I Honor

Chapter 219

: The Old Fox and the Little Fox

Xie Jun put his left hand behind his back, and brushed his clothes on his chest with his right hand: “Of course, otherwise, where would the old ghost find the relic of the Holy One?”

He said slowly: “In the past, the Holy One became a monk and was served by a little novice. After he condensed a strange spar and passed away, the little novice accidentally made a friend from the grassland. The anecdote was told to the other party.”

No wonder the young master of the Jiang Clan knew about the whereabouts of the Demon Lord. Meng Qi suddenly looked at the evil king without saying a word.

Xie Jun still spoke in a slow and leisurely manner, not like being in a palace in a dragon’s pool or a tiger’s lair, but in a peaceful and comfortable home: “The old ghost’s coma was just because he couldn’t stand the huge essence entering his body for a while, and he woke up after a while. But he felt that being in a coma was better than being awake. On the one hand, he could take a look at the performance of the four sons, see their true colors clearly, and use the battle for the throne to attract several great masters to Beijing; The great masters automatically enter the game.”

“So, the fact that Batu was hunted down that night was actually leaked by the young master of the Jiang Clan.” Meng Qi asked thoughtfully when he heard that the great master had been brought into the game.

If there is anything in this world that can make several great masters fight for life and death, the relic of the demon king is obviously the first to bear the brunt. Compared with it, the throne is not important in the hearts of the great masters. After all, they have been stuck in the current state for a long time. There is only a layer of window paper away from the breakthrough, but it can’t be pierced no matter what. It urgently needs the reference and help of external forces.

The evil king looked at Meng Qi with a half-smile: “Yes, if you hadn’t disrupted the situation, repelled the sharp knife, scared away the Ruyi monk and the ghost king, and taken away Batu and Changsun Jing, I’m afraid that Wang Derang and Bamur would be the only ones in the world.” The great masters of the Yuanjue Temple have already gathered in Yuanjue Temple to compete for the relic of the Holy One.”

“According to a certain investigation, an unknown amount of gunpowder was buried in Yuanjue Temple. As soon as the great masters entered, some dead soldiers would light the fuse immediately, and there would be a bang. All of them would be blown to pieces.”

Meng Qi nodded without rushing, “No wonder the young master of the Jiang Clan left the hiding place by himself shortly before Prime Minister Right arrived.”

Huh, the sound of the wind blowing through the branches became very clear, and people could intuitively feel how strong the wind was, how fierce the wind was, and how fierce the wind was.

“Wang Derang didn’t expect that Batu would be kidnapped by you, and he didn’t expect that Lu Guan would choose to be a lonely minister and bring Batu to him instead of relying on a certain prince.. So I deliberately delayed for a while, and sent someone to notify the young master of the Jiang clan, otherwise, with the strength of his great master, why didn’t he rush over to such an urgent matter, go to the door to get the uniform, and instead take Lu Guan and Batu slowly wandering to “Xie” Jun said with a slight sneer.

That’s right, if Prime Minister You “finds” the young master of the Jiang Clan by himself, he will be in trouble. If he doesn’t go to Yuanjue Temple, the other great masters are so experienced that they will know that there is a ghost as soon as they smell it, and they must send their men to investigate. If he went to Yuanjue Temple by himself, would the dead men outside light the fuse or light the fuse?

Meng Qi did not relax his guard on the sword, and said with emotion: “I never imagined that the emperor would be so afraid of the great masters. I wish I could kill them quickly.”

“As the master of the world, who wants to have a grand master whose strength is close to that of gods and demons? If they risk their lives, they will probably kill the emperor who is under heavy protection.”

The evil king still holds the back with his left hand. His right hand crossed his chest, “So once he finds an opportunity, the old ghost will not let it go, even if he has not finished sucking the holy relic, he will take it out as bait. Anyway, he is already old, even if his strength improves, he can absorb it. Jingyuan is also limited, hey, if there is no Wang Derang to suppress this matter, there may be troubles, the old ghost can’t wait to hide it from him, and let him also go to Yuanjue Temple to die.”

“He is a qualified emperor.” Meng Qi sighed.

“Yes, ruthless, hard-hearted, loving the throne and power in his hands is better than concubines, better than children.” Xiejun rarely showed an expression of approval.

The wind became louder and louder, and the air became very humid and depressing.

Meng Qi deliberately asked: “Even if he is in a coma, Wen has a right-hand minister, Wu has a general Zhengxi, and he has a chief internal officer, and his ability to control the court and the palace is still very strong. How could he suddenly die suddenly? He sent Zhengxi in private The general contacted Lu Huasheng because he was determined to negotiate peace.”

If you want to pretend to be in a coma, the chief executive can’t hide it. After all, the emperor is not a god, and he has to eat and drink, and he must have a confidant to manage it.

“If the price does not exceed the bottom line, the old ghost will definitely be willing to negotiate peace. After killing the great master and getting rid of the restless son, he will reorganize the army and horses, and re-announce the northwest. If there is no agreement, he will also recruit Lu Guan to Beijing for backup , can stabilize the hearts of soldiers and horses in the Northwest.” Xie Jun talked eloquently, as if observing the old emperor’s mind was like observing his own palm prints.

Meng Qi nodded slightly. If the old emperor does not die, he can only find a way to sabotage the peace talks if he wants to complete his main task. The old emperor has the young master of the Jiang clan in his hand, and knows the inside story of the Xilu. Become a real peace talk.

Xie Jun chuckled: “He thought everything was under control, but he miscalculated people’s hearts. As an emperor, most people thought that he was unconscious, which was equivalent to death, so he really died.”

“If you want to pretend to be in a coma, there will always be various traces, such as food intake, such as the state of excrement. The little eunuchs and guards think that the emperor has a stroke and is in a coma, and the new emperor is about to take over. Passed it on to the crown prince and the seventh prince, so that they can judge that the old ghost is pretending to be dead and making arrangements.”

If it wasn’t for the emperor’s sudden coma, which gave hope to the third and fourth princes, normally, the new emperor in other people’s minds would be one of the crown prince and the seventh prince.

“It’s no wonder that when I went to visit the prince, the prince closed the door and kept his duty.” Meng Qi suddenly said, and then frowned, “But since the seventh prince also knows, why should he see me and say something to fight for the big position? back off”

Xie Jun was taller, with a refined and sinister demeanor, standing there with indescribable ease: “At that time, the old ghost was already dead.”

“That’s why the Seventh Prince is unscrupulous, but because the Crown Prince didn’t know, he closed the door and thanked guests.” Meng Qi thought it was wrong, it wasn’t like this.

Xiejun smiled: “The prince is pretending that he doesn’t know that the old ghost is dead, and the seventh prince is pretending that he doesn’t know that the old ghost is in a fake coma.”

They are all acting school! Meng Qi slandered, and suddenly understood the meaning of Xiejun’s words: “The one who killed the emperor was the prince.”

“It can be regarded as his order. Hey, only a few people know about this matter. Even Wang Derang felt that the old ghost was too greedy and died suddenly because of absorbing too much essence. Therefore, he kept his funeral secret and won the prince to win General Zhengxi. .Win the time for other people, let him be fully prepared, if he doesn’t do it, he will be done, and if he does, he will be thunderous, so that the other three princes will have no power to resist, so as not to cause turmoil in the capital and the world.” Xiejun said this matter He experienced it himself.

Meng Qi had no doubts about this. Prime Minister Wang Derang was a great Confucianist in the world, and there was Chen Peihe, a soldier from the West outside. He definitely hoped that the transition to the throne would be smooth and unshakable. Under normal circumstances, there is no need to explain the Confucianism’s choice of orthodoxy, and because the prince has been suppressed for a long time, the strength of the civil servants and military officers in his hands cannot suppress the other princes. Grand Master, the fourth prince has the sword emperor, and the third prince has the queen. Nor does it fall behind.

If rashly announcing the crown prince’s succession, the other princes may not accept it. It set off a rebellion, caused a split, turmoiled the capital and the world, and gave the Western Captives an opportunity to take advantage of.

Therefore, the right side suppressed the news of the death of the old emperor. Secretly, there was no mourning, and only the prince was notified to make him ready to win over neutral forces. Subdue the other three princes with the momentum of thunder, and quickly resolve the dispute for the throne.

“Tell who is to kill the emperor?” Meng Qi asked this question again.

The weather outside seemed to be getting more and more oppressive, and the sound of fighting in Qinzheng Hall was mixed in the strong wind.

Xie Jun said leisurely and complacently: “LeftXiang Lu Ling. ”

The “treacherous prime minister” was the one who had caused Lu Guan to be demoted for many years.

“As the head of the political affairs hall and one of the actual prime ministers, he has the right to stay overnight in the forbidden room and visit old ghosts.” Xiejun said as if he was not hiding anything, “Lu Ling is good at figuring out his thoughts, deeply Having won the trust of the old ghost, following Lu Guan’s entry into the capital, he was keenly aware that he might fall out of favor.”

“When the prince secretly told him that the old ghost was in a fake coma, he affirmed this guess. As a confidant, even this kind of thing was concealed. There is no other explanation except that the old ghost wants to treat him as an abandoned son. Hehe, if the peace talks are successful and the land is humiliated, the crown prince and he will be the scapegoats. If the peace talks fail, Lu Guan will pay homage to the general, and someone will have to take responsibility for the corruption of the situation in the northwest and Lu Guan’s relegation. Obviously, it can’t be The fault of the wise and mighty emperor can only be the treachery to deceive the emperor.”

Xie Jun has a clear face, and he must have been a handsome man when he was young. He said with wisdom in his hands: “After realizing this, Lu Ling quickly fell to the crown prince, and he has been prime minister for many years. These eunuchs and guards thought that the new emperor was about to succeed to the throne, so they naturally took refuge in him without reservation, helping him spy on the Ziji Pavilion, and helping him pay attention to the information of the Imperial City Division.”

“After they figured out that the old emperor was only in a fake coma, they couldn’t get off the tiger. They could only follow Lu Ling to the dark. After combining various clues to judge the old emperor’s condition, Lu Ling found a pill that speeds up the absorption of true essence. , beneficial to the human body, non-toxic, let the eunuch join the old ghost’s meal, so the old ghost absorbed the essence too quickly, and died suddenly.”

Meng Qi asked thoughtfully: “Why do you feel like you have personally experienced such a confidential matter?”

“Because Lu Ling told XX that he helped XX infiltrate here.” Xie Jun sighed with a smile, “If there is no foreign enemy, the crown prince will kill him in the future, even if he spreads it out, Wang Derang will think that he is at the end of his rope and act recklessly. Pan Yao, there should be no other princes at that time, and Wang Derang would have to believe the prince if he didn’t believe it. Therefore, Lu Ling told this matter to seek a way to protect himself.”

Meng Qi said regretfully, “What’s the use of telling you?”

“At this moment, the Seventh Prince should have left the capital and headed southeast, mobilizing the power accumulated over the years in the court and the army, to destroy the rebels.” The evil king seemed to be talking about something unimportant.

Meng Qi immediately understood the true meaning of the Seventh Prince’s words. In the capital, he had no chance when the right side turned to the Prince. His way of survival and his hope lay outside the capital: “It turns out that the person behind the Seventh Prince is you.”

Xiejun nodded with a smile: “It was me, and I didn’t tell him that the old ghost was killed by Lu Ling at the instigation of the crown prince. I just asked him to find an excuse to rebel.”

“You want chaos in the world?” Meng Qi grasped the real intention of the evil king.

The evil king said proudly: “If you rely on conspiracy to rebel against the superior, the foundation will not be stable, and the Holy Gate will always be suppressed by Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. The prince uses it.”

Political power comes out of the gun. Meng Qi thought of this sentence for some reason, and the evil king really harbored pride in his heart.

He sighed: “But the people of the world will suffer because of this.”

“Death is worthy, and death has a lingering fragrance.” Xie Jun said ruthlessly.

He smiled suddenly: “Do you know why a certain person talks so much and tells you so many things?”

Before Meng Qi could answer, he took out his left hand from behind, holding a deep yellow spar. There seemed to be something gelatinous and invisible inside, but only half of it was left.

He let out a hey, and his expression became grim again:

“Because someone wants to delay time.”

He put away the spar, and his aura was rising steadily, and he actually had the feeling of a queen.

“Although it has not been completely absorbed, it is enough to kill you”


Lightning flashed outside, and thunder sounded.

Although he didn’t know why he was able to get the demon king’s relic, and he didn’t understand why he rushed to absorb the essence, Meng Qi didn’t panic at all: “Do you know why I have to listen to your nonsense for so long?”

Before Xie Jun could answer, Meng Qi smiled so much that he showed two rows of white teeth:

“Because I’m procrastinating too” is to be continued. .

s: More than 3,600 words, fill in the last

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