I Honor

Chapter 1386

: Origin of Life and Death (Part 1)

Seeing this situation, the wisher took the bait, and the ancestor of Asura, who only wanted a chance of life, could not miss this opportunity. The terrifying demon body with nine heads and thousands of eyes instantly glowed with splendor, and the flames covering the whole body were blazing, and the feeling of emptiness and weakness dissipated. Out of normal tyranny.

At this moment, K used the secret method to interpret the half-god and half-demon body, and returned to the peak of power with the rapid loss of remaining lifespan and the gradual disintegration of the body.

make or break

Either die today or live from now on

The dark red and almost black light and shadow flashed, and the ancestor of Ashura had followed Huang Quan, and plunged into the vortex transformed from the origin of life and death.

The same is true for Meng Qi, disregarding the possibility of damage to Huang Quan’s bones, he squeezed out all the remaining power in each bone, swirling thick and thick blood-yellow mist all over his body, gliding across the sky with a demon-like attitude, stepping into the colorless and transformed body. A strange vortex of black and white.

Anyway, as far as I am concerned, it is something outside my body

After him, Chixia pierced the sky, and Xuesha Taoist rushed in the moment before the vortex shrank and the origin disappeared.

Because there are two “tall men” standing in front of him, the ancestor of Ashura and Meng Qi, K’s power absorbed by the pure land is relatively small, and he still maintains a certain level, without using magical powers and secret methods to destroy his flesh and blood.

The strange vortex was cold and warm, and Meng Qi felt as if he had penetrated the chaotic time and space. The surroundings were sometimes frozen, sometimes fleeting, sometimes sluggish, and sometimes turbulent.

Such feelings changed again and again, and it was almost difficult for Meng Qi to measure how many moments he had passed.

Unknowingly, his “real body of the underworld” was shaken, he got rid of the chaotic feelings, and truly entered the “origin of life and death”.

What will happen in the “origin of life and death”


To be precise, there is nothing that the eyes can see, the ears can hear, the skin can feel, and the mind can touch

All concepts and cognitions from the outside world no longer exist here.

What is the color, what is the sound wave, what is the consciousness, what is the direction and what is it

How can concepts and words that are acquired, dependent on experience and knowledge, and dependent on physical supernatural powers describe this shortcut?

But Meng Qi had a subtle feeling at this time that his lifespan was passing by rapidly, and his body and consciousness were irreversibly rushing towards death.

He was not in a hurry, the old cognitive model faded away like a tide, and rebuilt it combined with feelings.

Suddenly, the surroundings are no longer different. Although the eyes still cannot see, the ears cannot hear, and the skin and spirit cannot feel, but some abstract things can be tasted:

cold, quiet, silent, cold, empty, lonely, gloomy, painful, dark, dead

These words surrounded Meng Qi’s body, and they were combined in a strange pattern, gradually dimming his vitality.

This is a descriptive way of life disappearing, death is approaching, and there is no actual power. Therefore, no matter how Meng Qi uses the current supernatural means to operate the bones of the underworld, it cannot be stopped or reversed. Only the darkness of the bones can sense these abstract things. Self-generated changes, slowly condensing strange symbols and graphics like dao patterns, approaching the true meaning of death, while the white vitality contained in it is gradually eliminated and eliminated.

This is the nature of death near the highway

Meng Qi didn’t dare to stay here for a long time. According to the simplest judgment, he fled to the side. It only took a few moments. He suddenly jumped into a hot spring like a cold pool, and he almost cried out in relief.

Abstract concepts such as warmth, enthusiasm, vigorousness, vitality, excitement, joy, light, vividness, power, etc. emerge like concrete things.

The origin of life and death, the origin of life and death, where there is death, there is life

Meng Qi took a deep breath, the coldness of his body faded away, his life energy was gradually filled in a descriptive way, his body was full of vigor and vitality, and the bones that had been squeezed out before were full of vitality again.

The white brilliance contained in the skeleton gradually became stronger, and it faintly condensedThe blurred lines first restore the balance of black and white, but gradually suppress death and the darkness of the bones.

It is indeed the origin of life and death, a place of shortcuts, just being in it, the consciousness can feel the essence of life and death, and have a great understanding, and the corresponding skills and supernatural powers of one’s own cultivation will be based on the abstraction of the outside world, naturally evolve, and get close to them , received an astonishing improvement, the deeper it went, the closer this change would be to the way of life and death. Meng Qi felt emotional, and then discovered the ancestor of Ashura and the blood-killing Taoist not far away.

K are things that are not the origin of life and death, so they can be induced by the day after tomorrow.

The ancestor of Asura seemed to have finally soaked in the hot spring to relax after a long time of exhaustion. Thousands of eyes narrowed comfortably.

But K also paid a big price. The fierce guardian spirits around his body were emitting bursts of blue smoke, gradually blurred and transparent, and disappeared one by one according to the strength of the appearance of the demon god.

Daoist Xuesha showed joy on his face. He was full of vitality at first, then jumped into the nearby “death”, and drew out a killing sword made of countless eyes and blood vessels.

Strips of blood squirm, ferocious like insects, eyes open, full of cruelty and death, they gradually change themselves according to the abstract things in the outside world, condense fuzzy lines, refine and sublimate death and murderous intent.

This evil god who was born in the realm of the underworld seized the opportunity to refine himself and sword at the “origin of life and death”

“Fellow Daoist got his wish, congratulations.” Meng Qi looked at the ancestor of Asura, smiled slightly, and jumped back to the abstract place of death.

The long river of Huangquan contains life in death, and death hides in life. The two are in a delicate balance, so as to penetrate the nine secluded worlds and the myriad worlds, bringing about changes in life and death. Therefore, if death is too strong or vitality is too strong, it will break this body. The balance of the bones made it biased. Meng Qi had no choice but to improve the essence of life for a while and then return to death. He took turns tempering and improving alternately to maintain balance.

And in this way, he might be able to use the “origin of life and death” to temper the bones of Huangquan into magical weapons or magic weapons, and break through the original limit of legends to achieve good fortune.

As for extracting the origin of life and death, using it and Huangquan’s bones to refine treasures, Meng Qi still has no idea at all.

The rotten old man of Asura’s first ancestor chuckled lightly and said:

“It’s really worth fighting for.”

“Where’s Huang Quan?” Meng Qi jumped back to Sheng’s side.

The ancestor of Asura pondered for a while and said: “He is familiar with this place, and he is afraid that he has already penetrated into it, so he will not entangle with us, and strive to get the body of Zhenwu in a strange state as soon as possible.”

Meng Qi thought for a while and said, “Then the old man will also give it a try.”

While speaking, he jumped into death and began to move toward the depths. The so-called depths are places where abstract feelings are more intense and more elusive.

After walking alternately between life and death for a while, Meng Qi couldn’t help sighing when he found that the ancestor of Ashura and Taoist Xuesha had followed him.

The Ks are too greedy, they have obtained enough benefits, but they still want to go deeper, coveting the mystery of the shortcut and the body of Emperor Zhenwu, and don’t even think about it, can they compare with themselves? Consciousness, at most, can backfire on the deity, suffer continuous injuries for a while, without damaging the fundamentals at all, and if the Ks fail, it will be lost forever.

It’s so good, the scars forget the pain

Of course, if you are not greedy, you are not evil gods and demons anymore. Even if you have spiritual wisdom and rationality, you will still be affected by your nature to a certain extent if you are not in the realm of killing Taoists in the past.

After walking for a while, there was a sudden sense of turbulence. Meng Qi’s eyes lit up, and he saw a black and white intertwined lightning, which was half abstract and half substantial, and the cycle of life and death was very terrifying, and it hit him violently.

This is the “short-cut punishment”

This is not some will presiding over thunder and punishment, but a natural reaction, just like punching a wall, you will receive the corresponding force from the wall, and if you go deep into the “origin of life and death” and approach the avenue, there will be a corresponding rebound. Gradually increase in power.

The blood-yellow mist around Meng Qi swelled, half black and half white. As he flicked his fingers repeatedly, it turned into dozens of turbid sword auras, facing the lightning that cycled between life and death.

clap clap

The turbid sword energy was connected end to end, turning into a black and white earth scroll, which disappeared at the same time as the lightning, and the ancestor of Asura and the blood killer also resisted this wave of thunder punishment.

Moving forward, Meng Qi suddenly felt something was wrong, and subconsciously stopped in place.

He found that not only the bones of Huangquan were changing with the abstract death and life, condensing and blurring the lines, but also his own consciousness and distraction.

In other words, if you go deep into it to a certain extent, your distractions and ideas will be assimilated into the essence of death and life of the shortcut, and you will no longer have any subjective thoughts and thoughts

This is the so-called Emperor Zhenwu who was too greedy, went too far, and was almost assimilated by Dao

At this moment, they saw the black-robed figure in front of them, Huang Quan’s reincarnated body covered with black and white yin-yang fish, and it was going deep quickly.

Then, he stopped, and in front of him was a body sitting cross-legged, with a black gown, a crown of flat heaven, a clear face, and eyes closed. , without the slightest clever idea, gloomy.

“Haha, if you dare to approach, you will be assimilated by the Tao, evenThe attack is also “Huang Quan turned around and laughed, very proud.

He who is familiar with this place has already made preparations, so he dares to approach Zhenwu’s body, and others have no chance at all.

Because of this, he didn’t take advantage of Meng Qi’s first entry into the origin of life and death, and the opportunity to kill people and silence them.

Amidst the laughter, Huang Quan turned around, stretched out his right hand, and pressed towards the Niwan on Emperor Zhenwu’s head.

At this time, Emperor Zhenwu suddenly opened his eyes in the body that was still alive and dead, and the eyes were highlighted with a touch of purple.


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