I Honor

Chapter 1412

: Power of Order

Fengtiantai stands on the left side of the city, surrounded by altars of five emperors in five directions, exuding a sense of solemnity that makes the whole Changle have the king’s presence and coercion.

Meng Qi glanced at the scene, and a figure appeared, descending in front of a certain palace in Miyagi.

Squeaky, the door of the palace opened without wind, as if welcoming, the beams, columns and other arrangements inside were bathed in sunlight, golden and splendid, magnificent and majestic.

It was rare for Gao Lan to wear casual clothes, and he stood by the window with his hands behind his back like that. His whole body was dyed golden, exuding a sense of sacredness and solemnity.

“Third brother, you don’t come here for anything, what’s the purpose of this trip?” Gao Lan didn’t turn his head, his voice seemed to come from outside the sky, without joy or sadness.

The corners of Meng Qi’s eyes twitched, and he said in a “cold and indifferent” tone: “I often communicate with the Talisman of Myriad Worlds, how come there is a saying that I don’t come to the door for everything?”

It seems that the eldest brother is recalling Yan Ran again, the imposing nine-foot man is a little sad for the spring and autumn, and he is forced to express his sorrow to make up for his feelings, and forcibly slanders himself as a cold-blooded brother who does not go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing

Gao Lan turned his head slowly, his face was covered with a layer of sunlight, and he said flatly:

“Since communicating through the Universal Knowledge Talisman is equivalent to visiting the door, why did you come here in person?”

The elder brother’s thoughts were really clear, Meng Qi couldn’t understand it with common sense, he was speechless for a moment, he didn’t know how to answer, whether he should admit that he had nothing to do with going to the Three Treasures Hall, or swallow the explanation just now.

After a little thought, Meng Qi used his strengths to the fullest.Extreme, straight to the point, ignoring other questions, with a solemn expression, and straightforwardly said: “Brother, what kind of humanity is the humanity in your mind and the humanity you want to practice?”

Gao Lan’s eyes suddenly became deep, with a kind of sharpness and indifference brewing, as if he had returned from a tender man who remembered the past to a rational and cold emperor.

Meng Qi didn’t avoid his eyes. Although the whole person’s aura was not obvious, there was a sense of inexplicable chaos that made all the edges fall into the void.

Gao Lan pondered for a long time, and his thin lips slowly opened.

Pulled by the air mechanism, Meng Qi’s thoughts tightened, and he became more solemn, waiting for the answer.

“Brother Huang.” Gao Lan flatly pointed out Meng Qi’s previous mistake.

Meng Qi’s mouth was slightly opened, and his expression was a little dazed. Fortunately, he was able to review his thoughts, and he recovered in an instant.

Such a solemn moment, why care about the details

Just as he was about to speak, Gao Lan was already facing out of the window again, with a calm tone as if he was talking about someone else:

“Yan Ran once asked me this question. At that time, my answer was that I would ascend to the Ninth Five-Year Plan and control the power of the myriad realms, so as to rule the human race, protect the subjects from natural disasters and demon disasters, and let the human race become the wisdom of the heavens.” The leader of the race is getting more and more prosperous.”

Meng Qi restrained himself and listened quietly without interrupting.

“After Yan Ran heard this answer, she didn’t mention it any more. I think she must be a little disappointed, but I don’t understand why she was disappointed. Afterwards, she was imprisoned for many years and practiced in the Human Emperor’s Golden Book. And finally got the Human Emperor Sword, unified the world, and became the current Human Emperor.” Gao Lan said lightly, with a calm voice, “After suffering and vicissitudes, I finally saw the glory, and I also have more of my own understanding of humanity. idea.”

“In the last years of ancient times, monsters messed up the land, and people had no means of living. Therefore, the way of the human emperor is to fight against monsters, expel evil spirits, isolate gods, overcome thorns and thorns, and open up a road for the human race to last forever. Today, the human race is no longer precarious in the real world. , On the contrary, it occupies a very prominent position, and protection alone seems to be unable to support a complete humanity, so I chose to expand, and chose to enter the world.”

“However, this is not enough. The human way only refers to the human race, which is too narrow. Based on my experience over the years, the human way is also the light of civilization, the fire of wisdom, and all intelligent beings who can think about the world, are keen to explore the unknown, and pursue the great way. The Tao supported together, after the creation of heaven and earth, except for the innately born strong, the heavens and myriad worlds are cold and silent, even if there is sunlight, it is difficult to hide the dark nature. Civilizations light up the dark universe.”

“Humanity is the gathering of people, order, the thinking of all intelligent life, the love of life, the exploration of the unknown, and the pursuit of the avenue. Only in this way can we resist foreign enemies and all forces that try to destroy and hinder the progress of this civilization. To fight against the evil gods and demons that represent the way of destruction and chaos, so I acquiesced to the expansion of the Mo Palace, the development of the institutions, and the growth of the World of Universal Knowledge. Therefore, as long as you are willing to abide by the laws of the Great Zhou, you will not do internal sabotage , all intelligent and lawful beings can be classified as humane.”

Gao Lan turned his head back, his eyes were like deep pools, and he said in a low voice:

“This is the humanity I want.”

Meng Qi nodded impossibly, and said calmly:

“I see.”

After speaking, he turned around and left without any hesitation in his footsteps, leaving only the Taoist robe slowly disappearing.

Watching Meng Qi leave, Gao Lan suddenly said in a low voice:

“I am very ambitious. I don’t want to see the inexplicable ways of demons, demons, and gods. I want to use the human way to cover them all.”

Guang Chengzi came to the world of Journey to the West, set up the Dunguang, and went straight to the “Dousita Palace” thirty-three days away.

As soon as the exotic flowers and plants and the fairy birds of the spiritual spring came into view, he saw the golden horn boy coming to welcome him.

“Senior Brother Guangcheng, the Elder Master ordered me to obey your orders.” The Golden Horn Boy smiled and cupped his hands.

Guang Chengzi was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to face the Tushita Palace, and saluted solemnly:

“Thank you, Master Uncle, for making it happen.”

Sure enough, I can’t hide it from Uncle Morality

After finishing the etiquette, he looked at Jinjiao boy and said with a slight smile: “Young brother, please go to the Fusang ancient tree boundary and ask the Qing emperor what he thinks about the list of gods.”

The Golden Horn boy let out a hey, without further ado, and immediately left thirty-three days away.

Guang Chengzi waited patiently for a long time, and finally saw Shi Shiran return, and said with a pleasant smile: “Brother Qingdi said that you can do whatever you want.”

Being so sure, without the slightest ambiguity in the answer, Guang Chengzi was overjoyed, and immediately bid farewell to the Golden Horn Boy, and returned to the Yuxu Palace, which lived on an infinite height.

Humanity is the method of gathering people, it is the power of order. Meng Qi recalled what Gao Lan said, and he already had a bottom line in his heart. When he came back to Yuxu Palace, he saw Guang Chengzi’s face full of joy, and he immediately laughed and said:

“Senior Brother Guangcheng, it seems that Senior Qingdi supported us to win the list of gods”

“That’s right, things will be much simpler.” Guang Chengzi replied with a smile.

With the approval of the only one who walks in the world, who else would dare to cause trouble

At this time, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun interjected: “Easy is easy, but we can’t take it lightly. In today’s world, there may not be no strong men or treasures that can temporarily stop Qingdi.”Meng Qi’s heart moved, he nodded and said, “What Senior Sister Wenshu said is very true. First, we have to be on guard against someone who breaks the seal of Lingshan and let the Demon Buddha escape. Second, we need to consider the monsters of the Heavenly Dao and Fu Huang.”

Although Emperor Qing can display supernatural powers and borrow the power of monsters from the heavens, the two seem to be related, but others may not be able to.

“Fu Huang,” Guang Chengzi asked in a little surprise.

When he heard the words of Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, he immediately thought of the devil Buddha and the monster of heaven, but what happened to Fuhuang?

“I learned from Emperor Fengdu that Fuhuang’s state is very wrong, and I’m afraid there will be accidents coming from this.” Meng Qi said frankly.

Emperor Fengdu was one of the three corpses of the ancient Bodhi Buddha, and what K said was definitely not nothing. Guang Chengzi, Chi Jingzi and others nodded slightly, agreeing to Meng Qi’s worry.

While thinking about it, Meng Qi looked around and said with a smile:

“The emperor of today has a heart of tolerance, so it may not be impossible to cooperate with other forces. We should join forces as soon as possible to prevent accidents.”

As he said that, he cast his eyes on Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun: “Senior Sister Manjusri, you have a very close relationship with Buddhism, I wonder if you can send someone to test their attitude?”

Manjusri’s eyes turned, wisdom was secretly born, and his smile burst into a smile: “Wanlin, you go to Maitreya Pure Land for a little test.”

When Jian Wanlin took the order to go away, Meng Qi ordered Xiao Tiangou to contact the demon clan, Chi Jingzi’s apprentice Qixi Shanren to communicate with Lingbao Tianzun’s lineage, and Nezha visited Su Nu Fairyland in the name of the Great God of the Three Altars and returned with the reincarnation. The Nine Heavens Profound Girl, the current leader of the ancient Heavenly Court lineage, communicated.

“Follow the decree of the sect master,” they all led the order in unison and left.

After finishing the order, Meng Qi looked at Guang Chengzi, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun and others with a smile that was not a smile:

“It’s not too late, I invite a few senior brothers and sisters to play tricks here. Junior brother, I will change against the wind, escape from Yuxu Palace, sneak into Jiuyou, and see if I can hide the truth.”

On the one hand, it is using tentative vertical and horizontal alliances to disturb the line of sight, and on the other hand, it is trying to conduct private transactions

Guang Chengzi and Manjusri and other great supernatural powers have already realized it, and they all laughed and said:

“Please rest assured Master Master”


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