I Honor

Chapter 1521


On the entire planet, giant trees withered, dinosaurs fell dead, the high altitude was covered by smoke and mist, the sun was not visible, it was dark, and only a few creatures could survive.

Meng Qi looked out of the sky, and saw that the nearby galaxies were crumbling like candles in the wind, while the farther places were swallowed by endless chaos and returned to nothingness, leaving only afterimages that seemed unreal, just like the background scroll .

The end of this level can only affect but cannot destroy the earth and the surrounding galaxies.

But this is not the focus of Meng Qi’s observation. There was a gap between his brows, and he opened a vertical eye, which contained an ancient glazed lamp, illuminating all the details, without missing anything, in order to find the “treasure raft” that can support it. The mystery of the end of the era, or the source of power, can be used to see which Bi An’s handwriting is in the body. After Wuji and Dao have achieved great success, his “Bodhi Wisdom Eye” naturally formed.

The sun is dim, like fireflies flickering, the earth is shaking, like a huge wave and a boat, an invisible and nameless force is shrouded outside, and it does not know where it came from or where it is going.

“It’s interesting,” Meng Qi whispered to Gu Xiaosang.

With his current state and strength on the other side, he can’t accurately judge DuThe source of power of Shibaofa

Gu Xiaosang was not surprised, and said with a smile: “If there is nothing weird about this place, how could the Demon Buddha hide the hope of getting out of the seal in advance?”

Meng Qi smiled slightly: “Then let’s go back to the end of the last era to find out when the earth became a treasure raft.”

In the real world, limited by the karmic shackles of killing the Golden Emperor and the great wish of the pharmacist Wang Buddha, although his strength is initially equal to that of the ancients who have just entered the embryonic form of Daoguo, the improvement of the realm is quite slow, and it is still stuck in the past. At the beginning of the last era of the ancient era, it is difficult to step into the first few eras of the ancient era, let alone the time when the sky was opened, the first beginning, but the earth is a treasure raft, and the long river of time seems to have no connection with the past. Double the effort.

“I feel that Xianggong has already made a judgment in his heart.” Gu Xiaosang said lightly.

Meng Qi glanced at her and smiled back: “Don’t you also have a guess?”

With sparkling light, the illusory river of time filled the world again. Meng Qi went upstream to break through the time. While helping Gu Xiaosang realize the mystery of going back to the past, he walked into an even older history.

After experiencing several mass extinctions, that is, after passing through the end of several eras, Meng Qi felt something in his heart, paused suddenly, and looked around, only to see the snow-covered, frozen planet, low temperature and extreme cold, freezing everything , all the warmth of all creatures disappeared.

However, an inexplicable force descended from infinite heights, leaving some things frozen in the ice layer alive and in a dormant state. Once the era reopens and the cold fades, they will become active again, ushering in a great explosion of species.

This time, the power that protects the treasure raft is no longer invisible and nameless, with no source and nowhere to go

Meng Qi gazed at the infinite heights, and saw that there was a sea of ​​auspicious clouds, thousands of rays of light, and clusters of auspicious energy, so he took Gu Xiaosang and took a step forward to the vicinity. of all possible things.

In the sea of ​​auspicious clouds, a figure suddenly flew out, wearing the costumes of the ancient and prehistoric years, with an ancient and wild oil paint totem on his face, his arrogance was almost equal to that of a great magician.

“Who is coming?” The ancient fairy shouted sharply.

But before K finished speaking, he felt Meng Qi’s subtle aura, saw the perfect and flawless precious light that contained everything, his tone suddenly slowed down, and he bowed his hands and said:

“I don’t know which Tianzun is coming here”

After a pause, K hesitated and asked one more question: “Could it be Yuxu Palace Yuanshi Datianzun?”

The meaning of infinite chaos, the initial sense of opening up the world, are almost exactly the same, but a little immature

Meng Qi smiled slightly, and said frankly: “I obtained the Dharma in Yuxu Palace, and I will become enlightened in the future. Looking back in time to this point, I don’t know which fellow Taoist lives here.”

As the “gatekeeper” of the treasure raft, this ancient fairy should not be ignorant of the different common sense on the other side.

Hearing Meng Qi’s words, and looking at Gu Xiaosang who was obviously not from the other side next to him, this ancient fairy god in the prehistoric era suddenly realized, and said with a smile: “It turns out that’s the case, no wonder I haven’t seen Tianzun before I come down, I just feel that I have nothing to do with Yuxu. Gong Yuanshi Da Tianzun is almost the same.”

After finishing speaking, K said with emotion: “Enlightenment is in the future, so the future should also become the current node. I am afraid that it is in history at the moment, but I don’t even know the state of Tianzun who is almost omnipresent and omnipotent. It shows that I have never If you live until then, the road to eternal life will be a dream after all.”

Immortal gods in similar realms can be crazy, insane or cruel, but they will never be ignorant and ignorant.

Meng Qi was about to say a few words of relief, saying that there will be reincarnation in the next era, so it may not be completely lost, but the ancient fairy god with the wild totem continued:

“Since you will not live forever, your name will not disgrace the sage’s hearing. As for this place, it is the residence of the Taoist, Zixiao Palace thirty-three days away.”

Meng Qi, Dao Zun’s residence in Zixiao Palace, was not too shocked, as if he had expected it.

There are only a handful of people who can make themselves unable to see the source of power. Even if Yuanshi reappears, Lingbao appears in the world, and morality is used, there must be multiple arrangements to hide it. Therefore, the answer is ready to come out. The earth is one of the two Taoists. raft

And the Demon Buddha was suppressed by the Buddha, and hiding “others and me” in the Buddha’s treasure raft, isn’t it self-inflicted?

Therefore, there is only one truth, and this place is once the treasure raft of the Taoist priest

No wonder K believes that the “other and me” hidden on the earth, that is, himself, can hide from the Buddha and the rest of the world

No wonder there is one more Patriarch Hongjun and one more Zixiao Palace in the legend of the gods on earth compared to the real situation, which has undergone different evolutions. This may be the imprint of the Taoist priest affecting the world, but it is specious and far-fetched by the common people to become Hongjun.

No wonder the light of the earth has experienced the end of several epochs

No wonder the Golden Emperor has to follow the basic rules when preaching in this world

No wonder there are many sects on earth but few supernatural powers

In this way, many things seem to be explained. The relationship between the God of Thunder in the past and the Buddha and Dao Zun is very close. It may even be an ancient figure who “smuggled to survive” from the last era to this era with the help of the ancient thunder pond. Perhaps it is another great product of Dao Zun’s reduction and emptiness, a relatively normal product, just like Tang Sanzang is to the Buddha, and is to the Supreme True Buddha

That’s why even the emperor of heaven can’t figure out what he saidThe hidden truth of Chu Leishen is why K can use his weak body to control Dao Zun’s other product, Tiandao monster, which is the product of subtracting and seeking space, so K knows so many secrets, and has won the trust of the Eastern Emperor, Heavenly Emperor and Demon Lord, so At the top of Ananda Pure Land Peak, K will say that there is a terrifying enemy, full of sense of crisis, because the last kalpa is to destroy all the products of Taoism and Buddha, so that K can be completely detached, so it is quite easy for K to achieve the other shore , without even having time to encounter any obstacles

Mo Buddha’s true face is instantly revealed

But Meng Qi still has more doubts in his mind. If this judgment is true, then how to explain that Thunder God and Ananda’s repeated betrayals have almost failed to capture any benefits from it, and have greatly weakened other forces on the other side and the ability to fight against K. The crisis is even more in the opposite direction.

As for why Yuanshi Tianzun knew the secret and location where Ananda hid “he and I”, it became even more of a mystery.

More importantly, after I became independent, the secrets of the earth must be exposed to the eyes of those on the other side. It is not difficult to find that this is the treasure raft of the Daoist, why did the Emperor of Heaven say that Thor has other secrets.

It is very doubtful whether k judges that Thor is the product of Dao Zun’s subtraction and emptiness through personal experience

At this time, Gu Xiaosang also said via voice transmission: “I remember that in the exchange book of the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, there is a deficiency in the Seven Swords of Jietian.”

In other words, the Demon Buddha Ananda didn’t master all the Seven Swords of Cutting Heaven at all, and the collected

Meng Qi nodded slightly, and said to the ancient fairy:

“I don’t know if the poor can meet the Daoist”

Is the imprint left in it occupied by a monster of the heavenly way, or is it the magic Buddha Ananda?

The ancient immortal saluted and said: “I’ll go first and ask Venerable Daowao.”


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