I Honor

Chapter 1421

Controlling Cause and Effect

The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, pervading the heavens and worlds, birth, old age, sickness and death, love and hatred, love and hatred, seeking but not getting, obsession is hard to get rid of, people can’t be freed, and perish from generation to generation.

Under Meng Qi’s feet, the three illusory avenues condense into a boat, which carries him across the ocean. He can’t see the other shore at a glance. The waves are high and the wind is strong everywhere, and he may capsize at any time.

The closer you get to the road, the harder it is to walk, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, where is the shore

In Yuxu Palace, the Pangu banner above Meng Qi’s head, Daoyi’s glazed lamp, and Taishang Wuji Yuanshi Qingyun sank one after another, dropping mud pellets, and the surrounding vision disappeared and returned to normal.

Guang Chengzi immediately stood up, cupped his hands and said with a smile:

“Congratulations to the apprentice master who has become a good fortune and stepped into the last stage of the sea of ​​suffering.”

“Congratulations to Master Master, who has become a good fortune and possesses supernatural powers.” Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, Chi Jingzi, Yuding Zhenren, Daoxing Xianzun and others also stood up to congratulate.

Even in the heyday of ancient times, people with great supernatural powers were the foundation of the top forces, stronger than the pure lands of all parties when the Buddha was still alive, and there were only a dozen of them, all of whom could be called the Buddha as the ancestor. A person with supernatural powers, apart from factors such as direct inheritance from the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and contemporary head teachers, also plays a pivotal role in the Yuxu Palace by itself, ranking among the heavens and myriad realms where the powerful return one after another.

The voice of congratulations echoed, Meng Qi nodded with a smile and said:

“They are all people who have sunk in the sea of ​​bitterness. The brothers and sisters don’t need to be so polite.”

Before he finished speaking, the glazed lamp hidden deep between his brows suddenly flickered strangely, and strange voices came out:

“You just give it to me. I swear, I will go home and divorce my wife, and marry you to get started. If there is any violation, there will be a thunderbolt from the sky.”

“This matter is confidential, everyone has to sign a contract, and it must not be leaked, otherwise the fire will burn you, and your bones will be gone.”live”

Huh, this is Meng Qi who was a little surprised, and immediately understood that because of the special nature of the “cause of all fruits”, after condensing the illusory Dao, there will be a little magic after other causal exercises produce illusory Dao fruits, making himself equivalent to Living part of the way of karma, while oaths, contracts, etc. all involve retribution, belong to the category of karma, and are under their own control.

In this way, wouldn’t he know a lot of secrets? Meng Qi’s mouth slowly opened into a smile. More importantly, with such a miraculous “cause of all fruits” combined with the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Kungfu, his ability to conceal secrets and whim will be extremely powerful. big boost.

While thinking about it, he flicked his right hand slightly, intending to “fire three fires for the new official”.

In an elegantly furnished boudoir, a beautiful young girl sat on the side of the bed, crossed her hands on her chest, and made a defensive gesture. In front of her stood a man in his thirties, wearing a soft hat and a Confucian uniform. His expression was excited, his eyes were slightly bloodshot, and he said with a decisive and sincere attitude:

“Ziyin, just give it to me. I swear, I will go home and divorce my wife, and marry you to start. If there is any violation, the sky will be thundered!”

The matter of ghosts and gods is elusive, and she would rather believe it than fool her. Seeing that the man was so anxious and solemn, and dared to make an oath to strike five thunders from the sky, the girl was moved and she stretched out her hand to cover his mouth. Tell him not to talk nonsense.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly appeared, shining incandescently, illuminating the entire boudoir.

A series of silver snakes entered through the window one after another, and slashed five times in front of the man.


Thunder burst out, green smoke rose, and the floor between the man and the girl was completely scorched black, exuding the smell of paste.

“This” the two looked at each other in blank dismay, for a moment they didn’t know where the world was going.

It’s really a thunderbolt

It just seems to be crooked

The girl was about to speak, but the man’s lips moved, his face showed panic, and he hurriedly said:

“Ziyin, I still have some things to do, I’m leaving first”

After speaking, he left in a hurry without looking back, with only one thought echoing in his mind:

I just swear casually, God, do you want to be so serious?

The girl was in a daze, and suddenly wept.

In the secret room, nine people wearing various costumes are signing the Yinhuo contract. Some of them are evil, some are covered in black robes, they are obviously heretics, and some are majestic, with their eyes higher than the top, like government officials. It seems that they are colluding secretly to complete some secret matter.

“Human Sovereign is a great talent, but he can’t grasp every detail. As long as you can help me get into the six doors and corrupt the bureaucrats of the Great Zhou, the benefits in the future will be immeasurable. For example,” the leader covered in black robes talked eloquently .

This is a cliché, and everyone present already understood that the signing of the Yinhuo contract was completed while talking, and they stood up one after another, looked at each other and smiled, exchanged greetings and feelings for a while.

“No one can be sure how far we can go today, and we have to do it because we are on two boats.” A certain official with eyes above the top ended the night with these words.

They were about to leave the secret room, when the door was knocked open suddenly, and the head catcher with the gold medal hanging on his waist was slowly stepping forward, staring at him, and the surrounding area was completely surrounded.

“The head catcher just received the news that you are plotting to disrupt the court, so I came here to arrest you,” the head catcher Jin Zhang said solemnly.

The nine people looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, all with blank expressions.

The matter has just been concluded, the contract has just been signed, and besides each other, no one else knows about it, and there is no monitoring and snooping arrangements around the room, who can leak the news

This is a fucking ghost

Meng Qi sat at the head of the Yuxu Palace, while exchanging experience with Guang Chengzi and other great supernatural powers over the years, while dealing with various vows, but it didn’t take long for him to pass the new and interesting stage and make some changes , to return most of the affairs to the way of cause and effect, and let the formed Daoyi glazed lamp assist in the processing, and he is only responsible for the contract vows that involve above the dharma body or appear in his own name.

From this aspect, we can see the difference between the Sambhogakaya and the Dharmakaya. The former is to change oneself and get close to the Dao through rewards. Therefore, before consummation, one must follow the rules and abide by the matters related to the Dao. Lord, learn from nature, condense your own illusory avenue according to a certain aspect of “Tao”, so when the essence remains the same, the rules can be changed according to your will, less restrained, and free and easy.

“At this stage, we Yaozu must try.” Suddenly, words about the contract came into Meng Qi’s mind, making him look a little dignified. This, this seems to be the voice of the little fox Qingqiu, the successor of the demon sage.

He was about to concentrate on observing the matter when his voice suddenly became blurred, as if it was covered by something, and there was no similar news since then.

Meng Qi frowned, as if thinking: “Could it be that the Demon Emperor knew that I had become a good fortune, so he deliberately covered up and dealt with the important affairs of the Demon Race?”

I don’t know what the demon clan was planning just now

Does it have anything to do with the visit from the Screaming Dog?

Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains.

“Haha, Master Zhangjiao has become a good fortune, and he is full of magical powers.” Da Qinggen laughed wildly with his hands on his hips.

Although its strength is not very good, but at least it has lived for so many years, and has seen countless powerful and supernatural beings. Just now, it was keenly aware of the abnormality of some aspects of the Dao between heaven and earth.Feng’s Meng Qi’s soul lamp was brightly lit, and he felt that he had transcended the sea of ​​suffering and was no longer “overwhelmed”, so he understood the reason.

Yu Banshan, who was practicing martial arts, was also very happy when he heard Daqinggen’s words, and said excitedly: “Master has become a good fortune, and he is the number one living creature in all worlds since the Middle Ages. Such a feat has been spread all over the world, let the world congratulate.”

“But Master didn’t order this matter, maybe he wanted to hide it for a while.” Qi Jinxiu hesitated.

Daqinggen’s heart moved, and he smiled immediately and said: “Don’t worry, let’s try it first. If Master Zhangjiao is not willing, he will stop us. Besides, how can Master Zhangjiao take the initiative to congratulate this kind of thing? Command, that would be disrespectful.”

Seeing that Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu were still hesitating, Da Qinggen patted his chest and said: “Well, leave the matter to me, you don’t need to interfere, if the master blames it, I can’t blame you.”

“Just to celebrate together, a batch of Yuanhuang coins will definitely be needed as funds, please sign it.”

Hehe, in this way, I can earn Yuanhuang coins openly

Yu Banshan and Qi Jinxiu thought about it, and assisted Daqingen to obtain a batch of Yuanhuang coins according to their own authority.

On the same day, Yu Banshan completed his practice, returned to his room, took out the Universal Knowledge Talisman, and entered the group of friends he had met from his previous travels. Just as he was about to speak, a message popped up inside:

“Today is a great day for the Yuanhuang Xianzun of Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains to break through the pass and become a good fortune. Forward this news to three groups, and you will immediately get a hundred yuan imperial coin.”

Yu Banshan opened his mouth halfway, and suddenly felt bad.

In the concierge of Yuxu Palace, Daqinggen was tirelessly forwarding it to earn Yuanhuang coins.


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