I Honor

Chapter 215

Thirty-Four: Sympathy Between Heaven and Man

Ahem, Meng Qi came back to his senses, changed the subject on purpose, looked up at the sky, and sighed: “The autumn rain is continuous, and the weather with lightning and thunder is getting less and less.”

During this period of time, there have been occasional cloudy and rainy weather, but it is always unpleasant to hear the thunder.

What Meng Qi really wanted to say was that if there was a thunderstorm tomorrow night, he would not be afraid of the Queen turning his face or setting a trap.

Ruan Yushu hugged the guqin and said calmly: “There should be one tomorrow night.”

“You know such amazing skills as Fuhuang’s magic calculation.” Meng Qi was filled with astonishment and anticipation.

Ruan Yushu shook his head: “Not at the moment.”

“Then why did you say that there might be thunderstorms tonight?” Meng Qi asked suspiciously.

Although it is only possible, it happens every day, but Meng Qi feels that Ruan Yushu will not talk nonsense, maybe she is comforting and explaining that he doesn’t look like it

Ruan Yushu pursed his lips, and said lightly: “The spiritual realm of the queen and the right minister is close to the location, and the physical realm is halfway away.The step location is only a layer of window paper away, and it is in the middle of the fusion of inner and outer heaven and earth. If they make a move with all their strength, they will inevitably interact with heaven and man and trigger changes in the sky. Although they can’t borrow a little bit of the sky like the real half-step location, they are also similar. Gods and demons, when the time comes, the most likely celestial phenomena will be the gathering of dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and heavy rain. ”

After knowing each other for so long, Meng Qi was the first time to hear Ruan Yushu talk so much.

“How do you know that you’re sure?” Meng Qi asked in amazement. Although according to his own understanding of the location and the half-step location, the queen and Xiangruo shot with all their strength. But this kind of thing must be verified carefully.

Ruan Yushu calmly spit out a few words: “Wulin Minutes.”

“What is this?” Meng Qi felt a little puzzled.

“The court records the secret files of Jianghu, and there are many examples of great masters fighting. It clearly records the sympathy between heaven and man, and the rainstorm poured down the streets.” Ruan Yushu said that things are so simple.

The corner of Meng Qi’s mouth twitched: “When did you watch the martial arts summary?” How come I don’t know?

Ruan Yushu glanced at him: “When you went to visit some princes, I asked Lu Shuai to borrow it for me.”

In a world where the imperial court and the martial arts have influenced each other to such an extent, it would be strange if the imperial court did not keep records of the affairs of the rivers and lakes

Meng Qi’s old face was slightly red, and he was a little embarrassed: “Didn’t you say you were bored so you didn’t go?”

“What do you think?” Ruan Yushu raised his head slightly.

Haha, Meng Qi laughed dryly: “Show me the martial arts records quickly.”

Ruan Yushu nodded slightly, turned and walked into his own room.

Seeing her swaying back and graceful steps disappearing through the door, Meng Qi suddenly smirked: “It would be great if there is a sympathy between heaven and man, then. No matter who sets a trap or strikes me, I can say coldly: tonight I’m so strong that I’m afraid of myself”

Of course, if the Demon Queen and You Ping would be in harmony with each other when they shot with all their strength, Tianlei might not be able to kill them, but at least it was not an attack they could resist.

After a while, Ruan Yushu came out with a thick book and handed it to Meng Qi.

Meng Qi restrained his smile, calmed down, and began to read seriously and attentively. Sure enough, I found the key marked “The Battle of the Demon King Killing the Dragon Elephant Monk”, “The Battle of the Demon King and the Tianhe Zhenren Yudao Changjie”, “The Battle of the Demon Queen and the Royal Tomb of the National Teacher”, “The Sword Emperor and the Right Prime Minister”. The Battle of the Central Pei River”. “The Battle of the Right Prime Minister and the Living Buddha Xiaolun Mountain”, “The Sword Emperor Enters the Great Snow Mountain and the Battle of the Living Buddha”

In these battles, without exception, there was a phenomenon of sympathy between heaven and man. Seventy to eighty percent of the dozen or so fights were caused by lightning, thunder, and heavy rain. 20% to 30% are dark clouds covering the sun, rainbows in the sky, snow mountains and fog disappearing

The more Meng Qi looked at it, the more solemn his expression became, that is to say. When the Demon Empress fought with herself, she really didn’t try her best. No wonder she finally said with confidence that if she wanted to kill herself, she would be doomed. Hmph, if you fight with all your strength, it’s not like I have no means

Of course, it may also be that they have to face the great masters of the same level. Only by entanglement and mutual stimulation can they use this to touch a higher realm, so that they can communicate with each other. When fighting against themselves, they can’t do it even if they want to.

At least judging from these battles, the phenomena of sympathy between heaven and man are all battles between the great masters without exception. However, except for the battle between the demon king and the dragon elephant monk, there is no real life-and-death struggle between the other great masters. At most, one side will retreat after falling into the wind, otherwise Meng Qi suspects that they have already taken an important step through this, and their souls and lives are all sublimated, and they shatter the void and leave.

“Being able to escape from the demon queen who is almost at full strength over and over again, the evil king’s strength should be stronger than when we fought against each other.” Meng Qi felt that during the battle in the middle of Peihe River, the evil king was facing a magical knife that he had never encountered before. He was only cautious for a while, and retreated directly, without truly revealing his strength. If he was fighting for his life, he might have to use the tactic of sacrificing his life to repel or injure him. tyrannical”

Closing the book, Meng Qi was fascinated. I don’t know when there will be “The Battle of the Shocking God Sword and the Evil King’s Imperial City”, “The Battle of the Shocking God Sword and the Sword Emperor”, “The Shocking God Sword” and “The Battle of the Sword Emperor” among these secret files. The Battle between the Excalibur and the Demon Queen’s Fog-filled River” I don’t know when, “The Battle of the Thunder Saber Mad Monk and the Ruins of the Daluo Demon Girl”, “The Battle of Mang King Kong and the Sword Qi Changhe Jiangxin” will be included in the list of people. Wait, why do I want Thunder Saber Mad Monk and Mang King Kong, bah bah bah

Meng Qi rubbed his temples in “fear”, and suddenly remembered something, and looked at Ruan Yushu suspiciously: “Why do you deliberately emphasize the gathering of dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and heavy rain?”

Ruan Yushu’s guqin was behind his back, his hands were behind his back, and he walked slowly to his room, and said coldly through voice transmission: “During the thunderstorm and rain, lead the sky and thunder to kill Yuan Mengzhi, the hand of Qingyu. I think you must be looking forward to the lightning flash.” Thunderous weather.”

I, Meng Qi, was stunned for a moment, it’s really not a good thing for me to go to the list of people, six doors really have ulterior motives

“Wait a minute.” Meng Qi suppressed the 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping past in his heart.

Ruan Yushu turned around lightly, raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Meng Qi, and waited for him to speak.

“Let’s go explore the imperial city tonight and find out the surrounding layout. Don’t act in a hurry tomorrow.” When he has time, Meng Qi still tends to be well-prepared in advance.Ruan Yushu nodded, agreeing with Meng Qi’s decision.

The two of them sneaked out of the post house again and headed towards the imperial city, up and down, walking along the shadows, and after a while, they had already reached the outskirts of the imperial city.

The two hid on the canopy of a street tree. Meng Qi frowned as he looked at the imperial city.

A hundred meters around the imperial city is a square made of white stones, without a single tree, open and open, clear at a glance

And the lights on the walls of the imperial city are brightly lit, illuminating the square like daytime, not to mention a living person, even a mouse or a bird, as long as they jump across the square, they will be seen by the guards guarding the city wall.

It’s very difficult to sneak in. Meng Qi and Ruan Yushu have almost circled the imperial city, and found that the three steps and one guard on the city wall are all nimble and sharp-eyed players, and outside the wall is a square with a width of 100 meters. There is no place to hide or hide, and it is impossible to cross the three or four feet high city wall with the help of trees.

Sure enough, the arrangement of Chaotang, who is experienced in dealing with masters in the world, made Meng Qi feel like he had nowhere to go. At the same time, he also took it for granted. it’s strange

Not counting the Empress Dowager and others, in a world with Ruyi Monk, Ghost King and other top human masters, if the court was unprepared and allowed them to enter and leave the imperial city like their own courtyard, Meng Qi would really wonder how the court survived

“Choose a weaker position and use phantom. It’s not impossible to pass through the square, but I don’t know how to go up the three or four feet high city wall.” Meng Qi thought hard.

If the phantom faces people directly, it can interfere with their senses, causing them to have hallucinations and produce positional deviations. However, if it covers the whole body, people with low strength will look over. The farther the distance, the easier it is to be disturbed by mental interference , ignore this subconsciously, even if the strength is strong, if you don’t concentrate, you may “neglect”. Meng Qi just wants to rely on the latter, but the strength of the guards above is too far away, so it is difficult to judge. The choice of the breakthrough position is a bit lucky .

Meng Qi sighed, and returned to the post house with Ruan Yushu, deciding to throw this trouble to the queen, while he stabilized the sixth level of the golden bell cover, thinking about the first form of “God’s Night and Nine Extinctions” “Heaven strikes five thunders” “Incomplete changes, see if you can use the nine essences of sword dao mentioned in the essentials of the heavenly sword to derive one or more enlightened sword techniques.

The next day, Meng Qi went to see Lu Guan early, and asked sideways, “Shuai Lu, I don’t know how the emperor’s health is, so you can see him.”

“I saw it from a distance, but I’m still in a coma.” Lu Guan sighed sincerely, quite melancholy. He is the old emperor who was born in the infancy. He established the Tieshan Army step by step in the rotten situation in the northwest. Recovering the lost land and expelling the enemy, it can be said that the monarch and his ministers get each other, always want to repay the kindness of the country and the country, but later conceived the crime, was framed by spies to support the soldiers, aroused the suspicion of the old emperor, and was demoted to the West.

Meng Qi nodded, said no more, found an excuse to leave, and took Ruan Yushu to find Luo Shengyi. This trip is dangerous, one more helper is more sure of getting out, and Luo Shengyi is obviously excluded from the core by the third prince.

After listening to Meng Qi’s narration, Luo Shengyi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a half-smile, “The third prince is really a hero, I’m sure, when will I go?”

“Look after the devil.” Meng Qi replied.

At the end of the day, the sun was shining brightly, and the queen appeared in front of the three of them.

“Follow me.” The queen put on her veil again. To be continued. . :

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