I Honor

Chapter 020

Eighteen Return

Dense dots of light immediately appeared within the beam of light, like swarms of fireflies, completely covering Meng Qi’s body, continuously burrowing in and out.

Meng Qi only felt the pain of tearing his muscles and skin, and his dantian was especially victorious, but his body was controlled by an inexplicable force, making it difficult to move or even speak. Torture over and over again.

Just when Meng Qi couldn’t take it any longer and his eyes turned black, his lower abdomen warmed up, and the zhenqi filled in the various orifices naturally gushed out, and all rivers flowed back, pouring into the dantian that had just been condensed, and then returning to the dantian according to different routes. One’s own acupoints only leave a shallow layer of warmth in the dantian.

This layer of warmth circulated several times along the fixed meridian, connected to some acupoints, continuously developed and strengthened, and tempered these acupoints, preparing for future condensing.

Thus, the internal energy operation route was deeply engraved in Meng Qi’s mind.

The light spots dissipated, as did the severe pain, but the feeling still remained in Meng Qi’s heart, which he could not “forget” for a long time.

“The exchange is complete.” The voice of the “Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation” sounded without fluctuation.

Regardless of whether he was still within the beam of light, Meng Qi moved his hands and feet and felt that his strength was much stronger. Then, he patted his body, feeling as if he was patted on the thick cloth, without any pain.

“Phew.” Meng Qi heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that there was no problem in practicing the external kung fu horizontally. Then, he tried to drive the true qi in his dantian, and walked two laps according to the simple running route, trying to turn these into his true possessions as soon as possible.

“Is there any problem?” Jiang Zhiwei asked with concern and curiosity outside the beam of light.

Meng Qi shook his head: “It was relatively successful.”

While speaking, he turned to “Martial Arts during Qi Accumulation Period”, and clicked on “Eight Steps of Divine Walk”.

When the light reappeared, Meng Qi inexplicably had a dusty cheat book written in regular script in Meng Qi’s hand, and wrote “Eight Steps of Godly Walk”.

After flipping through it casually, Meng Qi confirmed that it was a secret book of lightness kung fu. Before he could take a closer look, he put it in his arms and walked out of the beam of light.

“The Lord of the Six Realms of Reincarnation is innocent.” Meng Qi smiled at Jiang Zhiwei, Zhang Yuanshan and the others.

Jiang Zhi nodded slightly, and then said with a half-smile: “Little monk, don’t be careless, why don’t I try your iron shirt?”

“Okay.” Meng Qi certainly didn’t want to be sloppy on such a life-threatening issue.

Although the Iron Cloth Shirt is an external skill, which has been integrated into the skin and muscles, so there is no problem that it must be lucky to be effective, but he still raises internal strength, trying to maximize the effect of the Iron Cloth Shirt.

As soon as he raised his breath, Meng Qi’s vision blurred, and he saw only a little sword light throwing himself like a shooting star, and it stabbed his left shoulder before he could react.

Pfft, the long sword made a sound like a broken leather, only the tip of the sword went a little deeper, and Meng Qi felt a slight pain.

When the long sword was pulled out, only a drop of blood spilled out.

Jiang Zhiwei retracted the long sword, wiped the tip of the sword, nodded lightly and said: “This iron cloth shirt is really innocent. I have already used four parts of my strength for this sword just now, and my Baihong Piercing Sun Sword is still there. It belongs to the sharp weapon class, um, I’m afraid I’ll have to use half of my strength to really break your iron shirt.”

“Not bad, not bad” Although he could only block Jiang Zhiwei’s attack with less than 50% strength, Meng Qi was already very satisfied. Just now, he was not even as strong as Jiang Zhiwei’s 10% strength

Zhang Yuanshan was also very satisfied beside him, and said with a smile: “Ordinary people in the Jianghu who are still in the stage of accumulating energy, if they don’t do their best and have a good weapon, I am afraid that they will not be able to really hurt you, Junior Brother Zhending. Junior Brother Ding, when you face someone who has accumulated a lot of energy, you also have to be careful, try to exchange injuries for injuries, and quickly resolve the battle.””Well, thank you, Senior Brother Zhang, for your guidance.” Meng Qi understood Zhang Yuanshan’s meaning. The “Iron Cloth Shirt” he had just completed might not be able to stop the full-strength attack of someone who had fully stored energy, but it still had the effect of reducing damage. It is necessary to take advantage of this aspect and exchange minor injuries for serious injuries.

At this time, Qi Xia chuckled: “Don’t make the little monk proud.”

She turned her eyes to Meng Qi: “The iron cloth shirt still has a lot of doors, you know very well that you need to be careful in these places when fighting, and different types of weapons have different effects on the iron cloth shirt, so you have to study hard.” .”

At some point, she followed Jiang Zhiwei and called the little monk.

Meng Qi solemnly answered yes, knowing that what Qi Xia said was true, his eyes, temples, lower genitals and other places are currently covered by the door, and the iron cloth shirt itself is a horizontal external kung fu practiced by beating. The defensive effect is excellent, but it is much weaker in the face of attacks such as knife, sword and stabbing.

“Hey, Five Tigers Breaking Doors and Swordsmanship.” Qi Xia handed Meng Qi a cheat book, which also had a dusty appearance, but the paper looked very new.

Meng Qi thanked him sincerely, flipped through it casually and put it away, while Jiang Zhiwei walked to the beam of light and called up the “Exchange Spectrum”.

She didn’t let the redemption spectrum display directly to the position of “Tian Cong Pill”, but turned it over from the beginning, glanced at the list, only in the Jietian Seven Swords Supreme Sword Sutra Kanxu’s sword technique Dugu Nine Swords and other sword techniques paused for a while, his eyes were focused and slightly burning.

“Hey.” She let out a meaningful sigh, and the column “Tian Cong Wan” appeared on the exchange chart.

“Okay.” She reached into the beam of light, took out a wax-sealed elixir, gently scratched with her fingertips, broke the wax skin, and the fragrance filled the air. Then, she smelled the smell carefully, and nodded slightly: “It is indeed Tian Cong Wan.”

Zhang Yuanshan smiled, walked to her side, and exchanged for “Darkness and Darkness” of “Heavenly and Earthly Missing One Hundred and Eight Swords”, then put away the thin pages, turned to look at Qi Zhengyan: “Now it’s time for Zhengyan Junior brother has exchanged, have you thought about what to exchange?”

Qi Zhengyan cupped his hands, and said sincerely: “Qi’s martial arts skills are poor, and his knowledge is shallow. I also ask Brother Zhang, Miss Jiang, and Miss Qi to give advice.”

Zhang Yuanshan pondered for a while and said: “Junior Brother Zhengyan, I think your major in swordsmanship should be Changhe swordsmanship.”

“Yes, the long river sets in the sun, and the desert is solitary.” Qi Zhengyan had a wry smile on his rigid face.

Hearing this, Meng Qi was taken aback for a while, are they talking to each other?

Although Xuanxin was introducing the situation of each sect to the new disciples, he preferred to tell anecdotes about “himself” in the world, and he was lazy, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, so he only briefly mentioned some sects , and some have not been mentioned yet, the Huanhua Sword Sect belongs to this kind.

Seeing Meng Qi’s dumbfounded expression, Jiang Zhiwei smiled, and explained casually: “The founder of the Huanhua Sword Sect, the founder of the Huanhua Sword School, read poetry and books. When dynasties changed, he hid in the mountains. Sword School, because of his preference, every martial art in the Huanhua Sword School is named after one or two lines of ancient poems, such as the sword art of the long river falling into the sun, and the lonely smoke in the desert. Poems give these martial arts a short name, just like Changhe swordsmanship.”

Qi Zhengyan coughed lightly and did not refute. He knew his own family affairs. The patriarch of our sect was only a poor literati, so he named him in this way. Naturally, he couldn’t say it, and secretly thanked Jiang Zhiwei for saving some face for himself and the sect.

“That’s right.” Zhang Yuanshan also said with a smile, “We call the Huanhua Sword Sect’s Zhenpai Sword Sutra, which we call Immortal Granting Longevity Sword.

“There is also a bright moon and a sword, little monk, do you know which poem it is?” Qi Xia added with a smile.

The ancient poem Meng Qi frowned slightly, is it a coincidence, or is there another reason

He replied casually: “The bright moon on the sea rises with the tide.”

“That’s right, looking at your skinny skin and tender flesh, you really are not from an ordinary family.” Qi Xia is a son and daughter of Jiangshang, speaking quite boldly, and Meng Qi’s answer confirmed her previous guess.

Meng Qi curled his lips, he was tempted by accident, how could he have so many eyes at such a young age?

He quickly put aside the matter of ancient poetry, anyway, there is no way to explore it for the time being. At the same time, he thought with a little joy in his heart: “In the future, when I will be dressed in white, with a long sword hanging from my waist, a folding fan in my hand, and poems in my mouth, when , will not be questioned because the poems have no origin.”

After a while of conversation, Zhang Yuanshan continued the previous topic: “Junior Brother Zhengyan, Changhe swordsmanship is famous for its rigor, and it also has killer moves. In my opinion, it suits your temperament very well, but after all, it is not flexible enough, and there are few changes when responding to the enemy. , the defense is more than enough but the attack is not enough, I suggest that you first choose a sword technique that is known for its unpredictable changes. .”

“With your current state, even with Tian Cong Pill, you may not be able to break through.” Jiang Zhiwei pointed out this point bluntly.

Qi Zhengyan nodded honestly: “For the nine major acupoints related to the eye orifice, I have indeed only condensed six of them, and it is still time to grind, so I can exchange it according to your suggestion, Senior Brother Zhang.”

After he agreed, everyone took out their jade books one after another to help him select similar swordsmanship at an appropriate price, and finally “seeThe well-informed” Meng Qi found a martial art that made Qi Zhengyan very satisfied.

Qi Zhengyan cupped his hands at Meng Qi: “Thank you, Junior Brother Zhending, I originally thought about exchanging for a style of sunset and solitary bird flying together, the autumn water is the same color as the sky, but it belongs to the secret sword art of the sect after all, if I rashly If you practice it, you will be found out in the future, and you may be punished for stealing, and the Thirteen Miscellaneous Cloud and Mist Forms are not only unpredictable, they are good at changes, and they can be pushed to the top of adventure.”

“Sword of Falling Clouds and Autumn Water” Jiang Zhi whispered to Meng Qi the “common name”.

Meng Qi satirized the Patriarch of the Huanhua Sword Sect, but said with a smile on his face: “My lord, uh, I just saw it by chance, so I don’t need to thank you.”

This “Thirteen Styles of Ever-changing and Illusory Clouds and Mist” is the secret biography of the Hengshan School of Swordsman. Meng Qi once thought about exchanging it, but unfortunately the handsome swordsman has no chance with him for the time being.

The total price of this swordsmanship is 150 meritorious deeds. If it is disassembled and exchanged, the general outline needs 20 meritorious deeds, and each form requires ten meritorious deeds. Therefore, Qi Zhengyan exchanged the general outline and four of them, and the remaining ten meritorious deeds were exchanged for one “Ganoderma Lucidum Buqi Pill” is used to enhance internal strength and condense the orifice points as soon as possible.

“Now only Junior Sister Qi is left.” Zhang Yuanshan looked at Qi Xia with a gentle smile, “You exchanged ordinary secret books and miscellaneous knowledge to the Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation in exchange for good deeds, I’m afraid you have already set your sights on something.”

Qi Xia smiled and cupped her hands: “Senior Brother Zhang’s gaze is like a torch, but my little sister can’t hide her thoughts from you. I have taken a fancy to the method of making and using that Tang flower.”

“Tang Flower”

“Tang Flower”

The same words were uttered from the mouths of the people, but the feelings were completely different. Zhang Yuanshan and others were curious and puzzled, while Meng Qi was shocked. In the series of Heroes of China, “Tang Hua”, one of the three hidden weapons of the Tang Sect in the middle of Sichuan It’s not unique, it’s not strange, it’s unique

Qi Xia glanced at Meng Qi: “Little monk, you just saw the method of making hidden weapons.”

“Well, at first I thought that I was not good at martial arts, so I wanted to find some powerful hidden weapons and self-defense.” Meng Qi could only explain in this way.

Qi Xia didn’t say much, smiled and said to Zhang Yuanshan and Jiang Zhiwei: “I was scolded by my father for being inattentive in martial arts and obsessed with miscellaneous learning, so I haven’t opened my eyes until today, and among miscellaneous learning, I prefer mechanics and martial arts. Hidden weapon, unfortunately, in the Dajiang Gang, these two aspects of miscellaneous knowledge are not outstanding. Although uncles and uncles have similar unique knowledge, they can’t teach me without any secrets. Today, seeing the method of making Tang flowers, I’m happy to see you.”

“Multiple mechanism masters and hidden weapon masters are a good thing for us, they can deal with more situations.” Both Zhang Yuanshan and Jiang Zhiwei agreed with Qi Xia’s choice.

“Tang Flower” is the hidden weapon of the Tang Sect in central Sichuan, and the exchange price is extremely expensive. Even if a “Tang Flower” and the corresponding hidden weapon technique are used, it will fail, and it will take three hundred good deeds. Enlightenment, mastering how to make and use, the first pass is three hundred good deeds, and complete mastery is six hundred good deeds, and if you directly exchange for the blueprint containing the method of making and using, collect materials by yourself, and risk all kinds of risks to delve into it, it is one hundred good deeds. Fifty good deeds.

Qi Xia changed some cheat books and miscellaneous studies, and finally made up one hundred and fifty good deeds, and got the method of making and using “Tang Hua”.

“The exchange is complete. Select the items that need to be stored, and then return to your own world, waiting for the next reincarnation to open. You cannot enter or exit here during the period. If you want to practice here, you need to exchange time now.” The loud voice of the Lord of Six Paths of Reincarnation sounded .

Because he couldn’t come in and out at will, Meng Qi naturally took the cheat book with him, and roughly checked his “territory”.

Behind the Baiyu Gate is an empty room. If you want to have beds, chairs and other things, you need to exchange them.

A ray of light shrouded Meng Qi and the others who returned to the square, and then Meng Qi completely lost consciousness.

The darkness was heavy, Meng Qi struggled hard, turned over and sat up suddenly, just in time to see a piece of moonlight like water, peaceful and serene.

Then, the sound of sleeping breathing that Zhenhui, Zhenguan and others were familiar with came to his ears.

“I’m back in the meditation room.” As soon as the thought came up, Meng Qi raised his breath subconsciously, his dantian was warm, and a warm current rose slowly.

“Hey, Little Jade Buddha.” After happily discovering that everything that was exchanged still existed, Meng Qi suddenly found that the little Jade Buddha he was wearing with him was split in two, and he no longer had that transparent, warm and peaceful feeling.

He was startled and suspicious, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. After an unknown amount of time, the familiar bell rang, but it was not as peaceful as usual. One sound came after another, as if something important had happened in the temple:

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