I Honor

Chapter 1352

: As always, the Six Paths

The universe is vast and boundless. If viewed from a purely outside world, it is almost impossible to capture its margins and understand the overall situation. However, to Meng Qi who lives at an infinite height, it is like a strange point that is constantly overlapping. In the eyes, at this time, this inaccessible universe is shrouded in a hazy mist, which is obviously different from other places, blocking Meng Qi’s spiritual penetration.

The strange situation attracted Meng Qi’s attention, and his spiritual consciousness transformed into a clear and ancient glass lamp, which glowed with black and white light, contained the surrounding lines of cause and effect, and kept separating and reuniting at the wick. Flashing fire.

After proving the legend, Yuxu Divine Calculation facilitated the “cause of all effects” to be closely connected, and the two were almost combined into one. Meng Qi’s ability to deduce it directly went up several steps, far better than the current Wang Siyuan. Among them, it is also outstanding.

The flames flickered rapidly, faster and more fiercely, giving people a feeling that they were about to derail and explode. Just when all this reached its peak, everything calmed down, and Meng Qi’s voice came from the ancient glazed lamp. sound:

“I see”

This kind of universe is actually not unfamiliar to him. In the real Yuxu Palace, he entered one through the ancient well, where he defeated the independent “incarnation” of the beginning of the world, Brahma, and obtained the corresponding “other and self” projection.

In a similar universe, because an ancient person from the other side has the complete upper hand and has absolute control, the essence is improved, and it is close to the real world. In it, it is impossible to rely on the breath of the real world to permanently change their laws of heaven and earth, and can only be manipulated temporarily .

But now it seems that this kind of universe is infiltrated by the breath of the other side, and it is normally impossible to project into it. It can only be entered through special roads, such as the thirty-six ancient wells outside Yuxu Palace. The upper wind is similar to the universe. It is conceivable that in the Western Ultimate Bliss, in the former Yuyutian Biyou Palace, in the residence of Daodetianjun, in the Pure Land of Perfect Bodhi, and in a certain place in Lingshan that was intact in the past, there are probably such passages.

“Which otherworlder does this universe belong to?” Meng Qi wondered.

No matter how much his deduction ability improves, the details related to the other side are still blurred, only the other sideIn order to fight against the other side.

After being unable to determine his affiliation, Meng Qi’s thoughts changed and he began to think about other aspects:

Judging from the fact that many legends can still be fulfilled, the number of similar universes should be limited. Compared with the nearly infinite whole, it is far from meeting the standard of qualitative change. It does not affect the completion of the final impact, and can naturally produce projections with the birth of new universe or cosmic light fragments.

Since the quantity is limited, it is not randomly selected. What is the mystery in it?

And to control a similar universe, what are the benefits to ancient people like Yuanshi Tianzun and Amitabha Buddha?

Puzzled frequently, Meng Qi really wanted to interrupt Gu Xiaosang’s retreat and ask her, but in the end he just thought about it and didn’t take any action.

This matter obviously belongs to the battle between the people from the other side, and even only the ancients are qualified. I am still too far away, so I am not in a hurry.

Taking another deep look at this universe, Meng Qi’s divine consciousness turned into streamer, and continued to project into other universes, trying to increase the number of projections.

In a certain place in the Great Zhou Dynasty, several quiet small buildings stood erect, forming a courtyard, facing Pinghu Lake, and the flowers were blooming brilliantly.

The place is full of emptiness and desolation. Obviously, the owner’s family does not come here often. The relatively wide whole of the few servants left behind is like mosquitoes and flies in a ruined temple, which is difficult to sustain vitality.

And in a certain room of the small building, suddenly a series of electric lights lit up, silver snakes danced wildly, and purple dragons shook the sky, illuminating the room.

Among the thunderbolts, five figures gradually emerged. Some of them were wearing long robes and hoods, and some were wearing close-fitting armor. They were dressed in their own unique ways, like people from outside the region.

“This world belongs to the level of nightmares, and the task must not be careless.” The leader is a man with a strange tattoo on his head.

The beautiful woman with a longbow on her back and pointed ears said with itchy teeth, “Liu Dao is really despicable. This time, I can’t check the mission in advance, so I can’t make more preparations.”

“If you know that you are coming to the world of nightmare level, I will directly pay good deeds and cancel this mission, but now that I am here, let’s take a look first. Although the world of nightmare level is dangerous, there must be many opportunities. One trip can completely improve our team.” The man with the tattoo looked at the slightly weak and delicate girl next to him, “Jinghua, when you deal with other teams, you usually focus on gathering information, but do you have any information about this nightmare world? material”

Yu Jinghua pushed the small glasses on the bridge of his nose, his eyes flashed like computer calculations:

“Yes, people in this nightmare world call this place the Real World, which has an overall level of power that is significantly higher than that of other reincarnation worlds, and its civilization is well developed, no less than the technological world we have experienced.”

“The big figures at the peak level of the nightmare world are as follows: Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace Yuanhuang Immortal Venerable Su Meng, the reincarnation of the Buddha Kingdom on the ground Maitreya, the ancient Great Sacred Bull Demon King, it is said that K all surpassed the normal cognition of gods and demons Compared with us, it is almost omnipotent. In short, it can be compared to the creation gods of the reincarnation world we have experienced before, but those creation gods belong to legends and may not be true. In the world, therefore, we absolutely must not provoke ks, or even get close to ks, otherwise we may be seen as reincarnated people.”

“Since Liu Dao changed its model and released many restrictions, both martial arts and magic technology can be exchanged, and after dividing the world level, there are not many teams that have entered the world of nightmare level, and the failure rate is extremely high. Many news They all come from the two mysterious organizations of Fairy and Myth, and I suspect that a large part of their members come from the world of nightmares.”

Listening to Yu Jinghua’s eloquence, several team members looked at each other. They were lucky enough to witness the power of gods and demons once. It was a horror that completely crushed themselves, and the big bosses in the nightmare world were far superior to gods and demons. class

Don’t involve the K’s in this mission, otherwise there will be no survivors

“Don’t worry, it’s not a death mission, and one world will eventually be divided into grades, grades, and grades. Different team strengths correspond to different grades.” Mao Jin, the leader, said.

At this moment, the candle in front of their eyes suddenly ignited, and a line of text was reflected on the wall, which was exactly the task for this time.

“Main task 1, go to Changle, the capital of the Great Zhou Kingdom, and find a way to sneak into Jinwangfu, lurking for at least half a year.” Mao Jin whispered, then turned to look at Yu Jinghua, “Do you have any information about Changle and Jinwangfu?”

Yu Jinghua nodded: “Yes, but very few. The Great Zhou Dynasty is the dynasty that ruled the core of the nightmare world. The emperor is called the current emperor of the world, and he is in charge of the human emperor’s sword that is missing on the first page of the magic weapon exchange manual.” , it is said to have the strength of top gods and demons, and behind this dynasty stands the big man of Yuxu Palace Yuanhuang Xianzun. It must change.”

Mao Jin nodded: “There is plenty of time, everyone, don’t rush to Changle, pretend yourself, and go to nearby cities and towns to inquire about news. Nightmare World must be extremely cautious.”

He is not good at inquiring, so he chose to be in the middle to contact and devote himself to cultivation.

Two hours later, he saw one of his male teammates come back in a daze.

“Old Zhu, what happened?” Mao Jin’s heart skipped a beat.

Zhu Tianming looked a little blanklyLooking at the captain: “I found on the street that many people practice the same martial art. It is said that it is directly at the level of gods and demons. Moreover, there is a way to obtain it at a very cheap price.”

“How cheap?” Mao Jin asked with all his eyesight.

Demon-level martial arts are worth a lot of good deeds. If you can get them cheaply, you will not only make a lot of money, but also significantly improve the team’s strength.

The cheapness he thinks is the cheapness relative to its own value.

Zhu Tianming said with a wandering spirit: “It’s very cheap, no more, no more expensive than a bowl of noodles.”

“What?” Mao Jin almost jumped up.

Is the nightmare world so scary? The martial arts of gods and demons are all bad.

Zhu Tianming wanted to cry but said without tears: “Really, I want to buy a few books, but, but the six warnings can’t buy and practice them”

Mao Jin was stunned for a moment, then sighed suddenly:

“Six Paths are as despicable and shameless as ever”


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