I Honor

Chapter 1362

: Fatethe river

Facing this illusory long river that filled the broken parts of the palace, Meng Qi felt quite unexpected and reasonable.

The reason why he thinks it is reasonable is because Yue Ziqing specially explained Guo Zhixushan’s cognition of derivation and the future, and described clearly what is “general trend”, what is fate, what is doomed, and what is every Things that must happen in the future are naturally not abrupt when encountering a forbidden law based on it at this time.

But Meng Qi never thought that the founder of the Zhixu Mountain Kaipai would use this to test his disciples. Except for the big shots on the other side, only those whose own path is a strong fortune of time or those who possess such rare treasures can break through pass the third level

No wonder since ancient times, although Zhixu Mountain has been full of talents and powerful people, but it has never been able to pass through this illusory river and see the things left by the founder of Kaipai

He is really testing future generations of disciples, not the other side

But the other shore is really coming, and this illusory river is as fragile as a baby in a swaddle, unable to withstand the torment at all.

Therefore, Meng Qicai was quite surprised. There seemed to be a dead end in front of him. With his current state, strength and skill, he had no chance of passing the test.

Concentrating his mind and reviewing his thoughts, Meng Qi put aside the emotion of retreating in the face of difficulties, took a step forward, and truly stepped into the illusory river.

If you don’t work hard and practice, how can you be sure that you really can’t pass it? What if there are omissions that you can’t imagine in this forbidden law?

Giving up too easily is never a good thing.

The illusory river rushed in like the baptism of time, a glazed lamp appeared in Meng Qi’s eyes, and a long river of time and fate surrounded him, the same appearance, the same illusory, but more and more unattainable.

This is his other side characteristic

Surrounded by this long river. Meng Qi sank into the bottom of the Forbidden Law River like a rock, endured the erosion without moving a bit, and relaxed his mind. With the aura of nature living in the infinite heights, I feel the information coming from the past, and examine the possibilities of the future:

Exercising Wuji Seal, Kaitian Seal and Daoyi Seal and so on returned without success. In the end, it failed and could not pass, because the Yuanshi Gold Medal had not yet reached the realm of creation;

Borrowing the Four Swords of Jade Immortals, transforming the Three Purities with one breath, and laying down the first killing formation in the ancient times, disrupting time and space, but still due to the current level, it is impossible to directly cut off the long river. The turbulent flow of time brought about by the disturbance hinders its own crossing;

Run all the supernatural powers, and invite the power of Yuxu to help, break all the current situation and all the information with the strength of meteorites to erase everything, trying to reshape the future, but the current is broken, everything returns to nothing, and it is even more impossible to pass;

With the help of external forces, Zhixu Mountain suffered a sudden calamity, the Illusory River was shattered, but the secret land also disappeared;

Scenes of future scenes appeared before Meng Qi’s eyes. It clearly shows the destiny, the general trend has been accomplished, and it cannot be changed. No matter how hard you struggle, you will usher in an unpassable ending.

The taoist robe fluttered, and the hair under the bamboo crown dangled with the invisible water, as if it was about to be stained with silvery white. Meng Qi supported himself to the limit, took a step back, and stepped out of the illusory river.

“The only way seems to be what I said to Yue Ziqing, become the other side, go back to the past. Change the history, so as to reweave the current state and information. Deduce a future different from the past, so as to break the fate. Let it happen. Things like this only exist in partial possibilities.” Meng Qi frowned slightly, thinking about the previous conversation with Yue Ziqing.

This is obviously not a good way.

If you become the other shore, or the pinnacle of good fortune, and you can go back to the past with a limited limit, then what’s the point of breaking through the secret place of Xushan?

As for the Monument of Seven Kills, based on my experience last time, I’m afraid I won’t be able to borrow it.

However, manipulating fate to a small extent and changing the characteristics of the other side of the future is useless at present, because the essence is to let the target fall into the future that he predetermined by influencing time and the long river of fate, such as “always save one side” In the future, we will forge our destiny.

This kind of future is not created by oneself, but one of the countless tributaries of the long river of time and destiny. They cover almost all possibilities, and most of the “futures” differ only in subtleties. , I can slightly influence the long river of time, directing fate to the tributaries I want is a trick, but now it involves things that are destined to happen, no matter how I guide it, which tributary it leads to, it will not help

Meng Qi stood in front of the illusory river like a statue, and fell into the difficulty of not being able to find his way.

Leaving or waking up Xiaosang and asking her for advice seems to be the only choice

This matter should only come from the other side.

One after another glanced at the secret place of the sect, shocked by the icy and snowy glow like fireworks in full bloom.

One of the highest achievements of his own sect was discovered by the “Yuanhuang” Su Meng in just a few hours, and he had mastered it.

Could it be that this is the so-called one-way, one-way, one-way, clear, stop? There are legends in Xushan that the elders have never been able to increase the synchronization rate of their own creations enough to pass the “stopping wall”

It is said that the Nine Seals of the First Yuan Dynasty are inclusive of all things, so Su Meng can master the mysteries of sambhoshen warriors or godheads in a strategic way

In the main hall of the Zongmen, the white-robed scribe and the black-clothed old woman sighed about the matter of the Samurai Warrior, looked in the direction of the ancient bronze gate, and fell into deep thought respectively, and it took a while before they came back to their senses.

“whenWhen I first faced the River of Destiny, I was completely desperate, and I couldn’t imagine such a problem at all. After Meng Qi passed the “Wall of Stop”, the old woman in black recalled her experience when she faced the third test.

The white-robed scribe smiled bitterly: “Who isn’t? For us, for all legends, and for most of good fortune, this is an unsolvable problem.”

After finishing speaking, the two fell into silence again, seeming to have forgotten the previous dispute. After a few breaths, the old woman in black seemed to have nothing to say: “You said, can Su Meng pass the river of fate?”

Her tone was erratic, as if she was just imagining a possibility.

“How is it possible?” The white-robed scribe sighed, “This is the understanding of the patriarch Kaipai’s thinking about the way to the other side. It is a problem he designed for himself to go to the other side. Although the river of fate in the secret ground is not complete, it is just a certain aspect. The projection of the future is used to spur disciples to delve into the future, but it is definitely not something that Su Meng can solve. It is still the same sentence. For us, for all legends, and for most of good fortune, this is an unsolvable problem. In the true sense No solution.”

“Yes” the old woman in black replied in a low voice.

Outside the ancient bronze door, the spark in Yue Ziqing’s eyes was slowly suppressed, and she became a perfect “doll” again, waiting for Meng Qi to come out.

Yes, he’s coming out soon.

In the past eternity, although Zhixu Mountain was not involved in worldly affairs and devoted itself to research in seclusion, it was not without guests. There were once a few people with great fortune-telling powers who came to visit and wanted to use the help of crossing the “River of Destiny” to comprehend the meaning of the future Dao, but they all failed.

Ks are still like this, not to mention Su Meng

“The future is derived from all the current states and information, and all the current states and information are determined by the past, so if you don’t go back to the past, you can’t change the future.” river” approach.

The long river in front of his eyes went eastward, rolling and flowing, silent and breathless.

After walking back and forth for a few steps, Meng Qi gradually came up with a question: “If the time and the river of fate in the real world, then all the previous thoughts are completely valid, but not here, the past of the river of fate is just the past of this world, no Contains foreign variables.”

In other words, the current state of the “River of Destiny” is not completely determined by the past, and external “variables” that do not belong to the “past of this world” can also affect it, thus shaping a different future.

Following this line of thought, Meng Qi once again tapped out his divine consciousness, operated the causes of all effects and the divine calculation of jade emptiness, and comprehended every detail of the “River of Destiny”.

“That’s true, but what I can think of, the founder of the Zhixu Mountain School naturally thought of it.” Meng Qi nodded lightly, not showing any joy, “The forbidden law of Fate Chang Hanoi includes a huge variety of variables, and it is quite mysterious. The methods are handled so that they cannot change the general trend, such as the variables of outsiders trying to cross the river of fate, such as the variables of accidents, and even the meteorite and the invasion of demons have been taken into consideration.”

The thoughts that had just appeared were immediately blocked, but Meng Qi, who was not happy, was not depressed either:

“Even though the founder of Zhixu Mountain’s derivation ability is extremely strong for a while, it is not the other shore, unable to cover all accidents and all variables. As long as you find these fish that escaped the net, you will be able to throw them into a pond like a boulder, causing ripples and waves. Change the future, change the fate”

Manpower is sometimes poor

Meng Qi’s current deduction ability is undoubtedly far away from the founder of the Zhixu Mountain School, and it is almost impossible to figure out the “accidents” that the other party missed, so he directly began to consider from a macro perspective:

“The cause of my effects is obviously a variable that k cannot accurately simulate, but it can be blurred. The current level of the cause of all effects cannot make a big wave for the time being.”

“Things related to the other side must be the part that K has to omit and can only be vaguely dealt with. It’s a pity that Jue Dao has only awakened to the legendary realm, and has not completely suppressed the brand of Mo Buddha.”

“Brand of the Devil Buddha, um, the brand of the Devil Buddha.” Meng Qi suddenly stopped, and a crazy idea popped up in his mind.

This is the real thing left by the other side, can you make a fuss about it?

To weaken it even further. To be continued.

s: Tomorrow’s update will be between 12:30 and 1 noon


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