I Honor

Chapter 1327

Four Swords Stand Together

The shadows faded, the bright moon appeared, the clear light poured down, the roof was covered with a layer of silver gauze, and the picture of splendid mountains and rivers separated by four colors gradually disappeared, as if it was embedded in the range of the altar, connecting with Changle, the capital of the core of the Great Zhou territory. For oneness.

Gaolan Renhuang’s sword hangs down, pale gold floats, reflecting the seal, and Angzang’s body stands erect, under the oppression of the two ancient supernatural beings Shicai Maitreya Buddha and Peng Demon King, there is no slight bending or trembling, as if the spine can carry the entire human race and The light of all civilizations, stepping on the nine secluded worlds, and the fairyland above the head

After hearing the announcement of Maitreya and Peng Demon King, Shaoxuan and Xi’e, who fell into deep worry, saw this scene, and felt a lot of confidence in their hearts, as if Gao Lan was the legendary power and not himself.

Examining the thoughts and eliminating the influence, Xi’e finally frowned and said: “Your Majesty, the flames of war are about to rise everywhere. With the strength of the return of the remnant great sage of the monster clan, Maitreya has planned for hundreds of thousands of years. Even with the help of the Yuan Emperor, we will resist it.” In just a few days, it will take at least a month to complete Fengtiantai, not to mention that Luo Jiao is so ambitious that he single-handedly provoked the battle of the legendary power to wake up ahead of schedule. He will definitely not let this opportunity pass by. What should we do? ”

In the late stage of the Demonic Land, the Human Emperor was already strong. With the support of Amitabha Buddha, Maitreya wanted to establish a Buddhist kingdom on the ground. Many things happened in the middle, but in the end it failed miserably. It has the thickness of planning for hundreds of thousands of years.

Seeing Gao Lan’s coldness and indifference, Xi’e paused, and continued: “Your Majesty must have weighed the situation when he wanted to seal the roof, and he knew that he must not only guard the roof, but also the territory of the Great Zhou. The current situation should be expected. In the past, with the city and planning you have shown in the past, you should not be unprepared and have no back-up.”

She has always admired Gao Lan’s kingship.

Gao Lan put away the seal and Renhuang sword, put his hands behind his back, walked a few steps forward, and was about to speak, when suddenly the necklaces flew outside the range of the sealed roof, and golden lotuses emerged, outlining a figure with a deep black robe and a simple Taoist crown , the handsome facial features have a somewhat innate magical charm like a god, and it is Meng Qi who comes directly with the ability to be ubiquitous.

Witnessing the arrival of this newly-promoted power, both Shaoxuan and Xi’e felt a little bit of pressure inexplicably, as if the other party had certain qualities that far surpassed the legend.

Meng Qi stepped into the area of ​​Fengtiantai, hehe said with a smile: “If something goes wrong, it must be a demon. Before the construction of Fengtiantai, the emperor never made allies and exchanged benefits. The destruction of He Luojiao and other forces, even with Jinxiu Mountains and Rivers and other backgrounds, is very passive and unwise, and there must be a reason for it.”

It is precisely because he believes that Gao Lan is not a reckless and brainless person, that he, under the circumstance of worrying about Luo Jiao’s temptation, still makes a move through Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu, and makes a move at a critical moment.

After Xiao Sang’s sorting and analysis, the problem became more and more obvious.

Gao Lan stood still, with his hands behind his back, his gaze became deeper, and he said slowly:

“Third brother, the world is like chess, if you can reach the level of you and me, even if you didn’t in the past, you must have entered the university now.”Character Fayan, there are some things that I can’t reveal too much for the time being, I can only briefly say that when I was sealed and suppressed in Changle, everything on me was confiscated. How things come back to my hands”

For a long time, Meng Qi had doubts about Gao Lan’s secret attainment of Dharmakaya. Since he was sealed and suppressed, who would leave him the Holy Emperor’s magic order and the object of heaven’s punishment? Could it be that he hid it too secretively? He was not found out, but still influenced the guards with his domineering spirit. After twists and turns, he got it again.

The possibility of both is very small. At the beginning Gao Lan killed Changle with blood flowing into rivers, and the strongmen of the sect intervened. , can still let him hide things. As for the guard, he must either be appointed by the sect, or have a blood feud with him, and he cannot be careless. How could he be influenced by him who is crazy?

Now that Gao Lan has directly admitted the matter, Meng Qi finally confirmed his doubts. As for the specific situation, he can only guess with Xiao Sang later.

“As expected.” Shaoxuan and Xi’e breathed a sigh of relief.

Gao Lan looked at Meng Qi, with a smile on his thin lips: “Third Brother, from what you said just now, you want to suggest forming allies to fight against the Yaozu, the Buddha Kingdom and the Luo Sect.”

“Of course.” Meng Qi nodded with a smile.

Brother Doubi is so witty, even if he just pointed out the abnormality just now, he still knows the meaning by listening to the string song.

“In the last years of ancient times, when the Human Emperor fought against the Yaozu, the Buddha Kingdom, and the Luo Sect, he won many allies with his mind to accommodate the common people, including Yuxu, Biyou, the Taoist immortals of various veins, including some factions of Buddhism, including the remnants of the Heavenly Court after the fall. The gods are powerful, and many of them have survived to this day.” Gao Lan said without a trace of waves.

Senior Brother Guangcheng is the teacher of the Human Emperor. Nine Heavens Xuannv once assisted the Human Emperor Meng Qi nodded slightly, knowing that what Brother Doubi said was true: “In this case, why didn’t Brother Emperor contact the allies first, but directly build the Fengtian Terrace.”

Gao Lan raised his head and smiled, a little crazy: “If we inform them in advance and communicate with them well, the construction of the roof seal will inevitably be postponed, because all forces are still returning, and no one wants the situation to change.” Intensify in advance.”

“Now, the closure of the Tiantai is coming to an end, and the situation has become precarious. The Yaozu, the Buddha Kingdom, and the Luojiao have formed an alliance. As long as they want to take the lead, they don’t want the alliance of the three major forces to dominate. I admit it with my nose, at this time, put down your figure, have a better attitude, and then seek help, things will be much easier.”

“The premise of cooperation is profit, not being obedient and safe.”

Having said that, his expression became solemn:

“I am the emperor of the world, the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Even if I cooperate, I still want to take the leading position. How can I be manipulated by others?”

His tone was indifferent, his body was proud, he was still the sworn brother Meng Qi knew, whether he was a heroic lunatic or a ruthless emperor, or the current Gao Lan who was a fusion of the two personalities, there was an air of unyielding pride in his chest.

“But, will it be too late?” Shaoxuan didn’t hide his worry.

If you are destroyed, will those forces give up on Da Zhou directly?

Gao Lan looked at Meng Qi with calm eyes:

“The third brother looks as usual, he must teach me.”

Meng Qi snorted, “Brother Huang’s eyes are like torches.”

After finishing speaking, he suppressed his smile and said seriously: “I still have to borrow the altar.”

Pray to Yuanshi Tianzun, run the causes of all fruits, and borrow the Four Swords of Zhuxian as the head teacher

Gao Lan nodded slightly, and stepped aside, Shaoxuan and Xi’e said in unison:

“Master Su, please.”

Meng Qi straightened his clothes and walked up the steps slowly, a solemn and sacred atmosphere emerged spontaneously.

Climbing to the Fengtiantai, bowed to the Yuxu Palace at an infinite height, and then paid homage to the five emperors of the five directions. Meng Qi stood in the center, with a glazed lamp in his eyes, which flew out and turned into an illusory talisman , showing the bright star line.

Meng Qi pointed at the streamer of the talisman and shouted loudly:

“In the name of Master Yuxu, I ask Brother Guangcheng of Jiuxian Mountain to lend me the sword of Zhu Xian”

As soon as the words fell, a bright star line burned, and a star comparable to a bright moon suddenly brightened in the sky, illuminating the majestic mountain peaks, glowing blue

In Tianhaiyuan, a gigantic figure with first-born double horns stood up with the momentum of pushing a golden mountain and falling a jade pillar, and said with a heroic smile:

“It’s time to level up the big week”

He took a step forward and came to the Gobi. Behind him were the dragons coiling in the sky and the rocs covering the bright moon and stars. His breath rushed into the starry sky, which actually attracted many stars in the depths of the universe to move.

really swallow the world

At this moment, the cyan light pierced through the cover and fell down, and then the sharp air filled the air, and a cyan sword light crashed down like a posture supporting the Tianshen Mountain, and inserted into the vast sea.

This “Sacred Mountain” is a simple and straight cyan giant sword with two characters written on it:

“Zhu Xian”

The fierce and shattering aura came out, and the huge figure with two horns couldn’t help taking a step back.

A series of voices converged into exclamations:

“Sword of Immortal Executioner”

On the edge of the East China Sea, Maitreya, the Buddha who came from the east, rolled up auspicious clouds, brought golden light of glass, and sprinkled white lotus petals.Under the embrace, descended with an extremely high-profile gesture.

will do the work of salvation

“Namo Amitabha Buddha.” Maitreya chanted the Buddha’s name in a low voice, and was about to cross the Jiangdong and make the Buddhist believers lurking everywhere rise up, but suddenly felt a sharp sword aura, and a red light tore through the void and came straight. Straight into the East China Sea, without being submerged, the light reaches the sky.

This is a blood-red sword, ancient and terrifying, and it also has two characters spelled out by Dao patterns:

“Trapped Fairy”

Maitreya’s Fajia paused, in the ubiquitous induction, at the junction of Nanhuang and Dazhou, a white sword light descended from the high-altitude stars, turning into a sword of killing immortals, above the extreme northern ice field, black and straight, running through the sky and the earth , the sword body is dark, named “Juexian”


The four swords stood upright, east, west, north, east, west, and the sword energy intertwined, turning into wind and clouds, covering Changle, Shendu, Jiangdong, Dazhou Seventeen Prefectures and hundreds of millions of living beings, and the gushing sword intent went straight into the world. Heaven, scattered all over the world.

“Four Swords of Zhu Xian” Maitreya’s usual smile froze a bit.

In the World of Conferred Gods, in an abandoned cave, Nezha sat quietly with reddish eyes.

At this time, the sword intent came, he looked up, held the handle of the gun with his right hand, and whispered to himself:

“Have you started yet?”

In the depths of the East China Sea, Jinao Island suddenly appeared, and a towering white ape suddenly stood up.

“Four Immortal Swords” Yuan Hong’s eyes reflected four immortal swords.


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