I Honor

Chapter 145

Thirty-Six “Warming Up”

A ray of morning light breaks through the night, dyes the ten thousand miles of stratus clouds red, shines into the meditation room, and shines brightly all over the place.

Sensing the rising sun and the alternation of day and night, Meng Qi, who was in meditation, slowly opened his eyes, resembling golden awns and dignified, seeing colorful lights, seeing purple air rising into the sky, and the sounds of insects, crawling, wind, and whispers , Clearly transmitted to the ears, taking away the tranquility of the night, glowing with the pulse of life.

After a few days of painstaking practice, not only did his ear openings become stable, but with the help of this self-opening, he made up for the hidden danger of relying on pills to forcibly open the eye openings and did not have time to stabilize them, and stepped up to a new level.

That’s all, it’s worth using the reincarnation talisman to practice penance this time

Meng Qi subconsciously twirled the rosary in his left hand. Except for the slow progress of the golden bell jar and the phantom, he had initially achieved his goal in all aspects. He also failed to find other traces left by Master Yuanmeng, nor did he find any valuable information. The only clue he had was still the letter “Where to find Lingshan”.

Tuk tuk, someone knocked lightly on the door.

“Che benefactor, Xiang benefactor, just push the door.” Meng Qi could already hear whose footsteps after opening his ears.

With a creak, Che Wanxiu and her husband, Mr. Xiang, walked in with respect.

“Master, listen to Mr. Xianyin, you will leave in the future.” Che Wanxiu asked softly.

Meng Qi pinched the rosary, and automatically and consciously transformed into the “high monk status”: “Amitabha, the mortal relationship is over, and he has rescued a destined person, and there is no more memory in the world of mortals.”

Che Wanxiu said regretfully: “Master’s sword skills are superb, it is a rare opportunity to ask you for advice, but unfortunately I only have the fate of waiting for more than forty days.”

She paused and said: “I see that Mr. Xianyin is helping the mage to collect common cheat books, mainly about acupoint acupuncture. He thought that there is an acupoint practitioner named Rongxue at home, so he brought the mage to taste the hrefotyifuotgt doctor woman one or two.”

Having received the “Grace of Reinvention”, she always thought about how to repay Master Zhending, so she went to Duan Xiangfei to sidestep, to see what Master’s wish was, and Duan Xiangfei was such a crafty and cunning person, she knew her right away when she opened her mouth. Therefore, the Che family’s “melting snow acupuncture point hand” is as famous as the “Luoxue knife technique”.

“The poor monk is very grateful for the kindness of the benefactor Che.” Meng Qi knew what she meant and didn’t point it out. He just needed a pretty good acupuncture technique.

Che Wanxiu breathed out quietly, she was very afraid that the mage would refuse, if she didn’t do something about such a great kindness, she would be tossing and turning, which would definitely affect her future martial arts training.

After receiving the secret book with a dark blue cover, Meng Qi flipped through it casually, and skimmed through it. Although this “melting snow acupuncture point hand” is not a very good point acupuncture skill, it is still at the level of enlightenment. It is better than the one that comes with the golden bell cover. Acupuncture and punching methods are still applicable in the short term.

“Master, this is a manuscript, you can appreciate it slowly.” Che Wanxiu and Mr. Xiang were afraid of disturbing Master Zhending’s Qingxiu, so theyIt is to leave the secret book and leave.

Acupuncture method is the way to apply it. Meng Qi’s internal strength is quite deep, and he has common sense and martial arts foundation in this area. It is not difficult to learn it. He was studying it carefully when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

“Lord benefactor, please come in.” Meng Qi smiled and shook his head.

Luo Qing was still dressed in white, expressionless and stern: “Master, this is my swordsmanship and secret knowledge, which can be used as a stone from another mountain when you practice swordsmanship.”

How many white robes are there to replace? What came to Meng Qi’s mind was an inexplicable idea, and he didn’t refuse, accepting it calmly, otherwise it would easily burden Luo Qing and the others and make it difficult to achieve consummation.

Luo Qing had never been a talkative person, so he turned around and left immediately after sending out his sword skills experience. Before Meng Qi could lower his head and continue studying Rongxue’s acupoint acupuncture, he heard a crisp knock on the door.

“Old Duan, come in, why don’t you come together?” Meng Qi said helplessly.

Duan Xiangfei held a long sword wrapped in a pale gold scabbard in his left hand, and stepped into the meditation room with a smile: “It’s better to avoid other people when it comes to giving gifts. If you are with them, the gift is good, and it’s not good no.”

The gift of gratitude is also a gift. If the gift is not as precious as others, of course you will feel ashamed. If the gift is better than others, it will embarrass others and offend others for no reason, so it is better to separate it.

“Whatever you say makes sense.” Meng Qi shook his head with a smile. The old fox was as good as he was in the world. “It seems that this long sword is your gift to the poor monk.”

Duan Xiangfei laughed and said, “Yes, Master Lao Shiguan has a good sword but not a good sword, so he volunteered to send out this sword.”

He paused and said: “This sword is a treasured item of Xueshen Palace in the past. It is the sword of the old man before the five fingers of his right hand were cut off. It is called the Bingque Sword. It was later passed on to Mingcheng, but his swordsmanship is sparse, and he blindly uses palm , the sword is covered with dust, it is only used for decoration, it is not useful, and if he wants swords, he still has several at home.”

As an old fox, he naturally knew that Master Zhending might hesitate if the gift was too precious, so he explained it in detail.

Meng Qi nodded slightly, raised his hand to take the “Bingque Sword”, and slowly drew it out.

When it was pulled out, there was the sound of the blade and the scabbard churning, and just by listening to it, one could tell that it was extremely sharp.

The long sword is of ordinary size and thickness, but the blade is faintly transparent, as if cast from ice, and there is a chill on the surface.

It is very sharp and has a cold air. It is estimated that there will be a freezing effect after injuring someone. Meng Qi roughly judged it from his feelings, then returned the long sword to its sheath and put it aside.

After Duan Xiangfei left, Meng Qi regained his innocence and began to study acupuncture points by himself.

In the evening, when everyone was eating, Zhike monk came in with a letter: “Junior Brother Zhending, someone sent you a letter.”

After getting acquainted with each other, Zhike Monk and Meng Qi naturally become like brothers and sisters.

Meng Qi accepted the letter in doubt. He didn’t have many acquaintances in this world. Who would send him a letter? Cui Jinxiu, Zhang Zongxian and his wife Jiangnan Siying

On the envelope, there is a seal. It is a dark palm with five distinct fingers, giving people a sense of evil.

“This is Gai Yuan’s symbol.” Duan Xiangfei recognized it at a glance, “Unexpectedly, he has been missing for two years, but he came back out of the rivers and lakes because of a mage.”

“Reincarnated Heavenly Demon” Gai Yuanmeng Qi nodded lightly, and after inspecting it carelessly, he opened the letter and took out the letter paper:

“I was overjoyed to hear that the mage was able to break through the boundaries between humans and gods with one sword. Finally, someone will test the strength of a certain three secret treasures. At noon tomorrow, a certain person will come to challenge him and ask the mage to wait. Gai Yuan.”

“He opened the secret of energy.” Che Wanxiu was very surprised when she heard Meng Qi read the letter. Gai Yuan, like her, only opened the secret of vitality and energy. The Grandmaster who opened the Essence Secret Vault was completely defeated, but after all, he was a little worse. Who knows, he opened the Essence Secret Vault without making a sound, and became the first top person in many years to open all three secret treasures

This is definitely the most sensational thing in the rivers and lakes besides Master Zhending

Duan Xiangfei was stunned, and sighed: “Time is not forgiving. Compared with Gai Yuan, this old man has less vigor after all. He has not been in the world for two years. It seems that he has devoted himself to opening the spiritual treasure.”

Gai Yuan was more than ten years younger than him, and it was at the peak of Spring and Autumn.

Luo Qing didn’t speak, but stroked the long sword at his waist with his left hand.

Meng Qi closed the letter with a smile: “The poor monk is waiting for Gai Yuan to come to his door.”

As the reincarnated Heavenly Demon, Gai Yuan’s hands were bloody and full of bad deeds, so Meng Qi didn’t have to keep his hands.

“Mages have to be careful. Even if Gai Yuan didn’t condense the orifices and open the natural nine orifices, opening the three secret treasures together is still very scary.” Che Wanxiu said with some worry.

Duan Xiangfei also nodded: “The three secret treasures are opened together, and they are self-contained. Their martial arts are already better than mine.”

There are many records in this aspect of Snow God Palace, and Duan Xiangfei is quite familiar with it.

Meng Qi said calmly, “I won’t underestimate what a poor monk saves.”

Coincidentally, before leaving, there is a sword tester, so let me try it out, without using the sacrificial tactic, the power of a knife with all my strength

Facing An Guoxie, we can only fight quickly, once he recoversGod, even if he is severely injured, he can run away, and the one who is in danger is himself

Therefore, this battle is a “warm-up battle” for life and death with An Guoxie

The next day, near noon, it was groggy, cloudy and cloudy.

Gai Yuan deliberately spread the news, so everyone in the nearby martial arts knew that he had opened the three secret treasures and came to challenge the true master of the sword.

Such grand events in the martial arts world can’t be missed, so all the heroes, heroes and monsters who have time, all gathered in Changhua Temple, occupying the roof, trees, and the surrounding area of ​​the square.

“Hero Nie, in this challenge, does the reincarnated Heavenly Demon have any hope of defeating Master Zhending?” The person with good deeds asked a fairly famous knight.

Hero Nie snorted coldly: “Even if Gai Yuan unlocks the three major secret treasures at the same time, he is only close to the boundary between man and god. How can he be compared with the true mage who can break through the void with one sword, and he will definitely lose.”

“I don’t think so. If Gai Yuan knows that he will lose, why bother to challenge him? He should be a little bit sure of winning.” Another person retorted.

“Master Zhending defeated Mrs. Luoxue Daoche without moving his body or feet, and the strength of the master is clear at a glance.” Hero Nie said without any scruples.

“That’s right, I guess Gai Yuan is just thinking about challenging Master Zhending, sharpening himself, and opening the boundary between man and god, hehe, why don’t you guess how many times he will lose?”

“No matter what, you have to take ten knives.”

“If it’s that magical sword technique, ten swords are enough.”

“That’s right, facing that kind of sword technique, even if Gai Yuan’s three secret treasures are opened together, he can block three swords at most.”

“There must be five knives”

“If you don’t believe me, let’s take a gamble”

Soon, one by one gambling games appeared among the heroes watching the battle, which is often the case in similar situations.

Suddenly, someone shouted in a low voice: “The reincarnated demon is here.”

I saw a man in black clothes and black shoes walking slowly on the steps to the square. He was about forty years old, with a beardless face, and looked ordinary, but everyone knew that he was a cruel and merciless person. The youngest son of a righteous hero who refused to submit to him fell to death, and this was just a trivial sum in the name of his demon.

Gai Yuan boarded the square and stood aside, waiting quietly, the sky was getting darker and darker as the clouds were overcast.

“Master Zhending has come out!” Surprised cheers followed one after another.

I saw a young monk wearing a white monk’s robe slowly walking out of the Daxiong Palace. The long sword in the sheath is indifferent.

“It’s really a good demeanor” I don’t know how many people secretly admired it. rs


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