I Honor

Chapter 173


“Wu Cuo”, as the head of the Discipline Academy, Wu Jing was the first time he encountered a criminal disciple who didn’t know how to repent, and he was immediately furious and asked sternly.

“Amitabha, sin, sin.” Kongjian paused for a moment while holding the prayer beads.

Xuan Bei looked at Meng Qi in shock and astonishment, his mouth moved, but he didn’t know what to say, as soon as these words came out, there was no chance to save him

Did he really think so, or was he trying to prevent himself from losing the opportunity to practice on the upper level of the Stupa?

idiot, oh, idiot

Xuan Bei’s expression was a little disappointed, but also a little moved and relieved.

Meng Qi straightened his neck, and said without fear: “Is it possible that the chief doesn’t know the truth of eradicating all evil? The so-called time for retribution for injustice. Only by cutting the weeds and roots will we not kill people and increase more crimes.”

“If the wicked are allowed to run free, it is just to educate, and it is inevitable that more good people will suffer. This is not adding more sins and killing lives for protection.body, beheading karma is not beheading people”

“Shaolin is Zen Buddhism. The Buddha seeks nothing outside, and his nature is self-sufficient. The Buddha is an enlightened person, a teacher, and should not be a clay puppet enshrined in the Buddhist hall. But you, forget the original meaning of Zen, worship incense and worship Buddha, and serve Buddha with your body , regarded the Buddha as a god, worshiped him, and lost his heart.”

“The way of Zen is to seek the way of the Buddha in the heart. Everyone has the Buddha nature. As long as you are not deceived by the four falsehoods, you are a Buddha yourself. Why should you do good deeds and stop killing, accumulate merit and virtue, and seek the way of Bodhisattvas outside?”

“Hypocritical heretics”

He can spray whatever he can to offend Wujing, regardless of whether it makes sense or not, and whether it conforms to his own ideas.

“Nie Zhan, where’s the fallacy and heresy?” Wujing shouted sharply.

Regarding Meng Qi’s words, he who has been studying Buddhist scriptures all year round is not unreasonable to refute, but as the head of the precept hall, an elder who is two generations older, it is really unseemly to debate the scriptures with an unrepentant disciple

He turned to look at Xuan Bei: “What else do you have to say?”

Xuan Bei took a deep look at Meng Qi and clasped his hands together: “Amitabha, this disciple has no way to teach and has nothing to say. Please also ask Master Uncle to allow this disciple to abolish Zhending martial arts with his own hands, and send him to a nearby city to avoid.”

Meng Qi lowered his head, feeling disappointed, let Master down

Zhenhui has been kneeling by the side repentantly, and has no complaints about the punishment she has received, but at this moment, she watched the master walk in front of the senior brother. Gently pressing his right palm on his dantian, golden light bloomed, he was finally moved, his face was sad and frightened, and he cried out: “Senior brother!”

He’s still just a kid after all.

Dantian is not painful, as if immersed in warm water. It was completely different from An Guoxie’s feeling when he did it, but Meng Qi could clearly feel that his skills were disappearing rapidly.

Hearing Zhenhui’s cry, he turned his head, squeezed out a smile, and said softly: “Little brother, don’t be sad, learn martial arts hard. When we meet again in the future, don’t be thrown too far by the brother, hehe, I can’t blame you at that time They are all eminent monks of a generation.”

Zhenhui is not a fool, knowing that there is no turning back, her eyes are full of tears: “Brother, you also have to be well”

“I will become a hero of the generation.” Meng Qi tried his best to ease the sudden sadness with his smile.

Then, Meng Qi was taught by Xuan Bei. Sworn Yuanshen oath: Starting today, if Shaolin Kungfu is not passed on to outsiders, if you do not take the Yuanshen oath, you will be imprisoned directly at the bottom of the stupa and will not see the sun for decades.

Xuan Bei pulled Meng Qi to stand up, and said to Kong: “Master Uncle, this disciple sends Zhending to Wuliang to avoid the chasing and killing of the Crying Old Man.”

Kong Jian stopped turning the beads. Sighing: “Zhen Ding, Buddhism is not the law of evil people, nor is it the law of good people. As long as you can understand yourself in the future. Let go of the murderous intention, you can still become a Buddha immediately, and the door of Shaolin is open for you.”

People who do many evils can become monks after being fully enlightened. Shaolin will naturally not reject the abandonment of disciples.

Meng Qi nodded, did not speak, let Xuan Bei pull him, he grew lotus step by step, and disappeared by the window.

Zhenhui bit her lip tightly, looking at the sky outside helplessly, as if she was still expecting her brother to come back suddenly.

Wuliang City, where the north and the south meet land and water.

The blossoming golden lotus disappeared, and Meng Qi found himself at the pier, surrounded by coolie sweaters, and many travelers went south by boat.

Xuan Bei stood quietly in front of Meng Qi, and after a while he sighed and said, “Go to Shendu, the Su family will accommodate you no matter what.”

“The Su family” Meng Qi asked in a little astonishment, could it be that the layman’s name of his body was Su?

Xuan Bei didn’t say much, because Meng Qi was about ten years old when he entered the temple, how could he not remember his title, he took a deep look at Meng Qi again, and said earnestly: “I will say goodbye today, as a teacher, I can’t do anything anymore. Take care of you, you can do it yourself.”

“Yes, Master.” Meng Qi suppressed the sadness welling up, and it was the first time that he sincerely saluted as a disciple.

Xuan Bei took a deep breath, wanted to say something more, but in the end he didn’t say anything, he let out a long sigh, turned his head and left.

Golden lotuses sprouted from under his feet, supporting him and disappearing into the air, and the passersby and trackers turned a blind eye to him.

Looking in the direction where Master disappeared, Meng Qi stayed silent for a while, then let out a breath, turned and walked towards the passenger ship.

Without the feeling of martial arts, he has experienced it before, but it is not particularly unbearable. After all, the physical enhancement brought about by the training of the golden bell cover, and the enhancement of vision and hearing after opening the eyes and ears are all dependent on the physical body. Even if martial arts are abolished, At most, it will be weakened and will not disappear.

And the moves and saber techniques learned will not be forgotten because the dantian is destroyed, it is just that some changes are difficult to complete.

Therefore, Meng Qi, who has four sharp weapons in his body, will not be afraid even if he encounters a gangster who snoops on money.

As for the Su family, the capital of gods, Meng Qi didn’t intend to go back. He didn’t have any memories or feelings for it, so why bother to cause trouble, he just needed to find out about the relevant matters in the future, so as not to be implicated.

However, I used my “real name” and was kicked out halfway, which coincided with the “developmental period” of growing my body and changing my appearance. After a year or so, even the Shaolin monks would not recognize me, let alone the inexplicable Su family.

He has already made up his mind to take a boat to the southeast, pass Xijiange first, and see if Zhiwei travels down the mountain, if not,Just temporarily shelter her and wait for her martial arts to recover. If she has gone out and wandered, continue to go south. Go to the Zhenwu Sect to find Senior Brother Zhang. The Huanhua Sword Sect is located in Huanzhou. There are many mountains and rivers, and the miasma is everywhere. It is difficult to walk through, and now I have no martial arts.

Not long after, Meng Qi, who had a lot of money, found a boat to Huazhou. Xijiange and Zhenwu faction were located in the north and south of Huazhou respectively.

He changed into a scholar’s attire and wore a scarf on his head. Dressed in a Confucian robe, with a long sword hanging from his waist, the Red Sun Suppressing Evil Knife, Bloodthirsty Sword and Horse-Chopping Knife were wrapped in cloth, and they carried the package on their backs. When walking on the road, they attracted a lot of admiring eyes. What a handsome young man.

Under normal circumstances, Meng Qi would naturally enjoy these gazes contentedly, but now, he didn’t dare to delay or be distracted in the slightest. Who knows if there are any spies in the Crying Old Man’s lineage, he must rush to the vicinity of Xijian Pavilion as soon as possible.

The boat started, and Meng Qi stood on the deck. Looking out from the railing, the water waves are rolling, and there is no end, which makes people feel refreshed.

And he recalled all kinds of things in Shaolin, thinking of his master and junior, Wujing who was too jealous, thinking of the crying old man and Ze Luoju, and he had mixed feelings for a while. There is sadness, regret, loss, resentment, and anger, and I wish I could kill all those Xiao Xiaoxiao under the knife.

“In the future, when I complete the location, I will definitely set foot on the Western Regions again. I will truly wipe out the evil mountains,” Meng Qi clenched his fists and whispered.

The river wind was blowing fiercely, Meng Qi’s clothes rattled, his immature body seemed a little thin, and his true feelings were exposed. Even more melancholy, making it difficult for others to come forward and talk.

Half a day later, the boat arrived at the next pier and stopped to wait for the goods. Meng Qi and others went ashore one after another and ate some food at the nearby tea shop.

Holding the teacup, Meng Qi didn’t waste time recalling what he had learned, whether it was sword skills or sword skills, all flowed in his heart.

Da da da, suddenly, he heard the sound of galloping horses. Looking up, he saw four horses approaching quickly, trailing smoke and dust.

The four people on the horseback are all described as sturdy, carrying sabers.

“Horse bandit” Meng Qi was startled, furious and hated, he drew out the Bingque sword, got up quickly, and was about to run towards the road leading to the city from the pier.

They came after

Meng Qi’s current speed was no match for that of a horse, and he was quickly overtaken by four horse bandits, who surrounded the tea shop.

Because there were too many tables and chairs, the horse bandits got off their horses and approached from four directions with their knives.

Outside the woods not far away, You still mostly sat on horseback, watching his subordinates from a distance, smiling and said to the big man next to him: “Thank you, Chief Wu, for the notification, and our goods will be handed over to you in the future.”

In terms of other things, he feels that he is far inferior to Shaolin eminent monks, but if he wants to harm others, he is much better than them

From the very beginning, he knew that he couldn’t hide his thoughts from Xuan Bei and the others, so he mobilized the contacts he had accumulated early on to let some gangs in Xizhou pay attention to Meng Qi’s whereabouts and notify them with the white-headed bird.

Sure enough, a water gang found Meng Qi at the pier, so he and several of his men exhausted two horses each, and finally caught up.

Chief Wu laughed and said, “You Huanda is too polite, a little bald donkey whose martial arts has been abolished is worth your hands.”

“If it wasn’t for the little bald donkey’s own mistakes, I really can’t do anything about him, but now, hey, I want to see what else he can do.” You still sneered, “Today I will kill him with a sacrificial knife ”

He didn’t act rashly by himself, he was worried that Meng Qi’s martial arts had not been abolished and he could summon Tianlei, so he asked his subordinates to step forward first.

Four horse bandits blocked the tea shop, and one of them shouted loudly: “Seek revenge from thousands of miles away, and those who have nothing to do will leave on their own.”

In the Central Plains, the horse bandits dared not go too far.

Another person grinned and said, “You little bald donkey, you dared to kill Xieling because you thought you were protected by Shaolin. You’re stupid now, it’s best to engage in this kind of sect with strict discipline.”

“Little bald donkey, you have pretty features. I’d better say this. If I kneel down and beg for mercy, my heart might soften.” A bald horse bandit laughed strangely, as if Meng Qi was already dead.

Seeing the surrounding guests running around in fright, and the four horse bandits also rushing over, Meng Qi laughed back angrily, and subconsciously activated his internal energy, but he didn’t feel the slightest movement, and suddenly realized his own powerlessness.

But in such a situation, without internal strength, he felt more deeply about the moves of the four horse bandits, and saw more clearly and thoroughly.

Time seemed to slow down, everything around him seemed to disappear, accumulated experience, read cheats, and past stories flashed in his mind one by one, and he suddenly realized something

“Go to hell!” The four horse bandits rushed to Meng Qi and shouted loudly.

Meng Qi’s face was calm, he pointed out his long sword, and came first, slashing at the four horse bandits like a ghost, using their eyes as hidden weapons


The screams of the four horse bandits sounded almost simultaneously. They threw away their sabers, covered their eyes and writhed in pain, traces of blood flowed from their fingers.

Meng Qi looked at them proudly, looked at You Huanduo in the distance, pointed with his long sword, and said loudly:

“Even if the tiger falls in Pingyang, how can such wild dogs be able to bully you?”

s: Please recommend a monthly ticket.


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