I Honor

Chapter 1359

: The First Test

Although he was puzzled, but Yue Ziqing said so, Meng Qi couldn’t force himself to come up with some conditions to cause trouble for himself, so he lightly nodded and said: “Zhixu Mountain’s kindness, Su will always remember it in his heart, if there is any future If you can help, just speak up.”

Yue Ziqing replied with that impeccable but lifeless smile: “Okay.”

After finishing speaking, she pointed her right hand to the depths of the mountain: “There is the sealed secret place, let’s go there.”

With strides forward and a swaying figure, Yue Ziqing walked forward in a beautiful manner. No matter how he looked at it, Meng Qi could hardly imagine that she was a crazy refuter who argued fiercely with his disciples in the world of universal knowledge.

This mountain peak seems to be suppressed by the whole world, and an invisible force descends from an inexplicable height, locking the omnipresence, and also locking the flying sky and the earth, and can only approach slowly step by step. From this point of view, it is worthy of The title of the sealed secret place.

Meng Qi followed Yue Ziqing with his hands behind his back, while thinking about the possible hidden purpose of Zhixu Mountain, he seemed to speak casually: “Miss Yue, there is something that Su doesn’t understand.”

“Do you have any doubts?” Yue Zi turned his head halfway and said.

Meng Qi thought about his words and said: “The future is uncertain, there are all kinds of possibilities, and even many big figures on the other side dare not say everything, why do the head of your sect and the elders argue because of conflicts in the future they deduced from each other, even if It is completely contradictory, and it is also possible, are they completely sure that the future they encounter will definitely happen?”

In his opinion, it is normal for Zhixushan’s senior management to have different calculations for the future. It is more normal for no one to accept the other. Situations can happen, everyone has the right hope, is it worth being so serious

Yue Ziqin pondered for a while, sparks sparked again in the depths of his doll-like cold and rigid eyes: “The future is indeed uncertain, but certain things are bound to happen.”

“As long as you can grasp most of the current situation and most of the information, you can deduce that no matter how many branches will be branched out in the future, each branch willNo matter how big the difference is, some things can still exist in them at the same time. At best, it can change the time and timing of their appearance, rather than make them not appear. ”

“You don’t need too complicated examples. Let me tell you about two things. Just like the arrival of the end of the catastrophe and the return of the other shore, all possibilities in the future must include them, but the details are different.”

Meng Qi suddenly said: “So the head of your sect and the elders all think that something they deduced will definitely happen in the future, but the other party denies it.”

What Yue Ziqing said is easy to understand. I can also deduce the fate of certain people and the occurrence of certain things, which is enough to arrange in advance, so that my subordinates can get great benefits and put myself in a favorable position. This is “knowing the secret “, and they are bound to appear where there is no other existence to destroy.

Of course, this excludes all other possibilities of destruction. If the situation in this aspect is taken to an extreme, it is what Yue Ziqing described. The so-called fate, the so-called general trend, and the so-called doom

“Yes, they deduced for half a month based on the latest collected information, and each calculated a thing that was bound to happen. The results were contradictory. If this thing happened, there would be no other thing, so they quarreled protractedly. Already.” Yuezi led the way slowly, talking while walking.

When they met for the first time, Meng Qi knew from the mouths of other Zhixu Mountain disciples that Elder Sister has always been a good teacher.

Meng Qi listened with great interest, and after thinking carefully for a while, he said with a smile: “As far as Su’s knowledge is concerned, both parties may be right.”

“Why?” Yue Ziqing turned his head suddenly, with obvious anger in his eyes, he no longer looked like the most perfect sculpture and the most delicate puppet.

Meng Qi walked around with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile, “Some things you say are bound to happen are based on most of the current situation and most of the information, right?”

“Yes, although there are still many unknowns and uncertainties in the process of evolution, but as far as certain things are concerned, they are already doomed, irreversible or destroyed, and will inevitably happen.” Yue Ziqing replied affirmatively.

Meng Qi said with a leisurely smile: “But most of the situation and most of the information have suddenly changed. What has been done is not unchangeable. The big figures on the other side can go back to the past, reshape history, and recreate the general trend. The so-called doom is inevitable. The so-called predestination and the so-called general trend are nothing but a joke to the k, of course, there is a beginning and an end, the world is bound to end, usher in the end, even the big men on the other side can’t change it, it’s rooted in the great way.”

Yue Ziqing slowed down, gradually stopped, and muttered to himself: “They didn’t consider the variable of the other side, and this variable is not clear at all, how to consider it?”

“Actually, Su is very curious, which senior has calculated the future trend after the change of the other side, and why he can calculate it under the same information conditions.” Meng Qi said with great interest.

If he could really predict the possible actions of the big shots on the other side, it would be something against the heavens, and it would benefit him immeasurably. Unfortunately, the people in Zhixu Mountain seem to be just blind cats and dead rats, and they don’t understand how to figure it out.

When Yue Ziqing heard Meng Qi ask such a question, she couldn’t help explaining as a teacher: “The method of derivation in this sect originated from the ancestor of the Kaipai, and then it was gradually revised and perfected in successive dynasties based on the facts that have happened and the results of the previous derivation. The model and algorithm, after hundreds of thousands of years of experiments, have the name of today’s Zhixushan Derivation. However, in the process, due to the different ideas of some ancestors, there are differences between each other, so the direction of modification is also different. Eliminated by years of precipitation, there are currently three major derivation methods in our sect, all of which can conform to the past, but under the same conditions, they have different judgments on the future.”

Meng Qi nodded slightly, so that’s the case, not to mention anything else, Zhixu Mountain has really implemented its own philosophy, everything is everything, everything can be described, and everything can be mastered.

Yue Ziqing didn’t specifically mention the contradiction in derivation, and it seemed inconvenient to disclose it. After a pause, he said: “Besides, there are too many disturbances in derivation. Unless you have all the information about all the states, otherwise It’s really hard to be sure, just like the matter of your coming to visit, in fact, our sect has been deduced a few months ago, but because the causes of the fruits are too heavy and profound, we can’t be sure that you will come to visit first. To find me, we should first find people from Wuxiang Sect or Wenshen Sect, unless we take the initiative to come to the door.”

Quietly listening to Yue Ziqing’s detailed description, Meng Qi had a deeper understanding of the derivation ability of Zhixu Mountain. The prediction and comparison of the derivation method, combined with the causes of various effects, and the magic calculation of jade and emptiness, are enough to allow oneself to screen out some futures that are worthy of belief.

Meng Qi was silent for a short while, thoughts flooded his mind, recalling what Yue Ziqing said just now, he was not very good at planning in the past, he only had quick wits, and he was able to grow step by step. Miss any opportunity to learn.

Thoughts collided and sparks of wisdom burst out. After he quickly absorbed what he had gained, he felt his heart flutter in a certain description:

“Because of the general trend, certain things must happen, and can exist in various futures.” Yue Ziqing probably meant this. If the “general trend” is replaced by the other side, there seems to be nothing wrong

Is there any connection to this?While thinking calmly, Meng Qi followed Yue Ziqing into the mountain peak, and the two sides gradually became denser, full of fairy mist.

Passing through the dense forest, a valley appeared in front of it. There were steep cliffs on both sides, and there was a line between them. There were some forbidden methods that Meng Qi didn’t dare to be careless.

On both sides of the valley above, stood a person from Zhixu Mountain, who seemed to be welcoming Meng Qi along the road, but was condescending.

Meng Qi suddenly felt a ripple in his heart. He had a premonition. It was not a threat, but a sense of aura of the same level or even stronger.

Relying on the sense of eighty-nine, Meng Qi looked intently, and saw several strong men with hidden auras but deep and terrifying standing in the crowd, especially the old woman in black skirt and the middle-aged scribe in white robe. Some inexplicable scorching heat.

Meng Qi almost shuddered, as if he was being targeted by a pervert. After a second thought, he had a secret, and asked Yue Ziqing suspiciously: “That’s the head of your sect and the elders?”

“Yes.” Yue Ziqing replied frankly.

Meng Qi became more and more confused: “Didn’t you say that they got into an argument and couldn’t get distracted?”

Yue Ziqing sighed indifferently: “I underestimated their curiosity about the causes of all effects, who in Zhixu Mountain doesn’t want to study the mysteries of the causes of all effects, and who doesn’t want to study the body tempered by Bajiu?”

She shifted her eyes to Meng Qi, the fire inside was bright, as if it had been two days, full of scorching heat and madness: “Exploring and researching things we have never seen before is our pursuit at Zhixu Mountain. I originally wanted to ask you to let us study for a while, but I know you I will definitely not agree, so I have no choice but to give up.”

It turned out that their condition was that Meng Qi didn’t know how to describe his mood at this moment, and there was only one dialogue in his mind:

“I’m doing research now.”

“What research”

“Being studied.”

It’s no wonder that when I proposed to try to replace the causal and fruitful puppet, Yue Ziqing agreed without hesitation, probably because he wanted to save some research data, but the result was unexpected. Meng Qi shook his head and smiled: “Ms. Being considerate, Su will definitely not agree to this request.”

It is really impossible for me to rely on my own strengths to others to study.

Yuezi looked away, the sparks went out, and he led Meng Qi into the valley.

The distance was not long, only a few hundred feet away. Even if he couldn’t fly away, Meng Qi could still cover it in one step with his body alone. It’s a pity that Yue Ziqing walked very slowly, and it was difficult for him to get ahead. Under the baptism of eyes, all kinds of bad emotions and thoughts were eliminated, and he walked indifferently, feeling like being visited, and at the same time, he was ready for a possible surprise attack.

The journey was peaceful, and after walking through the valley, an ancient bronze door similar to the “Gate of Truth” appeared in front of it. There were countless black and white light spots on it, connected with each other, forming the most complex with the simplest.

It blocked there, blocking all the way ahead, Meng Qi knew that the first test was coming.

Yue Ziqing paused, and politely smiled: “The gate of innate magic number can only be entered if you solve the problem. This level has stumped most of the strong people in Zhixu Mountain, and I barely passed it.”

“Headmaster Su, the number of spells changes from time to time. If you can’t solve it quickly, you will have to face new problems.”

Meng Qi nodded, and stepped forward, with a Myriad Worlds Universal Knowledge Talisman on his ear, using the connection that was not entrusted by Guoyu Puppet to go somewhere.

“Hello, Mr. Wang?” Meng Qi came to the gate of innate magic.

A weak voice said, “What’s the matter?”

“For help off the field.” Meng Qi said with a smile, “You know innate magic, right?”

“The foundation of one’s life and one’s life.” Wang Siyuan seemed to understand something.

“That’s good. You guide, and I calculate.” Meng Qi smiled reservedly, showing eight bright white teeth.

In less than thirty breaths, Yue Ziqing saw the ancient bronze door slowly open, Meng Qi walked in, and the men and women on Zhixu Mountain who were watching were also dull-eyed. It was unknown whether they were shocked to break the record, or secretly scolded this person for being shameless.


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