I Honor

Chapter 1447

“Emperor of Heaven” returns, its power is so powerful

In the circle of the rushing Jiuqu Yellow River formation, Guangchengzi is the only one for the time being, and he is resisting erosion with magic weapons such as Fantian Seal, Luohun Bell and the three flowers on his top.

The turbid waves are surging, which seems to be the other side of the “Tao”. Combined with the Hunyuan Jindou, it can dissolve the condensed illusory Tao, and can wash away the wonderful body of the fairy family. It is indeed a first-class forbidden method in the world. Practice The nemesis of the enemy.

In the original Battle of the Conferred Gods, after Guang Chengzi and the Twelve Immortals of Yuxu were taken down one by one by Mistress Sanxiao with the Hunyuan Golden Dou, they were all cut off in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, and the top three flowers were cut off, and the inner five qi were closed. , returned to the mortal womb, and it took a lot of effort to regain supernatural powers afterwards, which shows its horror

However, this time is different from the past. Mistress Sanxiao has suffered catastrophe on the list of gods. With the help of chaos, Qinglian Zifang was resurrected and returned. Instructing the emperor and other things has gained a lot of benefits, and he has already stood at the peak of the great supernatural powers, overlooking most of the good fortune, so even if he is alone, surrounded, and trapped in the forbidden law, he can still support himself without falling into three flowers .

Seeing this situation, Meng Qi first suspected that he had discovered Sanxiao but Sanxiao was unaware of Beidou Luanjia’s approach, and then made a sudden decision, ready to help.

My current strength is enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao, even if I am not as good as Yun Xiao, the Way of Infinite Chaos can also restrain Hunyuan Jindou, with the cooperation of Guang Chengzi, it will not be too difficult to break the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation

At this moment, “Nine Heavens Profound Girl” Liu Luo pointed to the other side of the dark void, and Meng Qi said through sound transmission:

“Don’t be rash.”

Meng Qi stared at it, and suddenly felt that his spiritual consciousness was infiltrated by the canopy of pure white light on the Beidou chariot, spreading far and wide, penetrating nothingness, crossing the limit, strong and secret, and then discovered the deep Hidden in the dark is a handsome and smiling ancient Buddha, wearing an ancient monk robe, with pale golden skin, and between his brows there are swastikas formed into a glazed word “Buddha”.

He was quietly watching the position of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, like a squirrel waiting for an opportunity, surrounded by ancient glazed talismans similar to Dao patterns, each of which seemed to contain great supernatural powers and powers, respectively yes:

“Om Mani Pai Mishu

Looking at this ancient Buddha who seemed to have achieved great freedom and bliss, Meng Qi’s heart trembled, and he observed the surrounding nothingness with the help of the phantom of the Beidou chariot and the traces left by the Emperor of Heaven.

I don’t know what danger lurks in this seemingly empty and silent darkness

At the same time, he also understood the reason why Empress Sanxiao and World Freedom Wang Fo did not discover the Beidou chariot, so the distance was far beyond the sensing range of K’s spiritual consciousness, and he himself was due to the increase in the phantom of the Beidou chariot and the remaining traces of the emperor. Be aware of it in advance.

It was dark and quiet, there was nothing there, and even time seemed to be unrecognizable, but Meng Qi found another hidden person, the Duobao Tianzun who was looking at the world’s free king and Buddha from a distance across the Jiuqu Yellow River array.

K Xuanpao towering crown, red face and yellow beard, while the sword intent is restrained, there are red, blue, yellow, white and black brilliance behind him, surrounded and supported, seeming to be extraordinary treasures, worthy of the title of many treasures.

It’s a good thing that they didn’t go straight in and do it directly, otherwise Wang Fo and Duobao Tianzun might let go of their prejudices and get rid of themselves first.Difficult, in this way, how to rescue Guang Chengzi

These two are both great supernatural beings who are at the pinnacle of good fortune. They are not the current self and the Nine Heavens Xuannv can rival each other, and the attitude of Lingbao’s lineage is quite strange. The roof, and then sat on the wall and watched, using Han Guang’s hand to prevent the Qing Emperor from going to the other side, ignoring that the process of Gao Lan’s self-proving legend might be destroyed, and now Guang Chengzi is trapped again, and the sharpness of the tongue may not be of much use.

I can’t fight, I can’t talk, so I have to hide in the dark, create opportunities, let the world’s free king Buddha and Duobao Tianzun fight first

However, the right time, place, and people are all ready to create an opportunity for two perfect creatures to fight each other. It may not be possible to find the opportunity soon, and the three flowers on top of Guang Chengzi are gradually shrinking. It seems that they have been supporting for a long time and are approaching the end

The speed of the Beidou car did not slow down, and it quickly approached the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation. Seeing that it would enter the opponent’s spiritual sensing range in a few breaths, no matter what to do, you had to make up your mind and not hesitate

Ideas collided with each other, sparking sparks of inspiration. Meng Qi sensed the ancientness and vastness of the Big Dipper, and sensed the power and terror of the remaining traces of the Emperor of Heaven. Suddenly, he had another idea.

Follow the example of what you did before to frighten the ancient Buddha of Dieng Deng, and scare away Duobao Tianzun, Sanxiao Niangniang and the world’s free king Buddha with the power of the emperor.

However, the ancient Buddha Dieng Deng mentioned that the Heavenly Emperor might have a backhand, and he may not be completely behind. He already had an introduction in his heart, and was misled by the Nine Heavens Xuannv with her words, so he “reacted” instantly and understood the “danger”. Fleeing away in panic, even if Duobao Tianzun and the world’s free king and Buddha K have more or less suspected that the Heavenly Emperor has not completely fallen, when facing the mighty Beidou driving, it is impossible to directly think of the Heavenly Emperor’s backhand finally playing. Function, such as the successful resurrection and return, the first reaction is probably to encounter the remnants of the Emperor of Heaven, just like the previous half stone tablet.

In this case, the k’s probably won’t retreat immediately, but as long as there is a slight delay, as the Beidou car approaches, it is easy to find clues

Meng Qi’s thoughts were boiling, Gulu was like bubbles, countermeasures popped up one after another, and were eliminated and cut off again, endlessly.

Seeing that Beidou Chejia was about to enter the sensing range of Duobao Tianzun and World Freedom King Buddha, he suddenly took a step forward, and walked to the center of Beidou Chejia, directly under the pure white canopy, overlapping with that lonesome, mysterious, powerful and lonely hazy figure. The remaining traces of the Emperor of Heaven overlap

The acupoints squirm, the breath changes, the body swells, and the clothes change. In just an instant, Meng Qi has become a tall and lofty god overlooking the heavens and worlds, pressing across the past and the future. The surrounding time is like water, and the original residual feeling is mixed , the extremely tyrannical feeling continued to gushe out, sweeping forward

The traces left by the Emperor of Heaven have a terrifying aura, almost sweeping away in all directions. At this moment, with the filling of phantoms, the haze becomes clear, as if it has its own spirituality, vivid and distant, vigorous and vicissitudes.

Eighty-nine Xuangong, “Emperor of Heaven” returns

Duobao Tianzun watched the world’s self-possessed Wangfo from afar, waiting for K to become the “Later Oriole” and a hunter, and was very patient. Suddenly, his heart moved suddenly, and he looked back into the distance, only seeing stars Lighting up one after another, the meaning of antiquity permeates, and immediately highlights the shape of a fight, galloping with a canopy condensed by pure white light, dragging out bright traces.

And on top of the ancient Xingxiu chariot, under the pure white canopy, stood a slightly blurry figure, high and misty, looking down on all directions, and the surrounding waves were like water, as if it had not changed since ancient times.

As Duobao Tianzun looked towards the past, he found that the figure turned his head slightly, revealing a pair of indifferent and deep eyes, the highest, the largest, the most subtle, and looking at himself is like looking at an ant

As soon as K’s thoughts came up, he felt an unimaginably strong aura rushing towards him, full of the dust of the years, yet not lacking in hidden vitality, it was unusually familiar.

Emperor of Heaven

It’s the Emperor of Heaven

Judging by that gaze, the Emperor of Heaven is still alive

At this moment, Duobao Tianzun felt a shudder that he had never felt in more than one hundred or two hundred thousand years. If he had a mortal body, he would be covered in cold sweat and dripping with water.

Seeing the Beidou chariot approaching quickly, Duobao Tianzun had no time to think about it, the consciousness of saving his life gained the upper hand, and immediately fled in panic.

On the other side, the words “Om Mani Baimi Shu” around Wang-Fo’s body shook endlessly, and each flinched from the shock of the overwhelming terrifying aura.

Then, World Free Wang Fo felt the looking down gaze, felt the incomprehensible strength, and felt the reality of the figure. The free and easy smile on the corner of his mouth suddenly froze and disintegrated, and his eyes lost the sense of purity.

Emperor of Heaven

k is really alive

Turning the six-character mantra talisman, the Buddha’s light rose up, enveloped him, threw him into the distance, and disappeared in an instant in a panic.

Mistress Sanxiao also felt the thorns on her back. As the gods of the heavens in the past, she was no stranger to this aura and figure. Suddenly, there was a strong wind and waves in the heart lake, and she put away the Hunyuan Jindou without thinking, and turned into Three clear lights, avoid far away.

They are not the kind who are loyal to the emperor

The Beidou chariot pierced through nothingness, and approached the collapsed nine-curved Yellow River array. Meng Qi stood proudly under the pure white canopy. He did not expect the effect to be so good.

seeGuang Chengzi was out of trouble, Meng Qi did not dare to delay, fearing that the enemy would recall it, he immediately sent a voice transmission from afar:


As soon as these two words were uttered, Guang Chengzi seemed to hear the announcement of the end, like a rabbit hit by an arrow, jumped out of the remaining formation in an instant, and disappeared into the sky in an instant

Senior brother Guangcheng was also scared away, and Meng Qi froze for a while. There was nothing in front of him, only a little turbidity remained.

The Beidou car driver did not stop, dragging the brilliance, and continued to cruise deep.


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