I Honor

Chapter 187

Thirteen Zhenwu internal situation

Zhang Yuanshan’s bun was originally neatly tied, but now it looked a little messy, and there were obvious emotions such as anxiety, wandering, self-blame, and pain on his face. It was the first time Meng Qi knew that a person’s complexion could be so wonderful.

He completely lost his usual calm and capable demeanor. After hearing Meng Qi’s words, his eyes flickered a few times. He looked at the nunnery with pain and guilt, turned his head reluctantly, nodded with difficulty, and said, “Okay.”

Go down the stone steps, walk through the small road, enter the official road, and after a short walk, you will see a fairly lively town. Some of the people who come and go in it are wearing the iconic gossip robes of the Zhenwu sect, and some are dressed as Taoist priests. There are also laymen.

Along the way, Zhang Yuanshan kept silent, staring ahead, not knowing what he was thinking, and Meng Qi didn’t rush to speak, it’s hard for an upright official to break up housework. Know where to stand.

“This is Tonglong Town to the west of Zhenwu Mountain. Students often come down the mountain to drink here.” Zhang Yuanshan forced out a sentence.

“Then find an unfamiliar restaurant.” Meng Qi said peacefully, trying to infect Zhang Yuanshan with his calmness, lest he break down and do something irreversible.

And in the acquaintance of the restaurant, it is inevitable that there are people who know Zhang Yuanshan. If they hear a word or see Zhang Yuanshan in pain and drunk, it is always bad to spread it. After all, it involves the marriage of Zhang and Song.

Alas, I was so thoughtful. At this moment, Meng Qi thought of the aunt of the neighborhood committee, of the confidant sister, and of the host of the emotional hotline. If he hadn’t been a man, he would have burst into tears

Zhang Yuanshan nodded silently, and led Meng Qi through the alley, and found a very simple restaurant with footprints and mud marks on the wall, and occasionally blood stained.

The restaurant is a one-story house, with a dozen or so tables randomly placed inside, the smell is unpleasant, noisy and noisy, filled with heroes of all kinds, but there is only a lack of disciples of the Zhenwu sect.

The two passed by men who were blushing from drinking, and found an empty table in the corner. Meng Qi untied the long sword at his waist and placed it horizontally on the table so that it could be drawn out easily. After sitting down, he drew the sword It will always be blocked, which is inconvenient. Although it has little impact on a player with such strength, between life and death, the difference between life and death is a world of difference.

After such a long journey, Meng Qi already has the basic self-awareness of the world.

When Zhang Yuanshan saw Meng Qi doing this, he suddenly came to his senses and untied the snake sword. He was not such a careless person in the first place, but today he really lost his mind.

The two looked at each other in silence, until Xiaoer followed the order and brought two jars of Nurhong, a plate of broad beans and bowls and chopsticks.

Meng Qi lifted the wine jar, poured a bowl for himself and Zhang Yuanshan each, picked it up and said, “Go!”

Zhang Yuanshan exhaled, picked up the wine bowl, touched Meng Qi, raised his head, his Adam’s apple squirmed, and he drank the bowl with a gulp.

The same was true for Meng Qi, who felt a scorching heat from his throat all the way to his chest.Stomach, and then another bowl: “dry”

Although the wine was not strong enough, after three consecutive bowls, Meng Qi, who hadn’t drank for a long time, still felt a little dizzy, his stomach rolled, and he almost vomited it out. He quickly picked up a few broad beans and put them in his mouth.

Zhang Yuanshan drank in a hurry, feeling drunk, his face flushed, he stared blankly at the broad beans in front of him, and suddenly said: “Junior Brother Meng, do you still remember the first time you drank, you coughed because of choking?”

“Remember.” Meng Qi blushed a little. It was when he finished the task of Duoercha. He forgot that this body had never drank alcohol before. As expected, a very caring person handed over a cup of tea.

It is precisely because of this action that I really feel that Zhang Yuanshan, who is usually as calm as a leader, is a friend worth making.

“At that time, although life was in danger and there was pressure of tasks, but it was much happier than now.” Zhang Yuanshan said in pain, poured another bowl of wine and drank it, and continued talking without waiting for Meng Qi to answer, “I didn’t Seeing Zhenzhen, but I know she must be very sad and painful, because I am the same.”

“I’ve always planned to travel down the mountain to the Northern Zhou Dynasty after breaking through the Zhenwu Beidou Formation, and bring her home under the pretext of acquaintance and mutual affection, but, but, the Patriarch and Father suddenly asked me to be engaged to Junior Sister Mingxi .”

Meng Qi calculated the rhythm, tapped on the table lightly, neutralized Zhang Yuanshan’s scattered voice with a tuk-tuk sound, trying to let only himself hear it.

He didn’t drink too much anymore. He drank three bowls in a row before, mainly to let Zhang Yuanshan relax a bit and create a feeling of confession. If the person who explained the solution got himself drunk, it would be a shame.

Zhang Yuanshan drank another bowl, his eyes were red and he said: “I know their intentions, so I can’t refuse. My Zhang family seems to be beautiful, but it’s not. Forty-seven years, no one from the clan has become a grandmaster. Being on the list is all supported by the old ancestors, and it is getting more and more difficult inside the sect. The Yao family is prosperous, and there are three generations of masters who have been listed on the list. Now the brothers of the Yao family have all been included in the Seven Sons of Zhenwu. ”

“Taoism is pure and simple. As long as the open and secret struggles of the branches of the lay family do not exceed the limit, they have always been inaction. The Yao family is aggressive and presses every step of the way. They don’t give us a chance to breathe. Therefore, the Song Clan Alliance, which is in the same situation, has become the most powerful. The best and most effective option.”

The Zhenwu sect is divided into the Dao lineage and the vulgar branch. Although the head of the sect has always been exclusive to the Dao line, it does not prohibit the disciples of the vulgar branch from cultivating their roots, and they are regarded as the wonders of the three sects of the Taoist sect.

Zhang Yuanshan’s speech was fairly organized and he did not lose his basic rationality, but as he spoke, his emotions became a little agitated: “I am a child of the Zhang family. Clothes, what kind of clothes are not given by the parents and family? The family has reached the current situation, how can I love my children and let them fall into crisis”

“My kindness is as heavy as a mountain.” Meng Qi sighed.

Zhang Yuanshan drank a bowl of wine, and said with tears in his voice: “But I don’t want to be honest, I don’t want to see her sad, I don’t want to make her suffer, I want to ride horses with her and sing in the East China Sea”

While knocking on the table, Meng Qi listened quietly, and suddenly a word came to his mind: “The word love hurts people the most.”

Senior Brother Zhang, who is calm and gentle on weekdays, and Senior Brother Zhang, who is born with a leader’s temperament, can’t see the usual demeanor at all now. No matter who looks at him, he can only see a drunk who is trapped by love.

When Zhang Yuanshan calmed down a little bit, Meng Qicai said: “Senior brother Zhang, you and I have a life-long friendship, and you are also my life-and-death friendship. The relationship between the two of you is a matter of family affection and love. I really don’t know what to say or what to suggest, so I said before, you tell me to listen, if there is any difficulty, I will help you immediately without saying a word, as a friend, I can only do it to this.”

“However, why is it necessary for you to marry?”

Zhang Yuanshan vented a bit, felt a little better, and said with a wry smile: “The Song family directly ordered me. Junior sister Mingxi is one of the seven sons of Zhenwu, and they want to get married. Among the children of the Zhang family, they only have eyes for me. Anyway, I am also open Mastered the six orifices, and initially mastered a sword move that is the pinnacle of outdoor scenes, ranking among the Seven Masters of True Martial Arts.”

Meng Qi nodded thoughtfully. Judging by the time, perhaps affected by his family’s circumstances, Zhang Yuanshan forcibly opened his nose with the “Tianshi Diting Pill”.

Zhang Yuanshan laughed at himself: “I have always been very clear that the basis of the alliance is not the engagement, but the interests of both parties, but my father told me that if you can’t even make an engagement, why should you let others believe in the sincerity of your alliance? How can I refuse? ”

He was very drunk, and he asked himself and answered: “I can’t refuse. Among the seven masters of this generation of Zhenwu, Yang He is the most favored, followed by Yang Tai and the brothers of the Yao family. Junior sister Mingxi and I are quite different. Only by uniting can the sect master and the Dao veins be valued.”

“Although Yang He has only opened four orifices, he is like Junior Sister Jiang back then. At a young age, he comprehends a dharmakaya-level killer move in the Seven Sections of Zhenwu Sutra. Even if it is only superficial, it still makes people admire and fear.” He said. He murmured with divergent thinking, “Yangtai’s six orifices are solid, and he has practiced Tai Chi to a small degree, and he has achieved artistic conception. Not only is he no worse than anyone who has mastered outdoor moves, but the foundation is even more solid. It is no problem to make rapid progress in the future. The day before yesterday I have broken through the Zhenwu Beidou Formation, and went down the mountain to travel.”

“Yao Xinghen is also sixThe orifice is solid, and he has understood the two outdoor killing moves early on. His strength is superior to mine, and he is preparing to break into the Zhenwu Beidou Formation. He is a martial idiot, concentrating on martial arts, and is favored by many elders.”

Hearing Zhang Yuanshan’s story, Meng Qi secretly raised his tongue, the competition in the famous decent school is really scary, but fortunately he has already left Shaolin, and the real generation has only started for seven or eight years, Shaolin martial arts often progress slowly, and it has not yet come to fruition time.

“I can’t compare to them now, so I can only do my best for the family.” Zhang Yuanshan’s eyes were empty, and his voice became ethereal, “Sometimes, I feel that my parents, expectations, engagements, the seven sons of Zhenwu, the head of the family, and the ancestors all seem to be the same. The ropes are tied to my body, like a block of stones pressing on my heart, preventing me from being free, making me oppressed and heavy, I wish I could cut off these shackles with a single sword, and give me freedom.”

“However, I just think about it occasionally. They treat me so well, how can I have the heart to let them down?” His eye circles became more and more red, he poured a bowl of wine, and drank it with his head raised.

Meng Qi shook his head, and said seriously: “Senior Brother Zhang, although as a friend, I can only drink with you and help you with things, but I still have a few words to say. No matter what decision you make, you must do it as soon as possible. Don’t be sloppy and sticky.”

“If you put your family and relatives first, then tell Miss Zhenzhen formally, completely cut off her thoughts, and give her a chance to recover. If you choose Miss Zhenzhen, you must muster up your courage and prepare to be expelled by the family. To prepare, find a way to break the engagement, and try not to delay or hurt the innocent girl Mingxi.”

Zhang Yuanshan was in a daze, his eyes were full of struggles, while Meng Qi knocked on the table habitually.

At this moment, a drunken swordsman staggered over. He cursed loudly: “Since you came in from the beginning, you kid has been knocking, knocking, and knocking, making me so annoyed. You think you are a woodpecker!”


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