thought due to the slight difference in the true nature, resulting in a difference.”

“This is my humble opinion, it may not be accurate, you can decide for yourself.”

Speaking of this, Mr. Lu Da paused and said: “Actually, you are already unique. You have cut off the past and involvement. Without him and me, there is no afterlife. This is not unique, what is unique?”

“Even if there is another you, exactly the same you, what does it have to do with you? Is it you, him, me? Is it your past? Is it your next life?”

Meng Qi was taken aback suddenly, and his right hand, which was tapping the back of his left hand, stopped abruptly, as if he had been slapped in the face.


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