I Honor

Chapter 212


Hearing Meng Qi’s whisper, Luo Shengyi turned his head to look at the back of the evil king, and said doubtfully: “He appeared here, did he want to take advantage of the opportunity of the Great Master’s fight to fish in troubled waters, or was it his handwriting that the young master of the Jiang clan left? ”

A group of people hide here, there will always be clues left, such as the amount of rice and vegetables purchased, etc., not only because of Batu’s exposure.

“It’s all possible. If it’s the latter, maybe the evil king has already grasped the final whereabouts of the demon king, and even took the treasure.” This is what Meng Qi is most worried about. It is the current self who can contend, unless he can find the sword emperor or the right partner to cooperate.

Luo Shengyi pondered for a moment and said, “I’m inclined to the former.”

If it is the latter, there is no need for the evil king to show his face at all, wouldn’t it be better to secretly digest the relics of the demon king

There weren’t many clues, so Meng Qi didn’t make wild guesses. He thought for a while and said, “I’m going to explore the Yunyan Pavilion at night and take down the Demon Sect Lu Huasheng.”

Because the matter of the young master of the Jiang Clan is strange, Meng Qi is afraid that there will be accidents in the night detective, so he plans to call Ruan Yushu and join hands with Luo Shengyi. In this way, even if he meets the evil king or the devil queen, he can retreat safely .

Luo Shengyi didn’t expect Meng Qi to do this kind of thing, so he thought about it for a while, and said after a few breaths: “Okay, I want to ask the other princes about what they talked with Xilu, but this matter must be kept secret. If it is exposed, Lu Guan must be implicated and charged with maliciously sabotaging the peace talks.”

“I understand, just tonight.” Meng Qi felt that it was not too late.

he returned to the postAt that time, Lu Guan, Batu, Changsun Jing, and Taoist Hu were already waiting in the hall.

“Shuai Lu, have you received the young master of the Jiang clan?” Meng Qi asked knowingly.

Lu Guan smiled wryly and shook his head: “It’s a step too late, the young master of the Jiang clan has left with his subordinates, and there is no sign of a fight.”

“Why did he leave to worry about Batu being caught by the enemy?” Meng Qi glanced at Ruan Yushu. She was eating a snack with all her attention, her lips were shiny.

“I don’t know, but it’s definitely not because I’m worried that Batu will be captured by the enemy. Otherwise, it won’t be until today. It seems that they have found someone else to go to.” Lu Guan expressed his judgment.

Meng Qi’s eyes lit up. Lu Guan’s judgment was very reasonable. Which prince could it be? And where did he know about the young master of the Jiang clan?

“I will pass on the news that Batu has taken refuge in the Right Prime Minister, and the young master of the Jiang Clan should make the right choice.” Lu Guan said very calmly.

After chatting for a while, Meng Qi signaled Ruan Yushu to return to the courtyard.

“Follow me to Yunyan Hall to arrest people tonight.” Meng Qi asked her opinion.

Ruan Yushu took a sip of tea and nodded slightly: “Okay.”

“Hey, I want to go this time.” Meng Qi still remembered the scene where she said “I’m not going anyway” last night, so he asked mean-spiritedly.

Ruan Yushu looked at him coldly: “This time is more interesting.”

That’s right, going to the Prince’s Mansion is boring, Meng Qi is powerless to complain.

Dark clouds cover the moon. The darkness of night is thick, which is a good opportunity to kill people, set fires, and rob houses.

Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu each changed into night clothes and hid in the canopy of the tree, next to Luo Shengyi.

“Lu Huasheng lives in the middle courtyard.” He recounted the general situation he had learned.

Meng Qi said succinctly: “Quick battle and quick decision.”

The matter is urgent, only tonight, I can’t wait for a good opportunity, and everyone present is not good at poisons and other things, so the overlord has to fight hard

“You stay outside to respond. If necessary, use the sound of the piano to scare off or mislead the enemy.” Meng Qi instructed Ruan Yushu.

In such an occasion, Ruan Yushu was still very reliable, he nodded and agreed without saying much.

Meng Qi and Luo Shengyi took advantage of the darkness. Came outside the side wall of Yunyan Pavilion, quietly listening to the footsteps of the patrol team inside.

“One or two” Meng Chimo counted the footsteps, and waited until the front passed and the sound behind was still far away. He tapped the outer wall lightly with his toes, and he flew away like a big black bird, and landed silently behind the trees that he had long set his sights on.

Luo Shengyi also seized the opportunity. Pressing his right hand, the whole person soared into the sky, turned around in mid-air, and landed beside Meng Qi.

His lightness kung fu is not good, but it is also special. Meng Qi subconsciously judged Luo Shengyi’s kung fu.

“This way.” He transmitted his voice into secret, bent his body, and walked forward quickly.

Meng Qi’s brows were swollen, and his spirit was scattered. He sensed his surroundings and enveloped his whole body. He was like an invisible ghost in the darkness. His figure was so faint that he couldn’t detect it with his sight, hearing and smell.

Luo Shengyi in front of him suddenly felt something was wrong while he was sneaking. Looking back, he almost thought that Meng Qi hadn’t followed. If his natural acupoints such as eyes, ears, nose and mouth had not been opened, he might subconsciously ignore Meng Qi who was not far behind him. .

When they arrived outside the courtyard where Lu Huasheng lived, the two found that the strength of the guards had increased significantly. Three steps, one post, five steps, one sentry, formed a vigilant net in the open and in the dark, and there were many experts inside. It was almost impossible to sneak into Lu Huasheng’s room silently.

Meng Qi, who was hiding in the shadows, looked up at the layout, and said through voice transmission: “Follow me.”

Luo Shengyi was thinking about how to make noise, but when he heard Meng Qi’s words, he hesitated for a moment, chose to believe it, and followed Meng Qi to the corner of the house. He climbed up like a gecko, swished twice, and rushed to the roof. .

During this process, he vaguely felt something weird around him, as if there were invisible “water waves” rippling, and it was very likely that he would find several sentry posts between the two of him, his eyes swept over, and they opened immediately, as if there was no one here.

If Luo Shengyi hadn’t known it was impossible, he would have suspected that they were traitors

Since he acted together, he has noticed similar situations, but he has never felt it so clearly like tonight, and even a little hairs stand on end, it seems that Meng Qi is an evil ghost

Meng Qi’s eyebrows swelled, and he wrapped himself and Luo Shengyi mentally, chose to break through the middle of the weakest guard posts, successfully climbed to the roof, and hid in the shadows.

Almost crawling, avoiding the two patrolling people on the roof, Meng Qi followed the layout of the house and found the wing where Lu Huasheng should live.

Ear orifices fully functioning, Meng Qi listened to the movements inside, breathing long and peacefully, as if he was meditating and practicing exercises to transfer his inner breath.

“How are you sure it’s Lu Huasheng?” There was only one chance to do it, otherwise he would not be sure of taking it silently, Meng Qi asked Luo Shengyi cautiously.

Luo Shengyi said: “I have seen Lu Huasheng and heard his voice. If he speaks, I can be sure.”

In fact, Meng Qi and Luo Shengyi were able to confirm from the special breathing rhythm during meditation and practice that there was a master with very good internal skills, but a master was not equal to Lu Huasheng.

Meng Qi thought for a while, moved his position quietly, separated from Luo Shengyi, and merged more and more into the shadows.

Then, he fully opened his phantom, spreading like water, waiting for the roof patrolWhen the weaker person walked to the roof of Lu Huasheng, Sisi’s spirit immediately attached to it like a net.

The patrolman missed the distance, slipped, and smashed the tiles with a snap.

The person meditating in “Who” woke up.

The patrolman blamed himself secretly, how could he be dazzled and step on the wrong position

He said with trepidation and trepidation: “It’s my subordinate’s sole slipping.”

Other patrols on the side testified for him one after another, indicating that there was no interference from outsiders.

“Be careful.” The people in the room quietly sensed the condition of the roof, scolded, and meditated again.

Luo Shengyi said in a voice transmission: “It’s Lu Huasheng.”

“I’ll shoot, you make up the knife.” Meng Qi said succinctly.

Although he didn’t quite understand why the word make-up was used, Luo Shengyi still understood the meaning and nodded slightly, indicating that there was no problem.

Meng Qi moved, like a shadow, slid down slowly against the tiles and beams, trying to hide in the shadows along the way, and slid all the way to the window.

The same was true for Luo Shengyi, with Meng Qi’s help, he quietly hid in the shadows next to the door.

Meng Qi took a deep breath, keeping his mind introverted and extroverted, not only sensing the desolation of the surrounding environment, realizing all kinds of natural wonders hidden in him, but also guarding his heart.

He pressed his left palm, and the window frame shattered silently, the people inside immediately noticed it, jumped up from the bed, and saw a black shadow standing outside the window, he seemed to come from the Nine Nether, and seemed to belong to the darkness, melting into one with the surrounding world , with the power to oppress the soul.

In the confrontation between air and machine, Lu Huasheng, who was attacked by surprise, immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Then, he saw the light of the knife light up, which was eerie and terrifying, like the locks of the underworld, like the fire of the dead, which set off the black shadow getting taller, taller, more ferocious, more and more terrifying, like evil ghost

Fear can also break people’s purity

Lu Huasheng is like a drowning man, completely wrapped in fear. All the scary legends he has heard, and all the ferocious enemies he has encountered, seem to have crawled out of the darkness. It is difficult to get rid of it, and he cannot breathe

He backed up, backed up again, but the more the drowning person struggled, the more he sank, and the feeling of fear became stronger and stronger, making him feel as if he was suffocating.

The back of the bang knife broke the defensive posture he subconsciously assumed, and hit him in the face, making him dizzy, and he didn’t know what year it was.

When Meng Qi started, Luo Shengyi also shattered the hidden lock, pushed the door open without a sound, rushed in behind Lu Huasheng, stretched his fingers like blooming flowers, and swept across the big hole of Lu Huasheng’s vest.

Lu Huasheng fell into a coma immediately.

Meng Qi searched for a room and found a cheat book. Before he could read it carefully, he signaled Luo Shengyi to put Lu Huasheng on his back and dive out.

Because no one expected that there would be an enemy from the inside out, Meng Qi and Luo Shengyi also had rich experience in sneaking, and with the help of phantoms, they escaped from the courtyard smoothly, left the Yunyan Pavilion, and called Ruan Yushu to leave together.

After finding an empty yard in the distance, Meng Qi signaled Luo Shengyi to wake Lu Huasheng up.

Lu Huasheng woke up slowly, recalled what happened just now, and wanted to use his strength, but found that his true energy was forbidden, making it difficult to move

Meng Qi, who was covering his face, laughed strangely: “You can shout, even if you shout out your throat, no one will come to save you.” To be continued. . :

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