I Honor

Chapter 1548


One side of the universe collapsed, just like the reliefs piled up on the beach. When the huge waves hit, they collapsed almost indiscriminately, and even the entire real world turned into a mess. Since the beginning of the world many epochs ago, The long river of time curled up.

The superposition of constriction and diffuse state, the superposition of yin and yang, the superposition of past and future and present, the superposition of vigorous vitality and silent death, the timeline has completely fallen, and the imprint belongs to Gu Xiaosang. The superimposition of detached inanimate mothers is the wonder of the end. All contradictory things exist at the same time, are tolerated, and will be attributed to one point from the largest to the smallest to the most wonderful and simple.

The figure of Amitabha Buddha is not only at the time of the creation of the world, but also at the end of the end of the world, but it is suddenly illusory, and it seems that he is about to break free from the current node, logic, and imagination, and achieve true detachment. , Illusion and reality alternated several times, and finally failed to get rid of completely.

Gu Xiaosang became an ancient person, and Amitabha’s practice of reducing and seeking emptiness has also been completed, and he will be able to prove the Tao and fruit only when he recovers, but it is this extremely short recovery that makes K slow down by a “step”, and in K’s sight , the moral Tianzun who was entangled with k disappeared completely

Because Meng Qi also cut out Su Meng Tianzun, proved the embryonic form of Dao Fruit, and became the ancient

The morality was also weakened by the six soul banners. Amitabha put the response body, the sambhogakaya, and the dharma body together, folded his hands together, and said in a low voice: “Mercy, mercy.”

Then the Western Ultimate Bliss flew out to bless the boat of doomsday, helping it to survive the doomsday and lead to the next era.

In the battle of Dao Fruit, K lost with a slight disadvantage, and began to think about the “future” rationally. If there is a next era, only Nuwa can compete with him for the first Dao Fruit

Gu Xiaosang stood in the chaos like porridge, the past and present overlapped in nothingness, his eyes were complicated, but he lacked the joy of killing the “Golden Emperor”.

The Golden Emperor clearly knew that he would suppress the realm after landing on the other side, not to break through, and even imitate his husband, carrying a lot of karma, so he could only “force” himself to prove the embryonic form of Dao fruit in the most extreme and unimaginable way, and become a After the ancients, k does subtraction and seeks empty perfection, no matter how much he weakens himself, he will not be able to affect k

At the end, time superimposes, life and death superimpose, and various contradictory states superimpose, which is the opportunity to make a big fuss

From the very beginning, K was planning for this. The real goal of Liuhun Banner is actually Amitabha and Daode Tianzun, in order to weaken K and let K take a “step” at a critical moment, so as to seize the opportunity

The Buddha had made a move before, so he had to seriously consider the possibility of K making another move, and under the wonderful Bodhi tree was the Three Jewels Ruyi, and the signs of K colluding with Sanqing were obvious

Among the ancient people who are hopeful of Taoism, Amitabha and Daode Tianzun have been “delayed” by a step. The three cleans are one. Without Dao Dao Tianzun, it is impossible to transcend. Who else can stop the Golden Emperor from transcending?

Gu Xiaosang felt sad for a while, he worked so hard to get to the other shore, just to be the stepping stone of the Golden Emperor

Could it be that in this life, not only is fate manipulated by K, but even one of K’s plans cannot be destroyed?

Meng Qi felt the same way. The embryonic Dao fruit turned into Qingyun, and countless golden lamps hung down to illuminate the darkness. He absorbed the meaning of the end and chaos around him, and thought about how to help Sanqing and stop the Golden Emperor.

The Golden Emperor is detached by the strange state of the end, and he must not reveal anything in front of him. Whether there is cause and effect can not be completely resolved in the future, whether they can be found, magnified, and slow down the pace of the Golden Emperor

Maybe at this time the Golden Emperor isSeize the opportunity to completely obliterate those insignificant causes and effects

Meng Qi was never the type to give up easily. The cloud above his head changed, revealing a glazed lamp, the cause of all fruits illuminated, clearing the current chaotic and crazy world of cause and effect, tracing back to the source in an instant, as if he had come to the state where cause and effect had just emerged inside.

In the dark, bright star lines intertwined, a Taoist priest sat inside, watching Meng Qi’s “arrival” quietly

Before Meng Qi could respond in the future, the Taoist who couldn’t describe it in words suddenly got up and said with a smile:

“The beginning of the poor way.”

When Daoqiong saw Yuanshi, he didn’t expect that the first time he met the real Yuanshi Tianzun was at this time, Meng Qi said: “I met Teacher Yuanshi.”

There are two figures behind Yuanshi, one showing the process of things from being to nothing, and the other with white hair and bright head, is the moral god, but the sense of existence is extremely thin. The three are independent, but they seem to be one, but they are different. Different manifestations in different situations at different times.

Seeing this situation, Meng Qi’s mind was as clear as a mirror, and he immediately said with a smile:

“Congratulations to the three teachers who have attained enlightenment and attained liberation.”

Yuan Shi smiled and said: “It’s also thanks to you that you can prove the other side, otherwise everything will be over.”

Breaking free from the sea of ​​suffering is ultimately seeing yourself, whether external objects can stop you or not

“Why did the Golden Emperor fail?” Meng Qi couldn’t hide his doubts.

That’s it

Taoist Yuanshi said calmly:

“K seeks Dao and fruit in this way. It is a fight to the death, cutting off the way out, and chasing that ray of life. Once it fails, it will naturally disappear completely, and there will be no chance to come back.”

For this reason, Meng Qi nodded slightly. The Golden Emperor exchanged “die first” for Xiaosang to become an ancient person, so that all the imprints would be absorbed by her, and all karma would be borne by her. In the timeline, it would be a complete fall. “Doing subtraction, seeking emptiness and consummation, is qualified to impact the Dao fruit. From the logical sequence, the “later” thing was originally impossible to happen, but now in the process of the end of the era, all contradictions can be superimposed, not only the timeline It can be done sequentially, or logically, but once it “falls”, there is no possibility of being weakened, and there is no way to reduce it.

As long as you take this opportunity to prove the Dao Fruit, with the unknowable and indisputable mysteries of the Dao Fruit, the unreasonable things before can be established. If it fails, then this state of superimposed logical contradictions will obviously not last long, and will eventually return to the Golden Emperor The end of complete fall.

But it seems that the Golden Emperor has slowed down the moral Tianzun, implicated the Sanqing as a whole, and gained the upper hand, why K still failed to grab the chance to transcend

Yuanshi Taoist smiled and said:

“K shouldn’t have put morality on the Six Soul Banner.”

“The reason why we waited for the end of the era to seek the fruit of the Dao, on the one hand, is to give you more opportunities to become an ancient person, on the other hand, the heavens and worlds have completely collapsed, and the foundation of existence is in the weakest state, and morality can be liberated. The Six Soul Banner weakens morality a bit, making k even more damaged and weaker, isn’t it closer to detachment?”

“For learning more and more, for Dao daily loss, loss and loss, so that nothing can be done.”

“This truth has been told to K a long time ago, but it is a pity that K was blinded by the battle of the Dao. He only wanted to weaken his opponent, but he couldn’t see it, and he was one step behind after all.”

It turned out that the Golden Emperor used the six-hundred soul banner to worship the Daode Tianzun, which actually helped Sanqing to escape faster. As for worshiping Yuanshi Tianzun and Lingbao Tianzun, K are in a strange state, it is difficult to take action, it is also difficult to be affected, and it will not work. Moreover, the six-hundred-hundred-hundred-spirited banner is originally a spiritual treasure. Meng Qi suddenly realized, and pondered for a while before saying, “If the golden mother saw this, she didn’t write the name of the teacher of morality on the six-hundred-hundred-souled banner?”

Yuanshi’s tone remained unchanged: “Then k has a 20 to 30% chance to compete with us for the Dao fruit, and it’s only 20 to 30%, because you replaced our brand early on, and k put all this in the end when Gu Xiaosang absorbed it.” Come and do it, if you are too hasty, if you are dragged down, you will take a step back.”

The Golden Emperor probably knew this too, so he took the risk of using the Six Soul Banner to worship the Virtuous Heavenly Venerable. Meng Qi thought about it; “For the Golden Mother, the best thing is to give up this fight and wait for the next era.”

“No, k only has this chance.” Yuan Shi laughed, “Since k manipulated Gu Xiaosang’s fate a little bit, and made you cut that knife, he was doomed to only fight for this opportunity. Once Gu Xiaosang achieves the other side, he must If you don’t make breakthroughs, and you would rather let the guides and guides become detached, the three join forces, and there is a tree of the great way, I am afraid that K will not see the next era.”

Ever since K manipulated Gu Xiaosang’s fate a little bit, and made you slash that knife, you were doomed to only fight for this opportunity. These words echoed in Meng Qi’s heart, and made him feel unspeakable that the Golden Emperor had done such a terrible thing. The desperate layout achieved great success, but in the end it restrained itself and could only fight for this dangerous opportunity.

It was too clever for the real agency to calculate, and it cost Qingqing’s life

Thinking of this episode, Meng Qi sighed and said:

“It’s a pity that K is the most terrifying and difficult enemy I have ever seen. It is a pity that I couldn’t defeat K with my own hands.”

After sighing with emotion, he asked again: “Mr. Yuanshi, is it true that only one Daoguo can be certified in one era?”

The Trinity is another matter.

“Yes.” Yuanshi nodded affirmatively, “Only the power of a complete cycle of an era from nothing to existence, from prosperity to prosperity, from prosperity to decline, and from existence to nothing can make the embryonic form of Daoguo come true.”Ripe. ”

“The Buddha” Meng Qi asked suspiciously, Dao Zun seemed to be truly detached, even if the things K left behind would cause great trouble.

“K is a restricted and incomplete state of Taoism, which cannot be regarded as detachment. Cooperating with us is to hope that after we have attained Taoism, we will knock k down from this state, be freed from restrictions, and start again.” Yuan Shi smiled. , “The end has come, it’s time for you to start the next era.”

In the sound of speaking, Sanqing had disappeared, as if he had never appeared before. In front of Meng Qi’s eyes was a rapidly shrinking nothingness, and it was Gu Xiaosang who was in a daze.

“The mother of gold is dead, Sanqing proves the way.” Meng Qi said simply, recalling Gu Xiaosang’s expression, then pointed his hand, and integrated all the remnants of the original vacuum hometown and other underworld into the doomsday boat, Transfer all the living creatures that are still alive into it.

Pale golden light flourished, golden lotuses blossomed, and the boat of doom was wrapped in endless nothingness and squeezed by terrifying shrinkage.

Gu Xiaosang sighed softly, not knowing whether it was the joy of liberation or the disappointment of falling into the empty space, and hand in hand with Meng Qi, he pulled out the injured ancient hibiscus tree and put it into the building boat, and then they both flew back, seeing To Yaosheng, Qingdi, Bodhi Ancient Buddha and so on.

Inside the building and boat, all the creatures were trembling, and Han Guang mingled among them, leisurely and contented.

Suddenly, his face twisted, his eyes faded and then reappeared, revealing a majestic look.

The heavens and worlds do not exist, and the ship of doom sails in the boundless “nothingness”, bearing the assimilation of chaos and the invasion of various endings.

At this moment, a Buddha with extremely pure radiance and a dark red twisted monster flew over. They wanted to enter the boat of doomsday, but they were blocked by Meng Qi with a light wave, which sprinkled a light like a water curtain in front of the eaves. Outside.


The Supreme True Buddha and the Heavenly Dao monster screamed and fell into complete nothingness, never to be seen again.

I don’t know how long it took, the boat of doomsday was scarred and bruised, and finally survived the end. Meng Qi stood on the bow, holding the handle of the absolute knife, and transformed his embryonic form of Dao fruit into an ancient and vast Pangu banner. The domineering sword matches.

Open up the world in the present

With a knife, the darkness parted, but it quickly collapsed again, and it seemed that there would be no next era. At this time, in the bright circle of light behind Meng Qi’s head, the green tree of the avenue flew out and supported it in the gap. In the sky, the light flickers, and the branches and leaves grow.

Inside the doomsday boat, countless creatures suddenly felt the real light, the natural light, the infinite light, and then heard a solemn declaration in their ears:

“If I respect heaven and earth, there will be a chance for everything in the world”

s: Tomorrow I will start to update the episodes on the WeChat official account, and I will write about the stories of the main and supporting characters. After all, it is difficult to seamlessly integrate into the main text. The speed is about two or three articles a week. I hope everyone will pay attention to my prestige official account , search: wuzei1985, free reading tomorrow’s episode is “If the first life is not a fantasy, but a city”, see the final testimonials tonight or tomorrow for other things

complete book


End of this testimonial

It ended abruptly, but it did come to an end, and it was time to stop. In the initial outline, Xiao Meng and Xiao Sang were angry at the Golden Emperor, ending with a bloody battle, but most of the time, the more The more I write, the more I feel the horror of the Golden Emperor’s scheming city, and the firm pursuit of the Dao. It is impossible for a boss like this on the other side to let himself fall into such an ending. K’s destination, so the last one can’t get up, and can’t finish smoothly. For a creator, it’s too painful to have both fish and bear’s paws.

However, I finally decided to respect the character of the Golden Emperor, the villain who supports the next third of the story, and the character and setting of the characters. This is also my original intention for writing the King of the World. Improve and improve your own shortcomings.

Mieyun is a complete story of xinxing cultivation, there is no rest. I wrote my heart with my hand, so I wrote the fairy tale, but there are too many things missing, such as writing style, plot design, rhythm control, character shaping, these may have flashes However, it is still too ordinary and thin overall, so the Arcane God Throne is dominated by world view decryption, the rhythm control is very good, the fine structure is higher than that of Mieyun, and the characters have also improved, but it is not enough, and the fighting is also weak.

With these conclusions, the original intention of I was to write about people and ideas. In the first half of the happy world, I felt that the characters, fights, conflicts, detectives, suspense, ideas, passion, joy, etc. had written a new level and broke through. I used to be myself, but after stepping into the location, the fighting first became empty. Gao Wuliu’s confrontation had too many problems that I hadn’t encountered and didn’t expect. The world view is gradually revealed, the conflict of previous styles, the integration of past characters are new problems, and the more grand background, more character games, and more detailed clues, need to rack their brains, and it is difficult to take care of other things. Unless you can use another

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