I Honor

Chapter 1342

Manpower is sometimes poor

Shining pale gold, the long sword seemed to be a ray of light, pointing obliquely at the blue sky, Gao Lan walked around Fengtiantai three times, his expression became more solemn, and he said loudly:

“At the beginning of the division of the Dao, the gods and demons are above, and all the creatures in the world are fish and meat, and they are slaughtered. Although they have heard the Dao, it is difficult to see the Da Luo. Therefore, there is a heaven first, which binds the immortals and gods, and makes rules. The gate of becoming a fairy, creating the road of ten thousand spirits enshrining the gods, is to see the prosperity of the ancient times, the monsters everywhere, competing for the fairy way, and when the heavens fall, the established law will not be restored, the monsters will mess up the earth, and the things of the gods and gods are only on the land, not reaching the sky. , Stretching to this day, the wind and rain are difficult to adjust, the thunder and lightning are wanton, and the authority of the avenue is chaotic.”

“Today, I set up a platform to enclose the sky, gather hundreds of millions of living beings from the entire Zhou Dynasty, spread the brilliance of humanity in the territory of twenty-seven prefectures, set up gods on behalf of the heavens, and restore the immortals and gods to their positions, so that all powers and powers will be safe, the common people will be blessed, and the calamity will be eliminated.”

Following his words, Fengtiantai shook slowly, as if it had its own spirituality. First, the red, blue, yellow, white, and black altars around it that symbolized the five emperors of the five directions gradually lit up with lights of different colors, bringing light from the southeast, northwest, and central areas. The celestial phenomena change, the layers of clouds pile up, the earth sings in the sky, each rises one day, and shines softly.

The light spread like water, and when it reached the platform that sealed the sky, the carvings of the stars and statues of various colors began to be lit up, showing their figures in the “water waves”.

The land and mountain gods at the bottom, the heavenly warriors came alive, completely covered with light, and suddenly seemed to sink down, penetrating the territory of the Great Zhou, and every place and every mountain seemed to be guarded by immortal gods.


The core area of ​​the real world vibrated slightly, making a low humming sound, which stirred the dense condensation around the Fengtiantai, and turned it into a four-color painting of splendid mountains and rivers, drawn with fine brushwork, with every detail, like a miniature of the Great Zhou territory.

The picture of mountains and rivers is blended in, blending with the bottom layers of the Fengtian Terrace, as if it has become a relief.

The light went up layer by layer, and soon lit up the Xingguan Xingjun, the great sages of the heavens, etc., only to see the void swaying, the sky was almost dark, and the stars were shining one after another, shooting down their hairs, falling into the Fengtiantai corresponding Location.

Soon, the light rose to the level of the five directions and five emperors, and the sky was suddenly clear, as if washed by water.

From the infinite heights, there is the sound of bells and drums descending, and the surrounding fragrance is fragrant, and the rings collide, as if the gods and gods congratulated each other.

The dilapidated and gloomy Jiuchongtian phantom gradually protruded above Fengtiantai, and it slowly descended, as if it was going to overlap Fengtiantian.

With this overlapping, fairy music floats, thunder sounds like drums, and the world seems to beThe Buddha surrendered at the feet of the Emperor, and Gao Lan put away the Sword of the Emperor, which he pointed at obliquely, and was about to insert it into the core of Fengtiantai to complete the last step and rule the sky with humanity.

At this moment, a layer of dark red suddenly appeared in the phantom of the Nine Heavens, bringing indescribable chaos, things were upside down and normal, yin and yang intertwined and all sides formed an irregular vortex, condensing a pair of indifferent and indifferent eyes. Scary eyes to the extreme.

is k

As soon as it appeared, Meng Qi recognized it. These were the terrifying eyes he met when he went back in time and watched the battle of Falling from Heaven.

At that time, these eyes stayed out of the way, quietly watching the movement of Jiuchongtian, which was very strange and palpitating.

And K just glanced at it, and his thoughts were in a mess, and he almost blew himself up.

How did k appear at the time of sealing the sky

This pair of dark red and chaotic eyes looked down at Feng Tiantai, like the eternal way of heaven, excluding the interference of human way.

However, after watching for a moment, the highlighted Nine Heavens phantom fell apart, and the bright star lines fell apart, and the shining stars in the sky disappeared.

Gao Lan didn’t even have time to react in the future, and Meng Qi’s shot was also a moment too late.

Boom, boom, boom

The floating statues on the top four floors of the Fengtian Terrace made the sound of explosions and shattering one after another.

In Changle City, Wang Siyuan watched this scene quietly. He was dressed in white and was as handsome as a woman with a sick face. Behind him were four maids holding pianos, swords, chess pieces, chips and so on.


He shook his head and sighed, turned around and disappeared into the vast crowd.

The dark red and terrifying eyes disappeared, all the visions in the sky disappeared, and the subjects of the Great Zhou who witnessed the ceremony of sealing the sky fell into silence. Suddenly, there was a feeling that manpower was sometimes poor, and the way of heaven was unpredictable and ungraspable.

Gao Lan stood on the Fengtiantai, with the pale gold sword in his hand pointing obliquely at the ground, and the wind blew the emperor’s robe, making a sound of hunting.

At the last moment, it fell short.

Meng Qi couldn’t help but think of Yan Ran’s matter. The elder brother has his own pattern, he is arrogant, he has a big heart, he makes decisions before acting, and he is good at not following common sense, which makes people difficult to figure out. To get a satisfactory result under the situation is always beneficial, but the two most important things have been ruined, not only failing to return to the lover, but also losing the best chance of humanity to rule the sky.

On the contrary, I often suffer from small losses, and I can always spell out good results in big things.

Who would have thought that after all the disturbances have been settled, and there seems to be no obstacles, those dark red strange eyes will appear

who is k

Did the person behind the elder brother not expect the appearance of K? Did the person behind Han Guang who is suspected of being the Lingbao Tianzun also not expect it? I still didn’t mention it on purpose, lest Feng Tiantai become the biggest stumbling block in Han Guang’s re-establishment of the Heavenly Court

Everything happened so suddenly that everyone present seemed to have just experienced a dream, and no one had time to stop it, nor could it stop it.

Looking at Gao Lan’s back, Meng Qi tasted something like a “hero’s tragic song”, and couldn’t help but secretly sighed with pity.

Good luck tricks people, the world is unpredictable, I hope that my brother will not be affected by his fighting spirit, and keep working hard, if it fails now, there will be opportunities to make up for it in the future

Gao Lan withdrew the Human Emperor Sword, his eyes were dark and deep, and he said to the people of Dazhou without much ups and downs:

“How can everything be as you wish, but I want to be ashamed of my heart and never shrink back. It’s not like I haven’t encountered failures, experienced ups and downs, and moved forward step by step. One day, I will be able to rule the sky with humanity.”

“Although the ceremony of conferring the heavens has not done its full work and failed to reach the heavens, it can still be regarded as controlling the earth. It can grant the land, city gods, mountain gods, Hebo, Gongcao and other gods to protect the Great Zhou and bless all living beings.”

The eldest brother’s will is as firm as a rock, Meng Qi thought happily, and then watched Gao Lan seal the city god’s land in Changle and other important areas.

When the sealing ceremony was over and the representatives of all parties left and returned to the Changle Palace, Meng Qi said to Gao Lan:

“Brother Huang, good things take a long time, don’t mind.”

Gao Lan walked to the window with his hands behind his back, looked at the blue sky, and said slowly: “Those dark red and chaotic eyes seem to be a big man. Before the return of the people from the other side, I don’t think I can bypass K to rule the sky with humanity. And when the people from the other side return, the situation is different, and the game has to be played again.”

In front of Meng Qi, he didn’t hide his emotions, he was sincere and passionate, but he was only a little frustrated, and he was more thinking about countermeasures.

Meng Qi thought for a while, then smiled and said, “It’s not impossible to get around it.”

“Yeah.” Gao Lan looked back at Meng Qi.

“Obtain the list of gods, and use it to complete the rule of humanity, but this thing is in Lu Ya’s hands, it is not so easy to get, and Lu Ya’s unpredictable mind, or ambition, may not be able to persuade him to cooperate.” Meng Qi said.

“Fengshen Bang” Gao Lan nodded slightly. If there is such a thing, no ceremony is required, as long as it is combined with the Fengtiantai, it can replace the sky to seal the gods.

After pondering for a moment, he said: “Lu Ya is one of the few characters in good fortune, and he has to be wary of his ghostly thoughts. We should think about it beforehand and take care of it in the long run.”

Seeing that there was nothing else going on here, Meng Qi was concerned about the clues sealed by Yang Jian, so he bid farewell.

When parting, he said solemnly:

“Brother Huang, I have to remind you of something.”

“What?” Gao Lan looked into his eyes.

Meng Qi sighed and said:

“Find laterIf I help or watch the ceremony, I have to beware of accidents. ”

Could it be that I am the reincarnation of a broom star, or have absorbed other people’s fortunes so that I can develop well at critical moments?

Gao Lan was speechless, watching Meng Qi disappear at the entrance of the main hall.

Kunlun Mountain, Yuxu Palace.

Meng Qi sat on the cloud bed, as if he was meditating with his eyes closed, but in fact, his spiritual consciousness entered the acupuncture point on his left hand to communicate with Gu Xiaosang.

“Whose are those dark red strange eyes?” Meng Qi asked.

Gu Xiaosang twisted her hair and said with a smile, “You should be familiar with it. K is the shadow that has shrouded the Wang family for hundreds of thousands of years.”

“Monster of the Dao of Heaven” Meng Qi suddenly realized, no wonder he always felt that feeling familiar, it turned out to be a monster of the Dao of Heaven.

And the dark red strange eyes seem to be the source of the “Heavenly Dao Monster”

Gu Xiaosang nodded with a smile: “This monster of the Dao of Heaven is quite mysterious. Even the Golden Emperor doesn’t know that K came from the ancient times, or was born in this era. It was not until the battle of the fall of the heavens that K revealed clues, so no one knows about it anymore.”

“Could K be the mastermind behind certain things?” Meng Qi felt very good that there was a girl next to him who inherited most of the memories of the Beyonder.


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