I Honor

Chapter 1329

Long time no see

For the time being let go of Yaoyao’s shot, and make a slight hindrance

Shaoxuan and Xi’e immediately had the feeling of hearing the Arabian Nights. From their point of view, even if Maitreya had not been rebuilt to the peak of the legend, it would be better than ever to usher in the coming of the deity and restore the realm and strength of the ancient great supernatural being. The more dangerous existence of the Bull Demon King, who has recovered to good fortune, is better than the Bull Demon King, regardless of his eyesight, insight, supernatural powers, or even magic weapons, as well as exploring all kinds of illusions and practicing his own way. Simultaneously with Amitabha, he was prophesied as the future leader of the pure lands of Buddhism. With the status of a great bodhisattva, everyone is called Donglai Buddha.

The Bull Demon King is not as good, not to mention the Jiao Demon King, Peng Demon King and other remnant saints who have sealed Lingshan for many years.

Even if the monster race has a numerical advantage, it shouldn’t completely empty out Maitreya’s side. There are at least two legends of Fahualin and Damiaoxiang in the Buddhist kingdom on the ground, as well as many Bodhisattvas and Arhats who can form the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Formation Barrier. .

Emperor Yuan wants to sit in the center and take care of all parties separately. He often urges the sword energy of the Four Swords of Zhuxian to involve him. Obviously, he can’t concentrate on dealing with the Bull Demon King like he did just now. What can he use to drag and slow down Maitreya until His Majesty calls for help?

There were many doubts in the hearts of the two, but seeing Meng Qi sitting on the roof of the roof as quiet as a lake, calm and calm, after a thousand thoughts, they chose to believe, and said in unison:

“I’ll go to the Western Regions”

“Okay.” Meng Qi’s expression suddenly became solemn, and he said in a deep voice, “The two seniors receive the edict.”

He pointed his hand, and the projection of the Four Swords of Jade Immortals in the eye of the formation burst out with sword energy, and merged into a chaotic talisman, two of which flew out and fell towards Shaoxuan and Xi’e.

Shaoxuan and Xi’e also became serious and said:

“Leading Yuan Emperor’s Talisman”

The talisman is added to the body, and the sword array does not disturb. It can be everywhere like a half-master. It can constantly harass and hinder the monsters, so that they dare not divide their troops and dare not rush forward. They can only fight steadily, and they must be in the core of the occupied area. Once the city has established a formation, once it is attacked, it can be teleported back immediately, or else after conquering a state, it will be recovered just after leaving.

But to establish a formation, it takes a considerable amount of time.

Holding the talisman, the two great powers of the human race stepped out of the Fengtiantai with the boat of doom, and descended directly to the gate of Zhuxian in the Western Regions

At the same time, Meng Qi, as the cardinal of the Sword Formation, gave the Yuan Emperor’s talisman to Mr. Lu Da, Su Wuming, and Jiang Zhiwei one by one from a distance. , even if there are legendary things to help, they are not any powerful opponents of legends, so there is no need to let them play.

Even Jiang Zhiwei, Su Wuming, and Mr. Lu Da, if they don’t have the Jue Dao that awakened to the legendary level, don’t have the Time Saber that can be borrowed, even if they have the incomplete Zhu Xian Sword Formation restrictions, they probably won’t be any powerful opponents.

This is the gap between legends and celestial beings, a gap that is extremely difficult to make up. As the strongest celestial being ever, even if Meng Qi wields a legendary sword at that time, Meng Qi can only be sure of saving his life.

In the Middle Ages, if there wasn’t Luoshu who had awakened to the realm of legend, it wouldn’t have been possible to use it to set up formations. No matter how many saints touched the threshold of legend and had some characteristics, no matter how many people there were, it was just the effort of the overlord. I can’t get entangled at all.

The worlds are unique, and everything is different.

On the vast Gobi Desert, the sword of Zhu Xian penetrated the sky and the earth, and the sword energy intertwined, forming a blue portal.

“Unfortunately, the cardinal of the sword formation is connected to the Fengtiantai, protected by the beautiful map of mountains and rivers, so we can only conquer in a regular manner.” The figure of the Bull Demon King floated, returned to the front of the monster clan team, and spit.

The little fox Qingqiu stroked the icy and scorching shaft of the Demon Saint Spear in his hand, pondered for a while and said, “That’s the only way to go.”

Peng Demon King, Jiao Demon King, etc. had no objections, but instead ignited a raging fighting spirit. It is useless to let the people understand that stealing, rape and cheating are useless. The realm and strength override all conspiracies and formation restrictions.

“My old cow is leading the battle.” The Bull Demon King roared, and with his strong legs, he stepped into Zhuxian’s gate in one step.

The cyan fairy sword vibrated slightly, and streams of misty sword energy shot down, making everything seem likeThe slowness of the Buddha makes everything fall into a swamp.

The Bull Demon King had an extra mixed iron rod in his hand, and he carried it behind his back, while clouds flew out from the top of his head, condensing into a big white bull with horns like iron towers and teeth like sharp knives. Sword marks.

With him supporting the sword energy, Jiao Demon King, Peng Demon King, Fox Qingqiu and others entered one after another, and then saw a giant ship floating in front of him, with Shaoxuan and Xi’e standing on the prow.

“Hahaha” the Bull Demon King looked up to the sky and laughed, pointing at the two human races with the iron stick and said, “Only you two want to block my old cow like this”

In the late ancient times, I was also an extravagant monster that spanned the heavens and the world. Monkey Sun was so powerful that he had to call Big Brother when he met him. In order to capture him, how many people came out from the heavens, and how many heads were chopped off by the Great God of the Santan Haihui

Even if it is declining now, it is not as good as the peak, and there are sword array restrictions, and it is not something that can be stopped by two legends who are not at the top

Amidst the loud laughter, he had already soared into the air, and his escape speed did not slow down much.

At this moment, the Bull Demon King’s heart moved, and he looked to the side, only to see the flames flickering, and a familiar figure appeared nearby, who looked like a boy, looked like a girl, stepped on a beacon wheel, carried a flaming spear, and smiled He had to show two rows of white and fine teeth and said:

“haven’t seen you for a long time”

Jiang Zhiwei put the Jue Dao in his acupoint, only to absorb the sword’s intent, interpret it as a sword light, and then sit high above Nanzhou, there is no one to stop him for the time being.

Her talisman of universal knowledge was tied to her wrist, the light curtain was thrown into her eyes, and the sound came into her ears.

The policemen and spies of the six gates in the southern states all moved into action, quietly inspecting the cities and towns. While monitoring important areas, they used forum posts to find out if there were any abnormalities in other places, and then summarized and reported to Jiang Zhiwei:

“Ning Wu is normal.”

“Jiuluo is normal.”

Jiang Zhiwei waited patiently without any impatience. After a while, there was finally news:

“There is a riot in Luojiao in Zhoucheng, and internal cooperation should be carried out”

The light-yellow figure disappeared, and it had already landed in Zhoucheng.

Mr. Lu Da and Su Wuming went up to the Jade Emperor Mountain, and met Taoist Xu, the head of the Xuantian Sect. He had already reached the threshold of breaking through to the dharmakaya.

“Seniors, I, the Xuantian Sect, have always been eager to do righteous things. If I can help, I will definitely help. However, the Time Knife has only awakened to the level of the Celestial Immortal, so I am afraid it will not help.” Taoist Xu smiled wryly.

The Time Knife has always been mysterious and unpredictable, and even Xuantianzong himself was a little uncertain about it.

The Time Knife is only at the level of a fairy. Mr. Lu Da and Su Wuming looked at each other.

Maitreya returned to the crowd surrounded by Bodhisattva and Buddha. The white lotus platform under his body suddenly expanded, covering all the glass, and flew into Jiangdong, the nearby state capital, and the hidden Buddhist believers on the ground were all shocked. If they felt something, they chanted the future Buddha in unison. Maitreya’s title.

For a while, Buddha’s name echoed everywhere:

“Namo Maitreya Buddha who saves the world”

As they recited, Maitreya’s sambhogakaya responded, and scattered colored glazes in front of many believers in many cities, turning into a golden Buddha with a smile on his face.

They formed an enchantment, which immediately disintegrated the forbidden magic formations in the cities, and quickly reduced the power of all beings in the area.

On the map of Jinxiu Mountains and Rivers, the corresponding part of the East China Sea is gradually dimming and slowly disappearing

At this moment, before Maitreya’s eyes, sword lights of red, blue, black, white and four colors struck across the air.

At the same time, Meng Qi, who was sitting quietly on Fengtiantai, flew out of Qingyun from his head, disintegrated into a handsome monk’s body, silently recited the title of Moonlight Bodhisattva, and directly entered the Oriental Pure Land of Glazed Glass.

After seeing Moonlight Bodhisattva, Meng Qi said straightforwardly:

“Bodhisattva, may I ask where the Medicine Master Wang Buddha is?”


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