I Honor

Chapter 1417

Meng Qi? Mend? (Second more)

Heitiandi’s palm was deep and dark, as if carved with gemstones, able to absorb all light, breaking free from the shackles of time, and poking towards the past a few moments ago, trying to catch Meng Qi at that time.

With the help of the characteristics of the other shore, the cause of all effects, and the foresight of danger from the Eighty-nine Xuangong, Meng Qi “sees” the abnormality of the long river of time, and feels the history that is about to change. However, facing all these, he is so powerless, there is no There is no way to stop it, just like encountering the Dharma Body when enlightened, the gap is even far greater than this, it seems that you can only watch the hand of Hei Tiandi reach out to your former self.

This is the difference in levels, the level of essence, only the people from the other side can fight against the people from the other side, and the rest, no matter how many there are or gather together, it will have no effect

The long river of time rippled, and the beauty was like a dream. That black jewel-like palm was about to touch Meng Qi who was a few moments ago.

At this moment, Meng Qi’s chaotic singularity suddenly swelled, as if it was about to unfold into Qingyun, and then a sword, light and sword aura emerged, cutting towards the upstream and downstream of the long river of time respectively.

The light of the sword is dim, as if cut out from the illusory cause and effect, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, as if conceived by the river of time and fate.

Everything in the past is gone, this knife does not ask the past

Future destiny, only take one, this sword does not seek afterlife


The ripples in the long river of time intensified, and they were slightly affected by Meng Qi’s full-strength burst of the sword of not asking about the past and the sword of not seeking the afterlife, and then saw the sharp contraction of the sword, light and sword, and collapsed together with Taishang Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun, driving everything around Return to the beginning.


The meaning of infinite chaos pulls the illusory long river of time, and there are obvious waves, the void bends, and the light of the universe is slow, and they merge into that point one after another. Without up, down, left, and right, the profound point that defines the past, present, and future will also be lost

When the Wuji seal has been cultivated to the perfect state of good fortune, it embraces the Dao of Time, and it can influence the illusory river within a certain range like a peak-level great supernatural being majoring in time-related exercises, and survive the changes of history to a limited extent. The future is like the Monument of Seven Kills, except that the principles of the two sides are completely different. The former is to truly go back in time and modify the past, while the Wuji Seal pulls the history and the future to a certain extent to the present, allowing itself to “horizontally integrate the three generations” and fight against the past. The influence of external forces is mainly based on defense.

On the contrary, with the combination of Kaitian Seal and Dao Yiyin, it can cut through the shackles and turbulent currents of time. If you practice it to perfection, you will have the miracle of the Seven Killing Monument, taking the present as the cause and making the past the effect, reversing the logic

This is the tyranny of the first three seals of the “Golden Seal of the First Yuan Dynasty”. In the sense of the way of time before the other shore, it is even better than some Tathagata palms and seven swords that cut off the sky.

At this critical moment, Meng Qi did not pin all his hopes on the Qing Emperor’s attack, but tried his best to use the two ultimate moves of his own creation, “Don’t ask about the past” and “Don’t ask for the afterlife”, to leverage the past and the future. In the future, ten curled up creatures were created for the Wuji Seal that exploded with all its strength.Opportunity in the blink of an eye

Originally, Meng Qi’s Promise Seal was far from reaching the level of affecting time. Even if the origin of life and death in the refinement part was successful before, the meaning of chaos had already condensed into the illusory avenue, which was equivalent to the level of beginners, but it was still not enough. At that time, he was in the Nine Netherworlds, changed his characteristics, crossed the sea without concealing the sky, and his realm was substantially improved. He stepped from a legend into a good fortune, and the Wuji Seal also had a middle level of good fortune.

Of course, this is still far away from the consummation of good fortune, but it happens that Meng Qifa’s accumulation, comprehension and breakthrough direction in front of him involve past karma and future destiny. It also has the improvement of essence, strengthens the intervention of destiny, and slightly deepens the connection with the past from the previous life to the past, so it can and can only affect the long river of time a little, let it ripple, and create opportunities for Wujiyin.


The long river of time seems to be bent, twisted towards the chaotic singularity that Meng Qi transformed, and one after another of his own figures in the past five moments and the next five moments converged towards that point in order of distance. cannot be changed


The “Past Meng Qi” who was about to be held by Hei Tiandi’s hand was slowly “rushed” towards the current node by the sudden and intense river, preventing the deep and dark palm from directly grasping it.

The sound of waves in the long river of time entered his ears, and Meng Qi’s heart was shaking. He felt that his power was consumed in an instant. It is to be washed away from all memories. This is the price of affecting time and resisting historical changes.

With his current strength, he can’t sustain this level of consumption and backlash for three moments.

Hei Tiandi was slightly taken aback, turned his palm, and still accurately grasped that “Meng Qi in the past”, this level of time confrontation, K didn’t take it seriously

“This is the opportunity”

Suddenly, Meng Qi let out a low growl in his heart, and suddenly let go of his curling up against the long river of time, let his past self and future self return to their places, and let the Wuji seal unfold again into Yuanshi Qingyun, and above the Qingyun, the Pangu banner The phantom is surrounded by chaos, and the meaning of opening up is condensed and formed. This is the improvement brought by Jiuyou.


The river of time returned to normal, and Hei Tiandi, who changed direction, missed “Past Meng Qi” again, and then a purple light lit up in front of his eyes, as if cutting through the void, cutting through Jiuyou, cutting through time, and cutting towards himself consciousness

Meng Qi exerted the power of himself and Bawang Jue Dao to the limit, creating a world-shattering blow

“Hmph, the struggle of ants.” Hei Tiandi flicked his finger, the time passed, the light of the knife faded away, and there was no slightest wave.

Perhaps in the eyes of a strong man of this level, Meng Qi’s blow just now is really just equivalent to the struggle of an ant

The light of the saber dissipated, and Hei Tiandi’s indifferent eyes suddenly showed a trace of surprise, because Meng Qi in front of him was gone, completely gone

Of course, with K’s realm, there is no doubt that he can feel the fluctuation of cause and effect, but the end point is vague and unpredictable, and it is impossible to see it.

At this time, Meng Qi has already appeared in the origin of life and death.

Whether it’s urging the Wuji seal, stepping up steps to resist the backlash of the long river of time, or a world-shattering blow, they are all to hide the real means of life-saving, so as not to be noticed by Hei Tiandi.

And this life-saving method is to rely on the life and death wheels of the heavens to run the causes of all effects, and directly descend to the origin of life and death, so as to avoid the search of the false other shores.

This is a place of shortcuts, time and space are mixed, and can block the prying eyes of the other side. In today’s world, no more than ten fingers know how to enter it. Heitian Emperor, Xuanming Ghost Emperor, etc. are obviously not among them. The origin of life and death can disturb within ten breaths. The past and future of Time Chang Hanoi make the corresponding figure of Time Chang Hanoi blurred and difficult to grasp. If there is no such ability, the great figures on the other side would have looked through the history of Time Chang Hanoi, and judged the specific location from the scenes before and after others entered.

Heitiandi stared deeply at the place where Meng Qi disappeared, with his right hand poking into the illusory river, trying to touch the past figure of the other party, but they all disappeared as soon as they were touched, and reappeared as soon as they left.

Going forward, everything involving the Crimson Mountain Range and the Devil Emperor’s Claw, which belongs to Jiuyou, is blurred and hard to see.

As for earlier, Meng Qi was outside Jiuyou, how could K be able to influence him in the past.

This is the limitation of Jiuyou’s false other shore. If it were the real other shore, Meng Qi in the “origin of life and death” would have died on the spot.

These changes were ups and downs, and when Jiu Chaos Tianzun, Xuanming Ghost Emperor and others returned from the self-destruct of Meng Qi’s two incarnations, their consciousness swept away, and the matter was over.

“That’s Yuanhuang Su Meng of Yuxu Palace. He took away the list of gods.” Heitiandi sent a voice through his consciousness coldly, “Hmph, he must be hiding somewhere, and he hasn’t left Jiuyou yet. The hiding place is probably the origin of life and death. , our consciousness covers all places, patiently waiting for him to come out.”

Huang Quan changed twice and recognized Meng Qi’s identity. It was easy to connect these two things with the origin of life and death.

However, he actually noticed that Meng Qi was carrying the Gods List

Hearing the words “origin of life and death”, Ghost Emperor Xuanming’s eyes flickered, and he said with a cold smile:

“it is good”

Within the origin of life and death, Meng Qi hastily jumped into the vigorous vitality, and operated the yin and yang seals to repair himself.Nearly collapsed, severely injured.

Recalling the thrilling experience just now, Meng Qi felt relieved physically and mentally.

I was so proud that I was able to temporarily escape from the subordinates of the false side

With Meng Qi’s loud laughter, the suppressed and dull mood before “haha” disappeared a lot, and it was no longer forced to get rid of it.

Sure enough, I still like to challenge the strong, but this kind of experience is too much, and the head must be in a different place, but one cannot be two.

Meng Qi’s body gradually recovered, his laughter stopped suddenly, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he laughed at himself:

“Don’t learn from Cao Mengde, lest you laugh out new enemies.”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a pair of feet, a pair of feet standing deep in the origin of life and death, a pair of feet wearing boots made from dragon scales


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