I Honor

Chapter 1306

Everyone is Yuanshi

The place where the blood of the ancient emperor was poured was filled with many strange ancient tree realms. A figure in black and yellow robes and a crown covered his face appeared without anyone noticing, looking at him quietly, and Sha Wujing became a legend again. , After experiencing the great event of Journey to the West, I also felt a chilling feeling. With the sound of interlacing copper rings in my hand, the treasure staff turned into a real dragon around the body, isolating the world from Chengtiandi.

At this moment, the figure of the Taoist emperor suddenly took a step forward, his eyes shimmering through the crown.

Before Sha Wujing could change his mind, his spiritual consciousness became strangely blurred, his body was compressed inexplicably with the stick, and instantly turned into a thin paper figurine, like a realistic painting scroll, and similar scrolls are layered on top of each other. It is his projections in different universes that overlap each other, like a comic book.

The comic strip continued to collapse, and the figures like paper figurines kneaded into balls, condensing into big characters, which flowed towards the vicissitudes of the strange emperor, fell into his palm, and merged into a volume of ordinary words. books.

The cover of this book has a name composed of four glazed gold characters, called:

“The Legend of Sha Wujing”

In just a few moments, a legendary power has become a book that records the life of him and his projection

Fusang ancient tree boundary is really weird and scary

All of a sudden, the tome glowed inexplicably,There was no wind, and the page turned with a crash. When it reached the Lingshan part, the words “mysterious corpse” stood out, floating outside, blooming with boundless and boundless light, directly shining into the eyes of the emperor’s figure.

The crowned emperor raised his left hand to block his eyes, let out a groan of phantom pain, and took a step back like pushing a golden mountain topple over a jade pillar, and it collapsed, shattering like a dream bubble.

The scroll rolled to the ground and swelled in the boundless light. Words flew out one by one, forming paper figurines, which grew bigger like balloons. It shows Sha Wujing and his countless “others and me”.

“He and I” each went back to the Ten Thousand Realms, Sha Wujing touched the bag on his waist, and sighed happily:

“Thanks to the foresight of my mother.”

This kind of weird enemy that can’t be accurately positioned by the series is really terrifying, even if he joins hands with Lantern. Without the mother’s prior guidance and years of preparation, it will also become a book, and perhaps it will fall into the hands of children, read and narrated by them, and eventually torn into pieces. No more traces.

Looking with his pale and colorless eyes, the place where the crowned emperor was standing just now is the top of one of the ancient hibiscus trees. A fruit is surrounded by mulberry leaves, which are slightly transparent and dark in color, reflecting the surrounding things, like It’s a weird looking mirror.

Sha Wujing took a light breath and recited solemnly:

“No birth mother, a vacuum hometown.”

Blossoming white lotuses emerged and surrounded his right hand. Then he reached for the fruit and wanted to pick it off.

Once she succeeds, she will immediately destroy the green tomb and the accumulated white flowers left by the previous saintess, erase all her preparations, and then return to the vacuum hometown as soon as possible.

This fruit is very important, once it is born, there will be many coveters

In front of the ancient hibiscus tree, red, green, black, and white surged in four colors, like boiling water, and the magic envoy had a real fire with Shaoxuan and Xi’e. Without any restraint, the nearby void will disintegrate, the rules of heaven and earth will be chaotic, and the earth, fire, feng shui will be swept away. Bringing a scene of great ruin at the beginning of the world.

The doomsday boat is surrounded by mysterious and yellow aura, soaked in holiness, water and light, sometimes it does not touch the ground, fire, feng shui, sometimes resists the ruins and destruction, sails in the red, blue, black and white, and gets close to the god who holds the lamp.

While Xi’e is trying her best to steer the “boat of doomsday”. Shaoxuan combined his supernatural martial arts with the Overlord’s Absolute Knife, and cut out a sword light that is both kingly and domineering. It made the light of the wandering lamp flicker, and the right hand of the lamp god that made the mirror rebound attack was full of scorched marks. Trembling slightly.

No matter how tyrannical, no matter how tyrannical he was, and how he set up the Liuli Realm, a wanderer from all directions, but facing such unreasonable fetishes as the “Ark of Doom” and Bawang Jue Dao, and facing two legendary powers who were considered to be of the same realm, he held the lamp. The envoy also felt overwhelmed, and was forced to “step forward” by the other party.

The doomsday boat in front of me is about to arrive at my place, the ancient Fusang tree, the face of the god in charge of the lamp remains unchanged, and his eyes become more dignified.

The sky and the earth were dark, the earth, fire, feng shui all disappeared, and the boat of doom flew into the sleeve robe of the envoy who held the lamp.

He immediately sat down cross-legged, put the wandering lamp in his right hand, the light converged, and condensed into countless glass crystals, completely covering the sleeve robe.


The sleeves shook, expanding and shrinking.


The sound of thunder outside reverberated, and the sleeve robe rapidly swelled.


The sound of thunder and explosions rang together, and Zidian and the giant ship flew together, breaking through the sleeves and smashing the glazed lights.

At this moment, there is boundless and boundless light on the ancient hibiscus tree.

Seeing Shaoxuan and Xi’e get out of trouble and arrive at the ancient Fusang tree, the expression of the lamp god made a slight change, and suddenly sighed, spit out a white wave, and directly blew out the wandering lamp

As soon as the lights were turned off, the Three Realms were dim. Shaoxuan and Xi’e suddenly felt that they were in the boundless darkness.

The ancient hibiscus tree is close in front of you, but you can’t see it anymore, only the infinite height, the indifferent eyes of the magician who holds the lamp is quietly looking down

“The beginning of poverty”

Meng Qi was taken aback in horror, the trace of self-cognition that had not been wiped out almost collapsed.

He has been hiding great worries in his heart, fearing that if he gets rid of the Demon Buddha, he will fall into the palm of Yuanshi Tianzun again. When he creates and absorbs his projection, he always balances the two sides and finds a way out.

At this moment, in my innate nature, I met a mysterious Taoist who called himself “Yuanshi”

Have you seen Tuqiongdagger?

Could it be that the oldest and most powerful Beyonder has always been hidden in his own nature

Many fragments of Meng Qi’s external experience, memory, and cognition are spinning rapidly, forming one thinking mode after another, constantly deriving, sparking sparks of wisdom.

It is actually quite normal to witness legends, to see oneself, to see some great figures in the innate nature, and there are similar phenomena recorded in the legends of many surviving ancient books.

Among them, the most common figure is “Lingbao Tianzun”, k is the symbol of “existence”, from existence to non-existence, including the end of heaven and earth, so it is also the aura of the creation of all things, which comes from the original nature. It is only natural to “see” K’s figure here.

The second is the figure of “Moral Heavenly Venerable”, the innate “I” comes directly from the Dao, and is the closest to the DaoDao, and Daode Tianzun is the incarnation of the Dao, the order of existence of the heavens and myriad worlds, just corresponds to “the closest to the Dao”, and many ancient powers have “seen” K in their innate nature when they broke through to legends.

Then there are great Buddhist Bodhisattvas and great arhats. When they prove the Buddhahood, they will see a golden body of Tathagata, but the appearance of this Tathagata is their own appearance.

But I have never heard of the person who can see the figure of “Yuanshi Tianzun” when witnessing the legend.

Is the oldest Beyonder coming out of the backstage and into the front of the stage?

When the sense of danger emerged, Meng Qi would instinctively quit this state. In the past, he had followed his usual premonition of success and completed this action without hesitation.

However, after experiencing the matter of giving up his martial arts strength, he has realized that there are many things that cannot be relied on, and that he cannot rely on his premonitions. Even if they have been proven correct time and time again in the past, and he has avoided the danger of life and death time and time again, he still cannot fully trust and rely on them , they can be wrong.

Aware of his surroundings, Meng Qi didn’t quit recklessly, and soon realized that something was wrong.

If Yuanshi Tianzun takes action, with his current ability, no matter how he responds, he will be doomed.

That being the case, why don’t you face K directly and figure out what’s going on?

After exploring his cognition, Meng Qi found that the vicissitudes of the ancient Taoist was very illusory, with a sense of self


Meng Qi suddenly had lightning and thunder in his mind, and the rumbling sound illuminated the darkness, and he understood the reason.

I have the characteristics of the other side, so what I see is of course different from other legends.

If every innate nature goes back in time, goes through the replacement of three souls, and returns to the original, it does not come from the beginning of all things, so it can witness the “beginning of the beginning”.

As the saying goes, when you see the Tathagata in your heart, everyone has the beginning

If you fail to see me and see me, and just made a wrong decision based on experience, cognition and instinct, once you quit, there will be no hope of being a legend for decades

He looked at the “Yuanshi Taoist” and laughed loudly:

“It turned out to be me”

The “Yuanshi Taoist” also laughed:

“Oh it’s you”

Taking a step forward, the figure disappeared, and Meng Qi sat where Taoist Yuanshi was just now.

He suddenly felt completely clear, and felt the clear resonance of the infinite height.

At the beginning, all living beings were legends, living at infinite heights, projecting myriad worlds, and then there was a mutation, the projection became another self, and the self lowered its essence. Now, the clear resonance is exactly where it should be.

The characteristics are passed on, the essence is connected, and the cause-and-effect connections are highlighted, all connected to the projection of “others and me”.

Meng Qi’s “true self” was carried on the golden lotus platform, and it flew to the infinite height after impacting the heavy restraints.

Meng Qi formed the Wuji mark with his hands, and with a smile on his lips, he said in a low voice:

“Cross thousands of mountains with bare feet, don’t beg for immortals and Buddhas.”

“When you see Yuanshi when you are poor, you will know who I am”

The sound reverberated and the void vibrated. Moonlight Bodhisattva saw streaks of splendor flying out of Meng Qi’s body and falling into the real world.

But in the midair of the real world, mist emerges, one layer after another, full of dilapidation and dead silence, the highest point is hazy, hard to see.

In a secret place in “Immortal Realm”, the magician Han Guang suddenly stood up and looked outside in astonishment, “This is a vision of a self-proving legend.”

s: There is still a

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