I Honor

Chapter 142

: Falling Snow Knife

“The name of the law is determined.”

These four words were like a loud thunder, pouring into Che Wanxiu’s ears. With her master’s self-control, she couldn’t help but her complexion suddenly changed, and she was speechless.

It’s not that she has quick thinking and quick reactions, but that this name, this dharma name, has been well known in the world for more than a year. Beheading the master, destroying the gods, piercing the gods, breaking the void, all kinds of descriptions make people feel thunderous, it is difficult to know whether to remember or not to react

Her husband, Mr. Xiang, has always been dull, but at this moment he was shocked, and his expression changed: “Master Zhending”

Didn’t it mean that the void has been broken and ascended to the pure land of Buddhism?

On the entire second floor, all the people in the world who heard Duan Xiangfei’s answer were stunned on the spot. “Luoxue Dao” is a famous master of the nearby martial arts, and she is also a beautiful woman. It is impossible for them not to know her, and she naturally I will not mistake Mr. Xianyin. As a person who experienced it at the beginning, Mr. Xianyin will definitely not mistake Master Zhending

Duan Xiangfei laughed and said, “Mrs. Che, it’s not impossible to return after ascension. Master Zhending has a compassionate heart and knows that it is difficult to break the boundary between humans and gods in the world, so he returns deliberately, looking for someone who is destined to give him some advice.”

A clear answer, an affirmative answer, Duan Xiangfei told everyone with no doubt that this is the true mage who can break the void with a single knife.

Boom, boom, chopsticks in the hands of so many heroes fell on the table, fell to the ground, slapping, so many wine bowls, rice bowls were smashed to pieces.

They were extremely shocked, and turned their heads to look at Duan Xiangfei’s table. They saw a young monk sitting next to Mr. Xianyin. He was dressed in a white monk robe, spotless, handsome and solemn, calm and smiling. Holding a teacup, he really has the air of an eminent monk.

Isn’t it rumored that such a young monk is a monk with a beard hanging down his chest?

It also seems to be rumored to be a young monk

Che Wanxiu suppressed the ups and downs in her heart, restrained her half-sarcastic expression, and said tentatively: “I have heard for a long time that Master Zhending’s sword skills are superb, and I have been praised by friends in the world. He has the nickname of Luoxue Dao. , or the mage would not hesitate to teach me a thing or two.”

Is it true? You’ll know if you try it.

Meng Qi wanted to compete with her, so he put down his teacup, drew out the Red Sun Suppressing Evil Knife, and showed the back of the knife, “Che benefactor, let’s use the knife.”

“You just sit like this.” Che Wanxiu’s face darkened, she must have underestimated my “Snowfall Knife”

Of course, you have to maintain a superior demeanor, that’s how we want face. Meng Qi smiled and said, “I’m a guest from afar, so I’m here to show respect.”As soon as the words fell, the heroes on the second floor who were shocked at the scene all came back to their senses, and someone shouted loudly: “Luoxue Dao is going to compete with Master Zhending!”

With a bang, the crowded first floor made an explosion-like noise.

“What is the real mage”

“Could it be a true mage who breaks through the void with one knife?”

“Senior Luoxue Dao wants to compete with Master Zhending”

All of a sudden, voices of questioning, exclamation, and vibration merged into a noisy noise that made people’s ears buzz. Some people seemed to be in a dream, not moving, and some people ran up to the second floor, wanting to watch the battle. But for a moment, except for the area where Meng Qi and Che Wanxiu were located, this floor was already full of people, some even squeezed onto the tables.

Che Wanxiu’s complexion changed again and again. In such a situation, it was impossible to get off the tiger, and she had to fight. As for Master Zhending’s sitting, she didn’t care so much. He is a fairy who broke the boundaries between humans and gods. It’s also normal.

After thinking about it for a while, she took off the Luoxue knife, turned the blade upside down, restrained her energy, held her original position, and made a gesture: “Please enlighten me, Mage.”

“Please benefactor.” Meng Qi replied with a smile, feeling a little nervous in his heart. It was a rare tempering experience to sit and compete with a master.

Che Wanxiu stopped talking, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, she took a light breath and chopped out the thin Luoxue knife.

The light of the knife is like falling snow, and it falls in pieces, which is really beautiful, but she is the master who has opened up the vitality and spiritual secrets.

The Luoxue Knife really lived up to its reputation, Meng Qi secretly praised, without moving his body or feet, the Red Sun Suppressing Evil Knife drew an oblique arc in front of him, seeming to cover everything here.

When the two knives hit each other, Che Wanxiu stepped back half a step, but instead of being angry, she was happy. Master Zhending’s knife was so ingenious. I have only seen it in my life. After some sparring, my saber technique will definitely improve a lot. ,Go further

She didn’t keep her secrets anymore, her body skills unfolded, and the light of the knife was billowing, just like a blizzard descending into the world, the coldness was fierce and wonderful.

Meng Qi sat upright in the chair, unable to use his body skills, so he could only do his best to integrate all the saber techniques he had learned in his life to deal with the snowy saber light.

Duan Xiangfei, Mr. Xianyin, left the table early with a teacup in his hand, and watched the two of them compete with each other with a smile.

Most of the knowledgeable spectators around the “good sword skills” were dazzled, intoxicated by the interlacing of subtle changes and hidden flavors of sword skills.

Che Wanxiu did not open the secret treasure, but she was able to say with Duan Xiangfei and others that there is a certain degree of magic in the sword technique, and after opening the secret treasure of vitality and energy, the internal energy is abundant and continuous, and the more the battle, the braver it is , the light of the knife fluttered like a sky full of snow covering the place.

Under such pressure, Meng Qi gradually mastered his sword skills. Whether it was the five tigers breaking the door knife technique or the blood knife technique, it was derived from the “clean and broken” change, and it was easy to use. Che Wanxiu secretly screamed every time he dealt with it. .

However, Meng Qi was trapped in not moving his body and feet, and it gradually became a little difficult under Che Wanxiu’s increasingly fierce saber.

He took a deep breath, immersed in his mind, and suddenly withdrew the Red Sun Suppressing Evil Knife.

If this continues, he will either be forced to leave the table, or he will have to admit defeat, so he can only use a unique move.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, how can you admit defeat

When we have a choice, we are such people who want to save face

How much is face worth if you have no choice

The onlookers could barely see that Che Wanxiu had the upper hand even if they were not good at martial arts, and whispered:

“Master Zhending’s sword technique is really wonderful, but it’s still a bit difficult to sit still.”

“That’s right, even an immortal who breaks the boundary between man and god can’t defeat a grandmaster just sitting down.”

“But it shouldn’t be a knife, it shouldn’t be the only way”

At this moment, a knife light lit up and jumped into their sight.

Ten thousand taels of gold, fame in martial arts, wine and beauties, indulging in life and death, all of them smiled, as if they were enjoying these.

Even if the angle was changed, from an opponent to a bystander, Duan Xiangfei’s eyes were still confused, thinking about the wonderful scene when the Snow God Palace reappeared in the future.

The knife light went out, Che Wanxiu stood stiffly on the spot, her breathing was short, her mature and charming face was blushing, and her chest rose and fell violently, which was particularly eye-catching.

With a sound, the Luoxue Knife fell to the ground, and Meng Qi also retracted the Red Sun Suppressing Evil Knife, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly. Che Wanxiu’s appearance, what kind of “unwanted” desire was aroused in “Luo Hongchen”

He didn’t think too much, and quickly calmed down his body and mind, because only when he fell into the world of mortals, could he pull others together, so Meng Qi was also full of lust at this time, and he had to do his best to surrender.

The sound of Luoxue Dao falling to the ground made everyone who was deeply in a dream come back to their senses, each one feeling lost.

After a while, someone exclaimed in admiration and satisfaction: “One sword is magical, just now it is really a magical sword technique.”

“Sure enough, the sword technique is magical, no wonder it can cut through the void”

“Such a knife technique is simply beyond imagination.”

“Master Zhending is really a fairy.”

“He is a monk, he should be said to be a Bodhisattva-like figure.”

With admiration from the heart, Meng Qi smiled and said nothing, put back the saber, picked up the teacup andsip.

“Tsk, Master Zhending has an extraordinary bearing, and his reputation is well-deserved.”

They were all reminiscing about the knife just now, praising Meng Qi’s magnanimous martial arts, but they didn’t laugh at the failure of the Luoxue knife.

Huh, Che Wanxiu let out a long sigh, and without bending down to pick up the Luoxue knife, she cupped her hands flushed with difficulty and said, “Today I know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people, and the mage’s sword skills are already extraordinary.”

She is about forty years old, with a beautiful appearance, a good temperament, an excellent figure, plump, and at this time her face is flushed and charming, making everyone watching the battle feel thirsty.

And after Meng Qi recovered from the backlash from “Luo Hongchen”, he looked at Che Wanxiu but didn’t feel the same at all. The poor monk has gained a lot.”

Che Wanxiu picked up the Luoxue Knife and tried her best to restore her complexion: “The Zhuangzi of my husband and I is just outside the city, I wonder if we can invite the mage to visit us.”

She can become a master, and she has a lot of love for martial arts and swordsmanship, so she wants to ask for advice and learn from it.

Meng Qi smiled and said, “The poor monk has already settled down. If the car benefactor wants to find the poor monk, he can go to Changhua Temple tomorrow.”

He planned to stay in Changhua Temple for a while to investigate “Yuan Meng”.

Speaking of this, he suddenly felt something was wrong. He was a normal man, and he was well versed in human affairs in his previous life. Facing the rather touching Che Wanxiu, although he definitely wouldn’t think of that, but he should have a normal appreciation, which is not like the current feeling of still water, a real eminent monk.

Uh, Ananda’s breaking the precepts is really “vicious”. As long as you don’t go crazy, don’t destroy your purity, and control yourself, sooner or later, I, a fake monk, will become a real monk sooner or later. Enlightenment, I couldn’t help but gritted my teeth, no, I have to think of a way, um, next time I will discuss it with Zhiwei and the others, and see if they have any enlightening opinions, if it is unavoidable, at worst, I will exchange it for other location knives in the future methods, such as the long-awaited Seven Strikes of Purple Thunder

Che Wanxiu agreed, and accompanied Meng Qi and Duan Xiangfei after dinner with her husband, Mr. Xiang, before returning outside the city. She had heard from her subordinates that Mr. Xianyin was in the city, so she came here to show her kindness as a landlord.

And the prestige of the one-knife master and the prestige of the master made those who watched the battle dare not approach, so they could only go back and brag.

After a night of silence, Duan Xiangfei led Meng Qi to Changhua Temple early the next morning.


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