I Honor

Chapter 224

Forty-OneWithin a short distance, the enemy’s country is full of people

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“Father has passed away.” The fourth prince shook his right hand, looked up at the lightning and thundering imperial city, and muttered to himself, with complicated emotions in his heart, he didn’t know whether it was anger or sadness, relaxation or joy. This article comes from

He originally thought that what happened tonight was the Queen’s forcibly breaking into the palace and being intercepted by the Prime Minister on the right. He didn’t expect that the old emperor was already dead, and he was instigated by the Crown Prince to prescribe medicine to him by the Prime Minister on the Left.

The Sword Emperor breathed long and slowly, neither angry nor frightened, waiting for Meng Qi to continue his narration. If he believed him with a few words, he and the fourth prince would have been dug into the ditch long ago.

The surrounding guards and swordsmen were breathing heavily, as if a volcanic eruption was brewing.

The fourth prince looked directly at Meng Qi, and said solemnly: “This is really true.”

“The emperor accepted the young master of the Jiang clan, and wanted to use the relics of the demon king as bait to eliminate the three great masters. However, the crown prince found out and ordered Zuo Xiang to murder the emperor. Zuo Xiang consciously became an abandoned son. The absorption of Jingyuan caused the emperor to die suddenly while absorbing the relics of the Demon Lord. Afterwards, the Prime Minister Zuo did not want to be silenced by the prince, so he informed the evil king, who arranged for the seventh prince to leave the capital and join the rebel army in the southeast. Killed by me.”

Meng Qi recounted the matter in a few words, and the key points were all there. For the rest, the Fourth Prince and the Sword Emperor would definitely be able to make up the rest of the matter based on other clues they had obtained, and they could also judge the truth from the logical chain of the matter.

Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with Meng Qi. If he does not take Batu and Changsun Jing away, the young master of the Jiang clan will fall into the hands of a certain prince, trapping the great masters, and the demon spar in the hands of the old emperor He will be sent out and become the bait. In the early morning of the next day, he will not have to absorb it. He will not have to die suddenly. The direction of the matter will be completely different. Everything is under his control. All Meng Qi needs to do is to find a way The difficulty of undermining the peace talks is not the same.

“Vigorous, hey” the Sword Emperor sneered. Knowing everything about the relics of the Demon Lord, if the old emperor hadn’t died, he would probably go to make up for it.

The fourth prince’s face was as deep as water, but he didn’t show any confusion: “The seventh brother left Beijing, and the world is in chaos. The eldest brother is so heartless that he even killed his father and king.”

This is what the swordsmen guards were waiting for, and the swords and swords were unsheathed, pointing to the sky, and the sound of clanging was endless:

“The prince killed the king, and the emperor was murdered. Please ask the prince to turn the tide. Help the building to collapse, save the people from fire and water, and punish the chaos of evil and evil.”

“I also ask the prince to turn the tide from the collapse, help the building that is about to collapse, save the people from the fire and water, and punish the chaos of treachery and evil.”

Shouting in unison, the imposing manner is to make the four princes express their views and lead them to fight for the throne.

The fourth prince pressed down with his right hand. Sternly shouted:

“As a son of man, as a minister of man, the lonely king is obliged to punish evildoers”

“Willing to die for the prince!” the guards and swordsmen shouted loudly.

The old god Meng Qi is here. After they calmed down, they took a step forward: “Now there are three things that the prince must do immediately.”

After getting the answer of “Sword of the Monarch”, he changed his name to Wang Ye.

“Which three things” things came suddenly. The fourth prince couldn’t help but pretend to be asking the mastermind.

Meng Qi said calmly: “The Seventh Prince has left the capital, so you can ignore it for the time being. The three things that must be done immediately are: First, ask the prince to send someone to the post house to invite Lu Shuai, impress him with the prince’s murder of the king, and fight with him.” Let’s go to the military camp in the city together and force General Zhengxi to surrender.”

“This is a top priority,” the fourth prince agreed, “With Lu Shuai coming forward, the lonely king is very relieved.”

In the past, the Tieshan army was powerful, and Lu Guan had all good generals and elite soldiers under his command. Therefore, after he was demoted, the emperor divided the Tieshan army into chaos, and 30% of the soldiers and generals were assigned to the forbidden army of the capital, under the command of General Zhengxi.

Under normal circumstances, the emperor’s authority is strict. No matter how much these generals and soldiers respect Lu Guan, they dare not make mistakes or disobey the imperial order. It’s useless for a prince to win him over.

However, when the emperor passed away and the situation was chaotic, if Lu Guan was accompanied by the four princes, the symbol of imperial power, and the prince killed the king, and the seven princes left the capital, these generals and soldiers were likely to follow Lu Guan and fight against General Zhengxi. This is why the princes wanted to win over Lu Guan, just in case they needed it.

At that time, when the Tieshan Army, which accounted for 20% of the Forbidden Army in the capital, was mobilized, in the dark night, the rest of the soldiers could not tell the real from the fake, so they could only be coerced.

Moreover, Lu Guannai used the identity of the fourth prince to win over the generals, so that the fourth prince would not be suspicious afterwards.

Of course, General Zhengxi is the pinnacle of masters in the world, “Sword of Heaven” Song Ming and others have to follow, otherwise he would kill the fourth prince and Lu Guan face to face, and the joke would be big.

Meng Qi raised his head slightly: “Second thing, please send the Fourth Prince to send his subordinates to publicize the prince’s murder of the king. Make sure everyone in the capital knows about it, and the teacher is famous.”

The most important thing is to make the Prime Minister hesitate when making a choice. Once the general trend is over, there is nothing he can do.

“Okay, the lonely king doesn’t want unknown soldiers.” The fourth prince understands the urgency of this matter, so don’t want to be beaten up by the prince, “Meng Qing, what about the third matter?”

He also changed his title.

Meng Qi held the hilt of the long sword with his left hand. He is currently playing the role of a swordsman who wields the sword with his right hand and wields the saber with his left hand. He said very coldly: “Taking advantage of the chaos, kill King Xiao and the prince. ”

Xiao Wang is the princely name of the third prince.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone except the Sword Emperor was in an uproar. I didn’t expect the Shocking Sword Xiaomeng to be so bold, simple and rude

“Can this old man stop Mr. Lin, can you kill the prince?” Sword Emperor asked in a steady tone.

As for the third prince, his importance was obviously lower than that of the prince, even if he didn’t kill him, he would have lost his momentum after a while.

Meng Qi said proudly: “If the senior can stop the national teacher, the junior will take the crown prince’s head.”

“Okay.” The Sword Emperor acted like a sword, so he didn’t ask any more questions.

Meng Qi pointed to Luo Shengyi and said to the Sword Emperor: “This friend of my junior is a subordinate of King Xiao, but he has been suspected many times, and now he is willing to take Xiao Wang’s life for the prince.”

“Okay, true righteous man” After hearing the three things, the fourth prince was determined, and saluted Meng Qi, Jianhuang and Ruan Yushu, “I’ll leave the big brother’s matter to you. When it’s done, the lonely king’s sword room will be open.” .”

He began to issue orders in an orderly manner, such as notifying his confidant courtiers, such as cutting off key roads, such as wooing neutrals

And Meng Qi and the Sword Emperor left the Fourth Prince’s Mansion and rushed to the Prince’s Mansion, which is also in Wanghoufang.

Arriving near the Prince’s Mansion, Luo Shengyi continued on his way. He wanted to kill the third prince before the queen returned.

Due to the delay in the fourth prince’s mansion, the crown prince has already received news that the guards everywhere are guarding the key points, the middle door is wide open, and the people who sent the order come in and out, as if a big battle is about to come.

Although the defense layout of the Prince’s Mansion is not comparable to that of the Imperial City, it is still well-organized and difficult to break through directly, but Meng Qi has already planned.

He observes for a while and distances himself. Quietly knocked out a guard who reported the situation, took off his coat and hat, and put it on himself.

“You don’t know the password inside, how did you sneak in?” The Sword Emperor asked a rare question, unlike the evil king, he has a deep knowledge of spiritual illusions.

Meng Qi smiled and said: “Senior, don’t worry, after half a cup of tea, immediately attack by force and lure away the national teacher.”

Ruan Yushu stayed nearby as a support. Just like in the imperial city, in case something happens and there is no reinforcements.

The Sword Emperor nodded, held his long sword, and prepared to fight the national teacher.

Meng Qi pouted. Hiding in the shadows at the entrance of the alley, when another guard who reported the situation passed by, he jumped out and followed him.

The guard seemed to be aware of it. Looking back, his gaze passed Meng Qi and looked behind him.

Nobody. He felt so nervous that he was hallucinating. He quickened his pace and rushed to the door.

“Password” shouted the captain of the guard guarding the door.

The guard hurriedly said, “Today is Huozhu.”

The captain listened to the correct password and nodded slightly, signaling that he could go in.

Meng Qi lowered his head, followed closely behind the guard, and also entered the gate.

Because they were standing back and forth, the captain thought they were together, so he didn’t ask too much, and didn’t stop the guard who gave the password. He never expressed any surprise at Meng Qi’s following. , Of course, there is no need to say the password for both.

Watching this scene, Sword Emperor was slightly moved and raised his eyebrows slightly.

After giving five different passwords in a row and breaking through five levels in a row, under the “cover” of the real guards in front, Meng Qi successfully approached the hall. The crown prince was giving orders inside. Twenty first-class or quasi-first-class masters.

They can see through the magic of phantoms, but Meng Qi and the real guards live in peace together, it will only make people think that he is also a big shot in the real guards, how can they recognize the full guards?

The crown prince took very strict precautions against assassination, Meng Qi and other ordinary guards had difficulty entering the hall, so they could only tell the internal servants the news they had received on the steps, and they would pass it on.

“The fourth prince went to the military camp in the city.” Meng Qi said hoarsely to the servant in front of him.

When the guard heard the voice, he looked over in surprise. When was there another companion on the steps? Could it be that he was waiting here before, or just arrived?

Qinggong is really good, there is no sound at all when walking

How could he think too much about this kind of thing, thinking that he didn’t pay attention, and after laughing at himself, he reported the news to the servant.

The servant went back and forth in an orderly manner, reporting the news to the prince, giving the prince’s order to the guard, and assigning Meng Qi the task of inquiring about the news of the fourth prince.

Meng Qi walked down the steps slowly, and when he was about to reach the shadow in front of him, he took advantage of his unsuspecting and dodged in to avoid it.

At this moment, screams could be heard endlessly, and even though they were far away, Meng Qi could still feel a sharp force, hidden in the law, and the sword energy soaring to the clouds.

This is no longer the state of swordsmanship that mortal moves can describe

At the same time as Meng Qi sighed secretly, the national teacher stood up and went out to meet him. He couldn’t let the Sword Emperor approach, otherwise if he got injured, he would easily kill the prince.

“Old Lin took the sword” After a breath, the two met in the outer courtyard, and the old voice of the Sword Emperor spread to everyone’s ears.

The voice of the national teacher is also old, but it is rotten: “The crown prince’s power is already established, and it is useless.”

The sound of strength suddenly disappeared, and the originally dim sky was lit up one by one, bright and bright, illuminating Wanghou Square in a cold and dreamy way.”I was entangled with energy from the very beginning, so I shot with all my strength.” Meng Qi understood that this was the sympathy between heaven and man of the national teacher.

The sound of howling swords pierced through the air, and a rainbow spanned across it, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, bright and blurred.

Meng Qi took a deep breath, turned around abruptly, drew out his sword, stepped hard, and rushed into the hall like the wind.

As soon as he entered the hall, he shouted violently:


The thunder shook the sky, and the ten or twenty quasi-first-class and first-class masters who had just reacted couldn’t help being dizzy for a while. Only Ruyi Monk was fine, holding the Buddhist beads in his right hand, which seemed to have doubled in size, red as blood, and slapped Meng Meng. Odd chest.

Suddenly, his eyes were fixed, and the master in front of him didn’t stop him, his footsteps slipped, and he hit his palm with his right chest, as if committing suicide.


The dark gold erupted, then dimmed immediately, and almost burst, but it shocked Ruyi Monk back a few steps.

The golden bell cover of the sixth level, which is close to completion, is already extraordinary beyond the shock and injury

With the power of Ruyi Monk’s big mudra, Meng Qi sped up again and rushed towards the prince behind Ruyi Monk. He raised his long sword, and Yan Luo sent him a stick. At this moment, the surrounding masters restrained their dizziness and attacked.

The sword light suddenly brightened, and the death energy was pure, which made people’s hearts chill.

The prince is also considered a good player, but facing this ultimate move that has no retreat, his momentum is suppressed, his heart is shaken, and his moves become slow.

The sword light dissipated, the prince took a few steps back, his eyebrows were a little dark red, and he sat on the chair, tilted his head, and remained silent.

clap clap

The surrounding masters rushed over, and all their swords and palms hit Meng Qi who had no time to change his moves.

But Meng Qi had already protected his vitals.

No matter how bright the dark gold was, every inch was damaged, the sound of roasting beans exploded, Meng Qi’s wig fell off, and with a stretch of his body, all the masters were knocked back.

At the same time, he sprayed blood from his mouth and directly shot Zuo Xiang into pockmarks.

He broke through the golden bell cover, but his injuries were not too serious. With a touch of someone’s knife on his toe, he broke through the roof directly, and broke through the siege before Ruyi monk and others surrounded him.

Dead: Prince Da’an.

Cause of death: Under heavy protection, he was fought for the front line, and a sword was stabbed between the eyebrows.

The murderer: “Shocking Sword” Xiaomeng, also known as “Blood King Kong”.

Evaluation: Within a short distance, there are as many people as enemy countries

s: Ask for a monthly pass on the second change, the next one will be overgt before twelve o’clock


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