I Honor

Chapter 159

The Wind Blows Up

After a sudden realization, Meng Qi said calmly, “We came from the north, but passed by Quicksand Collection. Qu Jiuniang is indeed beautiful and charming, with a hot personality, and she is open to seeing money.”

“Yes, yes, when Jiuniang sees gems and gold, she is so beautiful that she seems to shine, her eyes, her expression, tsk, it’s really fascinating.” Xie Jiugui was immediately excited and chattered non-stop, ” But let me tell you, the most beautiful time of Jiuniang is not these times, but after drinking, she was at that time”

He hiccupped, stopped suddenly, fell down drunk, and soon began to purr, as if mentioning Jiuniang, making him eager to enter the dream and “meet” with the beautiful woman.

Meng Qi couldn’t hear any valuable clues, so he left Lao Cao Hotel with Gu Changqing.

When they left, a white and slender hand suddenly appeared next to Xie Jiugui’s ear, pinching his ear and twisting it hard.

“Ouch” Xie Jiugui screamed.

As soon as he stepped into the rented courtyard, Meng Qi saw Zhong Yashe pacing back and forth in half excitement and half fear, while Gong Shayue was watching from the side with the same expression.

“Master, what happened?” Gu Changqing asked with concern when Meng Qi’s eyes reminded him.

Zhong Yashe pulled out a smile: “Yuan Mengzhi and Bai Chengzhu jointly issued an invitation card, inviting brothers from all families to go to the city lord’s mansion for a banquet, thank you for escorting us all the way.”

“Escort all the way…” Meng Qi questioned with a stern expression, but he couldn’t stop laughing secretly, and Yuan Mengzhi was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

Zhong Yashe sighed: “Yeah, I guess Yuan Mengzhi wanted to have a showdown with us, let us leave Yuhai after drinking this meal, alas, you didn’t spend the gems?”

“The way to escape has been decided, five thousand silver, and the rest will be paid after the completion.” Gu Changqing gave Zhong Yashe a head first, and then smiled, “The master. It doesn’t matter, since Yuan Mengzhi wants to drive Everyone, there must be people who are dissatisfied, and something may happen tonight. At that time, we will be able to fish in troubled waters.”

“That’s right, so many horse teams, big and small, probably have seventy or eighty masters of enlightenment, and there are also one for each of the seven or eight. If Yuan Mengzhi is forced to expel them, will they obediently obey orders? Even if Bai Bazheng helps, we have a large number of people The crowd is not easy to get along with, hum, even if Yuan Mengzhi is covered with iron, he can still drive a few nails.” Zhong Yashe has thought of this a long time ago, but he needs others to say it for himself.Comfort and courage.

He paused, then looked at Meng Qi and Gu Changqing: “Brother Xiao Meng, you and Xiao Yue will come to the banquet with me tonight. Don’t be rash when things happen. Brother Xiao Gu and Brother Wu stay here and let the brothers get ready. If there is chaos, take advantage of it and loot it immediately.”

Since the banquet is not a good one, it is natural to bring the strongest players there, so even if Meng Qi behaved recklessly and did not follow the rules. Zhong Yashe had to take him with him, and although Gong Shayue was the third master, his strength was stronger than the second master Wu Yong.

When someone goes to the banquet, someone needs to watch the house and prepare for the robbery, so Zhong Yashe let the “Military Advisor” Gu Changqing stay. And arrange Wu Yong to monitor and assist him.

Hearing that there was such a banquet, Meng Qi probably guessed what Yuan Mengzhi was thinking. Even if Zhong Yashe refused to let him go, he had to find an excuse to go, so he didn’t refuse. He said succinctly: “I will listen to you, Master.”

“Okay, everyone go back to the room to rest and wait for the night, Brother Gu, after we set off, please go to the Lao Cao Hotel again and let Xie Jiugui get ready.” Zhong Yashe gave the last order in a very old-fashioned manner.

Back in the room, Meng Qi paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, his thoughts were running one after another, making it difficult to calm down.

“On this occasion, if there is a sad breeze, things will be much simpler.” Meng Qi sighed. He has been waiting for “opportunity”, but that kind of “opportunity” is really rare in the desert, and there are only a few in the oasis. One point, I haven’t met it all the time, and there is no “opportunity”, no matter whether it is positive or conspiracy such as diverting the tiger away from the mountain, the success may not be great, because Yuan Mengzhi is basically waiting for you to do it, and there is no advantage of surprise at all.

If there is enough time, Meng Qi can think of a way to wait for the specific terrain and follow Yuan Mengzhi’s thinking mode to save people, but time won’t wait for me

In this kind of banquet occasion, there are many people and mixed tastes, and the nose orifice is seriously affected. The colorless and odorless “Sorrowful Breeze” that is specially aimed at internal energy is absolutely effective. After all, Yuan Mengzhi does not have the ability to resist poison.

And the candle made of Seven Heart Begonia is also colorless and odorless, but it is highly poisonous and affects everyone, and the onset is faster for ordinary people. At this kind of banquet occasion, there must be maids and servants, let alone the question of whether hurting innocent people violates their own bottom line, just their early poisoning attack can make Yuan Mengzhi and others wake up before the poisoning is deep. If there is a chance, he will be surrounded and killed by nearly a hundred horse bandits.

Another point is that these methods are based on the fact that Yuan Mengzhi and others are completely unsuspecting of poisoning, but this is almost impossible. He obviously wants to take advantage of this chaotic situation to lure himself to save people. All aspects will definitely be thoughtful.

“We can only adapt to the situation and play by ear.” Meng Qi sighed again, perhaps the opportunity lies in the conflict between Zhong Yashe and others following the horse bandits and Yuan Mengzhi, which caused chaos, but I don’t know if this opportunity was deliberately created by Yuan Mengzhi of.

If there was no chance, Meng Qi thought to himself that he would not do something that would undoubtedly kill him. He could only keep his body useful and avenge his junior brother.

After sorting out his thoughts, Meng Qi calmed down and meditated quietly to adjust his breath. At this time, it is useless to be anxious and anxious, and it will affect the judgment instead.

Unknowingly, in the evening, Meng Qi was awakened by Gu Changqing’s knock on the door.

“Zhong Yashe asked you to prepare to go.” Gu Changqing said solemnly, “Be careful yourself, don’t be brave if you don’t have a chance.”

Meng Qiping smiled and said, “I save it, I don’t do things that I’m not sure about.”

Walking out of the room and stepping into the courtyard, Meng Qi suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing past, making the branches sway.

He raised his head in astonishment and looked at the sky, only to see that the dark red that was still shrouded by the setting sun gradually became gloomy.

“The wind is blowing.” Meng Qi’s expression was very strange, half surprised and happy.

There was only one idea in his mind, which came from a topic he had read in some textbooks or books: “Study on Severe Convective Weather in Large Oasis”

The sea of ​​fish is vast and the mist is vast, so this is a very wide oasis.

Gu Changqing then raised his head, and echoed for no reason: “Yes, the wind is blowing, and it’s going to rain heavily, but why are you lamenting?”

Generally speaking. This state and the weather both mean torrential rain.

Meng Qi’s expression restrained, and he became calm again, but he was clearly relaxed: “Because the time has come”

“The time has come.” Gu Changqing looked at Meng Qi in surprise.

Meng Qi didn’t answer, and walked towards Zhong Yashe and the others with his hands behind his back. Humming while walking: “It’s raining, it’s thundering, I’m collecting my clothes.”

Gu Changqing half-covered his teeth and looked at Meng Qi’s back, wishing he could beat him up, but he quickly restrained himself and went out to Lao Cao’s Hotel.

The banquet was not a good one, and Zhong Yashe was under a lot of pressure. He kept silent all the way. Meng Qi pressed his sword with his left hand and had a stern face. Also did not speak.

After entering the city lord’s mansion, he walked into a wide hall under the guidance of the maid and found his own seat. Zhong Yashe looked around and found that every horse bandit seemed to have his own case. . He likes ancient etiquette, so it is not a square table, but a couple of people, Zhong Yashe and other horse bandit leaders are on both sides of the road, Meng Qi and Gong Shayue are behind him.

Zhong Yashe watched a familiar horse bandit come in, and was arranged by the maid in an orderly manner without any confusion. OutburstFear, this situation shows that Yuan Mengzhi or Bai Bazheng knows the situation of himself and others very well, knows who the leaders of the horse bandits are, and knows how many brothers they each bring.

“You can’t conflict with them.” He warned himself.

“Zhongda is the head of the family, we are really destined.” Wang Hong’s voice suddenly rang in Zhong Yashe’s ear. He was placed in a nearby location.

Meng Qi pressed the sword with his left hand, looking ready to strike at any time, making Wang Hong, a guy with bare chest hair, hate and feel uncomfortable.

He looked at the vacant position in front of him, he had some calculations in his heart, he laughed and said, “Brother Xiaomeng. Aren’t you arrogant and want to become famous? Now is your chance, as long as you can defeat any cavalry here Chief, you will become famous immediately if you can defeat Big Brother Yuanmeng, hehe, before long, your name will be sung throughout the vast sea.”

“Wang Hong, don’t talk nonsense.” Zhong Yashe was taken aback. He was really afraid that Meng Qi would jump out and challenge the bandit leader. He scolded Wang Hong.

Wang Hong took his brother to sit down, and he laughed: “Brother Xiaomeng, don’t you like to be disciplined? Now is your chance. As long as you challenge Boss Yuanmeng, we will all listen to you. Could it be that you are a coward?” ”

Meng Qi closed his eyes, restrained himself, and waited for the opportunity.

Seeing that Meng Qi was calm, Zhong Yashe gave him a higher opinion, while Wang Hong curled his lips and continued to tease and mock Meng Qi.

After a while, Yuan Mengzhi with green eyes and light yellow beard walked in from the back hall with Du Mo and Zhen Hui, accompanied by Bai Bazheng, the lord of Yuhai City, as the host.

Bai Bazheng has half Han blood, and his facial features are like stone carvings. He is over fifty years old, has gray hair, wears a high crown, and wears a toga with fluttering sleeves. He has the style of a scholar-bureaucrat.

Meng Qi opened his eyes and looked at Zhenhui. Seeing that his face was normal, but there was a bit of sadness and longing, he was a little relieved.

Bai Bazheng, Yuan Mengzhi and others entered the table one after another, while Zhenhui was held aside by a horse bandit, staring at the delicious food and licking his lips.

This guy knew how to eat Meng Qi, laughed and cursed, closed his eyes again, and built up his momentum.

Yuan Mengzhi looked at the bandits below, coughed lightly, and was about to speak.


Suddenly, thunder exploded in the sky, interrupting Yuan Mengzhi’s opening.

Dark clouds gathered outside, and silver snakes danced wildly.

Yuan Mengzhi coughed again, attracting everyone’s attention, but at this moment, he saw a young horse bandit walk out of the crowd with his sword pressed, and walked to the middle of the aisle.

Under Zhong Yashe’s dazed and terrified expression, Meng Qi pulled out the Bingque Sword coldly and calmly, and pointed at Yuan Mengzhi:

“I’m going to challenge you.”

Ah, including Wang Hong, everyone opened their mouths.


The update time is back to normal, nine in the morning and seven in the evening, please recommend a ticket


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