I Honor

Chapter 198

Nineteen Poison Impermanence

Several Jianghu people who hadn’t started eating due to various reasons threw out the wine and vegetables in their hands like avoiding snakes and scorpions, and the yard suddenly overflowed with the aroma of wine and the smell of meat.

“Poison Impermanence” Everyone except Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu, including Lu Zhongqi, shouted in unison. There was obvious fear in their voices, and they each put on a defensive posture.

The black dog happily ate the food on the ground without any abnormality, but the hero who fell to the ground was bleeding from all his orifices and was no longer breathing. The scene was as weird as it could be.

Lu Guan, Jiao Chong and Taoist Hu also rushed to this yard after hearing the sound, looking at the corpse on the ground with the same serious expression.

After a while, seeing that there were no other changes, all the people tidied up and checked the corpse, but the fear and defense in their eyes could not be concealed.

“Brother Zhongqi, is Du Wuchang?” Meng Qi asked in a cold voice after deliberating.

In the face of this kind of enemy, he didn’t care about exposing his ignorance.

Lu Zhongqi is not surprised, Xiaomeng and Miss Ruan are both young, with high martial arts skills and cold temperament. Before that, they concentrated on practicing martial arts and knew little about Jianghu, which is the meaning of the question.

He sighed: “Du Wuchang is a well-known devil in the south of the Yangtze River. He is good at hiding and poisoning. His methods are ever-changing and unpredictable, making people hard to guard against. For example, just now, the black dog is fine to eat, but I will suffer from a catastrophe if I eat it.” Poison, for example, live fish just caught from the river, cooked directly with river water, will still be poisoned after eating, it is more fearful and frightening than many heretics who are more famous and powerful than him, unexpected, unexpected, He was snatched by a traitor.”

The unknown is the most frightening Meng Qi gentlyNodding his head, just now his eyebrows were swollen, his spirit was released, and he sensed his surroundings, but he still couldn’t find the trace of Du Wuchang, which meant that he was not nearby.

After introducing Du Wuchang, Lu Zhongqi said casually: “The best in the world are the masters who have begun to comprehend the way of heaven, such as the national teacher and the queen of the devil. However, the next level is the peak of the world, the evil king, the ghost king, the wishful monk, and the moon washing Real people and others are full of fights and calculations, there are at most a dozen people, and there are strengths and weaknesses among each other, among them, the evil king is most likely to become a grand master.”

“These are rare figures. It is difficult for most people in the world to meet. Under normal circumstances, they can get in touch with famous masters and first-class masters. Since they are easily affected by various factors when fighting, realm does not mean strength. The strength when fighting this opponent is also different from the strength when confronting others, so which one is stronger and weaker can only be generally judged based on the record.”

“Du Wuchang’s own strength is relatively weak, and he may not be able to squeeze into the ranks of first-class masters, but he uses poison to perfection, and he hides silently. In terms of fame, he is enough to be regarded as a famous person, but it can stop children from crying at night. There is no one in the south of the Yangtze River who is not afraid He can still fight for his life when he meets other masters, but when he meets him, he can only die helplessly in despair and panic.”

“If it weren’t for the strong toxicity, it would be easy to be noticed by people. If the toxicity is poor, it will be forced out by a real master with internal force. Poison Wuchang can be squeezed into the ranks of evil kings and ghost kings.”

He said a lot in one breath, as if reminding Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu to be careful of poison and impermanence, but Meng Qi could hear it. He is taking this opportunity to vent his fear. Although he was prepared for obstacles and dangers along the way, who would have thought that he would encounter such a terrifying enemy at the very beginning?

Meng Qi nodded slowly. Turning to look at Ruan Yushu, he said through voice transmission: “We must find a way to get rid of Du Wuchang as soon as possible, otherwise it will be dangerous.”

“Hmm.” Ruan Yushu answered coldly with his expression unchanged.

After checking the corpses and food, the tiger Taoist found that it was a strange poison, which was ineffective against living things other than humans. Although the toxicity was not strong enough, it was more than enough to kill ordinary Jianghu people.

For fear of being poisoned again, everyone didn’t have dinner and waited for dawn hungry.

Meng Qi sat cross-legged and meditated, listening to all directions with his ears, his mirage running, not letting go of any slight movement, planning to serve him with a unique move as soon as Du Wuchang appeared, so as to kill him with one blow.

In the middle of the night, he suddenly heard someone getting up quietly, stepping out of the door, turning over the courtyard wall, and fleeing quickly.

Meng Qi was stunned, sighed, and didn’t stop him.

With the first one, there will be the second, and the third. In just one hour, nearly twenty people escaped over the wall.

At dawn, just as Meng Qi walked out of the room, he heard Lu Zhongqi’s angry voice: “What are these bastards talking about being chivalrous and courageous? Whenever they encounter Du Wuchang, they’ll fuck off and run away with their tails between their legs.”

At this time, apart from a few family members and guards, only Taoist Hu, Jiao Chong and two or three heroes remained beside Lu Guan.

Lu Guan’s expression was calm, without any anger: “It’s a sense of loyalty and an honor for Lu to help you. It’s natural to worry about yourself and want to leave. It’s a natural reason. There is nothing wrong with it.”

He solemnly bowed to Meng Qi, Taoist Tiger and other remaining heroes: “This trip is dangerous, and there is a narrow chance of death. Please think carefully before setting off with Lu.”

“Since the poor Taoist has come, life and death have been ignored,” Taoist Tiger said passionately.

Holding the long sword, Meng Qi cherished the words like gold and said: “Don’t be afraid.”

Ruan Yushu didn’t speak, but nodded slightly, signaling that he would not leave either.

Lu Guan was greatly moved, and saluted again: “Great kindness, everyone, Lu will never forget it.”

A group of people set off again, but compared with yesterday, there were 70% to 80% fewer people, and there was an indescribable tragedy in the sparseness.

On the way, Lu Zhongqi looked at Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu, and said with emotion: “Unexpectedly, you two are young, but have the demeanor of ancient knights. I will trouble you to escort Lu Shuai to Beijing.”

Due to the serious reduction in manpower, he had to pay more attention to Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu.

They dressed up as merchants and went out through the city. Soon they arrived in the wild, where the number of trees gradually increased, and some of them still had fruits hanging on them.

Since they hadn’t eaten for half a day and a night, the children of the family and the heroes of the rivers and lakes couldn’t bear it, so they frantically picked fruits to fill their stomachs. It’s impossible for such a natural thing to be poisoned, right?

After checking the fruit, they tasted one casually, and then returned with their hands, intending to present it to Lu Guan, Meng Qi and the others.

Suddenly, they foamed at the mouth one by one and fell to the ground, their bodies twitched, and they lost their breath in a blink of an eye.

Even the natural fruit has been poisoned

Jiao Chong rushed forward, intending to rescue the one who was still struggling with good internal skills, but at this moment, three poisonous needles shot out from the forest, hitting his face.

Jiao Chong was on guard, and leaped forward, dodging the poisonous needle.

With a whoosh, a thin blue light shot out from nowhere, and just hit Jiao Chong’s left arm.

Gritting his teeth, Jiao Chong drew out his long sword, cut off his left arm, blood spurted out, and then he tapped several large acupuncture points to temporarily seal the wound.

Du Wuchang was nearby. Meng Qi’s brows were swollen, and he turned his phantom with all his strength, and the place where the poisonous needle was shot, everything seemed to come to mind.

Just as he was investigating the subtle sensations, Ruan Yushu suddenly transmitted his voice into the secret: “NoNo matter how well he conceals his breathing and movement, if he wants to kill someone, he will always have a murderous look. ”

She held the piano with one hand, and caressed with the other. Her voice was fierce and impassioned, so that Meng Qi couldn’t help but want to vent the murderous intent towards Du Wuchang in his heart.

At this time, a bag of soil moved slightly.

Meng Qi made a decisive decision, with the long sword in his hand, and rushed forward.

The soil bag was flipped open, revealing a dusty old man, with a clear killing intent on his face, about to inject poisonous needles and sprinkle poisonous powder.


Suddenly, there was a loud bang from Meng Qi’s mouth, like thunder on the ground, which made Lu Guan and the Taoist Hu who protected him dizzy. The injured Jiao Chong, Lu Zhongqi and the others even had their ears ringing and fell to the ground.

Du Wuchang’s body swayed, his eyes were dull, and he was obviously dizzy, the poison needle and poison powder in his hand fell to the ground.

Meng Qi soared into the sky, Yan Zi copied the water, the sword light flashed, and landed behind Du Wuchang.

Blood flowed out from between Du Wuchang’s eyebrows, and he fell on his back with a snap.

“The sword below will see blood when it is unsheathed.” Seeing this scene, Meng Qi’s proud words from yesterday emerged in the heart of Taoist Tiger.

His swordsmanship is indeed better than that of a saber, much stronger

With a clang, Meng Qi put his long sword back into its sheath, and turned around leisurely, showing the demeanor of a swordsman.

Just as he was about to walk towards Du Wuchang’s corpse, there was a bang, white smoke emitted from the corpse, and the surrounding vegetation quickly withered.

When the white smoke disappeared, the corpse had turned into a puddle of pus and blood, and there was nothing left.

“Those who play with drugs are ruthless, and make themselves into a poisonous person.” Because of his previous experience, Meng Qi did not approach in a hurry to search for the loot, so he escaped a catastrophe.

“Brother Xiaomeng, your swordsmanship is better than I imagined.” Lu Zhongqi got up and said swayingly.

Lu Guan nodded, leaned over and dug a big pit, and buried the dead with a sad expression.

“How about it, how about my swordsmanship?” Meng Qi quietly asked Ruan Yushu, wanting to justify his name, my swordsmanship is so chic and casual, what kind of reckless King Kong Thunder Saber Mad Monk is simply spreading rumors

Ruan Yushu was still cold: “Not bad. The roar is also very powerful.”

The roar was so powerful that Meng Qi decided not to talk to her for the time being.

After the earthen grave was piled up, Lu Guan sprinkled some water and regained his resolute look: “Let’s go.”

Jiao Chong was seriously injured, so he stayed and planned to return home for recuperation. When he set out, there were only twenty or thirty people in the huge team, now only Lu Guan, Lu Zhongqi, Tiger Taoist, Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu were left, and the rest fled. dead dead.

This is the first master I encountered, and the first difficulty on the way to Beijing

Looking at the remaining people, Lu Zhongqi felt both tragic and confused, and couldn’t help but look at the expressionless Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu.

Changing the route is what should be done, but we can’t completely rely on it. Can they do it all the way through the interception of many masters and reach the capital? To be continued. . :

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