I Honor

Chapter 152

Forty-Three So I Came By Myself

Meng Qi just imitated Duan Xiangfei’s old wisdom and used phantom to follow.

Although Duan Xiangfei had completed his phantom when he followed him back then, and he was still a little far away, but this time he returned to the world of Tianding City, he asked him a lot of application skills. With the spiritual transformation brought about by evil, the phantom has made a big breakthrough, and his own strength is stronger than Duan Xiangfei, and the black-faced man is weaker than himself before, so he can follow a little closer without being afraid of being discovered.

The black-faced man continued his efforts to get rid of the stalking in a daze, and after a long circle, he entered the back door of a yard.

It wasn’t until this moment that he let out a long breath, walked towards a wing with joy on his face, and knocked on the door.

In “Who” is a clear male voice.

“Second boss, it’s me.” The black-faced man said relaxedly.

The door opened with a creak, and a young man with a beard looked behind the black-faced man, then chuckled and said, “If you don’t come back, I’ll have to notify the boss.”

The black-faced man was “dead”, he had never expected him to come back alive, so when he heard his voice, he was extremely vigilant, but fortunately there was nothing.

The black-faced man didn’t know his identity, and he said fearfully: “Fortunately, I’m smart, and that person is probably a monk, so he’s soft-hearted, otherwise I would have died tragically. Thank you for your concern. My life and death are not worth notifying the boss.”

I told the big guy to prepare to welcome “guests”. The young man stroked his newly grown beard and said with a smile, “Come in and talk.”

The window paper was thick and tight, and the room was quite dark. The young man seemed to like this environment, and did not light a candle.

After closing the door, he asked with his hands behind his back, “But I told them the truth.”

“Yes, Second Leader, I really admire you. I know that they are cautious, they refuse to trust outside news, and they won’t fall for it easily. It’s a pity that no matter how smart they are, how can they compare with you? How can you guess what I seem to be?” The guy who follows is the real trap.” The black-faced man said with admiration, although he didn’t know the specific plan, but when the second master told him not to keep the secret, he could probably guess that it was a trap.

A smug smile appeared on the face of the second leader: “It’s just more preparations. For the stupid people, the news spread outside is enough to lure them to Checixia, and the smarter guys will go to the third to throw themselves into the trap, and Smart and prudent fellow, it’s up to you.”

“Second Master’s thoughtfulness is beyond my reach.” The dark-faced man said politely, because Second Master likes other people’s tone.

The second leader smiled and nodded: “Notify the third child that he no longer has to pretend to be Lord Zeluo’s hostile forces, and rush back to Checixia immediately, maybe in time to see the little bald donkey and his helper handing over the head.”

Ze Luoju judged strength and proficiency based entirely on the corpse, and didn’t care whether the enemy was one, two, or three. In short, their strength was within that range, and there was no need to do it themselves, and other enemies didn’t need to bother to investigate, as long as they caught Little bald donkey, it’s clear.

“Yes, I’ll go and notify right away.” The black-faced man consciously made a great contribution, and his smile was very bright.

Er Dangjia waved his hand: “No hurry, first tell me about the situation just now.”

If this guy wasn’t too blunt, and he wanted to fight for secrets, why did I bother to tell him, so I had to see if he made any mistakes.The black-faced man carefully repeated the conversation, and finally said: “Second leader, no problem.”

Erdangjia pondered for a moment, picked up a pen and paper, quickly wrote a letter, then nodded and said, “No problem.”

He grabbed a strange bird with a white head and black feathers from the cage in his room, tied the letter to its feet, opened the window, and let it fly high.

The strange bird flapped its wings and was about to fly high. Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the shadows, a slender and powerful hand, and held it firmly.

The Erdangjia and the black-faced man stared at this scene dumbfounded, and saw a boy with a handsome face, a black cloth headband, and a sword hanging on his waist came out of the shadows, and said with a smile: “Say, you continue to talk, I Like to hear.”

The two of them were scared out of their wits, how did he come out, how could he not find out

The shadow is not deep, and it is in the obvious place by the door, how could the two of us not notice it?

“It’s a pity, I meant to spare your life.” Meng Qi sighed, drew the knife with his right hand, and slashed at the black-faced man obliquely.

The knife was bright, and the black-faced man came back to his senses, and rushed to the side, trying to avoid it.

With a flash of the knife, the black-faced man who rushed to the side never stood up again, and pools of blood flowed out from under his body.

Meng Qi killed people very quickly, and before the second master could take advantage of the opportunity to act, he saw Jie Dao retracted and pointed at himself.

“You should be the smiling fox Yu Lin,” Meng Qi said with a smile.

Erdangjia forcefully said calmly: “It’s me.”

Countless thoughts were spinning in his mind, trying to find a strategy to save himself from the danger of life and death.

Meng Qi said regretfully: “You are very smart, but unfortunately your strength is too weak, and you are almost not even enlightened.”

Yu Lin squeezed out a smile: “Isn’t this great? Poor strength is easy to control, and smartness is easy to communicate. Don’t you want to know where that little monk went?”

“You are full of lies. I really can’t believe it. Anyway, there are a bunch of stupid people waiting for me to ask.” Meng Qi still had that regretful expression.

Seeing that Meng Qi refused to enter, Yu Lin murmured and said, “There is an evil knife hunting order, and that young monk has probably been captured by some horse bandit. If you want to rescue him, you will have to rely on your strength alone, and you will have to rely on your strength.” Use your brain, it’s insidious enough, but I can help you, I can surrender to you.”

As long as you live, everything is fine, sooner or later it will come back

Meng Qi smiled: “I’m sorry, you are a bad person.”

Ah Yu Lin was at a loss, when he saw the dark red Jie Dao slashing towards him, no matter how he moved around, it approached his throat without any deviation.

I, I don’t want to die, I’m still full of tricks, I can guess people’s hearts

He He and Yu Lin clutched their throats, blood gushed out and fell to the ground, their limbs twitched a few times, but there was no more movement.

“Checixia, it’s only half a day’s schedule.” Meng Qi mused thoughtfully to himself. He dug a hole in the yard, buried the two corpses and set fire to it. The noise was too loud, which could easily arouse alarm.

Half a day later, the sun set in the west, the sky was dark, the temperature in the Gobi dropped sharply, and the wind was chilly.

Checi Gorge is a canyon that seems to be cut out by a fairy with a long sword. The cliffs on both sides are smooth and difficult to climb. There is sometimes fog in the valley. It is a first-class key point and ambush.

Gu Changqing and Meng Qi rode on horseback looking at the Checi Gorge, looked at the peaks on both sides, frowned and said, “Why did you kill so fast, and didn’t even ask where the big stall’s camp is, how do you find it?”

He tried his best to make himself forget how strange Meng Qi was when he followed the black-faced man, and kept telling himself that it was someone else’s unique skill, so he couldn’t listen to it.

Meng Qi tried his best to make himself smile calmly: “Their camp is just another ambush, and Shen Zui is definitely not in it, so why go there?”

“But we can pretend to raid the camp, lure the intoxicated ambush, and then wait for the opportunity.” Gu Changqing is not stupid.

Meng Qi said with a leisurely smile, “Why bother, we’ll go straight to the door.”

“How to find it?” Gu Changqing felt that this kind of half-spoken guy deserved to be beaten.

Of course, this was also Meng Qi’s thought before, but it’s different now, because he can enjoy this feeling.

He smiled without saying a word, turned his head and asked, “Can you deal with a few horse bandits who have opened their eyes?”

Gu Changqing knew that he could not lie in this kind of matter, otherwise he would be the one who was in danger, so he frowned and said: “The horse bandits are ferocious, they are used to fighting, and they are not afraid of death. It would be more dangerous.”

He came out to walk the rivers and lakes with his eyes wide open, and Gu Jiabao established his family with swordsmanship, “Piercing the Sun Divine Sword” and “Gu Family Sword” are both good. It’s more ordinary.

“Then let’s go together.” Meng Qi nodded slightly.

Gu Changqing quickly became angry from embarrassment: “How to get there?”

Meng Qi laughed and said, “The little guy will take us there.”

While speaking, he let go of the cloth bag in his left hand, and the white-headed black-feathered strange bird flew out, circled in the sky, and threw it into a valley near Che Chai Gorge.

“Let’s go.” Meng Qi patted his horse and hurried, following the white-headed bird closely.

Gu Changqing looked at the white-headed bird, his teeth itching with “hate”, if you let me know this before, how could I look so stupid

In a hidden canyon, there are three tents, in the middle isShenzui claimed to be himself, and on both sides belonged to four other masters of enlightenment, two with four apertures, and two with eye apertures.

He knew that the visitor had killed An Guoxie, so he didn’t dare to underestimate him. He set up traps and brought all the help he could bring. People, no matter how bad the other party is, it won’t be much worse.

Just as he was concentrating on practicing in the tent, the sound of flapping wings came to his ears. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the white-headed bird he raised had returned.

He took down the note, took a closer look, and was suddenly overjoyed. He went outside the tent and summoned four of his subordinates to prepare them, recuperate their bodies and minds, and enter the ambush circle an hour later.

The four subordinates were divided into two groups, two people in each group, taking turns to guard and rest.

Then he also entered the tent and took the time to rest.

Meng Qi and Gu Changqing looked at the camp from a nearby tree, observed for a while, and after confirming that there was no ambush, they jumped off the big tree and rushed directly into the camp.

As soon as the two enlightened masters on patrol and on guard reacted, Meng Qi, who had used his Fengshen legs, threw himself in front of them, slashing with his saber.

At the time of life and death, their sabers were like lightning, and they also slashed at Meng Qi’s body.

After two slashing sounds like gold and stones, the two masters who had opened their eyes were killed and the other was injured, the one who only opened his eyes died.


He turned pale with shock, but he didn’t have time to call for help. The opponent’s saber technique was so exquisite that it was difficult to describe it. He was seriously injured and fell to the ground in just a few stabs.

As soon as Gu Changqing caught up, he saw two masters of awakening die suddenly, he was startled, and had a new understanding of Meng Qi’s strength.

It turns out that he doesn’t need special moves, hidden weapons, or poisons, but just relying on sword skills and golden bell shields, he is also a whole level stronger than ordinary four-orifice masters

Meng Qi had two wounds on his clothes, one had only white marks, and the other was not deeply wounded and left little blood, and he was about to heal soon.

The movement just now awakened Shen Zui, he rushed out with his sword in hand, and shouted: “Who?”

Under the dim light, Meng Qi smiled and showed his white teeth:

“I heard that the big guy is looking for me, so I came here by myself.”

s: Ask for a recommendation ticket on Monday rs


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