I Honor

Chapter 1444

: The Big Dipper

“As expected…” Meng Qi sighed immediately when he saw the projection of the Demon Buddha.

His two enemies really formed an alliance

At the beginning, the matter of the Yuxu Palace Ancient Well and the universe is now certain, and the ancient Buddha Dieng Deng helped the Demon Buddha complete the infiltration and arrangement by virtue of his status as a high-level Yuxu.

At this moment, Meng Qi seemed to be feeling emotional, but in fact, all kinds of thoughts had been dismissed or suppressed long ago. His mind was like a bright mirror, reflecting countless things. Once he saw an opportunity, he would immediately take the first shot, opening up the situation with a thunderous force, and creating an opportunity to escape.

I don’t know how many thousands of years it took for the good fortune to be perfect, and only the cause of the fruits can reach the other side. The ancient Buddha of the lamp stands at the peak of the great supernatural powers, and I, who is not a newcomer to the good fortune, can compete at present. Even though this ancient man was suppressed in Lingshan, he can only show a little feeling at present, and he must not take it lightly. In addition, Liuluo, the Nine Heavens Xuannv, is waiting here in advance, talking about secrets, I don’t know Whether it’s a friend or an enemy, in such a situation, no matter how experienced I am in one victory, I don’t dare to be arrogant.

The golden body of the Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha was clear, and the light of wisdom flowed. Standing there quietly, neither empty nor non-empty, neither thinking nor not thinking, Meng Qi was actually hard to lock, let alone see the opportunity to attack, and his heart sank slightly. , more and more tasted the shock contained in what Ran Deng deliberately said just now.

As the cause of all effects, the subtle connection with the magic Buddha Ananda is two-way, and it was traced back by the burning lamp, and I didn’t realize it until I got close. , has a little magic of the other side, but after all, the accumulation of years and the enlightenment of the ages, the foundation seems superficial

There was always a kind smile on Ran Deng’s face, as if ignoring Meng Qi, the enemy of “the battle of the great way, never ending”, and turned his eyes to the Nine Heavens Profound Girl: “Namo Amitabha, Su benefactor has a predestined relationship with my Buddhist sect, and I When crossing, please don’t interfere with Tanyue.”

Nine Heavens Xuannv’s elegant and beautiful face showed no abnormality, she smiled and said: “The ancient Buddha is not the emperor of heaven, nor the emperor of man. Should I obey your orders or not?”

The implication seems to be that there must always be a reason to convince me, rather than forceful pressure.

Meng Qi didn’t intervene, he was still running the causes of all effects, his thoughts kept colliding, he performed Yuxu’s magic calculation, and waited for the opportunity to make a move.

The ancient burning lamp Buddha said peacefully: “Su benefactor is one of those who should be robbed. If he can’t be converted this time, there may not be another chance. Don’t tell me that Tan Yue wants to watch him transcend the sea of ​​suffering, go to the other shore, and become another Yuanshi Tianzun, when the time comes, his Way of Infinity and Chaos will be complete, even if the Emperor of Heaven really has a chance to come back from the resurrection, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with him.”

Liu Luo’s complexion changed slightly:

“what are you saying”

The Lantern Ancient Buddha said with a Zen-like smile:

“The heavens fell, the fairy world was destroyed, and the era was not over. I really can’t think of a second reason, except that the emperor of heaven is not completely dead. I believe every big shot is very clear about this. It’s just that the arrangements were not in place at that time, so they tacitly agreed to make it happen.” The calamity has been extended to the present.”

“At that time, Ziwei Star Lord and Doumu Yuanjun all fell, and the Nine Heavens Thunder God was blessed by the Buddha. The few of you survived by relying on the protection of the Heavenly Emperor. Only then came back one after another, and finally helped him jump out of the chessboard and achieve the other shore, isn’t there any hidden secret in it?”

This kind of great secret, he actually narrated it like an ancient well without waves

Liu Luo’s expression had already returned to normal, and he said with a light smile: “The fairyland has not been completely destroyed, isn’t this the second reason why the era is not over? , As for whether Zhangjiao Su will be too powerful to control in the future and jump out of the chessboard, I don’t care at the moment, because if you let the ancient Buddha succeed and extract the causes of all effects, I am afraid that you will become an ancestor on the spot and reach the other shore.”

“One is illusory and full of variables, and the other is horror that can be witnessed immediately. Gu Buddha, how do I choose?”

While speaking, there was a flash of light in her hand, and she took a mouthful of a fairy sword with a fire color inside, on which there were three vague Dao patterns:

“Red Emperor Sword”

This is not a magical weapon handed down from generation to generation by Su Nv Dao Xuan Nv, but the real ancient god Nine Heavens Xuan Nv. It is not known what kind of twists and turns the story has.

The expression of the burning lamp ancient Buddha became solemn, and he recited the Buddha’s name in a low voice: “Namo Amitabha, since Tanyue helps heretics, don’t blame me for the angry eyes of Vajra.”

The twenty-four rounds of perfect Buddha light on his head are shining brightly, like round after round of bright moons, a figure protrudes from within, with a bright body, wearing a Taoist robe, with an ancient and strange face, with a fairy-like bone, holding an exquisite gold in one hand. Ta, holding the jade-colored Qiankun Ruler in one hand, said with a smile on his face:

“Old Taoist Rong will have a meeting with old friends.”

This is the “past Daoist body” cut out after burning the lamp into Buddhism for many years, similar to the “past relic” condensed by Maitreya, even better than three points.

At this moment, Meng Qi suddenly spoke:

“At the beginning, the teacher started to doReducing the emptiness, but clearly saying that the causes of the fruits are not yours, which provoked you to hold a grudge, so you invested in Buddhism, but you don’t think about it, the teacher has always protected his shortcomings, if you can bear it, he will not leave it to you, but find someone else ”

“You have practiced for thousands of years, haven’t you figured out what your real problem is?”

His voice was as loud as thunder, and combined with Yuanxin, he pierced the burning lamp’s heart

The previous part of Ran Deng cast Buddha’s door is a public case that Meng Qi heard from Guang Chengzi and other senior brothers and sisters. Later, Yuanshi Tianzun’s thoughts and possible questions about Ran Deng were all his assumptions. He asked at the critical moment, pointing to Ran Deng’s most concerned matter. In this way, K’s perfect Buddha mind was disturbed, creating an opportunity to take the lead

As soon as he finished speaking, Meng Qi’s right hand already had a domineering and brilliant purple saber, and the sharp edge pierced through layers of void.

However, the kindness, peace and tranquility of the ancient Buddha Diengdi remained, and he smiled slightly and said:

“No matter what the problem is, if you win it, it will be clear to you”

K’s mind is as empty as nothing, and does not move at all

The twenty-four rounds of perfect Buddha light behind the golden body Buddha’s head immediately flew out of six rounds, turning into clear beads that swayed and swayed, blooming with colorful hairs, just like the Dinghai God Pearl.

After the Battle of the Conferred Gods, all twenty-four Dinghai Pearls fell on Ran Deng. Later, because he wanted to build the Thirty-Three Heavens, he contributed them after he stepped into the realm of consummation. When the heavens fell, the heavens collapsed , K snatched back several more.

These six beads exuding five-colored hairs seem to have turned into the six directions of heaven and earth in time and space. Go on and on, some hungry ghosts have big bellies, necks like thin threads, full of pain, some are dark, full of will-o’-the-wisps, oil pans and millstones and other scenes reveal the horror of death, and the lamp is actually made of six Dinghai pearls. “Six Paths of Samsara”

The rest of the Buddha’s light flourished and became one piece, highlighting the pure land that spanned billions of kalpas. The ancient glazed lamp rose, emitting a calm and penetrating black and white flowing light, which shone on Meng Qi. body.

Facing Meng Qi’s sword that opened up the world, the ancient Buddha of Dieng Deng did not move like a mountain. He pointed his hand and said solemnly:

“Erdang breaks into the world”

Black and white flowing light is emptied of cause and effect, the six Dinghai beads are slowly turning, and Meng Qi’s forward saber light immediately disintegrates, only to feel that the condensed illusory avenue is polluted by the world of mortals, and his own dharma body is gradually becoming mortal. Before long, I will become a mortal, at the mercy of others.

This is the horror of illusory Dao fruit just one step away from the path of cause and effect

Meng Qi suppressed his body with a razor-sharp knife, and Qingyun flew out above his head. The chaos seemed to be like a tide, setting off a glazed lamp that could not be described in color. It seemed to be different from the lamp behind Ran Deng’s head, but it lacked the ancient meaning. More transcendent charm.

While trying his best to resist the transformation of ordinary people, he pointed his hand and said solemnly:

“If the causes of all effects change, everything will follow”

As the initial cause, once there is a change, the subsequent effect must correspond to the change

This is the supernatural power of the cause of all fruits after entering the realm of good fortune

As soon as Meng Qi finished speaking, the golden body of the Lantern Ancient Buddha became mottled, and bits of colored glass shards fell down, like fake things painted on. Feeling dull.

K was “the cause of all effects”, and he also began to transform into a mortal

When he is also a mortal, he will be able to gain the absolute upper hand with his rich experience in the face of Ran Deng, who is born with tyrannical power

Their respective fairy spirits faded, and the skin of the golden body of the Dao body gradually lost its luster. Meng Qi and the ancient Buddha of the burning lamp fell into a tug-of-war struggle on the path of cause and effect.

Even if I fail, I can pull you to fail together

Suddenly, a small dark seal flew out from the back of the head of the burning lamp ancient Buddha, whose expression had never changed. It was full of mysterious and domineering attitude. With a slight rotation, the transformation of the six reincarnations transformed by Dinghaizhu was accelerated.

reincarnation seal

The Reincarnation of the Demon Buddha

The speed of Meng Qi’s transformation into Fan suddenly accelerated, while the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp still maintained the previous little changes.

Just when Meng Qi was about to turn into three cleansers and started desperately, Nine Heavens Profound Girl suddenly smiled and said:

“The ancient Buddha knows the purpose of lighting the lamp here”

Definitely not just lighting

The heart of the burning lamp ancient Buddha moved, and his eyes turned to the depths of nothingness, and then he saw bright and terrifying ancient stars forming a bucket shape from far to near. It was the “Big Dipper” that was once born in the fairy world.

At this time, Beidou is like a luan chariot, speeding up without the driver, and the pure white light “on the chariot” rises up, forming a boundless sacred canopy.

The canopy hangs down with streams of misty light like water, making a figure inside looming, and the extremely strong aura sweeps across all directions, making the ancient Buddha of the burning lamp tremble slightly, remembering a familiar scene:

Emperor of Heaven

This is the emperor’s tour

Laluang, Kowloon, the Big Dipper is the driver, Xingjun drives the car, and the Emperor of Heaven is on tour

At this moment, there is no Kowloon pulling the chariot, and there is no Xingjun driving it, but the “Big Dipper” is coming at a high speed, covered with a canopy, and it seems to really carry a figure, lonely, lonely, strong, and mysterious.

Liu Luo restrained his smile and said solemnly:

“Isn’t the ancient Buddha the follower of the Emperor of Heaven? Isn’t that what it is?”

The face of the Lantern BuddhaThere was a change for the first time, the Big Dipper was approaching, there was no chance to infer hesitation, he gave up on Meng Qi without even thinking about it, and fled in the opposite direction with the “Past Daoist Body”, and the seal of reincarnation also plunged into nothingness and disappeared without a trace .

Seeing this situation, Liuluo immediately sent a voice transmission to Meng Qi:

“It’s too late to go”

This is fake. Meng Qi stared at the lonely “Big Dipper Luanjia” cruising through nothingness in astonishment, and looked at the figure that dominated his entire life.


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