I Honor

Chapter 1438

The half-year period has arrived

In the dead of night, the lights in Yedu are lit up, like a river of stars flowing on the ground, surging with brilliance and noisy with enthusiasm.

A man wearing a bamboo hat and a black dress with a long knife hanging from his waist walked slowly against the tide of people on the street.

Suddenly, a drunk stumbled over and almost touched his body, but the air current was like a sea tide and carried him away.

“Qin Kuan, why are you so depressed?” The man in the bamboo hat suddenly looked at the drunk, his voice was low and slightly old.

The drunkard said in a daze, “You, you know me”

“Fishing in a lonely boat, Qin Kuan, a lonely swordsman who enjoys the river and snow all to himself, how many people in the rivers and lakes don’t know Hey, there may have been a time when there was no universal knowledge of the world, now, you were defeated by the sword of the white-clothed Qinghou” It has been a hot topic for a long time, does this failure make you discouraged, and you can drink away your sorrows?” The man in the bamboo hat said with a bit of sarcasm.

The Lonely Swordsman and Baiyi Qinghou are both the leaders of the latest generation list. Compared with the non-human beings on the earth list and the sky-filled gods and Buddhas on the sky list, they are really down-to-earth. They each have many followers and imitators in the world of universal knowledge By.

Qin Kuan belched while drinking:

“Who are you? My love of drinking is hindering you.”

Speaking of this, he laughed loudly: “The world laughs at me for being crazy, and I laugh at the world for being stupid. The story of the end of the catastrophe and the end of the era has long been widely circulated. The head teacher has never denied it, are you still awake? Seize the opportunity and enjoy yourself in time. This is the ultimate truth. Don’t wait until the world is broken and the era is over to regret that you didn’t know how to enjoy yourself.”

The man in the hatSpeechless, he pondered for a while before saying: “The underworld will be established, and death is not the end. Although the era ends, there may be blessings. How will we know the specific situation before that time. Giving up early is tantamount to cutting off your own life.”

Qin Kuan said with a chuckle: “So, what’s the use of cultivation? What’s the use of martial arts? When the end of the world comes, it’s easier to find a blessing. After death, you can rest in peace and enjoy bliss. If you’re lucky, you can survive the end and live to the next era.”

He was holding the flagon, stood up unsteadily, and left aimlessly. The man in the bamboo hat looked deeply at his back and didn’t stop him.

“Buddhism and Luojiao always like to preach the end and the end.” With a sigh, the man in the bamboo hat continued to move forward, passing through the bustling streets, bypassing the Minminfang City, and arriving at the Yudai Bridge, on the verge of Yeshui, which carries the lights of thousands of families.

Standing by the side of the bridge is a man, wearing a Confucian robe with a ribbon, a dignified instrument, Yue Zhiyuan, waiting with his hands up and down.

“Brother Wang is very interested.” The man in the bamboo hat smiled slightly.

The person who came was none other than Wang Zai, the head of the Seventy-two Academy of the Wang Family of Zhoujun, “Shouzhengjian” Wang Zai. He had a beautiful beard and looked a bit like the Middle Ages.

“Brother Yan came to Yedu, how can Wang neglect the distinguished guest?” Wang Zai replied with a smile.

The man in the black costume took off his bamboo hat, revealing a square and rigid face, with the color of wind and frost on it, just like Yan Chong, the “river of saber spirit”.

He chuckled: “I knew that walking around Yedu like this would definitely lead to Brother Wang.”

“You have something to do with Wang?” Wang Zai asked suspiciously.

Yan Chong smiled and said: “I just came to see you. The top ten members of our generation, except for the noble daughter of the Ruan family in Langya, have not yet broken through and have not given up. opportunity.”

He was talking about Wang Zai entering the top ten and himself ranking first.

Wang Zai was quite moved when he heard the words, and said with emotion: “After the remnants of Shura Temple were integrated by the magician, Luo T disappeared. , Chunyang Tiance’s morality is profound, true Wuyang and talent are extraordinary, but unfortunately they all died in calamity, which makes people sad, only the Wufang Emperor’s sword is clear, the true book of martial idiots, thick accumulation and thin hair, compared with you and me, It’s not even worse, it’s all promising.”

He mentioned the top eleven of Ruan Yushu, Yan Chong and others other than himself.

“Brother Wang has never left Huanzhou, but he has learned thousands of miles, as if he saw it with his own eyes, and it is exactly the same as my feeling on this journey westward.” Yan Chong said sincerely, Cui Zhe, Shangguan Heng, and Wen Ren’an have indeed lost their vigor.

“That’s normal. As long as the few of us before us don’t die early, it’s against common sense that they all become immortals.” Wang Zai sighed.

Yuan Emperor Su Meng, “Taishang Shenjian” Jiang Zhiwei, and “counting all the common people” Wang Siyuan flashed through Yan Chong’s mind, and he blurted out: “He Jiu has also proved the Dharma body.”

Wang Zai nodded: “I just received the news a day ago that He Jiu has achieved the real body of sword energy with and without phase.”

“It’s not easy for him, he has suffered for so many years.” Yan Chong was silent for a while, and sighed.

Except for the “Wolf King” Tie Sheng, who died early, and the “Da Luo Demon Girl” Gu Xiaosang, the masters of the generation who used to be ranked in front of me are really all in the fairy class, and the more terrifying ones have already become good fortune. Known as the great magician

Wang Zai looked at Yan Chong carefully for a few times, and suddenly he laughed and said: “Brother Yan’s body, the water vapor and the knife intent blend and rush, like a vast ocean, and every hole can vaguely hear the sound of the sea tide, washing the body from time to time, washing and refining the body, interior scene The heavens and the earth are so miraculous, I am afraid that they are not far away from the Dharma Body.”

Although Yan Chong was serious, he couldn’t help showing a smile after hearing Wang Zai’s explanation: “Brother Wang really lives up to his reputation, his eyes are like torches, and his insights are subtle.”

As he said that, he also observed Wang Zai, then frowned slightly, and said in doubt: “Brother Wang, your awe-inspiring aura is so strong and powerful, and you can resist all evils outside, and be strong and upright inside. Why are you still refusing to try all the signs of achieving Dharmakaya?”

Wang Zai said with a smile: “The lineage of benevolence and sages pays attention to thick accumulation and thin hair. Previously, Wang seldom did anything to educate and benefit the world. If he lacks homework in this area, he must make up for it before he dares to try it.”

Before the words were finished, both of them thought of their own persistence, their self-cultivation and their accumulation, and felt a tacit understanding for a while, and they looked at each other and smiled.

In Yedu, the meeting of the two great masters is just one of the many trivial things in the real world today, a scene of prosperity in the world, but in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountains, in Sanxiao Island in the 28th Realm of Seven Seas, in Jiuxian Mountain outside Gaoxuanyu In other places, in the Buddha Kingdom on the ground, in the vacuum hometown, in the ancient regions, pairs of eyes that contain numerous heavens, earths and galaxies all looked at Dazhou Changle and at Fengtiantai.

Sitting in the quiet room, Meng Qi’s eyes were subdued and deep like chaos. Across thousands of mountains and rivers, he stared at his eldest brother Gao Lan, and at the highly guarded Shaoxuan and Xi’e.

half year has come

Suddenly there was a clear cry from the sky, as beautiful as the sound of the Dao Lun, the green light took shape, turned into clouds, and fell to the Fengtiantai with a golden ancient list, on which there were three scarlet jade inscriptions:

“God List”


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