I Honor

Chapter 1401

A few years

The wind in the small courtyard, the sound of the piano lingering, Ruan Yushu played the music scores he had learned one by oneCome out, from Luan Divine Comedy to Tianlong Bayin, from Guanghan Mantra to Langzhi Ershenyin, from Tianchangdiqu to Longguibei Shoupu, they first repeat in circles, and then intertwined and chaotic, as if to merge with each other, Write a new piano song with this.

Decades ago, breaking through the barriers of human immortals was a major event that changed the situation of the world, but now it is irrelevant. Except for the members of the Ruan family, who would pay more attention to Ruan Yushu’s retreat

The sound of the zither is like water, jingling continuously, always echoing in the courtyard.

Somewhere in Jiangdong, a family with the surname Sun.

A young boy with a thick head and a thick head was wearing a heavy suit, and was tempering himself in the martial arts arena. He did not practice martial arts too deliberately, so as not to affect his developing body.

After punching and kicking, he breathed a sigh of relief and left the arena, took the hot towel handed by the book boy, wiped the sweat from his face, and watched the other disciples and servants practicing martial arts with great interest.

What they practiced was very similar, either “Xinghuo Dafa”, or the combination of “Xinghuo Dafa” and family-inherited exercises. Of course, it can be seen from the little boy’s shallow knowledge and vision that the so-called combination is probably just deceiving himself.

“Master, let’s see what they practice martial arts. You have real magical skills that are many times better than Xinghuo Dafa.” The book boy next to him muttered, although he was a few years older than the little boy, he seemed far less mature than the other boy.

The little boy nodded slightly, with a calmness beyond his age, and smiled:

“Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue.”

Yes, I really don’t need to practice the “Xinghuo Dafa” that has changed the real world, because I will have better magic skills, the magic skills that point directly to the other side, “Yuanshi Golden Medal” or “Eighty Nine Xuangong”

When I was just born, I was accepted as a disciple by the Taoist Holy Land, Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace, and I will go to the mountain to practice after my tenth birthday.

Based on this, there is no need to take a second look at Xinghuo Shengong, but most of the people in Jianghu use this Dafa as their foundation and practice other things, it is by no means a bad thing to know more about it.

The book boy was filled with admiration and said flatteringly, “Young master is really far-sighted. Everyone has been worried that you will be spoiled. You are so ambitious. In the end, you are more mature than all the children in other houses.”

The little boy smiled and didn’t say a word, how can he compare with ordinary teenagers in two lives?

Yes, he is Sun Wu, and he is also Luo Shengyi. The memory of the previous life is vivid, only incomplete, and the influence of his body and environment in this life is also mixed in, so he is not pure Luo Shengyi.

After handing the towel to the book boy, Sun Wu walked slowly back to his room. Before he entered the room, he saw his father from this life approaching with a smile on his face.

“Wu’er, in one month, you will be ten years old and enter the Kunlun Mountains to practice immortality. Have you ever prepared yourself?” Patriarch Sun Chong Ni asked.

Sun Wu said with a smile: “Go back to Daddy, since I was the magistrate, I have been making preparations.”

Patriarch Sun Lao Huai comforted: “You are so steady, you can rest assured as a father.”

Having said that, he paused for a moment, and his expression became awed: “The Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain is the holy land of Taoism in the world, and the Yuanhuang Immortal Venerable is the most legendary. In order to show our attitude, we must not wait until you are ten years old. Let’s go, Wu’er, pack your luggage, and in a few days, I will follow my father on a Mohist locomotive to the city at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, and I will go up the mountain immediately after my tenth birthday.”

In this way, he obeyed the order without any delay, which shows his sincerity.

Sun Wu nodded lightly and said: “My child obeys.”

Then, he saw Patriarch Sun take out a waist card and handed it to himself: “Father is afraid that you will lose it when you are young, so I have kept this thing for you all the time. Now you can wear it.”

Sun Wu took the waist card, only to feel that it looked ordinary, but there were four seal characters written on it that made people unable to take their eyes off:

“Under the Gate of Yuxu”

These four did not contain any power, but still made the nearby Sun family’s children and servants bow their heads in awe.

No need for external embellishments, “Under the Yuxu Gate” is the best method of divine passage

At the end of the East China Sea, on Sanxiao Island.

Bi Jingxuan’s breath became deeper and deeper, and she focused her eyes on the three chaotic green lotuses in the lotus pond in front of her.

The lotus is slowly blooming, the petals are opening, fresh and ready to drip, and then they grow and change, the air of chaos dissipates, and permeates the surroundings, with a sense of tyranny and majesty becoming more and more prominent, and it takes shape quickly.

When the darkness receded and the energy of chaos was absorbed, Bi Jingxuan saw three more fairies who could be called goddesses in her dreams.

The leader is wearing a Taoist robe, the moon is the eyebrow, the flower is the face, mature and elegant, the firmness is hidden between the eyebrows and eyes, like a peony in full bloom, and there are women in light-colored palace costumes on both sides, as beautiful as water, with a gentle smile, and The elegant green dress gives people a feeling of fiery nature.

Bi Jingxuan took a deep breath and bowed down:

“Disciple Bi Jingxuan has met three patriarchs.”

The leader smiled lightly and said: “Thank you for your hard work, the next days will be for us to help you prove your uniqueness.”

Mistress Sanxiao, who swept away Yuxu’s sect in the Battle of the Ancient Conferred Gods, finally returned

In the vast starry sky, a star floating near the real world suddenly bloomed brilliantly, like another bright moon in the night sky.

This star looks like a towering mountain peak, writing “Jiuhua Mountain”typeface.

Seeing this situation, monks or boys in Taoist robes showed joy on their faces, saluted together, and shouted loudly:

“Welcome the return of the gods”

As the strongest golden immortal of Yuxu’s second generation and one of the nine Daomen, Guang Chengzi is one of the last ones to wake up in the great supernatural power.

The higher the realm, the deeper the cultivation base, the more time it takes to wake up, and Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun wakes up two years earlier than Guangchengzi.

Since then, except for Yang Jian, the true king of Qingyuan Miaodao, who has never seen the head and tail of the dragon, all the members of Yuxu’s sect have returned.

The high-altitude Jiuhua Mountain’s stars shine brightly, which naturally makes people in the real world notice it, but they are not surprised by it. In recent years, similar things have often happened, and now they can compete with the bright moon. There are already many stars, and they are completely open. You can take the flying artifact of the Mohists to reach them, and travel through the galaxy.

Ever since, the “territory” of the real world has been expanded many times.

And these stars each move, divided into several large areas, and connected into different starry sky fairylands, which are said to be divided by many forces such as Buddhism, Yuxu, Yaozu, and ancient heavenly star gods.

It’s not surprising, so there is no need to care about it. People who are playing with the Myriad Realm Talisman lowered their heads one after another. After sending another post or message about another great supernatural being fully awakened at any time, they continued the current hottest “gambling game”:

Who will be the next self-proving legend?

After many years of accumulation, Mr. Lu Da, who has a special path, is still mysterious and profound. I don’t know if the promoted magician Han Guang, or the Xijian Pavilion Supreme Sword Jiang Zhiwei, the demon emperor Qi Zhengyan who has created a world in Jiuyou, or the returning force. The leader of the new generation

In the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains, Meng Qi is revolving the yin and yang seals, and his whole body is black and white, radiant like a fish, tempering that page of the “Book of Life and Death”, so as to engrave his own enlightenment from the origin.

After several years, with the help of the universe in the ancient well of Yuxu Palace, he has cultivated a lot of ancient breaths, making the practice of projecting projections all over the world more effective with half the effort. Now, he is only one step away from consummation, that is, The “other-me projection” can be naturally derived with the emergence of the new universe.

In the small courtyard of Langya, the sound of Ruan Yushu’s qin gradually became smoother, with its own charm, and the inner world evolved accordingly, developing towards the realm of the earth fairy.

And the further integration of “Splitting the Sky and Changing the Earth” and “Dragon Turtle’s Back Shoupu” made the strange point of birth and death reappear behind her.

At this moment, a dark and deep finger stretched out and poked at the strange point, causing it to spin crazily, turning into a black and white vortex. Ruan Yushu’s whole body was cold, and his breath felt frozen.

“Fellow Daoist Su, it’s time.” The voice of Emperor Fengdu came into Yuxu Palace and into Meng Qi’s ears.

Meng Qi opened his eyes, put away the “Book of Life and Death”, took the Tree of the Great Dao and the Overlord’s Sword together, sighed softly, then escaped from the figure, and threw himself into the vortex of life and death together with Emperor Fengdu.


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