I Honor

Chapter 168


The cold moon is like a hook, hanging alone in the sky, the night is deep, and there are many shadowy places where you can’t see your fingers.

On the outskirts of the Xieling camp, the horse bandits, in groups of four, took turns to inspect several paths up the mountain, holding up lanterns from time to time, looking behind the rocks and above the big trees to prevent the enemy from sneaking up.

However, their patrolling seemed a bit slack, they chatted in low voices from time to time, and their laughter was very obscene, as if they were discussing which sister had the best body and the best kung fu in the camp.

It’s true, since Ze Luo lived in Xie Ling and set up camp, no one has ever attacked here, and when he was promoted to location and became a tyrant in the vast sea, Xie Ling is a place where horse bandits talk about trembling, who dares to come attack

Therefore, after returning to the Xieling camp, these horse bandits relaxed their guard and vented their accumulated pressure without worrying at all that someone would steal the camp. The so-called patrols were just a routine matter.

Each group of patrolling teams is led by a leader who has opened his eyes, followed by three ordinary horse bandits who have accumulated energy. When the current group walks to a big tree, the young horse bandits with good looks smile. Said: “Boss, I’ll take a pee.”

“Your mother is a lazy sheep, a lazy horse, and a lot of shit and urine.” The head of Kaiqiao covered his nose and waved to the side, “Go, go, it’s really bad luck.”

A pattering sound came from behind the tree, the leader laughed, and said to the other two subordinates: “You have lost your health at a young age, listen to this sound.”

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly found a Jiedao cutting out from the darkness beside him, where there was nothing before, a Jiedao suddenly cut out.

It all seems so paradoxical and so scary

The leader is also a tough person, facing the knife that was too late to dodge, he didn’t dodge or dodge, and also swung the knife to slash. The experience of repeated bloodshed made him subconsciously make the most normal choice.

However, it is only the most normal choice under normal circumstances.


The saber is like a golden stone, but it only cut off an arm that was blocked horizontally, while the Jie knife cut off the leader’s neck.Blood spurted out, dyeing himself crimson.

This scene happened so quickly, and before the remaining two horse bandits had time to react, they saw the leader collapsed with a half-broken neck. Just as they regained their senses and wanted to shout, a figure rushed from the canopy of the tree. Next, the long sword went straight into the throat of one of the horse bandits, and stirred it a bit. On the other side, a figure also jumped out from the crack in the rock, with a flower in his right hand, and with a light swipe, sealed the The horse bandits have a big hole.

Seeing this scene, the horse bandit who came back from urinating suddenly screamed in fright, trying to attract the attention of his colleagues in the camp.

Then when he saw Jie Dao slashing, he directly cut off his own horizontal blade and cut himself off.

Before falling into the darkness, he thought vaguely, “Your mother, you can’t live if I die, you must have heard my cry in the camp, eh, why is there still no movement?”

Zhenhui looked at the fallen horse bandit suspiciously: “Brother, why is he babbling all the time?”

Shouldn’t you be yelling in this situation? Why does it feel like bewitched?

“Maybe he has epilepsy.” Meng Qi coaxed Zhenhui with a serious face. After leaving the world of reincarnation, his magic magic has progressed very fast. Two days ago, he had Tian Haiyuan’s experience again. One day is equivalent to one day. Month, it is almost complete, so the method is completely mastered, almost as good as Duan Xiangfei’s ability at the beginning, this kind of interference of senses, making the other party’s hearing “abnormal”, thinking that he is yelling is one of the methods.

Zhenhui let out a cry, pointed to the only survivor on the ground, and said as a compliment: “Brother, I caught the survivor.”

“Good job, I just need to catch a prisoner and find out the situation and layout of the camp.” Meng Qi praised Zhenhui and dragged the survivors behind a boulder. Gu Changqing threw the three corpses one by one with mad eyes The slope next to the lower road hides the most obvious traces, so that the person who can climb up and look into the distance from the watchtower of the camp will find out that it is wrong.

Behind the boulder, Meng Qi’s brows were swollen, his spirit was distracted, he looked at the horse bandit in front of him deeply, and unlocked his dumb acupuncture point: “Tell me the layout of the camp.”

The horse bandit was about to call for help, but as soon as he touched Meng Qi’s eyes, he felt as if his mind would be drawn in, and he answered his question in a trance.

This is also one of the uses of the magic form. Although it can only be used on enemies whose realm is much lower than oneself, it is also infinitely wonderful, and it is an excellent choice for inquiring about information.

Therefore, even if the effect of illusion Dafa is not as good as the half-step exterior scene, it is almost a god-level support for people of Meng Qi’s level.

“Little brother, this is the food warehouse of the camp. There are many barrels of oil stored in it. You first find a long rope, soak it with oil, then pour the oil in these places separately, and then use the oil-soaked long rope to ignite it at once, and then Leave here, go around here, hide here.” Meng Qi drew a sketch of the camp on the ground, and carefully explained his mission and escape route to Zhenhui, so as to avoid danger, “I understand.”

“En.” Zhenhui’s face was tense, and she was very serious.

Meng Qi turned to Gu Changqing and said, “The evil scholar Kang Zhi is a cautious person, and his residence is in the middle of the two Qiqiao bosses. Although I am not afraid, I am also worried that two fists will be hard to beat four hands, so let’s hide nearby and wait until the fire From then on, the camp was chaotic, and then went straight to Kangzhi’s residence, using the quick to beat the slow, and implemented beheading tactics.”

“Beheading tactics,” Gu Changqing asked subconsciously.

“It is to capture the thief first and capture the king first. Kang Zhi is Ze Luoju’s military adviser and presides over the camp. Only by capturing or trapping him first can the chaos in the camp be restored. At that time, one of the two masters of seven orifices will go first. Check the fire and turn back when we find something is wrong, with this time, we can calmly deal with the remaining master of seven orifices and Kang Zhi.” Meng Qi explained in detail.

Gu Changqing’s eyes were full of hatred and he said: “Okay, give Kang Zhi to me.”

Although he has fewer ear openings than Kang Zhi, this is not a big gap, and his own inheritance is not bad. As long as he is willing to fight his life, there is still great hope for Meng Qi to deal with the master of seven orifices.

But for those who are not afraid of death, how can they be afraid of fighting for their lives?

Avoiding the watchtower, the three of Meng Qi sneaked into the camp from another place, and then Zhenhui went to the basically undefended food warehouse by himself, while Meng Qi used the illusion method to lead Gu Changqing across the camp like a ghost, and arrived in Kangxi. outside Zhi’s residence and hid in the shadows.

Along the way, because of the existence of the watchtower, several patrols could not be avoided. Only relying on the shadow and illusion, the two managed to hide from the group of lazy horse bandits.

Because the camp has been in peace for many years, Kang Zhi’s residence is a built courtyard with carved railings and jade bricks, which is quite extravagant. The courtyards on both sides of him are occupied by two masters of seven orifices. , no family members, when in the camp, live directly in the conference hall, the property is divided into three parts, one part is transported to Halle, and given to the crying old man, one part is used as a horse team and partly rewarded to his subordinates, and the remaining part, he is like Anguo Like evil, he secretly purchased property and hid it there.

After hiding in the shadows, Meng Qi signaled Gu Changqing to wait first, then put his energy out, covered his whole body, and carefully jumped up to the roof to confirm the existence of Kang Zhi.

“It’s still discussing things so late.” Meng Qi noticed that Kang Zhi was sitting in the middle of the courtyard, waving a fan to admire the moon, while instructing his subordinates around him.

“Intensify the spread of Gu family, let everyone in Hanhai know,They are not outsiders, they have families and mouths, whoever dares to oppose us, this is the end. “Kang Zhi sneered.

This person was very famous and had obvious features, so Meng Qi recognized him at a glance. Hearing his words at this moment, he was really angry from the heart, and the evil was on the verge of gallbladder.

He resisted the impulse, now it is not difficult to kill Kang Zhi in a surprise attack, the difficulty is how to get out afterwards, so he turned back to Changqing and nodded to indicate that Kang Zhi was there.

The two waited quietly, patiently, and after a while, flames suddenly sprang up in the distance, burning blazingly, and a “sharp” voice shouted loudly:

“Let’s go, let’s go”

Boom, the camp suddenly became noisy, as if countless voices exploded at the same time, some horse bandits rushed to put out the fire, some were at a loss, and some came to ask for instructions.

Following Kang Zhi’s order, the master Qiqiao in the courtyard on the left took some horse bandits to check to prevent the enemy from making trouble.

“It’s now” Meng Qi sent a voice transmission to Gu Changqing in a low voice, and then he used the phantom method again, enveloping his whole body with spirit, and lightly jumped up to the roof, followed closely by Gu Changqing.

At this time, due to the fire, Kang Zhi was very alert, and a dozen or so horse bandits under his command surrounded him, some of them were masters with two or four apertures. If you are prepared, the effect of the illusion method is limited.

However, Meng Qi was quite satisfied with being able to lure away a master of seven orifices and create chaos, and didn’t care about not being able to sneak attack.

“If you’re a man, you have to face it right away.” Meng Qi glanced at Gu Changqing, showing two rows of white teeth, and flew towards Gu Changqing, cutting down with the knife, the light of the knife was dark red.

Kang Zhi, who had been prepared for a long time, took a step back, waved his folding fan, and three black lights went straight to Meng Qi, while a dozen or so horse bandits, led by several two-orifice or four-orifice leaders, came forward to meet him.

Meng Qi secretly sent a thousand catties to fall to the ground, avoiding the three hidden weapons, but there was a “human wall” between him and Kang Zhi, shining with cold light and “sharpness”.

He didn’t stop walking, and rushed towards the sabers and long swords. He raised his left hand to protect his face and throat, and then, like a heavy chariot, he slammed into the sword wall and sword forest.

The horse bandits in the front only felt the huge force coming from the swords, and they couldn’t help but lean back, and then saw in horror that most of the sabers and long swords were either blocked by their left hands, or could not penetrate the opponent’s dark golden skin at all. , Only a small part of them had scars and blood flowed out, but even so, the wounds were not deep, and the weapon seemed to be firmly clamped by the muscles.


Meng Qi yelled violently, pushed his left hand out, and swung the Hongri Suppressing Evil Saber violently with his right hand.

The dark red flashed by, heads flew up one by one, and blood spurted out like a waterfall

The body fell down, and Meng Qi’s eyes suddenly became blank, only the enemies on both sides remained. He unleashed his Fengshen legs, threw them away, and went straight to Kangzhi regardless.

Seeing this fierce scene, Kang Zhi seemed a little frightened, and stared blankly at Meng Qi running towards him.

A bright saber light flashed, Meng Qi Hongri Suppressing Evil Knife blocked it, and it was transmitted vigorously. He couldn’t help but take a step back, and there was an old man with gray hair in front of him.

Seeing this, the remaining horse bandits attacked Meng Qi’s back one after another, Gu Changqing quietly fell into the courtyard, bypassed them, and went straight to Kangzhi.

Meng Qi paused, advancing instead of retreating, and rushed towards the master of Qiqiao.

The dark red knife lights up, and the beautiful world of mortals descends

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