I Honor

Chapter 1355

: Inquiry

The wind blows through the window, blowing away the dullness, but the frozen silence lingers in the room for a long time.

The sudden revelation of the Six Paths and Myth swept the minds of the five reincarnated people like a storm, smashing everything to pieces, making it difficult to form, and it was really impossible to organize a language for communication in a short period of time.

After experiencing so many reincarnation worlds, they more or less have the idea of ​​exploring the secrets of myths or finding out the true identity of the Six Paths, but they never thought that they would know it in such a simple and easy way, which can be described as absurd and ironic .

What the hell does this happen

What kind of nightmare world is this?

And amidst such confusion, panic, bewilderment and astonishment, including Yu Jinghua, they all felt the same loss.

yes, lost

Putting aside the forced completion of tasks by the Six Paths, not to mention that reincarnation is full of dangers, becoming a member of a mysterious organization, with a supernatural and seemingly omnipotent “leader”, as long as you pay enough, you can exchange for a variety of magical and amazing rewards. Things, and then enter the world of all kinds of strange things in a descending manner, change the local situation or the fate of others, all of which can make most reincarnated people have a strong sense of superiority.

Therefore, when facing “indigenous people”, they are often condescending and above the world. Even if they have good intentions, they are also looking down on good intentions, like gods, Buddhas and immortals who play in the world of mortals and help people fulfill their wishes.

But in this nightmare world, even the supernatural and seemingly omnipotent “leader” Liu Dao was almost stripped of his “underpants” and displayed naked in front of the world. Of course, their sense of superiority and overlooking were shattered. , nothing remains.

Liu Dao is indeed very strong, but in this nightmare world, k is only one of the strongest, not the only one, and some experts can wrestle with k

As a result, the mystery faded and the aura weakened.

“The nightmare world is too scary.” In the long silence, Mao Jin murmured.

This is not the first time he feels similar content, but this time it is so different that he has a little fear of the Six Paths in the past.

Luan Yaqian’s thoughts diverged, and she said in response: “The Talisman of Ten Thousand Realms can connect the so-called heavens and ten thousand realms. If the Yuanhuang Immortal of Yuxu Palace is willing, I am afraid that he can also be the master of the six reincarnations.”

The big boss here seems to be described more accurately, the six-level

The others came back to their senses one after another, and re-formed from the fragments, followed by sighs that were meaningless but true.

After a quarter of an hour, the sleepwalking crowd returned to the topic.

Mao Jin said in a deep voice: “Memorize all the six ways and mythology in the defense manual, it may come in handy in the future.”

This is the secret that many reincarnations dream of

No matter how easy it is to obtain, it is a priceless secret. Of course, it is definitely worthless to the reincarnated people who came from the nightmare world.

At this time, Yu Jinghua said, “Actually, we can also get some secrets of the fairy trail.”

“Ah” The four of them looked at her blankly.

If this matter is really the handiwork of “Xianji”, it is enough to show that they have a close relationship with the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Nightmare World. How could their secrets be exposed?

Is it necessary to kidnap the high-level of Dazhou, enough to get in touch with this level of secret high-level

Yu Jinghua said: “I took a closer look and found that Han Guang, the mythical emperor of heaven, has not been caught, and the Demon Sect has not suffered a devastating blow. On the one hand, this shows that they are good at hiding, and on the other hand, it also shows that the fairy trails are not omnipotent.””If it is really the handwriting of the fairy tales, how can the emperor of heaven give up, not to mention immediate revenge, just releasing some of the secrets of the fairy tales he has mastered, can also disgust and alienate opponents, and all things have yang and there are yin, and there is light and there is darkness No matter how great Zhou can seal the gods, he can’t erase all the dirty things. Changle is so big, there is no place to hide filth, as long as the evil spirits have the intention, they can still spread a certain secret.”

“The reason why we couldn’t find it must be because the bright side was covered up by Da Zhou. As long as we can get in touch with the three religions and nine streams, sooner or later we will be able to find out some of the secrets of the fairy trails and find out the real identities of some of their members.”

As for what will happen after figuring out the identity, Yu Jinghua didn’t say, but Mao Jin and others spontaneously came up with certain ideas, such as hooking up the “Fairy Trace”, and with the blessing of the “Yuanshi Tianzun” who can wrestle with Liudao, there will always be Opportunity is out of reincarnation, no longer precarious

Such a thought flashed by, and no one dared to say it, otherwise it would be wiped out on the spot.

Looking at Yu Jinghua, Mao Jin sighed suddenly: “Jinghua, do you regret rejecting Xianji’s offer back then?”

Yu Jinghua said: “I’m disappointed, but I don’t regret it, because at that time I only wanted to get me to join.”

The tone was flat, as if there was no emotion, but the hidden love moved Mao Jin and others. Yu Jinghua, who usually looks like an organ of the Mohist school, had such burning and deep feelings in his heart.

“Well, our team can get through missions one after another, relying on working together and sharing life and death together. If you don’t let us down, we will never let you down,” Mao Jin said with emotion.

After some emotional exchanges, Yu Jinghua recovered his calm face and said, “There is no rush to find out about the fairy traces. It can be combined with the process of finding things to do separately, establishing a clean history and looking for opportunities to sneak into the Jin Palace.”

Five people must be mixed in separately, otherwise it will be too eye-catching

Luan Yaqian smiled when she heard the words: “With all the stunned developments in the nightmare world, maybe we don’t need to inquire. When we go out and walk on the street, we can see a sign of Xianji Office hanging in the most conspicuous place.”

The just-right joke dispelled the previous depression a lot.

Two months later, the five pretended to be just fellow villagers, and each found a job, playing the current role wholeheartedly.

That day and night, in Jiao Li’s rented dilapidated house, the team secretly met to discuss the next major event, and sneaked into Jin Wang’s mansion

They did not choose to use the “Talk of Ten Thousand Realms” to communicate, and they were sufficiently wary and vigilant about the things controlled by the big six-door and Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain.

This is due to their experience of a certain mission in the initial stage. They were placed in a technological world at that time, shocked by the convenient means of remote communication, so they discussed the mission situation in the chat group without any scruples, and then they were discovered by the Internet police and were immediately arrested. The police station was wiped out and suffered serious setbacks. Fortunately, there was no time to implement the “conspiracy” in the future. The matter of reincarnation was not mentioned, and the real household registration given by Liudao, survived the interrogation, but was only verbally taught a lesson.

From then on, they all had an eye for similar items.

“It’s been too long to find out about the fairy tales. I finally found a way and a way.” Zhu Tianming is good at the power of the mind and is the leader of similar things in the team. He is sharing his own gains.

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly stopped because someone was approaching this room

“It’s Lao Zhang, this guy has a very good drinker’s capacity, no one in the house can drink enough, until he met me, he probably came to ask me for a drink.” Jiao Li sensed him and left, heaving a sigh of relief, “I’ll get rid of him as soon as possible.”

Yu Jinghua and the others nodded and tried their best to hide in the small room.

Dong dong dong, there was a knock on the door, Jiao Li listened for a while, then stepped over, cursing and saying:

“Who is it, Brother Zhang, hey, I’m drinking again.”

Old Zhang was big and rough, carrying a wine jar and a bag of cooked food, he laughed and said: “The mother-in-law at home is chattering, so I’ll find you an excuse to avoid leisure.”

He and Jiao Li skillfully arranged the bowls and chopsticks, poured the wine, did not say anything, and each finished a bowl first.

After drinking for a while, feeling drunk, Lao Zhang began to point out the affairs of the mansion, and finally said with his tongue: “Nowadays, none of the boys is determined, and they all rely on Xinghuo to get ahead. The mansion has recruited so many servants. The young man finally There are only a few left, so brothers will know what is good and what is bad, so keep your dignity.”

“I, Zhang, don’t know as much as they do, but I know a truth. It’s impossible for everyone in this world to be a hero. It’s impossible for everyone to be famous. Someone has to do the cleaning of the floor, right? After all, we have to wait for them in different ways, too young and naive, hey, sooner or later you will regret it.”

Jiao Li was thinking about how to get rid of this guy, and said casually: “Isn’t there a magical method of the fairy family, you can recruit some strong men, and finish the chores in a few strokes?”

“Yo, brother, you know a lot, are you literate?” Lao Zhang asked in surprise.

“If you understand a little bit, you can read the news in the World of Universal Knowledge.” Jiao Li said modestly.

Lao Zhang sighed: “It’s my fault that I can’t read, but I, Lao Zhang, have ears and have a lot of friends, so I know no less than those in Wanjietongshi world.”

Hearing this, Jiao Xin twitched his head: “I’ve been reading the Da Zhou defense manual recently, Brother Zhang, you know that too.”

“Of course I know, Mr.Those of us who are illiterate have been specially organized to hear it. “Old Zhang is not willing to admit defeat.

“I’ve always wondered, there are six ways in the handbook, there are myths, why there are no fairy traces, I seem to have heard that there are also six ways of fairy traces before.” Jiao Li asked without hope.

Lao Zhang let out a hey: “How could there be news of fairy traces?”

He stretched out his hand in a gesture of erasing.

“Brother Zhang, are you saying that this fairy trail has a good relationship with our Da Zhou?” Jiao Li said in surprise, and Yu Jinghua and others next to him also raised their ears.

Lao Zhang took a sip of his wine and hummed a little tune: “It’s more than good.”

He lowered his voice and said, “Even His Royal Highness King Jin is a fairy”

“What” Jiao Li is genuinely shocked and eclipsed.

Jin Wang, a demon-level member, is a member of Xianji, and he knows the six realms of reincarnation like the back of his hand

Mao Jin and the others once again had the feeling that they were about to blow up, King Jin was actually a member of Xianji

Another Demon Class member


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