I Honor

Chapter 1377

God Burying Desert

The Burying God Desert is located between the Gobi Desert of the vast sea and the desert of the western extreme.

This is one of the places where the aftermath of the ancient heavenly court’s fall was the most violent. I don’t know how many gods fell here from the nine heavenly stars, buried deep in the earth, destroyed the past abundance, and turned this place into a dead place. Vitality reappeared, forming a small number of oases.

The gods buried here were broken and leaked out, creating ruins one after another, secret places one after another, making the terrain of the buried desert extremely complicated, and these gods are often obsessed , mixed with a special place of death, it turned into or produced a rather terrifying evil spirit, which was born and then died, and after it was destroyed, it was born again, and it will never disappear.

Because of this, the funeral godThe desert is also quite dangerous for the strong scene. If you don’t have a certain strength, you can only pass along the roads strung out by the oasis.

In a certain oasis, there is plenty of water vapor, moist and pleasant, and buildings as tall as giant towers stand one after another, with obvious Mohist style. Together with a large number of local people and Shake travelers coming and going, they form an incomparable A city with less or less prosperity in the hinterland of the Central Plains.

Taking advantage of the holiday, Tian Wanzhe wandered around the downtown area with a local specialty sweet juice grass root in his mouth, his eyes following the hotly dressed and gorgeous girls from the Western Regions.

He was originally from Huanzhou, and the county he lived in was a land of poor mountains and rivers, and he was exploited by his clan and family. Expanding, he didn’t want to spend his whole life in a poor country, so he responded to the Emperor’s call and followed the team formed by the Mo Palace and the imperial court to the Western Regions to turn the desert into an oasis and open up a place of prosperity.

With the cooperation between the Mo Palace, the Wanxiang Sect, and the Great Zhou court, in the past two years, an effective way to transform the desert has been found. The area of ​​the oasis here is rapidly expanding, and with the efforts of all people, it almost has the territory of a single government in the Central Plains.

“Hey, the Universal Knowledge Talisman is doing free activities again.” Tian Wanzhe is now rich. I have a certain status, but I still maintain the habits of my youth, like wandering around the city, but before I could only watch and couldn’t afford anything. Wandering around, his eyes lit up, and he saw the big red banner. He glanced over it, and it seemed to be something related to the Myriad Worlds Tongzhi Talisman.

He opened his eyes, and as his eyes focused, he could see the content clearly, and read out in a low voice:

“The epoch-making new type of Talisman of Myriad Worlds can bind the soul, and there is no risk of loss or theft. Now it is free to trade in the old for the new, so what are you waiting for?”

“It’s not bad.” Tian Wanzhe thought for a while, and planned to exchange one for himself and the old man. The loss caused by the loss of the Universal Knowledge Talisman in the past was still fresh in his memory.

Of course, based on his current knowledge, he can also guess that this event will not go smoothly, but whoever has a certain strength and status and a bright road to martial arts, who would be willing to bind his soul to the Universal Knowledge Talisman? Is life in the hands of Yuxu Palace?

shook his head. Tian Wanzhe returned home, intending to get the old man’s talisman of myriad worlds, as for the rest, it’s none of his business. Also powerless.

When he first came to the Western Regions, he was with his parents. Now his mother has passed away, and his father is getting older. In addition, the hard work in the early years caused his body to be overdrawn, and he gradually stopped going out. The greatest joy of being idle at home and being served by servants is the Talisman of Myriad Realms.

After successfully replacing and binding the soul, Tian Wanzhe put it behind him and devoted himself to busy and somewhat dangerous work, assisting Mogong and Wanxiangzong to expand the oasis deep in the complex landform of the Burial God Desert .

A few months passed, Tian Wanzhe’s father finally ran out of fuel, no matter how hard it was to support him, he let go.

After the heavy funeral, the yard became cold and cold, with servants standing guard outside, and Tian Wanzhe was the only one left in the mourning hall.

Kneeling in front of the coffin, his eyes were red, and he was holding the Myriad Realms Talisman often used by his father in his hand. He pretended to be humorous and said in an ordinary tone:

“Father, life and death are destiny, and the longevity is in the sky. Anyway, you have enjoyed the glory and wealth for nearly ten years, so don’t be sad anymore.”

When he mentioned the word “sad”, his voice trembled slightly: “When we first arrived in the Western Regions, we didn’t even have a place to sleep, so we had to build a hut and live in a pit by ourselves. I thought that I was young and strong with martial arts, I planned to keep watch at night to avoid wild beasts attacking me, but I still fell into a deep sleep, and when I woke up, I found that you and mother took turns to keep the night watch and disperse the mosquitoes for me.”

After rambling for a while, his weeping sound became stronger, so he took a deep breath: “Father, don’t worry, there are enough money paper candles. When you reach the underworld, you can continue to enjoy it. If you can meet your mother, you can tell the child in a dream. ”

“Well, I know you like to visit the world of universal knowledge, like to read serialized stories, and like to watch various live programs, so I asked someone to ask a mana Taoist priest to customize a paper version for you, and I will burn it for you later. You, talk is better than nothing, look at the appearance is also good.”

“I will put away your Universal Knowledge Talisman. When I have a child in the future, I will use it for him. It can be regarded as an inheritance. Hey, Dad, in fact, I have a different kind of ease now. The words of the matchmaker forced the marriage, the world is very wide, I haven’t seen enough of it.”

The following words seem to be funny, but in fact there is a touch of sadness. Tian Wanzhe knows that death is like a lamp going out, and what he said just now is just an expression of emotion. It has nothing to do with his father, but has something to do with himself.

Slowing down, he put the talisman of myriad realms left by the old man beside him, and planned to take out the paper version from his pocket and burn it.

At this moment, the two white candles shook violently suddenly, and a gloomy and icy wind suddenly blew in the mourning hall.

Tian Wanzhe couldn’t laugh or cry: “It’s really a coincidence, it almost scared me.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Talisman of Myriad Realms on the ground suddenly buzzed, emitting a faint crystal light.

“Whoever is looking for the old man doesn’t know if he passed away?” Tian Wanzhe bowed and picked up the talisman. Seeing that there was no corresponding name displayed on it, he answered in doubt, “Hello, who is my friend?”

“Wan Zhe, I’m your father” came out with an erratic voice.

“Father” Tian Wanzhe is angry and funny, who is making such a joke about having a son without an ass hole at this time?

Although the sound imitation is really similarMy old man, but the mourning hall in front is not a decoration.

We must find out who it is and teach him a profound lesson

“I’m in the underworld, and the surroundings are terrible, and there are screams and screams everywhere.” Speaking of this, the opposite side paused, and whispered, “You suspect that I am fake”

Knowing a son is like a father.

It’s not doubt, it’s affirmation. Tian Wanzhe answered silently.

Before he could open his mouth, he continued on the other side: “You peed your pants when you were three years old, fell into the water when you were seven, and almost drowned. Fortunately, I showed up early and rescued you in time. I was afraid that your mother would scold you. I don’t know, you don’t want to get married because you have a girl you like, but the other party doesn’t like you”

One thing after another, Tian Wanzhe heard the chills, the pale candle flickering in front of his eyes made his face pale green.

It’s really Dad’s call from the Underworld

Isn’t it that people die like a lamp going out, only their obsessions remain, and they turn into evil spirits?

I am talking to the dead

Tian Wanzhe, who has always been courageous, was sweating on his forehead, his waist and abdomen were tense, his hair stood on end, and he said in a haunting voice: “Father, you, how can you contact me, no, and Yangjian?”

“I was in a daze before, until I was awakened by the terrifying scene around me, and then I felt that I had a subtle and hidden connection with the Talisman of Myriad Realms, and could be connected. Could it be the soul binding you mentioned before?” the old man recalled.

“The binding of the dry soul can be bound until after death, and bound to the underworld,” Tian Wanzhe blurted out, his surprise beyond restraint.

This function is too powerful

The old man swallowed his illusory saliva: “Wan Zhe, dad, I’m not afraid of death, I’m already old anyway, but this underworld is too, too scary, can you think of a way, listen, this horrible scream It’s the sound of a ghost being fried in a frying pan, and next to it is an iron tree that can saw us off, and, and, I can’t go on, I’m already dead, and I still have to endure this kind of torture, and I heard from the ghosts around me that we will be thrown into the wheel, maybe we will become beasts, or become hungry ghosts who can never eat enough.”

Tian Wanzhe replied in a stiff state: “Father, don’t worry, you just died, and it may not be your turn in a while, let me think of a way, see if I can ask eminent monks and Taoist priests to save you, No, there is also mother.”

Just to remind you, don’t forget, it will be my turn in three months. “The old man paused and said, “The function of the Universal Knowledge Talisman is restricted a lot in the underworld, and there are ghosts all around. I’m afraid that if I use it often, I will be discovered. Remember to burn serial programs for me every day to help me.” Record it, and I will watch it slowly after I get out of this hell in the future.”

Tian Wanzhe’s mouth was half-opened, his eyes were blank, and he was taken aback when he heard it. This is the first time he heard that the dead still have such requests.

what the hell is this

“By the way, Wan Zhe, you are not young anymore, you can’t just pursue liking, you have to carry on the family line, and after you die, someone will burn serial updates for you,” the old man added ramblingly.

Tian Wanzhe’s eyes became duller, this, this, even after death, he still remembers the forced marriage

The call was interrupted, the wind subsided, the white candle swayed gently, the surrounding was silent, and everything suddenly seemed like a dream.

But the slight heat scattered by Tian Wanzhe’s Wanjie Tongzhi Talisman told him that what happened just now was real, to be continued.


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