I Honor

Chapter 1436

Some things never end

“Brother Wang Zai has been accumulating for many years, and his aura of majesty can shake the world and move ghosts and gods. It is only a matter of time before he proves the Dharma body. Why do you have to deal with ordinary things? Aren’t you afraid of delaying your practice?” She glanced at her, let her exit the room and closed the door behind her.

Zhang Yuanli took off the ice-cicada silk gloves, put them on the table leisurely, poured Wuyou wine for himself, and said with a smile: “The Wang family is inherited from the benevolent sage, and the right thing to do is to educate and benefit the world.”

“In the past, the political affairs hall and the imperial court were controlled by our family. Ordinary families didn’t have many opportunities. They were inevitably indifferent and not enthusiastic about the academy. Now that the world has changed, the emperor is ruling the world, and both literary and martial arts are given to the royal family. , Wang Zai became the head of the mountain, which has immeasurable benefits to the practice of awe-inspiring aura, and it is said that he can also collect and refine some moral aura and the virtue of a saint, laying the most powerful foundation for the dharmakaya.”

He has never been able to pass the third ladder and become a grand master. It is difficult for him to be born in the “Yuwai Yanyang chapter” and to be harmonious, so he often wears a thousand-year-old ice cicada silk and other treasures made of heaven and earth. The transparent gloves neutralize the flaming yang in the body, so as not to go wrong and go crazy.

Song Quan was stunned for a while when he heard the words, then sat across from Zhang Yuanli, poured a glass of wine, and said with a long sigh: “That generation is full of stars, although brother Wang Zai has entered the top ten, but in terms of talent and opportunity, he is no different from Yuan Li. The emperor, the devil emperor, the Taishang Shenjian, etc. are all far behind, and I didn’t expect him to transcend the mundane and rank among the immortals.”

“Hey, brother Song, hey, I still want you to feel at ease. You are just too arrogant, too obsessed with the past glory of the Song family, and you only want to prove the Dharma body and revive the family, so you always blame yourself , always touching the scene and hurting the feelings, in front of people who lose their temper, I am afraid that even the demons of the mind have already been born.” Zhang Yuanli, a bystander, persuaded him solemnly, “Look at me, I accepted the reality early on, and accepted that the Zhang family in Longnan is just an ordinary family. In order to help my father make full use of the family’s past accumulation and carry forward the current resources, he established many commercial firms with the help of Wanjietongshi world. , it’s like two generations.”

Song Quanlue was told by Zhang Yuanli, his facial muscles were slightly distorted, showing a painful expression: “But, but”

“But what kind of human emperor has already been rumored. In a few months, Emperor Qing will bestow the list of gods and complete the great cause of humanism to rule the sky. At that time, it is not clear whether the level of Star Master Thunder God can be granted, at least the star king and the true king will be indispensable. The number of legends in the Great Zhou Dynasty will leap forward. Even if you prove the dharma body, you are only a mere immortal, so how can you bring the Song family back to the position of a member of the Political Affairs Hall and a certain authority over the world’s major events?” Zhang Yuanli bluntly splashed Basin of cold water.

Song Quanlue’s face turned green and pale, and he said after a long time: “It’s not that Emperor Qing hasn’t given the list of gods yet, maybe there will be some changes.”

“What will happen if the only big man on the other side of the world who walks in the world today makes a move?” Zhang Yuanli took a deep breath and continued, “Quanlue, our family and factions have missed the best era and failed to make a living in the future.” At that time, there were people who attained Dharmakaya, but now they have been far away, and it is difficult to return to the old view. It is not possible for you alone to catch up. This requires the concerted efforts of the family, and the accumulation of generations to have a chance.”

Song Quanlue’s face straightened, and he asked in a deep voice, “Yuan Li, what do you mean by that, and what should you do?”

The worry-free wine in Zhang Yuanli’s hand was bubbling, and it was already boiled. He said solemnly: “Give up your pride, recognize the reality, and forge ahead in accordance with the rules set by the Emperor. Those who are worried about the martial arts character of the family members will participate in the martial arts competition.” , who is good at common affairs and concentrates on writing for politics, and then selects talented people from the rest, manages the family business, and does not sit and eat. If this continues from generation to generation, the Luyang Song family will have connections in the court, and there will be outstanding children in the future If you are in a high position, you will have meritorious service, and you will be granted priesthoods such as the Land City God.”

“As long as you persevere and keep your family traditions intact, there will always be a chance for your children to prove their own legends or become a star king. There will always be a chance for the Song family to regain its glory. We have divine soldiers to suppress, experienced elders, andPlant natural materials and earthly treasure resources, there are mines and medicine gardens, Lingquan fields, etc., I am afraid that I can’t compete with them.”

“There will definitely be exceptions, but the general trend will not change”

Song Quanlue looked at Zhang Yuanli in a daze, and after a long time shook his head and smiled wryly, “Schoolboys will treat each other with admiration for three days. I have always been conceited, and I look down on you a little bit in my heart. Who knows that you are more thorough than I am, and you are more down-to-earth.”

“Hey, it’s easy to say this truth, but we who have experienced glory are easily blinded by the past and turn a blind eye. I also met brother Wang Siyuan, and it was only after he raised a few words that I suddenly became enlightened and persuaded my father.” Zhang Yuanli said with a smile.

“Brother Wang Siyuan,” Song Quanlue said in astonishment.

Zhang Yuanli nodded and said, “That’s right, Wang Siyuan who counted all the common people back then, the guy who didn’t know whether he was a genius or a lunatic who made the Jiangdong Wang family down.”

“He disappeared into the world after proving the Tao, and he was still alive,” Song Quanlue couldn’t help but sigh.

Zhang Yuanli frowned slightly and said: “When I met him, he was fine except for his sickness. When we said goodbye, he said that he was going to do a crazy thing. If he failed, he would die. If he succeeded, he would be able to recover.” Truly counting the lives of the people.”

“What happened later?” Song Quanlue subconsciously asked.

Zhang Yuanli shook his head: “I haven’t seen him since then, nor have I heard any clues about him.”

Song Quanlue was silent for a moment, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes suddenly opened, and he said with a light smile, “You came from Longnan far away, and you haven’t communicated with the Talisman of Myriad Worlds, so I’m afraid you will go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do.”

“Haha, it’s for a business.” Zhang Yuanli laughed loudly, “I dare not lie to you, I can’t stop the Sword of Life and Death and the Sword of Virtue”

Speaking of this, his face straightened: “Nine-leaf Sun-returning Grass only grows in Nanzhou and Huanzhou near the Southern Desolation, and it is a good material for refining life-extending elixir. The goods from Nanzhou have always been controlled by your Luyang Song family, and After these years of evolution and integration, Huanzhou finally belongs to the Tang family in Yicheng. They don’t want to compete with Brother Quanlue and your family, and they happen to have a business involving my family, so I invite you to come and be a lobbyist. Take out the business of Sun-returning Grass and corresponding elixir, and re-establish a business name, and take your family as the respect.”

“Of course, my family also wants to get involved.”

Song Quanlue pondered for a while and said: “The Tang family in Yicheng was not well-known before, but who is behind it?”

“Well, the Wang family of Zhoujun and the Tang family of Huanhua Sword Party have taken good care of them.” Zhang Yuanli said frankly.

Song Quan thought for a while and said, “Then invite the guests from the Tang family to come in and have a face-to-face talk.”

Zhang Yuanli clapped his palms and smiled, stood up, opened the door, walked out, and walked in hand in hand with a beautiful woman in palace attire after a while.

“This is Fairy Tang Mingyue, Patriarch of the Tang Family,” Zhang Yuanli introduced.

Tang Mingyue kept her bright eyes and white teeth when she was young, but with the maturity and elegance accumulated over the years, the subtle lines at the corners of her eyes added a bit of inexplicable charm to her, and said with a salute: “I have seen Patriarch Song. ”

Song Quanlue took a deep look at her, and said with emotion: “The Tang family in Yicheng was unknown before, and they were not well-known in Huanzhou, but under the hands of Fairy Tang, they suddenly emerged and grew rapidly. Song really admires it.”

This sentence came out of emotion, and it was sincere and touching, which actually touched Tang Mingyue for a moment, with mixed feelings.

When I took over the Tang family, I was not only famous in Huanzhou, but few people knew about leaving Zhou County. After so many years of hard work, it was a good time: the devil emperor spread sparks in front of the location, so that I could practice peerless skills and consolidate my foundation. Successfully broke through to the exterior scene, and when the power needed to expand, and inexplicably got the help of the two Huanzhou behemoths, Zhoujun Wang and Huanhua Sword Sect, and established the family business. The rules have penetrated into the sect of the wealthy family, and it has saved him from many insidious methods.

In the past few decades, I have devoted my energy and wisdom to the Tang family, and the hard work is not enough for outsiders. Even if I have both children and family affairs now, I often wake up in the middle of the night.

Of course, the prosperity of the Tang family began with the return of the eldest brother, but after he left again, he completely disappeared from the world, as if he had never appeared before.

After searching for decades, I finally gave up and realized a truth:

Some things will never end, and some doubts will never be answered.

With such emotions, Tang Mingyue sat to the side, and Zheng Se and Song Quanlue discussed the matter of the Nine Leaf Returning Yang Grass.

The world changes, the general situation changes, some families fall, and there are also families that rise

Just like the capital of the gods, the Su family.

Gu Changqing, as one of the thirty-six catchers of today’s Great Saturday Gate, is considered a high-ranking and powerful person. Moreover, he has accumulated a lot of years and a deep background, so that the catchers under him dare not show any disrespect.

“Morning God arrester Gu.” A gold medal arrester saw Gu Changqing, who was in charge of the affairs of the six gates in the Shendu area, coming, and hurriedly bowed his hands in salute.

This master has always been jealous of evil, and there is nothing wrong with him.

Gu Changqing nodded slightly, with a smile on his face: “Today, we will act as usual, and if there are any abnormalities, use the Universal Knowledge Talisman to contact.”

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the former six-door headquarters and headed for Su’s ancestral house in the capital of the gods.

Gu Shenchuang actually left so early, the leader of the gold medal catcher was dumbfounded.

I heard that Mrs. Su recently gave birth to a girl, so it is trueGu Changqing had a smile on his face all the time, and it didn’t fade in the slightest on the way into the mansion and hospital.

As soon as he picked up the lovely baby girl, looking back and chatting with his wife Su Ziyue, the eldest son Gu Sutong, who was five or six years old, stumbled in and said with a puzzled look: “Mother, mother, I have something to ask you.” .”

In order for Su Ziyue to pass the second ladder smoothly, they only started to think about future generations in the last ten years.

“What’s the matter?” Su Ziyue smiled and rubbed the top of her son’s head.

Gu Sutong frowned and asked, “They often say what about my uncle, but isn’t my uncle always at home?”

While coaxing his daughter, Gu Changqing listened to his wife and said with a smile:

“They mean your second uncle”

“He, he is an indomitable, peerless hero”


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