I Honor

Chapter 1432

: Drops of Blood

Plop, plop, plop, looking at the hill-like thing surrounded by clear light and dense mist, He Mu could only feel his heartbeat involuntarily changing with its slow expansion and contraction. feel.

More importantly, all of this happened under the premise that he was surrounded and protected by Li Xianjian’s five-color sword disk, red, blue, yellow, white, and black.

At this moment, he suddenly heard two voices that shook his mind, one roared like a howling, vast and majestic, overwhelming all living beings, and the other was soft and high-pitched, as if descending from the nine heavens, it was beautiful and melodious.

The dragon howled and the phoenix sang, circling and circling, as if a whirlwind was blowing on the spot, dissipating all kinds of strange influences brought by the ancient things like hills. The soul-like fairy sword issued the unique divine sound of its own race

He Mu’s mind was cleared, he got rid of the state of almost fainting, frowned, and said solemnly:

“The supernatural power of this thing is far beyond the level of the demon king. We may not be able to catch it. If we forcibly move forward, we may die on the spot. Why don’t we retreat for now, and make a decision after you report what you have seen and heard to your elders.”

Is this chance or danger?

He Mu, who has always been cautious, was affected by the weirdness just now, and felt that he still couldn’t take reckless risks.

The expressions of Jiuli and other monsters were a bit weird. After looking at each other, they all nodded in awe. Then Jiuli turned his head to look at He Mu, with a slightly embarrassed smile: “Mr. Yueluo, please don’t worry.” , the previous gains must be shared equally with you, and if there are any remaining things waiting for you, you will be given priority.”

“What do you mean?” He Mu suddenly felt something was wrong, and asked in a deep voice.

Jiuli looked upright and said: “After seeing this thing, we understand that the mission of this trip has been successfully completed, and we cannot intervene in the next thing.”

He Mu’s heart skipped a beat, as if he understood something, he hesitated and said, “You mean?”

Jiuli didn’t wait for him to finish speaking, nodded slightly and said: “We are all prepared to arrange an altar to invite the gods to descend, and we have refined the corresponding things in advance, even in the fragments of the ancient fairy world, in the cave of the Nine-headed Great Sage Here, as long as there is no restraint and strong enough forbidden law to isolate, you can also summon the elders to come down with some power, shoot from the air, pull out the danger in front, and open the lingering clear light and envelopment.”

After roughly finishing speaking, her thoughts fluctuated, and she added subconsciously: “Of course such a move cannot escape the attention of those who are interested, and it will attract various variables, so it can only be used at the last moment. At that time, even if those who are interested will notice , From tracing the source to penetrating the forbidden law, crossing the wasteland, climbing the mountain, and repelling all kinds of spiritless demons and gods, it will take time. Not when it’s needed.”

This is what it should mean! After hearing Jiuli’s explanation, this was the first thought that came to He Mu’s mind.

I just said that it is impossible for the little saints and demon gods to entrust such an important matter completely on a few descendants, are you not afraid of accidents?

Immediately afterwards, He Mu’s emotions surged with mixed feelings. After measuring the current strength comparison, he sighed with a wry smile: “Being able to get the little saint and demon god to open the front barrier gives me a certain hope of getting great benefits, and the items I harvested before I also got the promise, what else can I say?”

He thought about it and thought hard, but he couldn’t find similar instructions or hints from his master. Therefore, he who knows the current affairs is a hero, and more importantly, he can’t do anything about the weird things in front of him by himself.

Jiuli herself said a few words of relief, but when the words reached her mouth, there was only a soft sigh. Then, she took out a simple altar with five colors flowing from the mustard seed ring, placed it in front of her body, and made mottled stones, gorgeous feathers, flowing into a whirlpool. The clear water and other items are arranged in the corresponding positions, and finally inlaid the Five Virtues Qiankun Fan in the core center. The whole process was simply assembled, and it only took a few breaths of work.

At the same time, Ao Qin, Guyue, and Fairy Jinlin also used the Ice Soul Sword, Copper Rust Double Ring, and Golden Scale Whip as introductions to set up altars for “inviting the gods to descend”.

He Mu watched coldly, and quietly took a lot of steps back. His own aura could not hide from the scrutiny of Legend Da Neng when he was concentrating, so he had to dodge a little.

Of course, the other party only descended with part of the power, and the non-body came, and the possibility of seeing through it was really slim. Such a move was prepared for any danger.

Jiuli’s expression became solemn, and he climbed up to the altar where the five colors circulated, and with his right hand pointing parallel to the sword, he tapped on the five virtues universe fan.

All of a sudden, purple, white, blue, black, and black and yellow water colors lit up, circling upwards along the altar, and finally merged into a fountain, condensing an illusory gate full of mysterious patterns.


The door opened suddenly, and a real finger protruded from the inside. The surrounding light gathered and condensed sacredly, transforming into a thirty-three-story golden exquisite pagoda, directly suppressing things that were slowly expanding and contracting.

Silently, the blood vessel-like “white cloud meridian” on the periphery disintegrated inch by inch, like a collapsed building, spreading towards the core, and all kinds of hidden dangerous shadows disappeared after Xuanhuang swept away.

On the other sides, the clouds above Ao Qin’s head formed a vast white “ocean”. In this place, everything freezes, the sky and the earth are pure white and clear, the beauty is like a dream, and the cold enters the heart, the clear light surrounding the hill-like things suddenly freezes into ice.

The gust of wind whizzed around Gu Yue’s body, turning into a dead bone covered with pale flames. The fire swelled suddenly with the help of the wind, and burned towards things exuding ancient meaning in a gesture of sweeping the world. The red gold thing from the lake flew out, following the flames.

The combination of two and two immediately shattered the clear light that had become an ice wall, like rain falling from the sky.

In the reverberation of majestic and majestic breath, He Mu saw that the hill-like thing only supported for a few moments before collapsing.


Streams of clear light erupted from the inside, and layers of mist spread outward. The whole “hill” was like a smashed egg, and soon revealed the core.

It was drops of blood that were distinct but tangled together, ancient and vicissitudes, with a touch of darkness in the crimson, as if reflected in the void, just their own sense of existence made the suppressed Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, Ice Soul Divine Breath, Withered Bones White Flame and Immortal Slayer Golden Scale slowed down on their own, as if they were stuck in a swamp, and at the same time seemed to be separated from the target by thousands of mountains and rivers, and they didn’t know when they would arrive.

The drops of blood that were slowly merging also disintegrated with the impact of external forces and the interruption of gestation, and turned into flawless, perfect blood-colored balls again, hanging and floating in mid-air, as if they would be scattered in all directions at any time

The Nine-Headed Insect seems to want to breed something with this drop of ancient blood, but it itself fell in the Lingshan Mountain, and there is no follow-up supply, so that they have not fully merged after eternity and the current situation.

Legend has it that the power of Almighty is so tyrannical, but in an instant, Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and Bingsoul Divine Breath tried their best to break free, and were about to grab different ancient blood respectively, Jiuli, Ao Qin and other monsters couldn’t help but show their faces. smiled.

Things are about to be done, and the variables are not there

At this moment, the Immemorial Immortal World suddenly darkened, as if something bad had happened, and the golden pagoda stood in the air strangely, lost its follow-up, and slowly disintegrated

Ice Soul Divine Breath, Dry Bone White Flame and Immortal Slayer Golden Scale also lost their substance, returned to phantom, and gradually dissipated.

“What’s wrong”

Including He Mu, all the creatures here opened their eyes wide and were at a loss.

In the fantasy sky, sitting quietly in the pavilion, the five-virtuous phoenix glow that was descending from the air suddenly opened his eyes, and blurted out in surprise and suspicion:

“Contact lost”

The connection between myself and the altar that invites the gods to descend is broken

In other words, there is no way to transmit the power of the past.

In the depths of a planet-like mountain made of ice, the sound of the dragon’s chant spread across the starry sky, and the anger was beyond words:

“Who cut off contact”

In the Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains, Meng Qi’s eyes were still half-opened and half-closed, but there was a black and white divine light shining out.


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