I Honor

Chapter 1414

: Hitting East and West

This thousand-eyed demon has no awareness of its own situation and situation. Its eight scaly limbs flutter up and down, seemingly normal. The scorching invisible “tentacles” are cruising over quickly, as if they can penetrate its body and read its mind.

Meng Qi converges consciousness, perception, etc. in the meaning of chaos, deduces the near real infinity, completely hides all traces, leaving only the “cause of all effects” silently and silently, which is free and eternal, and “Tao” “The same is constant in the heaven and the earth. It belongs to the “nature” that outlines the outline and follows the “nature”. It is extremely difficult to be discovered without active inspection.

“Hei Tiandi came from the past to spy on blood demons, plundering and killing. The feeling is deep, dark and subtle. The killing intent of the demon king can cut off the filth of seven kills in this world, the crazy destruction, the nine-chaos Tianzun, the ice-cold death.” Meng Qi is like a pure Points, relying on the “cause of all effects” to distinguish the invisible “tentacles”.

When the peeping “tentacles” were about to approach this flesh and blood demon body, the filth of cold death suddenly dispersed and filled into an illusory mist, and the other five “tentacles” were flicked away, declaring their sovereignty.

This is the demon that the Ghost Emperor Xuanming left behind the filthy seeds

The rest of the old guys have more or less done similar things in these years, inserting many of their own people into the Red Mountains. Now that they understand that the “abnormality” belongs to the Xuanming Ghost Emperor, they don’t want to collide with K immediately. Let the fisherman benefit, so they have withdrawn the “tentacles” of cruising perception.

Only “Jiu Chao Tian Zun” did not retreat but advanced, and the destruction seemed to turn into a wave, rushing over with irregular chaos and madness, making Meng Qi, who was hiding in the Wuji seal, feel the danger.

Standing among these evil spirits at the pinnacle of Jiuyou, “Nine Chaos Heavenly Venerable” is famous for being incoherent in his words, harming others and not benefiting himself, and breaking contracts like flipping through a book. K is not stupid, he just makes others stupid, just chaos, just evil , so many times k’s actions cannot be judged by common sense. When others will retreat or compromise and restrain themselves, k often does the opposite

Because of this, what Meng Qi was most worried about in his plan to use this demonic body to infiltrate the Scarlet Mountains was the “Jiu Chao Tianzun”, not the Heitian Emperor, nor the Demon Kings.

Facts have also proved this point. Although the wave of destruction that can tear apart all minds is invisible, it is menacing and attracts the perceptions of Hei Tiandi and other powerful people almost instantly.

Once a violent collision breaks out, you have to be prepared


The wave hit the cold and dead fog, condensing into patches of dark, illusory ice crystals, and the thousand-eyed demon fled quickly, still not aware of the abnormalities around it.

It is beyond its comprehension to fight against the pseudo-others who are too many levels higher than it, and it is almost non-existent to it, until the aftermath spreads out and swallows it.

For ordinary mortal monsters, maybe there are often devastating battles around them, but they often don’t notice it.

The death fog swayed and was about to collapse, “Ghost Emperor Xuanming” was a little caught off guard, and couldn’t help cursing inwardly:

“Damn, this old lunatic is sick again”

“Nine Chaos Tianzun” had been normal for several years before, Xuanming Ghost Emperor thought that the matter of the Demon Emperor’s claws made K value, so he restrained himself and became sober, but at the critical moment today, K broke out of his nature again.

Seeing this situation, Meng Qi had no choice but to mobilize his followers.

Now that he knew that the Jiuchao Tianzun was a big change, how could he be unprepared?


The “wheel of life and death of the heavens” in the origin of life and death rotates slowly, and the rolling out of the long river of Huangquan is turbulent, full of death.

These abnormalities immediately diverted the attention of Hei Tiandi and others, and they sensed to the bank of the Yellow Spring. Influenced by instinct, “Jiu Chao Tian Zun” also retracted the invisible “tentacles”, protruding innumerable thin threads, spreading over the past.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ghost Emperor Xuanming distracted himself from the changes in the underworld, and at the same time made up for the invisible fog of death, allowing the demon hiding Meng Qi to continue to climb mountains and mountains.

At the same time, K also conveniently inspected this flesh and blood demon body to prevent any old guy from planting hidden dangers.

Meng Qi even stopped the “cause of all effects” and completely converged into the chaos, as if he had disappeared into the world, being swept away by the invisible tentacles of the Ghost Emperor Xuanming.

Cold, cold, filthy, death, depravity and other avenue images passed by strangely, and suddenly, it paused slightly.

Meng Qi didn’t change at all, as if he had died long ago.

After a pause, the “invisible tentacles” moved forward again, passed the flesh and blood demon body, and retracted into the distance.

With continuous distraction from him, no matter how tyrannical Ghost Emperor Xuanming was, it would be difficult for him to find Meng Qi who was also blessed by Jiuyou.

The flesh and blood demon body fled forward and entered the main body of the red mountain range. The abnormal Huangquan returned to normal, attracting the doubts and speculations of powerful people such as Hei Tiandi, Jiuyou Blood Demon and Demon Lord, and Jiuchao Tianzun was already unconscious when he retracted his sight. Can take advantage of, so regained sobriety and reason.

The deeper the red mountain range goes, the thinner the tumbling demonic energy becomes. In the end, with the dark sun hanging high, it feels like the sky is clear and the air is clear.Meng Qi originally thought that it would take a lot of trouble to find Qi Zhengyan, but when he first entered the Scarlet Kingdom, he saw him standing on a high place surrounded by evil gods and demons.

He was not looking down to be superior to others, but he was preaching something. The eyes of many evil gods and demons sitting beside him were relatively clear, and they were listening intently, their emotions fluctuating from time to time.

Qi Zhengyan’s voice passed through the demon’s ears and penetrated into Meng Qi’s mind, appearing intermittently:

“Troubled by emotions, the pain of being ruled by desire, I will not be less than you. Every day, every moment, I have to do my best to resist the influence of the devil’s claw. Every time I practice to the end, I always fall into nightmares. Things that we would like to happen, parents being dismembered by my crazy self, best friends who died tragically in my betrayal and sneak attack, bloody scenes, extreme emotions, and irrational desires, can let us get a moment of happiness, but afterwards there is endless self-blame, it is difficult Unraveling the pain, and then falling into the sea of ​​suffering, reincarnation, until the three souls are completely replaced, I am no longer me”

“These experiences and experiences are just a joke to gods and demons who have not awakened at all, and will only encourage their desires such as killing and destruction. Since you have come to the Red Mountains on your own initiative, you must have similar experiences and similar pains , might as well stand up and share with everyone, so that we can see the true face of Jiuyou more and more clearly.”

With Qi Zhengyan taking the lead, the evil gods and demons stood up one by one, telling their own pain.

In this kind of narration, their emotions fluctuate, their mutual recognition gradually strengthens, and their vague views on Jiuyou gradually take shape, hatred, and resistance

Meng Qi circulated Yuanxin Seal, which subtly influenced the demon possessing him. He listened and approached. Suddenly, two monsters in pure black full-body armor appeared in front of his eyes. They were supposed to be members of the Yan Mo clan.

“This brother, you’re new here,” Yan Moshou asked.

Meng Qi controlled the possessed demon and nodded, “I heard that the Demon Emperor occupying the Scarlet Mountains can help us with our own spiritual wisdom and thoughts to get rid of the influence of Jiuyou. I don’t know if there is such a thing.”

Guard Yan Mo laughed and said: “Of course, we only understand what we really want after being educated by the Devil Emperor.”

“What is it?” Meng Qi asked casually.

“Uh” Yan Mo guard was stunned, “Anyway, it’s not endless and empty destruction.”

Meng Qi thought about it, “What do I need to do after joining the Scarlet Mountain Range?”

“Four things, one is to practice the righteous law given by the Devil Emperor, and fundamentally resist the influence of Jiuyou, the other is to communicate with colleagues about past pain and current experience, and the third is to vent negative emotions through the labor of building the scarlet mountain barrier. Desire, the fourth is to practice formations under the organization of the demon saints, other than that, you don’t need to flatter anyone and serve anyone.” Yan Mo said, the more his eyes lit up.

After passing Yan Mo’s guard, Meng Qi found that Qi Zhengyan had disappeared from the place where he sat around and complained about his pain.

After a little identification of the traces, Meng Qi escaped from the demon possessing him, turned into a ray of light, sank into the ground, and swept away quickly.

“This effect is not bad.” Zhao Heng and Qi Zhengyan walked side by side in the red mountain range, watching the barrier from inside to outside, from old to new, getting bigger and more terrifying.

Qi Zhengyan nodded without a smile on his face, but did not speak.

Zhao Heng looked at the entrance of the enchantment, frowned and said, “It’s easy to let the evil gods and demons enter without too much review. I always feel that there is a big hidden danger. Those old guys are not easy to get along with. I’m afraid there are some hidden things left behind.” seed.”

Qi Zhengyan said calmly: “The Emperor Dazizai secretly censored.”

Speaking of this, he paused, and rarely showed a smile and said: “How about leaving hidden seeds? This is just for those old guys to listen to my thoughts, my concepts, and my goals. Normally speaking, Apart from this channel, how can ks sit down and listen to me carefully?”

Zhao Heng was stunned when he heard this, and he was silent for a long time before he said with emotion: “You are usually quiet and reticent, but when you really need to speak, you talk more than anyone else.”

At this moment, he saw Qi Zhengyan stop suddenly, his expression seemed to be fluctuating, and immediately he also noticed the abnormality, and saw a familiar figure quietly standing on the hill in front, wearing water clothes, fanning the cloud crown, and coming out dust.

“Xiao Meng” Zhao Heng’s spirit was tense for some reason, and his voice seemed to be whispering.

The person who came was none other than Su Meng, the contemporary head teacher of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains, Yuan Emperor Xianzun.

Meng Qi was not as calm as Zhao Heng, and the disappointment, sighs, pain, and even hatred and breakup images of the other two flashed through his mind.

He secretly took a breath, got rid of all negative emotions and thoughts, smiled and said:


Qi Zhengyan looked straight into Meng Qi’s eyes, and after a while of silence, he suddenly said:

“You came here for the Conferred God List, right?”

The atmosphere suddenly froze.


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