I Honor

Chapter 1315

Su Xianzun (third update)

After staying for a while, Patriarch Sun said as if asking and talking to himself:

“Could it be fake?”

For a moment, he was a little confused, and it was difficult to distinguish between surprise and joy, but he felt a lot of fear.

Who is Yuanhuang, the first self-proven legend after the Middle Ages? He is the direct descendant of Yuanshi, the master of Yuxu, who overwhelms the world and is honored by the immortals.

This kind of power, even today’s Jiangdong Wang family can’t hold a candle to it, not to mention that his family is just an ordinary family in an ordinary city

The gap between the two sides is like the mortals without martial arts in the past and the gods of immortals and Buddhas.

So, why did the Sun family let Emperor Yuan come to see him?

Even if there is only a talisman from the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains, it may not come from the hand of Emperor Yuan, and he must be flattered and rush to see him day and night, but even this kind of thing is just a luxury, and he dare not dream of it. I can imagine that Emperor Yuan came to the door in person today

It was too exaggerated and too surprising, but Patriarch Sun was in an illusion and full of suspicion.You can’t say that the other party is Yuanhuang, Yuanhuang is right?

Previously, the Song family, a family friend, was cheated out of a lot of property by a fake Taoist priest pretending to be a real immortal. Today, I also encountered a similar thing.

Between the ups and downs of thoughts, Patriarch Sun looked forward to seeing Zixiong disappear completely, looking forward to it but not believing it.

The domestic servant who broke into the room to report ignored the astonished gazes of Wen Po and the others, panting and said, “It is exactly the same as the few images of Emperor Yuan revealed in the world of general knowledge of the world, so there will be no chance for someone to change their disguise.”

Speaking of this, he suddenly became a little unsure. The forums say that Bai Ze monsters and macaques are good at changing, and there is no shortage of secret techniques in the Demon Sect, not to mention that his own martial arts and eyesight can also pierce inferior disguises. You can get away with it, Ruoyan’s door is indeed the legendary Almighty Yuanhuang Immortal Venerable, even he can’t convince himself.

After a pause, he stammered and found reasons and excuses: “Who dares to pretend to be the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, is he not afraid of being struck by thunder? There will be different degrees of thunder and punishment for selling counterfeit goods in Wanjie Mall, let alone fake Wanjie general knowledge owner of the ball”

“It makes sense.” Patriarch Sun, who heard the sound of a baby crying by his ears, nodded slightly, then frowned, “But Emperor Yuan doesn’t have time to take care of some young people who can’t stand on the stage, why don’t you go to Wanjie Tongshi Tiandi to find a forum Post a message for help”

The servant of “Observe orders” hurriedly grabbed his talisman of myriad worlds, entered the “Jianghu tea house” where he hangs out every day, quickly drew up the content, and deliberately exaggerated it to catch people’s attention:

“There is a person outside my house who claims to be the Immortal Venerable of the Yuanhuang Emperor of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains. He said that I have a fairy bone and wants to take me as a disciple. I am so panicked. I don’t know if he is true or not. Please help me identify it. Wait online, it is urgent ”

Just as he was about to add the image of the Taoist outside the door captured by the formation, a low voice from the master suddenly came from his ears:

“Wait a minute”

With a flustered heart and trembling hands, he sent this post, and just sent it out like this

“Master” he looked blankly at the Patriarch.

Patriarch Sun regained some of his air of being in charge of the family, and pondered: “If it’s really Emperor Yuan, we don’t want to believe it, we are full of doubts, and even post a post asking for an appraisal, will it annoy him? When the time comes, the toast will not be fined.”

He nodded and said: “This kind of thing is better to be believed than not to be believed. We open the door wide and welcome him with the highest courtesy. As long as Emperor Yuan doesn’t ask for property, he will be regarded as true. Even if it is confirmed to be false afterwards, at most Losing some face is better than Yuan Huang being furious.”

the lesser of two evils

I have already sent a post. The servant’s mouth was half-open, not daring to tell the truth. When the cold wind blew, he suddenly shivered, and covered himself: “Yes, master.”

Wait for the opportunity to delete the post

However, he was immediately assigned the task of welcoming the Emperor Yuan, busy and flustered.

Wearing a green robe, Meng Qi stood outside the door of Sun’s house with his hands behind his back, his expression unmoved, his eyes as if thinking far away, waiting quietly and peacefully.

After a while, the door of Sun’s house opened wide, and the elders headed by the head of the family poured out. A long red carpet was spread in the back, leading directly to the hall.

As soon as he saw Meng Qi, Patriarch Sun immediately bowed down, kowtowed three times in fear and trepidation:

“Sun Jiaolong, a common man in the world, pays homage to Su Xianzun”

Elders, sons, daughters and grandchildren followed and kowtowed in the rear, but they were not qualified to report their names.

Meng Qi waved his right hand lightly and said with a smile: “Why does Patriarch Sun need to be so generous to the poor? It’s just a chance observation of the sky, and I have a feeling in my heart. I know that Lin’er, born by your wife, is destined to be with me. I am here to meet you.”

My child has a predestined relationship with Emperor Yuan, and a rush of blood rushed straight to Patriarch Sun Niwan, which surprised him, and hurriedly said: “Hurry up, take my son out and show it to Su Xianzun.”

The servant girl with extraordinary martial arts responded, rushed into the inner courtyard, and carried out the young master.

Standing up to take the baby, Patriarch Sun looked at Meng Qi eagerly: “Su Xianzun, my baby is really destined for you.”

As if sensing something, the baby who had been crying loudly suddenly calmed down and let out a giggle, which caused the introduction to be amazed.

Meng Qi walked up to Patriarch Sun, bowed his head for a few glances, teased him a few times, took out a token, wrote “Under Yuxu’s sect”, and said with a smile, “Patriarch Sun, would you like to make this child a disciple of the poor?”

“I wish, I wish that the villain would not be able to ask for it.” Patriarch Sun didn’t bother to distinguish the truth from the false, and hurriedly replied, once the fairy fate is over, it will never start again

Meng Qi put the token into the baby’s swaddle, nodded lightly and said, “He has achieved success in martial arts, and he is happy to enmity, so the poor Taoist gave him a name of martial arts.”

The language is ordinary, but Patriarch Sun has a sense of the illusory river in front of his eyes, and the sense of changing fate, and secretly marveled for a moment:

This is the power of almighty power, words follow the law

Touching the baby’s forehead, Meng Qi withdrew his right hand, nodded and said, “When he is ten years old, take this token and send him to Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain.”

After finishing speaking, he turned around, auspicious clouds formed under his feet, and he fled into the sky in an instant, without knowing where he was going.

No property was asked for, and it was still sent to Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains. This is the real emperor of the Yuan Dynasty!

My son Xing Ye from the Sun family

The rest of the family members were all shocked, most of them were honored, the scene was extremely quiet for a while, and after a long time, Patriarch Sun said loudly: “My family should be the Yuanhuang Lisheng Temple.”

Having said this decision,He frowned and said: “The matter of Emperor Yuan’s visit will be kept a secret for the time being, and will not be announced to the outside world. When my son enters Yuxu Palace to learn martial arts, I am afraid that the world will not know about it.”

He didn’t know whether the Yuanhuang Immortal Venerable liked to publicize this matter, it was better to be cautious, and it was better to keep a low profile, anyway, there would be opportunities for people to know in the future.

The servant next to him turned pale immediately, quietly exited the main entrance, took out the Myriad Worlds Knowledge Talisman, and prepared.

As soon as he opened it, he heard prompts one after another. In just half a cup of tea, there were hundreds of replies:

“The landlord can really joke”

“Help, help, a majestic man knocked on the door of my house just now, claiming to be the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and said that I have the aura of domineering, and wants to make me the prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, let me quickly verify the authenticity ”

“You guys, daydreaming will hurt your health. Not much to say, the Zhengshitang has decided to let me be the prime minister. I have to pack my bags and go to Changle.”

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, the servant didn’t expect his post to bring such a joyful discussion to everyone, he didn’t take it seriously, so he wiped off his cold sweat and deleted it.

Afterwards, similar posts appeared and became enduring entertainment.

At the foot of Kunlun Mountain, the city is prosperous.

Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu tried to practice the Xinghuo Dafa, and they clearly felt its infinite wonder.

“It’s really a magical skill that can make you rank among the immortals. If you had it back then, why would you and I have wasted so many years?” Yu Banshan said with emotion, “The immortal world is really different from ordinary people.”

Qi Jinxiu was also full of joy, such a magical skill only cost a few taels of silver

While her eyes were wandering randomly, she suddenly saw a person standing outside the window, wearing a plain green Taoist robe, standing with his hands behind his back, with a leisurely and refined demeanor, and a look of sadness.

“Yuan, Emperor Yuan,” Qi Jinxiu blurted out.

The legend of the world is close at hand

Yu Banshan looked around in astonishment, and also saw the familiar figure, and stuttered for a moment:

“Su, Immortal Su”

Yuxu Gongyun didn’t know where it was, but the head teacher Su Xianzun appeared outside the door

Meng Qi looked at them, but couldn’t see the shadow of Zhang Yuanshan and Fu Zhenzhen. After two reincarnations, three souls changed, separated from the real world, they were two completely new people.

Even if they wake up their reincarnation memories of previous lives, at most they will understand the reason, and their self-cognition has completely changed.

I have always resisted methods such as seizing the house and resurrecting with fish, so how could I bear to erase the memory and personality of Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu?

This means that he dragged Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu to Kunlun Mountain, but he didn’t see their contradictions, and he didn’t even let them get close the second time.

What has passed away will eventually pass away, unless it reaches the other shore.

Meng Qi closed his eyes, and said in an erratic tone:

“who are you”

Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu were a bit puzzled by the weird question, but they still said sincerely:

“The junior is in the middle of the mountain.”

“Junior Qi Jinxiu.”

“Yu Banshan, Qi Jinxiu” Meng Qi silently recited the two names and sighed.


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